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While the wives are out shopping, the husbands experiment
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Author's note:

This story includes bisex between two mature males, among other things.

You have been warned...

It felt a little strange, sharing a room with another couple while on vacation, but here we were. My wife and the wife of the other couple have been friends since high school. Tucker and I became friends because, with as often as we found ourselves together, we damn well better like one another or we were going to have ourselves some uncomfortable visits.

Fortunately, Tucker and I got along real well. This was a good thing, because the four of us got together quite a bit.

Anyway, we were vacationing together, off-season at a ski resort. The room was set up to house eight, so we four had plenty of space. We'd seen plenty of sights, eaten a lot of good food. One morning, the girls wanted to go shopping and us guys weren't feeling it.

"Go on ahead, honey. Scott and I are just going to hang out a while."

My wife, Amanda, came over to me. "You going to stay here with Tucker, then?"

I started with a yawn, "Yeah, I think so. For now at least. Later, who knows? You two have fun."

Amanda shrugged then leaned in to give me a quick peck on the lips. "Okay. See you later, then."

"See ya," I repeated, then watched as my wife joined her friend.

"Don't get into too much trouble," Tucker's wife, Deb, said just as they headed out the door.

"What's the fun in that?" Tucker and I gave back with the standard response.

When the door clicked shut, we turned to one another and I asked, "So, what do you want to do?"

"Feels like all we've been doing since we got here is run around. I'm all for getting something to drink, going out to the balcony, sitting on my ass looking at the view and doing a shitload of nothing."

"Sounds great to me," I said. "I'll go get a couple beers and meet you out there."

On the balcony, Tucker had already made himself comfortable and looked like he was half asleep. I put the cans on the table between the lounge chairs and sat.

For quite a while, neither of us said anything. While Tucker and I get along well, we don't really have a lot in common, aside from our wives. He was retired from a manual labor job, while I was still working, sitting at a desk. Neither of us were sports nuts, so we had that in common, but it didn't lend itself toward conversational topics.

Looking out on the beautiful mountain scene before us, I said, "Next time we do something like this, we need to decide on going to a beach or some such."

Tucker laughed, "No kidding. Even off season, there'd have to be a bikini or two to look at."

Both our wives have reached an age where swimwear has become pretty much anything but attractive. Functional, yes; attractive, well... We still love our wives and think they look spectacular, but they've come to a different conclusion, so bikinis aren't an option.

"Pool here was all little kids when I went by earlier. Couple of hot younger moms, but with all the little ones running around, I felt like kind of a pervert."

"What the hell you talking? You ARE a pervert!" Tucker exclaimed, laughing.

"Pervert, maybe," I agreed, jokingly, "but I'm no pedophile."

Tucker nodded his acknowledgment, taking a slug of beer.

"Say," I continued, "speaking of kids, how are yours doing?"

Usually Tucker and I left talking about their kids to the ladies. My wife and I never had kids, having married later in life. The consensus was that having children in our forties was poor planning. It wasn't that our childlessness was a sore point with us, it just got to be that, once their kids left the house to pursue their own lives, what they did wasn't quite as immediate for Tucker and Deb, and so not quite as high up on the conversational ladder as they had been before.

"Lizzie's doing fine. She and Mark are expecting their third - and last - in April. Lizzie says after this one, she's having her tubes tied. She claims she's getting too old to have to put up with this newborn stuff.

"Henry's in his fourth year at his new job." He laughed. "Listen to me. Four years and it's still his 'new job.' Hell, they way he was going, I was beginning to think he'd never last more than two years anywhere. I'm also thinking he's working on being the perpetual bachelor. He's on his third girlfriend in under two years. Maybe he'll find someone eventually and settle down, but so far he's the original rolling stone."

Most of this, I already knew, through my wife relaying what she'd been told when she and Deb were together. Still, it was good to know that the stories that came out of both of them were about the same.

"How about things between you and Deb? How are they?"

Tucker hesitated before answering this one. "Okay. Not bad for a couple who's been married as long as we have, I guess. Not much juicy to report, if that's what you're asking."

Tucker and I seldom talked about our private lives with our wives much. Normally, that was because said wives were usually in the room.

