Traditions - Summer Vacation Pt. 04

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The Road Home, crossing the line and getting caught.
7.5k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/28/2018
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"How far are we going today?" I asked, as I pulled out of the driveway, starting out with the driving. Dad was riding shotgun, Mom and Andrea in the back.

Saying goodbye took a lot longer than it should have, just as it always is whenever we see relatives, with tears and hugs and long goodbyes all around. Unlike any other goodbye with this part of our family, Andrea and I were now also saying goodbye to a mutual lover. We'd been coerced into a going away breakfast by Aunt Tracy, so it was nearly 10 when we got away, two hours later than hoped for.

"I made reservations at Oklahoma City, the same place as on the way here," Mom said. "Do we think we can make it still?"

"With taking turns driving, it won't be a problem," Dad said. I knew from experience that it was probably only me that would be driving besides Dad. Once he made us 'trade' in about 2 hours, then he'd take the driver's seat and his '2 hours' would correspond with stopping for gas, and then after the stop he'd be good for another 2 hour before stopping for lunch and then 2 hours later would be "We're almost there, I'm OK to keep driving." Not that I'd ever seen that before or anything...

We had all dressed casually for the ride; Mom wearing a sun dress, Andrea had on a denim skirt and blouse, whereas Dad and I had both put on shorts and tee-shirts. Not unusual for me, as I wear shorts a lot, and it was also the last thing I had that was clean, but Andrea's skirt seemed a bit unusual for a car ride. It wasn't 'short,' but was several inches above her knee, whereas Mom's dress went right to her knees. "Skirt?" I said to Andrea when we were heading out to put things into the car.

"It's cooler," she said, which made sense to me and I didn't think anything more about it.

As expected, it was just a little over 2 hours when Dad "suggested" we should "probably" swap drivers. I pushed it another 20 miles or so until we found a rest area and pulled in. We all took a toilet break, caused as much by a big breakfast and coffee as anything, and piled back into what I knew was the arrangement for the rest of the day. Mom was shotgun, Andrea and me back into our usual seats behind them.

Andrea seemed to be ignoring me, and I ignored her, at least until after we stopped for lunch. She was somewhat turned toward the window in her own little world; I guess I was the same, just looking out the window, watching the farmlands roll by and thinking about all that had happened during the last week.

I didn't even have my phone out; it was still in my pocket when it buzzed. "Last night" was all it said when I fished it out, but the message was from Andrea.

I looked over at her and now found her looking at me. She had turned her body so she was no longer mostly facing the door, her back partly against it. Her skirt was askew, the left side almost normal but it almost ran up and across her crotch so that much of her bare right leg was visible.

"Been thinking about it?" I sent back


"M2." I thought about it for a moment and added. "Regrets?" I looked up at her, she sucked her lower lip between her teeth and slowly shook her head "no."

"Me neither."

"You had fun?" I texted again a second later.


"You were so horny." I saw her type something, erase it, type something again and erase it again, and then the third time she hit send.

"Still am."

"LOL" I sent back, "M2. Didn't Mary take care of you this week?"

"Every night."


"Y." I had to adjust my cock which was trying to grow down my pant leg, which I did even though when I looked over, Andrea was watching me do it. I saw her eyes move up to the front seat and then when she looked back, her lower lip mischievously again went between her teeth, she shifted to sit sideways in the seat, back to the door, legs more facing me and then lifted her skirt just that little bit more, showing me she had no panties on. It was just a quick flash, and then she dropped the skirt and shifted back into her seat.

My cock which had been growing harder, immediately went hard as a rock. I'd adjusted it in my shorts but now that it was fully erect, I had to do it again. I had to raise my butt and straighten my legs momentarily, which I did.

"Wow. Naughty!" I sent her a moment later. She glanced at her cell when my text arrived, and then looked away out the window. When she didn't send anything back, I added. "I liked doing that to you last night."

She glanced down at her phone, but didn't answer immediately, and it was several moments before she sent "I liked it 2. Liked it 2 when I did that 4 U."

"Mary was a horny one, wasn't she?"

"All the time."

"I noticed."

"Did you like fucking her?"

"Of course. Never thought I'd be fucking my cousin though."

"Me either.

"I didn't know you played with girls."

