What Happens in Spain Ch. 01

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Unfulfilled woman discovers her sexual side.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 11/05/2019
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Size is For Pleasure

"Irene! El jefe quiere verte!" Her co-worker, Miguel, had poked his head over the top of the cubicle to look in on Irene as he said this.

"The Boss wants to see Me?" Irene answered in surprise. Getting a call to see the boss wasn't something that had happened to her but perhaps twice in ten years at the company. Usually, getting a call to see the boss was either good news or bad news, more often bad than good. "Did he say what for?"

"No idea. He just told me to tell you he wanted to see you."

Immediately butterflies filled her stomach as she stood, obediently locking her computer screen as she did, cognizant of the confidential information that regularly filled her screen. Exactly one of the reasons that she had one of the few offices that was situated to prevent someone from looking over her shoulder. The curtains were open in his office as she approached, easing her mind that this was something bad. Whether he knew it or not, everyone in the office knew when you got a call and his curtains were closed, it wasn't good news.

"Come on in, Irene. Shut the door why don't you."

Shit. Shut the door, but the curtains were open. Definitely mixed messages.

"No worries, Irene," Carlos said with his fake smile, waving at the chair by his desk, "have a seat, you're not in trouble. I'd swear, the way some things are overheard around here, my office has a loudspeaker to the rest of the world." He laughed, and Irene grinned, a wave of relief running through her mind.

Leaning back in his chair, clasping his hands and steepleing his fingers, she recognized the body language that said, "I'm the boss." She didn't understand the need for this, or the mixed messages he was giving. It didn't surprise her though - it was part of the reason that he was a mediocre boss, at best. She'd realized for quite some time that she was caught in the bureaucratic nightmare that was her company which therefore mandated change happened slowly - but it didn't keep her from dreaming that someday she'd be in that chair. She could certainly do the job better than he did.

"So, how are things going with you?" As always, he asked a question without giving a background - leaving her questioning what his question really was.

"In what way, Carlos? With work? With the new program...?"

"In general, with everything."

"Good, I guess. The new program is finally starting to work better. You know I've turned in 5 complaints on it, bugs that allowed unauthorized access, confidential information that wasn't being kept confidential and the like."

"I know. That's part of why you're here. What about personal? Everything going well with Oscar?"

Irene was more than a little surprised at this question, although she thought everything was going well with her husband, nothing more than an occasional spat just like any couple had, it had nothing to do with her work. Whether her personal relationship with her husband was fantastic, or on the rocks, was really none of his business... "Fine, I guess."

"The reason I ask is, for something upcoming at work." He paused, obviously letting her stew over his words. "Your reports," he began again, "and work, have caught some attention in corporate." The way he said it, it didn't sound positive but, somehow, she knew he was purposely making it sound negative. Carlos could definitely be a Prick - with a Capital P. She held her head high, knowing she'd done things right, not wrong, and stared him in the eye.

Unable to cow her, he broke contact first, looking down at the paper on his desk. She had to wonder if the paper actually said anything, or whether it was just his prop. "What do you think your husband would say about you being gone for most a month?"

This caught her by surprise, traveling had never been a part of her job. Riding a computer screen, the only place she'd ever gone was to Madrid for a week-long training when she'd first started, but that was nearly 11 years before.

"What do you mean by "Gone" most of a month?" She finally asked, "what does that mean?"

In typical Carlos fashion, he dragged out a simple answer, installing himself as the primary reason for this occurring, making himself look more important than the minor official that he was. The reality was almost immediately clear, between the 5 fatal flaws that she'd found and reported, and multiple other flaws reported from other offices, the company had decided that the current program was unsafe and had decided to completely replace it

"You and a few others from outside the country have been selected by upper management to be the first to be trained on a totally new program. You'll need to go to Madrid for training. There are several others coming in from other locations around the world, and you'll all spend a week in the training center. After the first week there, you and all the others will be coming back here for a second week, and then finally, you'll all be going to Palo Alto in California for two weeks." He stopped, letting her digest what he'd said. "Have you ever been to California?" She shook her head no. "If you agree, you'll be gone 3 of the next 4 weeks."