I nodded. "I know what you mean. Things with me and Amanda have been practically nonexistent for a while, too. I never thought that at my age, I'd be doing as much masturbating as I find myself having to resort to."

This had already turned a corner Tucker and I had never gone around before. Never had we talked sex. It just wasn't one of the things that two grown, mature men discussed. Still I didn't really feel at all self-conscious about revealing such things to him, for some reason.

"Spend time on the internet while doing it?" Tucker asked. He seemed to be getting sort of uncomfortable, as if there was something he wanted to say, something he found embarrassing, but didn't know how to say it.

"Well, yeah. I've still got some magazines, but the internet has a hell of a lot more."

"What kind of things to you go for when you're online?"

The longer the conversation went on in this vein, the more careful Tucker seemed to get. He didn't appear to be excited by my admission of watching internet porn while jerking off, but he did seem especially interested.

I just took his questions at face value and said, "The usual, I guess. Naked women, mostly older. Not that I don't like the teens, but I'm too damn old to imagine myself and a younger girl. Besides, there are plenty of hot women my own age out there, so I might as well ogle them."

Tucker didn't react to what I said. Instead, he seemed to be trying to work up the nerve to say something, and it wasn't coming easy.

Finally, he blurted out, "Have you ever thought about another guy?"

So that was what his anxiety was about. I was a little surprised. It wasn't something I'd even imagined Tucker thinking about. Then again, it generally isn't the kind of thing you let just anybody know. I liked that he thought enough of me to ask such a thing. Was I pissed and appalled? No. Was I repulsed and scandalized? Again, no.

I didn't want to sound judgmental, but I had to pry. "What do you mean?"

For a couple seconds, he seemed flustered. The fact I wasn't going nuts, calling him a fag and a queer or whatever epithet you like, was throwing him. Eventually, he said, "Lately, I've been curious about guys sucking guys... and maybe more."

I still wasn't 100% sure what he was getting at. "You mean, like, gay stuff?"

He said, "Well, yeah, I guess gay stuff, but not quite, you know? Still having women in the picture, but not limited to just one sex, okay?"

"You mean bi sex?"

There was the word he'd wanted to say all along, but didn't know how I'd react. That I knew the word and had said it out loud seemed to make Tucker at least a little more comfortable. "Yes, I mean bi sex. Do you believe men can be bisexual, too? Or just women?"

I tended toward a pretty open attitude regarding sex. All the limitations society puts on us regarding sexuality, particularly male sexuality, I found to be so much bullshit. We're all just human. We're all capable of the same things: gender has nothing to do with it.

"I don't know why men can't be bisexual. I've been looking at bi porn before and gotten off on it." I figured Tucker had clearly admitted intent simply by his first question along that line. We were both pretty much in the same boat. There was no sense in my being coy about it anymore.

My own confession seemed to relax Tucker a little. He knew I wasn't going to go ballistic homophobe on him.

"Does Amanda know?"

Now that we were talking about it, I saw little sense in not being truthful. "I hinted around one time, and she put two and two together. She seemed afraid I was going to leave her for a man. but I assured her I had no intention of doing that. It took some convincing, but she eventually knew I meant it."

"How did you find out about your curiosity? Did you stumble across it online, or did you know to look?"

I found I liked being able to talk about such things with someone else, without the fear of being judged as gay or demented or something worse. Not that I deemed gay as something evil, it just wasn't how I saw myself.

"To be honest, I don't know for sure when I became interested. It was a long slow process, and extension of my attitude toward things sexual. I wasn't comfortable with the concept of two men doing things together for quite a while. Then, I found myself not really giving a damn, to being curious about what it was like, especially with a woman involved fully in the situation."

Tucker's interest in my story was intense. When I was finished, he exclaimed, "Damn, that sounds a lot like my story. As I've gotten older, I've been thinking, 'What if all my hangups have just kept me from fully living life?' Why do I have to follow everybody else's lead? I mean, it's not like I'm hurting anybody here, right? Besides, it's just a fantasy. What's the harm in that?"

