What Happens in Spain Ch. 04

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The Beaches in Spain - may be topless.
7.8k words

Part 4 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 11/05/2019
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The Beaches in Spain



Ryan was already at the table, sitting next to Lori when Tina and Irene arrived at breakfast. His eyes questioned her as she walked up, the subtle 'did I go too far?" look deciphered only by her. She had the choice of where to sit, and without hesitation, took the seat next to him. When his leg bumped hers, non-verbally asking, invisible to anyone else, she slipped her foot inside of his, wrapping her leg around his. "There was a note at the desk for us," Sherry said once they'd all arrived. "We're supposed to check out and bring our bags with us, and the van will be here after lunch."

Lori was the one to find the second biggest computer glitch, late in the morning. When transitioning from one module to another, she failed to do something and sent the program into a never-ending loop, locking up everyone's station as it hogged more and more memory. A reboot got them up and running, and Irene managed to do the same thing a few moments later. The program was 'supposed' to be foolproof, but obviously wasn't. They released everyone to an early lunch, thinking they'd have the problem found and corrected by the time they got back. Instead, when they got back an hour and a half later they found that the problem still hadn't been deciphered, and they were told they'd work on it over the weekend, and they'd pick it up again Monday, in Barcelona.

"Let's walk, we can find a restaurant on the boardwalk," Irene suggested that evening in Alicante when they gathered again in the hotel lobby. Irene was in the room with Sherry, Lori having paired with Tina. "If I remember correctly, there is one down that way that has outstanding Paella, and you can't come to Spain and not have Paella!" Not that she'd spent that much time in Alicante, but unlike the others she had actually been there before.

The secretary that had booked their hotels had been apologetic, although they'd asked for Benidorm, if possible, on Sherry's suggestion, the only hotel where she could get them all in was on the waterfront in Alicante. There couldn't be a better place to start, Irene thought as they pulled up in front. The hotel was literally right on the beach, the outdoor pool abutted a wall that separated it from the sand below.

The daytime crowds were virtually gone, just a few people walking along the waterline. A few hundred meters down the shoreline a single couple were still on the beach, totally oblivious to anyone except themselves. As they walked by, the couple stood and walked hand in hand to the water, going for an evening swim. "German?" Irene asked of Sherry, who happened to be walking beside her at that moment.

"I think so. They certainly looked like it."

"It that because she was topless?" Lori asked. Irene glanced back, noticing that indeed as Lori had observed, the woman and the man were both shirtless. It hadn't even registered with her at first.

"No," Sherry answered, "nobody wears a top on the beaches in Spain, but I'm sure they are German. They just look like it. It's hard to say, but when you live among Germans you can pick them out of a crowd, when you live around the English, you can pick them out of a crowd. There isn't a person on the boardwalk that won't know you're an American as we walk by."

"From my accent?"

"No, it's all the little things," Irene answered. "Things you can't control unless you're aware of them. Like the way you walk."

"Not just the way you walk, but what you're wearing, the way you do your hair -- everything about you says you're American." Sherry chimed in.

"Everyone goes topless on the beaches?" Lori asked after another hundred meters, the beach now totally deserted except for a few walking on the waters edge.

"You don't have to," Sherry responded, "but most everyone does. I do, I didn't even bring a bikini top."


"Is there a problem?" Irene asked, sensing a hesitance from Lori.

"No... I mean," she glanced around, finding Ryan and Tina a few steps behind. "I wouldn't mind if it was just us girls, I guess... except that Ryan's with us. I mean, I occasionally have to go to Palo Alto and work with him..." She turned to Irene, "are you going topless?"

"At Benidorm?" she asked, although she knew that was the plan for the next day, "Probably, I sometimes do, but not always."

Sherry turned, "Ryan!" she called back and motioned for him and Tina to catch up. The two of them hurried, catching the other three in just moments.

"What's up?"

"See?" Sherry said, turning to Lori, "that was purely an American answer, the way he said, 'What's up?' About tomorrow," she continued, turning back to Ryan, "at the beach, will it bother you if we go topless?"

