Wizard Ch. 01

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With a new quest comes the promise of new maidens.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/23/2021
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This is the third book about John. You should read Enchanted and Warlock first but I suppose it's not required - it just might make more sense.

After John's discovery of his past and the events that took place in Dilly, he's determined to start over and do things as right as his Mistress will allow.


Jennaca traced her finger along the softer underside of John's cock and coaxed out and extra drop of his seed. It oozed onto his belly. She moved her head closer and inhaled, smelling his aroma. Her mouth watered and her stomach rumbled. She couldn't have stopped herself from leaning closer and licking up his spending even if she wanted to.

The young woman took him in her mouth and gently bathed his still-firm head with her tongue. A few more drops of flavor graced her tongue before she kissed his tender tip and backed away. She snuggled up beside him, her head on his shoulder and gently brushed her fingers across his chest.

"I know it's your magic," she murmured. "Or your Mistress's magic, I guess, but I still can't get enough of you."

"Of me?" John asked. "Or of my..."

Jennaca laughed. "Okay, you caught me. Your cum. It's just so good! It's not supposed to be though, right?"

John fought the instinct to shrug so he didn't upset her pillow. "I don't think so. I can't say I've ever had a desire to go around tasting men."

She giggled and tickled him.

He grinned back at her. "Still, other women I've known have, at best, tolerated it or pretended to enjoy it if there was something in it for them."

"Something in it for them? Like what?"

"Jewelry," John mused. "A new gown for a ball? Perhaps a favorable alliance for their son or brother or father... Or maybe even to woo the attention of a would-be husband?"

"Oh! I see... that's..." Jennaca trailed off with a disgusted sigh. "This is why mom and I prefer the wilderness. Animals are honest and simple. There's no politics or manipulating. I'd be a terrible lady."

"But you are a Lady," John pointed out. "You're the daughter of Lady Jethallin, Protector of the Forest of Altonia."

"Ugh," she groaned. "You know how to take all the fun out of a morning, you know that?"

"I don't know about that, we had a lot of fun this morning," he pointed out.

She giggled and kissed his chest before rising up and kissing him hard on the lips. "We did... but I thought you said we couldn't do this sort of thing that frequently? Last night and this morning?"

"I'm learning how to limit how much of your energy I take," John said. "After the trip to Miller's Crossing and nearly a week after spent in research and testing, I've learned quite a bit."

She slapped his chest lightly. "Research and testing? Is that what you call bedding every woman you cross paths with?"

John grinned. "I didn't bed every woman I crossed paths with! Far from it, I'd say."

She raised a finger to the corner of her mouth and adopted a thoughtful look. "I suppose that's fair. You left the old, the young, and those already involved alone."

John coughed and then spun on her and trapped her beneath him. His hands dug into her sides and tickled her mercilessly. Jennaca was sobbing with laughter and managed pant out, "Yield!"

John relented and leaned down to kiss the hiccupping woman on the forehead. He slipped out of bed and found his robe where he'd tossed it on the ground the night before. He scooped it up and pulled it over his head before Jennaca was able to sit up in bed and stare at him. She took him in and grinned.

"It's time to be moving on, don't look at me like that or I might have to test my theory on how many times we can lay together before you can't get up again," he warned her.

She pouted. "I thought you said I was special?"

"Oh, you are. Your soul burns brighter than most and this infernal magic is eager to devour it."

"You devoured me well enough last night," she teased.

John chuckled at her double meaning. "Imagine if you'd stayed with me the entire week instead of roaming the countryside."

Her shrug made her disproportionately large breasts jiggle. "I don't care for cities, you know that. Beds are too soft, I can't sleep well in them. Well, unless someone has gone and tired me out like you did."

John had to force his eyes back up to hers to keep from being mesmerized. He grinned and said, "A pleasure to serve, my lady."

"Yes, it was," she agreed. "But I still feel funny about all the other women you bed. I know, we've talked a few times about it and I'm the first to agree I don't want to settle down with anyone... but I'm still at odds with myself over it."

John checked his pockets to make sure everything was as it should be and asked her, "How so?"

"Well, with Corsa it was... nice. She and I shared you. Not together and we had no desire to bed you together, but it was nice having someone to talk to about it."

"About me, you mean?"

She winked at him. "Yes, about you. It was more than that though. Corsa was... well, she was special."

"She was," John agreed. "She still is... but she's not the same. I can't believe the reports coming in about Dilly."

"I know!" Jennaca said while nodding her head. "I can't believe she managed to win everyone over and take Jaspara's place as Dilly's Queen! And she's still abiding by the agreement to marry that slaver in Carvin... I don't understand half of it. The politics are maddening!"

"She's taken to them like one born to it," John agreed. He sighed and shook his head. "I miss her... the old Corsa, not so much the new one."

"Now that she's like you?"

John sniffed. "I've thought about that a lot these past days too. I won't be like that. My Mistress may make demands of me and she may guide my course, but I won't turn out like Corsa did."

"She's been hurt and abused her entire life," Jennaca said. "Now she wants her vengeance."