"Just a couple of times."

"Really? Who?" She looked at me, after reading it and I could tell she was thinking about whether to answer or not.

"You can't ever tell anyone if I tell you."


"Jessica and Carol"

"Wow." Carol I hadn't seen in a long time, I knew that they knew each other from church, but I knew that Andrea and Jessica often did things together. About once a week it seemed that Andrea would stay at her place or Jessica would stay with her. "All the time?" I saw her shake her head no, she didn't need to answer.

"So was it Mary who wanted to play with you, or you with her."

"Mary." I nodded when I read it.

"I figured."

"How did it start? Did she just ask if you wanted to play around?"

"She wanted to know if you had a nice one. I said yes, and she wanted to know how I knew."

"You told her about Christmas."

"Yeah. She thought it was hot."

"It WAS." She giggled when I sent this, which apparently caught Mom's attention.

"How're you kids doing?" She said, turning around in the front seat to look back at us.

"Fine," I answered, "just a bit of a boring ride."

"Yeah, but you had a good time, didn't you? Did you guys have fun spending time with Mary?"

"Yeah, at least when she and Andrea weren't off riding somewhere without me," I laughed.

"We didn't do that much," Andrea chimed in, "We did get another horse for you. And she did teach you to ride bareback." I almost choked, but Mom was still looking over the seat, and I managed to stifle a glare at Andrea or my eyes bugging out.

"Yeah, she did." I agreed with a chuckle, "We really had a good time together."

"You did seem to all be getting along quite well," she said turning back around. "I never did like riding bareback, I tried it a few times but always had a hard time staying on. I like to have a saddle where there is something between my legs to hold on to." I know my eyes bugged out and when I looked to Andrea could tell she was having as hard a time as I was to not just laugh outright at mom's not understanding the sexual connotation of bareback. "Honey; how are you doing?" Mom asked, turning to Dad.

"I'm doing OK. We're going to need to stop for gas here momentarily, and then it's just a couple of more hours and we'll be there. Mom turned back around, ignoring us again. It was just seconds and my phone buzzed again.

"Careful. You'll get us in trouble."

"I'm not the one without panties."

"I'm not the one who was riding bareback with Mary or who has a big bulge in his pants." I had to look down to see, and as expected with my shirt over the top, she really couldn't see anything. I looked over at her, rolled my eyes and smirked at her. She looked down at her cell, thumbed a few letters and my phone buzzed: "I want to see it." With eyes on the front seat I reached under my shirt, arranged myself so I was sticking out the top of my pants, and then when I looked back to Andrea, I raised my shirt momentarily. One more time her thumbs went to her phone: "You really do have a nice one."

"Compared to who?" I wasn't sure if she'd answer.

My phone buzzed. "Donny."

It buzzed again. "Steve." I knew she had dated him for a short time, he'd never been around that much. It buzzed again.

"Ricky D". Ricky D was a friend of both of us that had lived down the street and had moved away a couple of years before.

"Ricky D?" I texted back. "You played with him?" I glanced up and she was again looking at me with that "should I tell" look. Her eyes and thumbs again went to work on her phone.

"He was my first." I was shocked, he had moved at least two full years before, and if she'd played with him, she'd been sexually active even before I was.

"Did you fuck him?" I typed and then erased it and changed it to "Did you have sex with him?"

"And Steve. And Donny."

"Wow. You were having sex before I was." The car slowed, Dad pulled off to get gas and our conversation ended.

It was almost dark when we pulled into OK City, lightning flashing off to the west, but except for a little wind the weather seemed fine where we were. We unloaded into the hotel room, same layout as before, just a different floor. As late as it was, Mom and Dad said we should go straight to dinner, which we did. The four-lane street was a bit busy to just dash straight across, so we went down to the corner and waited for the light to change, and then walked back up the other side to the restaurant changing a short dash across the street into a several hundred-yard trek.

