Traditions - Summer Vacation Pt. 05

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School time, Christmas time and Summer Again.
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Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/28/2018
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I heard the door slam downstairs and Andrea's feet pounding up the stairs which just gave me enough time click off my favorite entertainment websites before my sister Andrea came into view. Normally she would holler a hello as she went on by to her room, occasionally she'd stop at my door to talk, or even come in. This was one of those latter times, thankfully my tee shirt was untucked, so it covered my boner.

I probably needed to come up with a better cover than the generic yahoo screen that now showed on my display. While the "news" was innocuous enough, Andrea knew, as well as I did, that I was not reading the news. "Looking at tits?" she giggled as she flopped onto my bed.

"Have to. You won't show me yours anymore," I jabbed right back at her.

"You haven't asked, either" she responded without a moment's hesitation, a smirk on her face.

"Would you if I did?"

"Not until next vacation," she answered, "you know what mom said." Something in her answer told me that if I asked her to show me her tits right then that she would have, just as if she'd asked to see my cock, I would have showed her. The "next vacation" excuse didn't have a lot of power behind it. My understanding was that Mom had suggested, and we had essentially agreed, that fucking was not to be a normal thing together, but she hadn't said we shouldn't, just not all the time, and she had not really said anything about just masturbating. I had certainly thought of Andrea multiple times during my daily wanks -- but then I'd thought of my cousin Mary and ex-girlfriend Stephanie, too.

"What exactly was it that she said... 'that perhaps some new traditions should stay on vacation?' She didn't say we couldn't play..."

"Yeah, but she meant that we probably shouldn't." I nodded my head in agreement.

"When do you go back?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Next Friday. First class is the following Monday."

"Is Stephanie going to be there?"

"I'm sure she will, but I haven't heard from her since school ended."

"Are you going to try to hook up with her again?"

"Probably not. I would bet she's got a new boyfriend by now. I don't think we ever went two days without having sex. That's really why she broke up with me, she didn't want to go all summer long without getting laid." I thought back on it, from the time that Steph and I hooked up at the frat party, I could not think of a single day that we didn't have sex. I was sure there must have been one, I just couldn't think of when.

"Even on her period?"

"Yeah. We'd fuck in the shower when she was on her period."

"That's another thing Donnie wouldn't do."

"Fuck while you were on your period? Donnie was a dick; you are better off without him. How long did you guys go together anyway?"

"Not all that long, about 6 months."

"Any prospects?"

"Not right now. Probably when college starts again, at least I will have more prospects around. Particularly if I get that job."

Andrea hadn't had the best grades in High School; truthfully she'd fucked around (now that I knew how long she'd been sexually active -- was it possible that she had literally fucked around? Probably,) and not applied herself, at least until the final year when she'd suddenly realized her grades were such that she had no chance for even getting into a University and no chance for a scholarship, so she'd be paying for her full ride, at least as much as what Mom and Dad couldn't afford to help with. "What's it look like for a job?" I asked, "anything a prospect?"

"Yeah, the interview today seemed like it might work out. They said they'd let me know Monday."

"Full time?"

"Nah. The need six hours in the evenings, three days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and then all day, 10 hours, on Saturdays."

"28 hours? Holy Shit! That's a lot if you're going to school too."

"Yeah, but it's about the only way. And besides, I showed last year that I can do the schoolwork." She had, after barely surviving her first three years of High School, completely changed her mode her senior year and had almost gotten straight A's. Only that she'd goofed off for earlier classes, making it hard for her to build on what she hadn't learned, kept her from getting all A's. She was definitely a smart girl.

"You were just too busy chasing boys."

"Well at least if I'm working Friday nights and Saturday's I won't have that much time to date and party."

"When would you work?"

"Four to ten during the week, and noon to ten on Saturdays."


"Yeah, tell me about it."


The following Monday she was on Cloud 9 when she charged into my room, similarly to the way she had the week before. "I got it!" she enthused, "I got the job!"

"Wow! Congrats sis, when does it start?"

"Tomorrow. I am in training all this week, and then next week I go on my regular schedule. God, I can't wait to tell Mom!" With that she bounced out of my room as fast as she'd come in, apparently never having recognized that I'd had my cock out of my pants and had barely had time to hide it with my shirt.