Irene nodded in understanding, lying with her nodding head. Why her? What was so all-fired important that she was elected to go? What would happen when she came back, would she be expected to train all her co-workers on what she'd learned? "That's all? When the four weeks are done, I'll come back to Barcelona? Will I be expected to train others, or do a different job, or what?"

"I don't know. I wasn't privy to that information." She could tell it really irritated him that he wasn't important enough to be told what was happening. With Carlos, being able to Lord "anything" over someone else was his sole source of power, and he did love power.

Irene nodded, thinking about the logistics. Something about this, primarily that Carlos really didn't know, made it seem an absolute must for her career. She sensed this was more than just a training.

"I'll have to check with Oscar, but I don't think we've got anything planned that can't be rearranged for a month or so." Carlos nodded as if passing judgement. "When do I need to decide?"

"Take it home, check with Oscar. If you don't think you can do it, we'll pass it back up to management. I imagine they'll want someone from here, maybe me. Who knows? That will be their decision." She almost smiled, his two simple words of "maybe me" sticking out of everything he'd said like a carrot nose on a snow man. The reality is, in his self-centered little world, he was irritated that he hadn't been asked to do this training which appeared to her, on initially hearing it, to be a huge career stepping stone. Although she hadn't heard anything about what it was yet, there were certain times in her career that simple decisions seemed to have much more importance than most gave them credit for - and her instincts said this was one. She'd learned to trust her instincts.


She waited to say anything to Oscar until after they'd made love that night. After nearly 18 years of marriage and two kids, making love wasn't something that happened very often anymore; on the average of every couple of weeks. She'd made the conscious decision that she'd let him do his thing again tonight, even though they'd made love once a few days earlier, over the weekend. She considered making love more of her duty to him than something she really desired. Making love was more of a nuisance, letting him paw at her breasts, paw at her pussy, finally rolling over and sticking his little cock in her, and after a short time reaching completion, leaving her with a sticky mess to go wash away. He just never seemed to get it, no matter what she said or did. She admitted to herself that she didn't think he was a very good lover, but not from any experience elsewhere. Being a good catholic girl, she'd been worried about their wedding date, hoping against all odds that she didn't have a "premature" baby six or seven months after they were wed. As it was she didn't get pregnant until almost a year later, but she'd succumbed to Oscar's wishes and they had fucked virtually every time they were together for the last few months after she'd agreed to marry him.

She hadn't gotten her friend and really learned to enjoy herself until a couple of years later, after their first daughter was born. A weekend camping trip to the beach with their good friends Maria and Albert became an eye-opener, when the campground, unknown to any of them before hand, turned out to be between a normal and a nudist beach. The majority of the campers were naturists, and with most of the neighbors in the campground being unabashedly naked and the nude beach closer and easier to reach than the textile one, they had just gone with the easy choice. She'd just as soon have gone to the textile side, but Oscar and Albert had both been eager to go nude, and they did almost immediately. Maria seemed very much like her however, and although they both went topless on the beach, and Maria did some back at the camp, they'd both kept their bikini bottoms on. Albert became the first man she'd ever seen naked - besides her husband. She saw Albert discretely checking out her tits several times during the day, just as she also saw Oscar checking out Maria's.

Even though she was always an early riser, she knew Albert and Maria were up even before she got up. Oscar had wanted to make love the night before, but she'd turned him down - not with Albert and Maria so close where they could hear them. Now as she was pulling on her shirt and shorts, quietly so as not to awaken Oscar, she overheard their voices.

"Not here!" she heard Maria whisper, and a giggle, "Bad boy! Somebody might see us."

"There's nobody around, and I'm watching. I'll let you know if anyone is coming. Suck me!" She heard nothing more for a few moments, then the slight scraping of a chair, and an "Ohhhh God!" from Albert. A moment later she heard an "Oh, there's somebody," and then a few moments later, "OK, they're gone."

"I told you someone would see us."

"They didn't see us, they never looked this way. I want you."