We were halfway through dinner when the rain began. The lightning that we had been seeing to the west had gradually gotten closer until it was flashing all around, and a brief but heavy downpour with large hail bouncing off the street and windows got everyone's attention. Perhaps 5 minutes and it was over and by the time we got done with dinner, the heavy rain had stopped, and just a bit of light rain was spitting outside. We all decided there wasn't enough rain to make a big difference to us, so started out toward the corner. I jogged ahead, triggered the walk request, and the light changed just as the other three arrived. We were halfway across the four-lane street when the rain returned with a vengeance. The light drizzle, that was barely enough to get us wet, instantly turned into a deluge. We were as far from shelter between the two destinations that it was possible to be, and despite all of us breaking into a run, by the time we reached the canopy outside the hotel, we were all drenched.

For me, it was just that all my clothes were drenched and clung to my body. Dad's white Tee-shirt with the NASCAR logo's and advertising on it was only semi-translucent. Not so for Mom and Andrea. Andrea's thin blouse became virtually see through, exposing her then lacy bra beneath, the hard points of her chilled nipples protruding through both the bra and blouse, but only the lace of her bra truly visible. She pulled the blouse away from her body, shaking it to lessen the cling, but still it wrapped like a glove around her upper body. Mom, on the other hand, might as well have been naked except for her panties. Her thin sundress clung to her body and had turned totally shear, and unlike with Andrea, trying to pull it away from her body, it did no good. It clung to, and revealed, that she had no bra, her bare breasts, nipples, areolas, and belly, as well as her white panties, all clearly visible through the now transparent dress.

I had seen mom naked from a distance at Christmas. I had seen her wearing her open cup bra, enticing dad. I had seen her crotchless panties and dad going down on her; Dad fucking her, her sucking dad's cock, but that was all from the remote distance of the balcony from the living room. I had, upon occasion, seen her around the house in her bra and panties, but that was always a purely sexless occasion, especially in that she normally wore plain white bras and panties. But now, with her body virtually totally revealed from just 3 feet away, it was a totally different experience.

What was funny was that I almost immediately understood that, despite her embarrassment, she was secretly thrilled and aroused by her inadvertent exhibition. At first as we ducked under the canopy, when she discovered she was virtually naked, it was embarrassment at her predicament. But as she tried to pull the dress away from her breasts, pulling away and hiding one breast and nipple only causing the other side to cling harder, it was obvious she was no longer feeling embarrassment, rather more excitement. As she realized she was no longer going to be able to hide anything, her face came up and looked at me, and then dad, while her nipples practically exploded into erection. "Oh my God," she said to Dad, "we've got to go through the lobby..."

They hesitated just a moment or two before dad told her to grab his arm, and with her semi-hiding behind him while I opened the door, they walked in with a brisk pace and right on through the lobby. Luckily there was nobody except the female clerk at the desk who barely looked our way, but as we turned the corner to head for the middle of the building and the elevators, we met a male clerk coming back to the lobby. He stepped aside, but from the look on his face it was obvious that he had just got a full-frontal look at my nearly naked mom and her fabulously exposed breasts.

Andrea's bra was visible through her soaking blouse, but she barely even registered a glance with the clerk, his eyes wide from the voluptuous naked breasts that he'd just seen.

I was behind as we stepped into the elevator, but mom and dad went in first and turned as Andrea and I stepped in behind, and I had no choice but to aim my eyes away and pretend, or see my mom's nearly naked body through the thin veil of her translucent dress. I saw it all, her large breasts, large areolae and erect nipples, before I turned to face the front of the elevator.

We had virtually the same routine as the previous hotel stay, with mom having made a beeline to the bedroom for her night clothes before heading to the bath. Dad and then Andrea and, as always, I got the bath last. Andrea was in bed and on her cell phone when I came out of the bath. She looked at me with a smirk and giggled as I started to climb into bed and said, "Mom will be out to clean up in a minute, she got kind of noisy there a little bit ago."

"Noisy?" I asked, not following what she was saying, my mind more on whether we were going to play in a few minutes or not.

"Sex? Orgasm?" she whispered. "I think mom kinda got off on being seen almost naked in public. Did you see that hotel clerks face?"

"Yeah, did his eyes bug out or what? Her nipples sure perked up, and it was too warm and humid for them to be cold."

"Were you perving on our mom?" She whispered quietly and giggled.

"I'd have rather been perving on you," I smirked in response. "What did you have to be wearing a bra for?"

"I'm not now..."

"Yeah but your shirts not wet and see through now either."

"Do you want me to take it off and get it wet?"