My last week was spent saying goodbye to all my old buddies. We had a little pick-up basketball game at the park, we went to the beach another day, and of course, shared more than a few beers and pizza. The local pizza joint had an "all you can eat lunch buffet" that we regularly showed up to just after it opened and ate them out of business until they closed it down at two. Ah, the appetites of 20-year-olds.

By the time Friday came around, I had everything packed up and into my car before I finally called it a night fairly early, at least for me, as I had to drive multiple hours the next day. Andrea hadn't gotten home when I went to bed; I figured to just go in and wake her to say goodbye in the morning.

I didn't hear her come in, but felt her hand on my shoulder, slipping a finger to my lips to shush me and keep me quiet as I rolled towards her. "Hey Bro," she whispered as I came awake, "were you going to leave without saying goodbye?"

"Nah, I figured I'd wake you in the morning and say goodbye."

"Wouldn't you rather we say goodbye properly right now?" In the dark of the room I had barely been able to tell that she had on a nightie, her scent telling me that she must have just showered. Although my mind was a bit befuddled as I was waking, it leapt to full attention as she pulled her nightie off, pulled the sheet back and climbed naked into bed with me, positioning her chest where I could easily suck on her nipples to begin with. How she intended to say goodbye there was no doubt.

Neither of us had had sex, except with our hands, since we'd returned from vacation. Semi-joking about her showing me her tits the week before was as close to any sexual interaction I had with anyone else, but now that all came to an end.

She may have instigated this interaction, but she did not mind at all when I took charge. My first orgasm came before she came, and I finished her off with my fingers. Our second time was much more leisurely, where she came before I did. The third time for her was to my tongue, and when she rolled over to return the favor, I pulled her overhead into a 69 where she came once more with my cock throbbing in her mouth.

"I'm going to miss you," she whispered into my ear a little later as she cuddled to my side, my arm under her neck.

"I thought we weren't going to do this anymore," I whispered, curious as to her change of heart.

"Yeah... I know." She didn't say anything more, just that singular admission that the rules had again changed, at least once.

"What happened?"

"Well, I realized that we agreed we would keep it as a special summer vacation tradition and then I realized that my summer vacation goes for another two weeks until my school starts, and you were going away and I won't see you again for quite a while... and..." she giggled, moved her mouth to my ear and nibbled, "I was horny and needed to get laid."

"I'm glad you did, because I was too," I whispered in response.

Her sleepy, 'ummm' was the only response.

I awoke to a hand on my shoulder again, only this time it was Mom. "Rick," she said, shaking me, "I thought you were going to try and leave at 6?" Disoriented, I opened my eyes and had to move an arm draped across my chest to roll sideways to look at the clock. My eyes focused on the clock but I never actually saw the time as my mind suddenly realized the implication of the arm that had been across my chest and the naked Andrea who was still sleeping beside me. "Why don't you get up and I'll make you some breakfast before you go?" With that she turned and walked out of my room, pulling the door closed behind her, with no attempt to chastise and no attempt to wake Andrea who had slept through the entire thing.

I slid out of bed, my previously laid out clothes the only thing of mine left in the room and got dressed. Andrea finally awoke enough as I was tying my shoes to realize she was not in her own bed. "Oh my god, we fell asleep."

"Mom found us," I said, not beating around the bush. "I overslept, she came in to wake me, and obviously you were here."

"Oh my God!" she said, sitting upright and pulling the sheet in front of her naked body. "What did she say?"

"Not a thing."

"But she knew I was here?"

"Yeah, pretty hard not to." I sat back onto the side of the bed. "Thank you. That was nice. You can go back to sleep or get up and go to your room, either one." I reached up and caressed her cheek with the back of my hand. "But either way, since you made me late, you get to strip and wash my bed."

"Oh my God, Rick! What am I going to say?"

"You're not going to say anything. She didn't, and you don't need to. Mom said she was going to make me breakfast, I'll talk to her." I held her cheek with my fingers momentarily. "That was nice, Andrea. I love you," and with that I turned and walked to the door.

I could smell bacon as I started down the stairs. I heard a door close and latch quietly behind me just as I reached the bottom. Glancing back, I could not see anything, and assumed that what I'd heard had been Andrea going to her room.