I'd never considered cheating on my wife before. Then again, I'd never actually known anyone whose interests in this bi thing so closely meshed with my own. I'd sure as hell never thought I'd cheat on my wife with another man, much less her best friend's husband. Still, it was the opportunity I never thought would ever arise. I knew I wasn't the only one who thought the way I did, I just thought I'd never meet anyone in real life who held a similar attitude. I'd sure as hell never imagined it would be Tucker, who I'd done so much with over the years.

I shocked myself when I heard my voice say the words, "Want to try?"

Tucker stopped, as if I'd just yelled at him in a foreign language. When it finally registered, his only response was, "What?"

I couldn't believe I was thinking of doing this. I was fucked if my wife found out.

"Come on," I said, getting up from my chair and heading back inside.

My heart pounded as I made my way to the bedroom where my wife and I had been sleeping. Inside the door, I waited for Tucker to appear. When he turned the corner, I stopped him. As he stood there, I found I had no interest in kissing him, like I would have if the person across from me had been a woman. So, instead of an embrace leading to a kiss, I reached out and grabbed Tucker's crotch.

My wife's best friend's husband jumped like I'd just shot him with a taser. With my hand on his genitals, Tucker just stood there with his hands slightly out to his sides, unsure what to do next.

"Put your hand on mine," I told him firmly. I wasn't going to be the only one doing this. "Come on. Who knows when the girls will be back."

Slowly, what I said penetrated, and Tucker reached over and placed a hand on the crotch of my jeans. Neither of us was hard. I think we were too afraid to be really aroused just then.

Still, as it always did with my wife, it felt good to have someone else touching my crotch, so I felt myself begin to respond, as did Tucker, if the thickening I felt in his trousers was any indication.

Screwing up my courage, I took my other hand and unzipped Tucker's pants, then reached in and pulled his stiffening cock out.

It felt strange, but good, to feel another man's penis. Yeah, it was still mostly soft, but it was an idea I'd jerked off to before, this notion of sex with another man. Of course, I'd long thought I'd prefer having a woman present, but that opportunity hadn't presented itself. This one had, and I felt like I'd already gone too far to turn back.

Tucker must have felt the same, because he quickly unzipped and unbuttoned my jeans, then hooked his fingers over the waist of both those and my underwear and pulled the whole works down to my knees.

Well, fuck, I was essentially naked from the waist down now, so I finished Tucker's pants until his ass was hanging out, too.

For a few minutes, we just stood there fondling one another, getting used to the feel of another man's genitals in our hands.

Then I couldn't take it any longer. I started to sink to my knees, not taking my hands off Tucker. When I was eye-to-eye, so to speak, with his cock, I gave a glance up to see the look on his face, then opened up and took as much of his hard-on into my mouth as I could get.

From the way Tucker moaned, it sounded like he damn near came when I started sucking his cock. He held back, though – an ability that gets a lot easier the older you get – so, I was able to work on him for a good long time.

I never thought this would happen. It's just one of those things us guys can't bring up to just anybody. There's such a stigma about men having sex with other men, that we don't dare express an interest in even the notion. The situation I found myself in with Tucker – up until a few minutes ago - was probably similar to a lot of relationships amongst us guys. The guy you're talking to might be just as curious as you are, but it isn't something you'd ever mention.

Anyhow, I'd been sucking Tucker's cock for a few minutes, and was loving it. I think I enjoyed it almost as much as I did licking my wife's pussy. However, Tucker was feeling left out, which was obvious when he said, "Let's get on the bed. I want to try you, too."

Well, much as I hated to stop what I was doing, the thought of getting my cock sucked at the same time I was sucking seemed like a great idea.

I stood up and got rid of my pants, then removed my shirt, too, so I was completely nude in front of my wife's best friend's husband. Tucker took my cue and did the same, so there we were, two naked married men, with no sign of our wives. It was naughty, it was forbidden, and I was horny as hell about it.

As Tucker stood there, I saw a big drop of precum drip from the tip of his cock and start toward the floor. Before it could go to waste, I stretched out a finger and grabbed it, bringing my finger to my lips and tasting Tucker's juice. It tasted a lot like my own precum. I liked it.

Tucker watched this with wonder and an erotic gleam in his eye. This whole encounter was already hotter than either of us had ever imagined it could be, and promised to fulfill some fantasies we'd each held for some time, but had always figured would never be anything but fantasy.