"No. Not in public."

"Then let's go back in the tent." He whispered in return. Although they were whispering, with the early morning quiet of the campground, she might as well have been standing right next to them.

"Why should I?"

"Because you want my tongue just as much as I want you to suck me." She heard Maria giggle and some rustling just as she pulled open the flap of the tent to step out. Ducking through the tent as she looked up, she just caught site of Maria's bare bottom and leg disappearing inside the tent, with Albert right behind. His head turned, seeing her, just before he also stepped through the flap and disappeared.

She again heard whispers from Maria and Albert, but now, although indistinguishable she could imagine what was being said.

"Irene just saw me!"

"Oh my god, did she see..."

"Everything... Oh, Maria! That's so nice."

But Irene really wasn't thinking about what they were saying, her mind was initially numb from seeing enough of Maria to know she'd been naked, but mostly seeing Albert - all of Albert. He'd been totally nude, just as he had been the day before on the beach, but unlike on the beach he'd had a complete erection. He'd been sideways to her; initially as she stepped out she was seeing him in profile. His erection had protruded up and away from his body, bouncing slightly as he'd followed Maria into the tent. It wasn't just that he was erect; with the whispers and innuendo that she'd overheard that didn't really surprise her. What did surprise her was the size of his erection. Easily half again bigger than Oscar, she'd never seen a cock so immense, so long. Of course, she had to admit, Oscar was the only cock she'd ever seen naked and erect until then. Admittedly she'd seen a few porn pictures in the past, not that she'd ever spent any time perusing that as she considered porn cocks to be abnormally large and watching porn really wasn't her thing, but she had felt and rubbed two different boyfriends' over the years before she and Oscar had gotten together, and she'd never felt they were anywhere near that big. Instantly the thought that had occurred to her the first time that she and Oscar had gotten naked together popped back into her mind from nearly 20 years before: I thought he'd be bigger. She'd never said anything, and never having had another man to compare to, it had never really crossed her mind again. But now, having just seen an erection that was easily bigger and longer than her husband, she couldn't help but wonder, was Albert extremely big, or Oscar extremely small?

Without trying to be quiet or hiding anything, actually trying to make enough noise that she couldn't hear what Maria and Albert were up to and could more easily pretend to ignore it. She started the stove and began making coffee and breakfast, but regardless, having just seen such a large erection and hearing the quiet noises and sighs coming from their tent, she knew exactly what was happening. Twenty minutes later, Maria came back out of their tent, and made a beeline to the toilets. A minute or two later Albert also came out, shirtless, but at least this time he had shorts on. She didn't say anything, just recognized the smug smile on his face, and although she didn't intend to look, she also saw the package in his pants. When Maria returned a few minutes later, getting a towel to dry her hands, she blushed when her eyes met Irene's.


"I, uhm... Albert... uh, said you saw us this morning?" Maria hesitantly asked quietly when the two of them were alone for a few minutes on the beach. Albert and Oscar had taken off to go get drinks for all of them, totally naked as they had been the day previously.

"Well, I didn't see all of you, but I certainly saw him," Irene responded. "All of him." Maria giggled, understanding exactly what she was saying.

"He does have a nice one, doesn't he?"

"Oh My God! Is he... Is he really big?" She couldn't help herself from asking, the thought of whether he was really big, or Oscar was really small, having flopped back and forth in her mind all morning long. She'd even taken to checking out the nudists on the beach as they'd found their spot and spent the morning with naked men and women walking around them, but it wasn't possible to tell what an erection was like from seeing a flaccid cock.

Maria laughed out loud. "I think so. I mean, he seems normal to me anymore, but he's definitely a bit bigger than any other guy I've ever been with. Why? Did you think it was?"

"Uh... I don't know. He certainly looked a lot bigger than Oscar."

"Really? Oscar looks pretty normal to me."

"Maybe soft, but they all seem to look about the same when they're soft on the beach."

"Yeah, but how does he compare to, you know... your ex boyfriends?"