The bacon was already off the grill; Mom had scrambled eggs almost done when I walked in. I pulled out some bread and put a couple of slices into the toaster, and moments later saw mom out of the corner of my eye walking up to the sink from behind me. Glancing over at her, I watched as she stuck the now emptied pan into the sink, seeing the sizzle of running water turning to steam on the hot pan as she began to rinse and wash it. "Have you two been having sex all summer?" she asked, without turning to face me.

"That's the first time since we've been back." I honestly replied.

"Really?" She looked at me now, presumably ascertaining whether I was telling the truth.

"Yes. You suggested we leave summer traditions for vacations, and we did, at least until last night."

"Why last night?" The toast popped up, and I pulled it out, sticking it on a plate and heading toward the table, mom following right behind.

"She just said she wanted to say goodbye... and that she was horny."

"Did she come to you?"

"Yes." She nodded her head. I could tell she wasn't done talking.

"Having sex with someone who's right there all the time is easy, but it can complicate other relationships."

"I know, Mom."

"Do I need to talk to Andrea?"

"I don't think so. She knows."


I had not looked for Stephanie, had not expected to see her as soon as I did. The previous semester we had met at a frat party, this time she was sitting outside the commons with what I presumed was her now boyfriend. I decided to jerk her chain a bit.

"What are you doing with my girlfriend?" I said antagonistically when I walked up without her seeing me. Her head jerked over to see me, and I saw the "Oh Shit!" look flash across her face as she jumped up between us. I immediately broke into a smile, letting her know I was putting her (and him) on. "Just joshing, we're good," I said to her, and then addressing her friend, "we had a thing for a while last year, but we broke it off at the start of the summer." We chatted for a few moments, Stephanie obviously very uncomfortable to begin with, her discomfort confirming to me that this was, or soon would be, her new boyfriend. Either way, I didn't care -- she was the past. Knowing I had already exceeded my welcome, I reached out and took Steph's hand and pulled her to me. "Hey -- we're good," I whispered into her ear, so just she could hear, and gave her a quick goodbye peck on her cheek before I released her and walked away.


The school year went by in a blur. I did not return home again until Christmas break. 6 weeks off before the start of the spring semester allowed me to return for the first time since I had gone away. I could almost have returned home at Thanksgiving, but with the end of semester just a few weeks away, it did not seem worthwhile to make the full day trip both ways, for just a couple of days at home. For the first time in my life, I was not home for Thanksgiving, so was anxious to see everyone by then. Although hitting the beaches was out of the question as the weather was too cold, picking up with my friends, chasing beers and chasing girls was not, although it wasn't quite the same as it had been. I realized that just being gone for another semester, I was growing distant from my old friends. I found myself almost wishing I was still at school.

Andrea, not entirely unexpectedly, had a new boyfriend. I had hooked up with a couple of girls at school, and except for some good sex, nothing had come of those relationships. Coming home, I'd wondered whether Andrea had found a new beau or not, whether she'd be horny or not, but hadn't even thought about whether our "Christmas Tradition" was going to repeat this year or not. Apparently, Andrea had, although she went to spend early Christmas Eve evening with her boyfriend and his family, she returned home at a reasonable hour. When mom acted surprised, saying that she thought she wouldn't be home until late, Andrea said "Oh, I couldn't miss all of Christmas Eve and the tree trimming... we've got so many good Christmas traditions to keep up." She'd purposely glanced my way with an enigmatic smile after she said that when mom looked away, and I was absolutely certain what that meant. I wasn't disappointed; several hours later she joined me on the balcony as we once again watched our parents party to their own Christmas Eve tradition. Unlike when I'd left for school, Andrea wouldn't fuck or go down on me as she currently had a boyfriend, but didn't hesitate on getting naked and we masturbated each other, just as we had the year before, except this time she also let me suck on her nipples, even indicating that she wanted me to by pulling my head to her breast. That orgasm for her was quite intense, my fingers on her clit and her nipples alternating in my mouth, her hand holding my head in place. After she'd cum when I tried to reposition to go down on her she wouldn't let me and, when I suggested we move it to one of our bedrooms, she said no, she had a boyfriend, and firmly closed her bedroom door when we finally went to bed.