"How do I taste?" Tucker asked me, his horniness making his voice tremble.

"Delicious," I replied, my finger still partly in my mouth. "I can hardly wait to taste the rest."

I had to admit, Tucker had a better build on him than I did, his construction years having kept him in better shape than my sitting at a desk had. I've been trying, but it's hard as hell. Still Tucker was like me, not really interested in anything much more than what was between my legs, so that didn't matter so much.

Even though I'd interpreted Tucker's earlier comment as him wanting us to do each other at the same time, he apparently wanted to get a taste of his own before that. He pushed me toward the bed, so I sat on the edge and let him get on his knees between my legs where he could do whatever his kinky little heart desired.

I expected Tucker to just go for it like I had. Instead, he took his time, just examining/admiring my genitals without touching them. It was like he was trying to memorize my hard-on, in case he never got to see another man's penis so close again.

The look on his face was deep concentration mixed with wonder and horniness. It was pretty obvious he liked what he saw. I'd liked the look of him when I'd been in such close proximity of his package not so long ago. I just hadn't taken the time to scrutinize what was before me nearly as closely.

When Tucker did finally touch me, it wasn't to go hog wild. No, he was still being very methodical about this. He picked up my balls, feeling their weight, watching how they moved around. He moved my cock here and there, looking at it from all sides. Of course, during all this, particularly when he got his hands into the act, I couldn't help but moan, my cock bouncing involuntarily, wanting more stimulation.

Eventually, Tucker leaned forward, and my cock twitched in anticipation of feeling his mouth close over it. However, rather than just gulping me down, he first went for my balls, his tongue lapping all over them like he was licking ice cream off them or something. Now, I love having my balls licked and sucked – the wife enjoys working them over with her mouth too, but it doesn't happen nearly enough – and Tucker did it well.

I was surprised at the restraint Tucker was exhibiting by taking things so slowly. If I hadn't been afraid the girls were going to show up at any time, I'd have been a little more leisurely, myself. 'Oh well,' I reasoned, I'd take advantage later if possible.

Eventually, Tucker's mouth made it to my cock, but once again, he only used his tongue on me, kissing my shaft once in a while. For a guy who'd been afraid to mention the word "bisexual," he was making the most of his first time, probably on the off chance that it was also his last.

I, meanwhile, was going fucking nuts. I love feeling my wife's mouth and tongue on my cock, but lately, it seemed that sex was something to "get over with," rather than enjoy, so having someone who wanted to take their time was a pleasant change. My cock didn't care that it was a guy's mouth and hands on it.

Finally, I'd had enough. I was practically quivering from the erotic tension that coursed through my body. "God damn it, suck my cock already," I panted, desperate for him to take the next step.

Tucker seemed not to hear me, because he kept up with his teasing a while longer. However, after running his tongue up and down my stiffness a couple more times, he kept going on the upstroke and when he went back down, his mouth was fully over my throbbing erection.

Oh-my-fuck! It'd been ages since my wife had given me a blowjob this good, and he'd only just gotten me in his mouth! With all the teasing he'd given me, Tucker had me on edge so close I almost filled his mouth with cum as soon as he got to the bottom.

When I finally caught my breath, I gasped, "Fuck. Are you sure you've never done this before?" I didn't get a real response, though I could feel his smile around my cock, which was accompanied by a pleased, aroused snort.

"Doesn't matter," I told him. "Just keep on with what you're doing."

Tucker continued for a few more bobs of his head, then pulled off me, saying, "I want you to suck me some more."

Well, I knew what that meant, so I held a hand out and helped Tucker off the floor, then we both got up on the bed. The unspoken question of who would be on top for a 69 was solved when I just laid on my side and motioned for Tucker to do the same. Tucker, being no dummy, smiled widely and positioned himself so we could both have fun without either of us having to prop himself up.

Once more, I was looking down the barrel of Tucker's hard cock. The recent taste of it still lingered in my mouth, and I could hardly wait to get more of it. However, once I saw a bead of precum form at the tip, I decided to get my tongue going, similar to how Tucker had paid attention to me not so long ago.