Irene admitted reluctantly that she'd had no previous experience, that Oscar had been her one and only, that his was the only erection, before that morning, that she'd ever actually seen in person. Maria on the other hand, admitted to Irene that she'd slept with several men before she'd married Albert. She also admitted that all her lovers had been about the same size-wise, except for Albert which she confessed that he was a little bigger than any other man she'd been with, maybe 2 centimeters was all, but that it was possible to have too much of a good thing.

"What? What does that mean?"

Maria hesitated for a moment. "It means he's too big to take in back."

"In back?" Irene asked, not understanding what Maria was alluding to.

"You know, anal?"

"You do anal?" Irene asked, aghast. "Why?"

"I used to do it, but haven't since Albert, he's just too big."

"And you liked it?

"Oh yeah. An anal orgasm can be absolutely amazing. But I can't do that with Albert, he's just too big. I didn't like it at first, but it was better than getting pregnant. And then I found out that a little lube helps a lot, and I found that I really liked it... I miss it sometimes." Albert and Oscar returning with four cold beers put an end to their private chat for the moment.

"I think I'm going to walk the beach," Maria suggested perhaps half an hour later, "Wanna come?" It was obvious to Irene that the invitation was directed just at her, presumably so they could continue their conversation.

She thought about it only momentarily, realizing that they would almost assuredly have some more private time, and said "Sure." Standing, she began to reach for her bikini top, only to realize that Maria hadn't taken hers. Not wanting to appear to be a prude, she just glanced at Oscar and the two of them set off toward the waters edge. She thought back on all the times they'd been to the beach before, and although Oscar had often suggested that she didn't need to put a top on when they walked the beach, she'd never gone topless before. Even though the beach was full of topless women from 2 to 92, she'd never felt comfortable enough with her body to openly show it off like that. Now however, walking next to her friend, she realized that no one was specifically looking at them, and soon forgot totally she was topless.

"So, from before. Just exactly how big is he?"

"Who? Oscar?" Irene asked in return, not quite believing that her friend had just asked her that.

"Of course, Oscar, unless you've got some lover you're not telling me about." She laughed at her own words.

"I... I don't really know. I mean, I've always thought he must be perfectly normal. Long enough for us to have two daughters, so I guess as long as he needs to be."

"He doesn't have to be very long to get you pregnant. Size is all about pleasure."

"How big is Albert?" Irene asked in return, wondering as she asked it, how big Oscar really was.

"Why..." Maria stopped, her feet in the water. "You know, I don't really know." She giggled and looking around them to see who might be within earshot, she began walking again, "but I do know he's not as big as my friend."

"What?" Irene asked, incredulously. "What does that mean? You're having an affair?" She was shocked at her first interpretation.

Maria laughed aloud, "Oh no. Nothing so outrageous. But," she again glanced around and lowered her voice so only Irene could hear, "I do have a friend that is 24 cm long that I love to play with." It took Irene a moment, having never used anything except her hand or her husband to get herself off before, to comprehend what Maria was telling her.

"A friend?"

"A toy. A dildo. A little something to play with when I'm feeling horny and Albert's not around. And sometimes even when he is."

"You mean you... masturbate with a..."

"Of course. I've got a dildo, and a vibrator, too. Don't you?" She apparently hadn't really expected an answer as she turned to the water and said, "Come on, I'm hot, let's go swimming."

The mild waves of the Mediterranean and the warm water made it almost seem like a bath, but it was cooler than it had been on the beach. Floating and swimming, they ended their conversation when anyone was near, always picking up again when they drifted away.

"So," Maria teased when they were again out of ear shot of anyone else, "You don't have a vibrator. You don't have a dildo. Your husband doesn't have a cock, just what do you get yourself off with?"

"He's got a cock," she responded defensively, "and he does what I need."

"All the time?"

"Not all the time," she answered, a bit put off by her pointed query, "but usually." She knew it was a lie even as she said it, that although occasionally he paid enough attention to get her off, most of the time, he didn't. She usually managed an orgasm, but more from her own hand than from Oscar. "Does Albert always do it for you?"