Ryan was obviously caught off guard at the question. "Uh... I guess not. I mean, I hadn't thought about it." He glanced at the beach, now virtually void of people, and then back at them. That his eyes landed on Irene and hesitated momentarily wasn't missed by Sherry, as she suspected something was going on between them.

"The question is more about you Americans and Lori. If she joins us topless on the beach are you going to go back home and make a big deal about it with all her co-workers?"

"Oh that. Of course not. I wasn't even understanding what the question was about. What happens in Spain, stays in Spain, obviously."

"Uh, people..." Irene interrupted, pointing across the street at the sidewalk restaurant, "that's where we're going."

"You really didn't bring a swimsuit top?" Irene asked Sherry when they were back in the hotel room getting ready for bed. They'd already shared family information, Irene and her two adult girls, Sherry with a boy and a girl, both legally adults.

"No, I never do. We come to the Costa del Sol every other year or so, and I've just fallen in love with going topless. The sun and air on my breasts, and my husband loves it when I go topless, too. I just don't even pack a top most of the time. How about you?"

"I don't mind going topless, I love the sun and air just like you, but I normally bring a top along for when I'm not on the beach. How do you go back and forth to the beach?"

"We've got a hotel we always stay at right on the beach, so it's easy. Now that my daughter is an adult, we can bring her with us, and she loves going topless too. We just drape towels over our shoulders going to or from the beach or pool to cover our breasts when we're walking through the hotel, but once we're on the beach, it doesn't matter." Irene nodded to herself, she had witnessed several women doing this at times. It seemed to be a German thing.

"So, is something happening between you and Ryan?" Sherry asked when they'd turned the light out and were lying in bed.

Irene hesitated, just that Sherry asked said she'd observed something. "Why do you ask?"

"Just that he seems to be a bit, shall we say enamored with you? And maybe a bit of you with him? It seems like there has definitely been some electricity between the two of you."

A pointed question she couldn't ignore, so she played it as lightly as possible. "Yeah, he seems to be a nice guy. I like him." Sherry didn't ask any more questions, her breathing soon indicating she had fallen asleep. Apparently, her answer had been sufficient for Sherry's curiosity.


Getting dressed in the morning, Irene noticed that Sherry put on her bikini bottoms with some shorts over them, and then just pulled her multi-colored T-shirt over the top without a bra or swim top. She herself had been debating whether to wear her bikini top under her cover-up, but when she saw Sherry, she followed suit, admitting to herself if she was going topless on the beach, there was really no need for a bra or bikini top now. When she turned, she felt the sway of her normally bra encased breasts within her shirt, wondering momentarily if she should put on a bra, but then decided there was no point in it. When they got to breakfast, it was obvious that Lori definitely had her full bikini on however, not unexpectedly, Tina did not. Ryan was the last to arrive, also in shorts and t-shirt.

Nobody had brought a beach towel, and they weren't going back to the same hotel, so they made a stop for sun lotion, large beach towels, drinks and snacks before heading for the beaches. Arriving in Benidorm, all were shocked at how crowded the beach already was, even though it was before noon. Sherry was the most apologetic, feeling they had come here solely on her recommendation, but Irene suggested that there were other beaches just a few kilometers away that probably weren't as crowded, they all climbed back into the car. They had already passed several really nice beaches that weren't crowded on their way into town, and Irene assured them there were more to come. A few minutes later they arrived at Playa de Altea, finding room to park and a much less crowded beach, more palatable to all of their tastes.

Irene stopped momentarily next to the road to look over the beach, just observing the beach and the people. Lori and Sherry were in the lead walking side by side away from the car, Ryan and Tina just behind. The beach itself had lots of small rocks, but also some nice sandy spots, and they were all headed for one of those.

A young mother had a blanket spread to one side of the large sandy spot they were headed for, her two naked toddlers splashing in the water just a few feet from her watchful eye. Perhaps 20 people were waist to neck deep in the water not too far out, bobbing in the small waves, splashing and playing. Towels and blankets were scattered throughout the beach, many with people soaking up the sun, others currently not occupied as their owners were in the water. She was glad she had some sandals to ease the walking on the small rocks as she followed her group.

