Toby and the Girls Ch. 01


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"By the way, if we are going to be associated for some time, could we know your name so we don't have to keep calling you Innkeeper?"

"If you wish it Wizard. I am known hereabouts as Tommy should you deign to call me by my name."

"Thank you Tommy. I'm Toby and these two ladies are Sam or Samantha and Bev or Beverly," he said as he pointed to each of the girls.

The three then took the key to the room and went up the stairs. They found the room was fairly large and the chimney from the common room and kitchen fireplaces came up through it, keeping it warmer in the winter than some of the other rooms. Of course, in the summer, it would be warmer too and, perhaps, not so comfortable. When they were just inside the room, Bev said, "Toby, why did you ask the Innkeeper his name? We already knew it was Tommy. The sheriff told us his name when he sent us over here."

"Well, sort of but I partly wanted to know what he wanted us to call him and also, I wasn't sure if he was Tommy. All we knew was a Tommy owned the inn and had a common room."

"Oh. I hadn't thought of that."

They slowly wandered around to room exploring after the short conversation. There was a small table with a wash basin and pitcher for water and underneath it a chamber pot. The bed was, perhaps, the size of a modern day full size bed and sagged in the middle where the rope supports had stretched, allowing the straw mattress to sag.

The girls started to sit on the bed when Toby said, "Wait. I've read about times past and all the bedbugs and other critters in the old mattresses and hotel rooms. Let's see if we can get rid of some of them before you lay down."

"I've read the same thing, but how do we do that," Sam asked.

Toby thought for a moment and then smiled. He walked to the window and pushed it open then stepped back. He looked at the bed, furrowed his brow before he reached toward it. He cupped his hand slightly and made a sweeping motion toward the open window. It looked as if a cloud of dust and debris rose from the bed and went through the window.

After the last of the dirty looking cloud left the building, Toby closed the window and said, "There, I hope that did it. I could see something leaving the bed anyway. You girls try it and I'll throw my jacket on the floor and get some sleep."

Sam walked up to Toby and said, "Not gonna happen Toby. We're all going to use the bed or none of us. You paid for the room and our food so you deserve as much comfort as we can get." She reached out and began unbuttoning his shirt while Bev released his belt.

Toby grabbed his clothes and tried to stop them but they were too fast for him. He was blushing but quit fighting them when they let him keep his underwear on. They pushed him toward the bed and took off their outer clothes before they crawled into bed with him. They each told each other good night and to everyone's surprise, quickly fell asleep.

Toby woke first the next morning just as he came in his underwear. He was snuggled up against Sam with his morning wood against her ass and his hand cupping one of her small breasts. When he realized what he was doing, it was too late to stop. He was still pumping sperm into his shorts when he pulled his cock back from her. His face flushed in embarrassment. He tried to get out of bed without bothering the girls. He needed to clean up as much as he could before they saw his wet underwear. That proved to be impossible because he was in the middle of the way too small bed and managed to wake both of them with his efforts. Sam watched him struggling out of bed and grumbled, "Toby, what're you doing? It's barely light outside."

"Sorry Sam. I hurt all over and can't sleep any longer. I was trying to get up without waking you."

Bev snarled, "Well you didn't make it." She was on the outside of the bed and rose to sit on the edge before grabbing her blouse and slipped it on. "So, what're we going to do today?"

Toby didn't think and said, "Fuck if I know. Oh, sorry. I wasn't thinking. I mean, I don't know."

Sam giggled and said, "Relax Toby. We've heard it before. We've even heard you say it while we were playing ya know."

After they dressed, they went downstairs to get their breakfast. Before sitting down Toby said, "I'll be right back. I need the little boys's room." He hoped there was paper or something there he could use to clean up a little but he didn't remember any from the night before.

Both the girls followed him outside toward the outhouse. Bev said, "Good idea. I used the chamber pot once last night but I need to go again."

Unfortunately, for Toby, there wasn't anything in the outhouse to clean or wipe with. He used his fingers to dip out some of his spend and wiped it on the edge of the hole then pulled his undies off and wiped himself with them before balling them up and putting them in his pocket.

After the girls used the outhouse, they went back inside to eat. While they were eating, they discussed things to do. Toby said, "I don't know about you but I want to find a place with a bigger bed or get more rooms for us." He grinned and continued, "I really liked sleeping with you both but that bed is just too darn small and way too uncomfortable for me."