"How about just take it off?"

"You're going to have to wait until after mom comes out to clean up."

Almost on cue, I heard a noise and the bedroom door opened, with Mom stepping immediately into the bathroom.

"Told ya," she whispered.

"You really heard her?" She just giggled in response.

"Good night, kids," Mom quietly said as she stepped out of the bath again a few moments later. We both answered her, but she hadn't left. Turning instead to the living room where our bed was, she stopped and looked at us. "I think we're going to sleep in a little in the morning. We're only going to Albuquerque tomorrow, so much shorter than today, but your dad is tired. OK?"

Andrea giggled quietly after she left, and the bedroom door closed. "You know what that means?"

"No, what?"

"She wants to get laid again in the morning."

"Really?" I said, realizing that was probably true even as I said it. Andrea didn't answer, instead quietly got up and walked to the bedroom door, standing and listening quietly for a minute before returning to the bed. Standing beside her side of the bed she looked at me, caught her bottoms with both thumbs and slipped them down her legs before catching her top and lifting it off so she was standing there naked.

My eyes ran up and down her body, for the first time on this vacation really examining her. I'd seen her naked in the hotel room a couple of floors below us, but only momentarily from across the bed. We'd been skinny dipping in daylight, and although I'd seen her, I'd been more mesmerized by our cousin Mary's naked body. I'd masturbated her in the dark, sunk my fingers inside her, fingered her clit. I'd licked my sister's pussy; she'd sucked my cock -- but all in the dark. Now she stood beside the bed letting me look at her for several seconds before she said, "Are you naked?"

"Not yet."

"Why not? I want to see you too."

I flipped the sheet aside, exposing that I only had boxers on, and then raised my hips slid them down and off my legs, leaving me lying naked on my back.

I thought that Andrea would now turn off the light, but she didn't. With the sheets pulled back, she sat down and rolled over toward me, her hand going straight to my cock. Likewise, I didn't refrain, my hands went to her body; first fondling and caressing her tits and when I reached for her sex her legs spread to give me access. She was already wet when I got there, a shiver and coo of pleasure as my fingers found her sensitive spot. "I shouldn't do this," she whispered.

"Do what?" I said. Shifting on the bed she lowered her face and took me into her mouth.

"Oh My God, Sis," I said, a shudder running through me as her tongue and mouth caressed my erection.

She bobbed up and down, taking me a bit deeper and then a bit shallower before pulling off momentarily. "I love sucking cock," she said and then took me back into her mouth.

"Turn?" I said, stroking her head with my hand. "Turn so I can eat you at the same time?"


"Of course. I wouldn't say it if I didn't want to."

She rolled her body around onto her other side so her pussy was closer to my face, but I had to take her leg and pull it towards me before she rose up and straddled me. With both hands free, I gripped her bottom and guided her into place, bringing her pussy down to my face and slithering my tongue into her sex.

"That was really nice," I said later, both of us sated for the moment. "I'm glad you decided that oral was ok."

"I've never done a 69 with a guy before."

"Really? You've never done it with one of your boyfriends?

"No. They always liked blowjobs, but I had to ask them to get them to do me."

"That's not fair." It dawned on me what she'd said. "You've done a 69 with Mary and your girlfriends?"

"Just Mary. She's the only one with tongues."

She'd rolled off me and was lying on her side of the bed, but still totally naked and uncovered. I rolled onto my side to look at her, first caressing her body with my eyes. She also rolled onto her side to face me. I reached over and brushed her hair away from her neck, where it fell behind her, leaving my view totally unobstructed. I realized that although we'd played and masturbated and now performed oral on each other, I'd never totally just looked at her naked body like I had my girlfriends in the past. I reached over and touched the mole on her upper breast, nothing new there as it was always visible when she had a low-cut blouse or her bathing suit on, but it was just a start. My fingers trailed down the slope of her tit, where I brushed it back and forth across her nipple. Her body withdrew slightly, a sharp inhale accenting that she'd enjoyed the feel. "You've got really cute tits," I said, moving my fingers to her lower breast.

"You don't think they need to be bigger?"

"They're perfect," I answered, my finger and thumb rolling her nipple, a shiver going through her body.

"What did you think, has mom got nice tits?"