With my friends in their own lives and my sister with a boyfriend, I found myself bored stiff. I ended up returning to school a full week before I needed to, finding myself just as bored with nobody else yet returned to campus either. Unusually, I found myself reading the textbook and finally 'getting' a class that I had to take Part 2 of that next semester. When the class started, for once I was not totally lost and ahead of most everyone else and ended up with an almost perfect score for a class that I had almost failed the first part of. Maybe there was something to this "studying" after all. It was not until after school was done in early May that I returned home again.


"...oh my, that would be wonderful!" I heard my mom say over the phone as she walked into the kitchen talking to someone unknown, "When do you think you'd be here... three weeks... I am sure that we'd work something out... You and Mary both... He's not coming... That could be fun..." I heard just enough to decipher that she was probably talking with Aunt Tracy, the "you and Mary both" and "three weeks" intriguing my thoughts as I listened in. I just waited, most of the conversation being unintelligible for me as they caught up with each other. Eventually I left, going out to play a little "Call of Duty" on-line, where Mom found me quite a bit later.

"Interested in some visitors in about three weeks?" she asked, after I had paused the game and exited a level. In typical fashion, she had stepped directly in front of me, blocking the screen. I had to admit, it was about the only way to get my attention when I was engrossed in gaming.

"Why?" I answered, a bit perturbed at her interruption. Why is it when playing games that we get so engrossed that we think it's more important than life? "Aunt Tracy and Mary coming to visit?"

"How did you know that?" she asked in return, surprise in her voice. That she'd totally been ignorant that I had been in the kitchen and overheard part of the conversation didn't surprise me, an earthquake could happen when she was focused on one thing and she might never really know it. I explained that I had overheard enough to figure something was happening.


Greeting Aunt Tracy and Mary and inviting them into our house was as much an affair as them greeting us the previous summer on the farm. They arrived on a Tuesday, a day Andrea was home and off work, and immediately she and Mary were off to her room. I hung out with Mom and Dad and Aunt Tracy for a while as they got caught up on everything. I had sort of known that Uncle Roy had not come with them but didn't quite understand why. That he just didn't like to travel by car, wasn't interested in viewing Yellowstone, or the Grand Tetons, or Bryce Canyon, or Zion, as they came to California, and had no desire to see Universal Studios, or Sea World, or Disneyland or the like, seemed like a foreign idea to me -- but that had been his choice and the excuse. Apparently, he was a home-body farmer at heart.

I had no prior knowledge of what Tracy and Mary wanted to do in California but, that they had hoped that we all might be able to join them, almost immediately came up. That Andrea almost assuredly would not be able to join them immediately became clear.


"Argh! I can't!" Andrea said, "I've got to work Saturday!" The question had been whether we could all join them to spend the day at Sea World, which was easily changed to Sunday, and the four of us did join them for that day. But the next question, of whether we could get away to join them for a trip to Los Angeles, in particular whether someone else might like to drive in the City known for its traffic instead of either of them (who considered two cars on main street at the same time a traffic jam), was this time greeted with a bunch of sad faces. They were planning on going to LA on Wednesday, seeing the armpit of California known as Hollywood that afternoon, and then spending the next few days seeing other attractions. With Andrea working and needing the money for school, it would be Mom and Dad and me, and then the clinker came in when Mom and Dad confessed that the cruise they were planning for their 25th Wedding Anniversary later in the summer required the use of all available vacation time for this year. Suddenly, it was just me available.

I admit the thought of being at a hotel with my Aunt and Cousin immediately got me to wondering whether there was any way that Mary might be able to sneak into my room, even before I said I was available to join them. And then the thought of cost and realizing I did not really have much money to spend, especially on pricey tourist traps, had me admit that I really could not afford to go either. Mom and Dad solved that when they jumped in and said they would pick up the cost of tickets just so that we could host them the way that they had hosted us the year before. When I asked about where we would stay, Aunt Tracy said they already had hotel rooms booked and paid for and they had that covered. When I did acknowledge that I could get away, and unlike everyone else had no time constraints, I saw the twinkle in Mary's eye; that she had naughty ideas similar to mine, I had no doubt.