He got two "Yeah's" from the girls. When Tommy came to see if they wanted anything else Toby asked, "Tommy that bed is just too small for the three of us. Do you have a room with a larger bed or maybe another room we can get?"

"That is my very best Sir Wizard. I am sorry. I could let you have another room but I would need two more coppers a day for the added room."

"Oh, thank you. We'll let you know later if we can."

"Certainly but I usually fill the cheaper rooms before very late in the night sir."

When they finished the meal they walked outside and stood in the street looking around. Toby said, "I don't know what to do. Even if he keeps taking our money, I'll run out of change real soon. How will we keep paying Tommy for the room and food then? We need to find a job but I don't know how to do most of the things here."

Sam giggled again and said, "Toby, we're WIZARDS! I bet we can make a lot of money just doing things for people with our magic. All we need to do is advertise. We might even be able to find a place of our own until we figure out how to get home."

Bev said, "Yeah. Let's see what we can find. If we're going to be stuck here I sure don't want to live in a bar the rest of my life."

They took off down the street walking and looking around. Near the edge of town they came to a moderate sized rock building that appeared empty. There were weeds and brush growing in the yard and the few sprigs of grass showing looked sickly. The shake roof looked as if it needed repair and the stable in the back was almost falling down.

Bev said, "This building looks empty. I wonder who owns it? Do you think they'd rent or sell it to us?"

Toby said, "I don't know. I bet the Mayor or Sheriff could tell us. Let's go see them."

They turned and walked rapidly back toward the center of town. The Sheriff was in his office and since they didn't know, yet, where the Mayor lived or worked they went into the jail to see the Sheriff.

When they asked about the building he said, "Well now. Far's I know no one owns it. There used to be two Inns in town but old Portnoy and his missus couldn't make it out there and just left one day. Told all their help they was fired and took off. Couple of folks tried to open it again but couldn't make it so it just sits empty now."

"Who could we see about renting it or buying it?"

"No one far's I know. If you want it, just move in. Aint no one going to complain I'm sure. No one wants trouble with a Wizard anyway."

"Oh, uh thank you Sheriff," said Toby.

When they got outside, he unlocked the car and started to get in. Sam said, "What're you doing Toby?"

"I thought I'd drive the car to our new house and get it out of the street. You guys coming?"

Bev grinned and said, "Yeah," as she and Sam got in with him.

It only took a couple of minutes to drive to their new home. Toby pulled the car around behind the building and they got out. They walked around the building to the front and stood looking around. Bev said, "It's going to take a lot of work to clean this mess up. I hope the inside isn't too messy."

Sam said, "Yeah."

Toby just looked around the yard and at the building a moment while he listened to the girls and thought about their new home. Soon, he smiled and made a gesture toward the yard as if he was rubbing a rag across a window or wall. The weeds and brush all pulled from the ground and ended up in a pile at the side of the inn near what he thought was the property line. Another gesture resulted in short green grass replacing the plants he'd removed.

The girls looked on in shock before Sam said, "Wow. That's neat. How'd you do it?"

Toby smiled and looked at the building over the door. He made another gesture similar to the first one and a sign appeared. In an arc over the door appeared the word's 'THREE WIZARDS'. Below the arc appeared the torso's of two women and a man in wizard's robes and a tall pointed hat similar to those seen on witches pictures. They each held a wand. The male looked similar to pictures of Merlin and the females looked like slender witches.

This time it was Bev that exclaimed, "Oh, wow. Super cool. Come on. Let's go inside now and see what else we can do. This is so cool. It's going to be fun here. I know it."

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PakePakeabout 2 years ago

Great, a new story. Good to read you again.

XacksonXacksonabout 2 years ago

Ok but if they’re this powerful now, imagine what they could do with an orb of light with knowledge pulled from the aether imbued into it shoved into their heads.

JBOATJBOATabout 2 years ago

Looks like the start of another one of your great tales, Hermit. Thank you.

OmniferisOmniferisabout 2 years ago

Nice story, but I only have one complaint it was short. I need more.

FyreHeartFyreHeartabout 2 years ago

Good start, looking forward to seeing where you take it from here.

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