Lori and Sherry stopped and began spreading towels and placing their things on them. Once she'd spread everything out, Sherry reached for her shorts, unzipped, pulled them off; folding them before setting them in a corner of her towel. Irene moved to one side and spread her towel, and when she next looked, Tina, Sherry and Lori had already taken their shirts and shorts off and were folding them, although Lori was now dressed in a bikini while Tina and Sherry were bare breasted. She glanced at Ryan, who was just standing somewhat behind the girls, ostensibly just looking down the beach. He looked up and smiled, moving over to spread his towel in the open space between hers and Lori's. He could have taken a spot on either side of Tina or Sherry, but she knew he'd waited to see where she placed hers and placed his towel where he had as it was next to her.

Ryan shucked his shorts and pulled his shirt over his head and, unlike the girls who had carefully folded everything, just dropped them into a pile. He slipped his shoes off and plopped down in the middle of his towel, wrapping his arms around his knees to hold himself up as he looked out over the water. Irene glanced up at Lori who was standing on the far side of Ryan looking hesitant. Her eyes came up and found Irene's and then glanced back at Ryan. "What happens in Spain, stays in Spain... right?" She said aloud. Irene couldn't tell whether she was expecting an answer or not, but nobody said anything, and she reached behind herself two handed and released the catch, letting the bikini top slip off her shoulders, exposing her breasts. Although she had a moderate tan, her breasts had apparently never seen the sun. Ryan glanced over to her, but didn't say anything, just nonchalantly let his eyes sweep up across her body before meeting her eyes. "I swear to God, Ryan, if this gets back to me..."

"What's to get back?" Ryan, asked with a smile, "that I got to go to the beach with my four female co-workers and we all went swimming and caught some rays? Nothing bad in that."

Irene, in the meantime, had also started with removing her shorts and, just like the other girls, folded and placed them neatly rather than just dropping them into a pile. She was standing facing away from Ryan when she next pulled her shirt off, folded it and placed it with her shorts. Now topless she turned, to find Ryan standing up, she could almost sense that he purposely wasn't looking directly at her. "I'm going swimming, anyone coming?" he said and headed for the water.

Irene and Sherry went with him immediately, but they all eventually made it into the water, floating, swimming and talking for a while before heading back to the towels.

"I can't believe I've never done this before," Lori told Irene as they were walking back to the towels together.

"What? Going topless?"

"Yeah, it was just something that was never done when I was growing up in Georgia. At least not in mixed company. Now that I have," she giggled, "I like it!"

"For sure, we have a different outlook in Europe. My girls, never wear tops at the beach." Irene said as she picked up the lotion and began spreading it on her body.

"How old are they?"

"Eighteen and nineteen."

"Oh my god," Lori said, shaking her head. "Aren't you worried about... you know, boys?"

"Not at all. Of course, they're my kids, and as a mother you always worry, but they know how to take care of themselves. We live far enough away that when they do go to the beach it's as a group, and with everybody doing it, it's the norm so they don't think anything of it. Neither one currently has a boyfriend that I'm aware of, but the boys don't think anything of it either, they've been around bare boobs all their lives."

"I guess. Maybe."

"Look there," Irene said, holding her one hand out for the bottle of lotion and motioning down the beach with the other. Lori looked where she pointed, seeing what appeared to be a couple walking hand in hand down the beach. She realized that the couple was no different than any couple at home, except that the young woman was topless, and that didn't seem to make any difference to them at all. As she looked away she saw the other three coming out of the water toward them.

"Do your back?" Irene asked Lori, holding up the lotion bottle.

"Please!" She responded, rolling onto her stomach and flipping her hair up away from her neck. Irene rolled onto her knees and onto Ryan's towel to reach her back.

She'd no sooner run a dribble of lotion down the middle of her back when Ryan said, "Me next?"

"I'll help," Sherry said, "Lie down."

"Use my towel," Irene volunteered, being that she was on Ryan's towel. They all spread lotion on each other for the next few minutes, gradually re-arranging and getting back to their own towels. When Irene got to her towel, she did as Lori had done, just laid down, pulled her hair away from her neck and said, "Can someone do my back now?"

"I will," Ryan answered, sitting up into a kneeling position just as Irene had for Lori and everyone else had for Tina and Sherry and Ryan. "You're the last one to get her back done?"

"I think so" she answered, glad that she was lying face down as just hearing the words "I will" from Ryan and the thought of his hands on her had sent a rush of heat through her pussy. Her bikini bottoms were still wet from the ocean, but she knew if it wasn't for that, they would momentarily be wet from her.

She'd already pulled her hair up, so didn't need to move at all as he started. He dribbled a line of lotion across her shoulder blades and then proceeded to spread it up onto her upper back, shoulders, and neck. Running another bead of lotion down the center of her back, he then spread it sideways, across her back and onto her sides. When his fingers caressed the sides of her breasts, she didn't move, just relishing his touch and wishing he could extend his finger further, to touch her nipples that she could feel throbbing against the towel. His hands rubbed the lotion into the small of her back, along the top of her bikini bottom before he repositioned and dribbled another line down the back of each of her thighs. She had sand on the lower part of her legs, Ryan started there and attempted to brush it away before mixing it with lotion. He wasn't successful in doing so, so he started on her lower calves, gradually moving up, his hands wrapping around her legs, always moving upward. He kept his hands moving, unhesitatingly moving on the inside of her thighs, ever higher until she felt for sure his fingers were going to touch her, but they didn't. He rubbed along the bottom of her bikini bottom; she was sure that he was spending much more time than he needed. Finished with one leg he rose and moved around her and repeated on her other leg. Again, his hands worked up her legs, past her knees and between her thighs. She'd shifted just a bit while he was moving, opening her legs so he could rub the lotion in better is what she told herself. This time, without her thighs held tightly together, his fingers brushed the cloth of her bikini bottom, a very light, unnecessary, caress of her pussy. She couldn't help the shiver that ran through her body. He'd managed to thoroughly arouse her, just putting lotion on her backside. She desperately wanted to roll over, pull him to her and kiss those delicious lips, to reach her hand down between his thighs and find that bulge that she hoped was there, pull her panties off and have him fuck her right there on the beach. She didn't of course, the fantasy of just thinking about it nearly making her orgasm. Instead, she pulled her arms up underneath her head and just lay there. Eyes open, she watched Ryan move onto his towel, facing away until he too was ready to lie on his face. When he rose up to reposition, she could see all the way down beneath his recumbent body to what appeared to now be a massive bulge. He immediately lowered his body, his hand snaking beneath once to reposition the bulge in his swimsuit. Irene just closed her eyes and sucked her lower lip between her teeth.

What was initially a moderately scarce crowd on the beach increased all afternoon, gradually filling in the sand around them. Irene was one of the first to get up and go for another cooling swim, Lori doing the same just seconds later. "It's funny," Lori said as they were bobbing together neck deep in the water, "I was all nervous about going topless, and it really is nothing. Literally every woman is topless, from 2 to 92."

"I agree. It really is nothing. I've been on the beach a few times wearing a top and you really can feel like the rest of the world is thinking, "Why does she have a top on? What's so special about her?"

"Yeah, I felt that." She was quiet for a moment before she said, "Well? Are you going to do him?"

"What?" Irene responded, pretending to be shocked.

Lori laughed. "Don't give me that. You can't tell me you couldn't tell he wanted to do you right there on the beach." She paused, awaiting a response and continued, "or that you wanted him too."

"Why do you say that?"

"Oh, that he took about 10 minutes to cover your back and legs with lotion, but it only took about 1 minute for the rest of us. Tell me you didn't almost cum when he touched your pussy."

"You saw that?"

"We all saw that. You two obviously have the hots for each other."

"But I'm married."

"There is that." Lori acknowledged. She started wading in to shallower water, stopping a moment later when she was waist deep and turning back to Irene who had begun following her in, "But remember, what happens in Spain, stays in Spain."

"This morning you were worried about Ryan talking about you, seeing you on the beach with bare boobs, and now you're encouraging me to have an affair?"

"I'm not encouraging you, I'm just saying that the electricity between you two is obvious. We all noticed."

"He's definitely cute."

"He's definitely got quite a package, too."