"Oh, I have no doubt of that," John said. "I understand it too well. The need for vengeance is like a hunger. I've fed it many times but no more. I will kill again, I'm sure, but I won't do it to settle a score."

Jennaca nodded. "See, I told you that you're a good person."

John chuckled. "You need to get dressed."

She sighed. "I know. I miss being a little girl running through the forests. I didn't have to lash these things down back then."

John chuckled. "Imagine being a man. Running naked through a forest with everything flopping and flying around..."

Jennaca's grin turned into a laugh. She shook her head and wiped her eyes. "This is why I put up with you, I've never had this much fun with anyone before!"

"I can think of another reason," John teased.

"Oh, that was part of the fun," she said. She lifted her arms and stretched, lifting her massive breasts up so her prominent nipples were pointing straight at his face. She dropped her arms and her boobs dropped with them. They bounced with the resilience of youth and his head nearly bounced with them.

Jennaca rose and bent over to scoop up her clothes. She dressed while John watched, shamelessly putting on a show for him and grinning all the while. When she finished she'd tightened the laces on her leather half-shirt tight enough to contain her breasts through any activity no matter how adventurous. Her sash holding her kukri style short sword lay snug under the shirt and between her breasts, with the short sword's hilt low on her back and easy to pull free.

Sheathed daggers were tied to each forearm and hide sandals protected her feet. The belt around her waist held some small pouches, her well used hand axe on her left hip, a quiver with arrows on her right, and a loin cloth that was her compromise for the laws of men. Her short bow rested on her back, the string crossing opposite her sash between her breasts.

John shook his head. "I know I'm a lecherous old man but you make savage warrior woman look good."

She stuck out her tongue. "I'm not savage, I'm educated, intelligent, and very capable. I just prefer the simpler things in life. The wilds and the honesty found in nature."

"And yet you've made friends with a warlock that is bound to an Infernal Lady."

"At least your honest about it," she said.

John chuckled.

"And you've been working very hard to relearn all your old spells in your books so you can be a wizard again too," she said. "So don't be so hard on yourself. Stop looking to the past, John. You are my friend and my first lover, but you're very hard on yourself and you spend too much time brooding about what you think you might do, even though you seldom do anything like what you fear."

"You're so young," John said and smiled. "Would that I had your optimism and excitement. The old man I was found a way to live again. To not waste his youth — it is my job to make sure I honor that."

She rolled her eyes. "So stop talking about it and let's do it! Where are we headed, anyhow?"

John shook his head even as he chuckled. "We're headed north, you silly minx. I saw mention in one of my books of how savage it is up there. Men have tried time and again to tame it but few manage to live safely in the northwestern reaches. There are rumors of fantastical creatures and powerful relics of the past that lay hidden in ruins. I'd like to explore there and uncover what we might."

"And it keeps you away from more civilized lands," Jennaca guessed.

He blushed. "Well... yes, there's that. But where we go isn't uncivilized... it's just... the cities are smaller. The people simpler."


He chuckled. "Oh no! I'd argue they're smarter on average. Smart enough to be able to take care of themselves in a hostile land, at least."

Jennaca grinned. "When I struck out on my own I spent some time visiting Queen Grishna. All manner of people are welcome in her lands."

"That's why the call her the Goblin Queen," John said.

"That and her father was a revered warrior-merchant that sailed through the void. She said his race was called Orc... I've never heard of them though."

"They do not exist on Kroth," John agreed.

"But they can, and do, mate with humans it seems, for that's what her mother was," she said. She shrugged. "Sorry, I got sidetracked again. I'm getting better, I really am!"

John chuckled and waited for her to catch herself again.

She shook her head," Anyhow... so when I left Noraven I followed the river Trisk down and visited the hot springs the goblin shamans consider a holy site. I continued south, along the eastern mountains and followed them all the way to the southwest until I came to this land of city-states and met Sasha."

"How is Sasha?" John asked.

"She's well. She knows to stay hidden outside, although she does enjoy scaring people. She won't eat any of them... I don't think. Not unless she tracks a deer or something and people try to take it from her. She won't put up with that at all. Kind of like—"

John chuckled.

Jennaca's eyes widened. She poked a finger into his chest. "Damn it, John, it's your fault this time!"

"What's my fault?" he feigned innocence.

"You distracted me and you know it! Anyhow... I avoided the northwest. I was warned of it being dangerous, like you said. Then again, the city-states down here are said to be unstable and no place for a woman."

"I'd agree," John said. "But you're an exceptional woman. I pity the man that crosses you."

"So don't ever cross me," she said.

He held up his hands. "I wouldn't dream of it, my lady."

She sniffed. "Well, let's go then. You're in such a hurry."

"We can eat first," John said and opened the door of his room at the inn.

She sighed. "Fine, eat. I'll find something on the way."

She found something all right. She found John's loaf of bread while he ate salted pork and freshly cooked eggs. They washed it down with water and found John's wagon pulled up out front. John's woman-at-arms, Artesia, finished double checking the wagon's wheels and the fittings for the pair of horses that drove it.

"Is it as good as they promised?" John asked.

"It seems to be," Artesia said. "They rebuilt the wheels off of curved metal bars so it won't jar us so badly. The sides and top are made of thin wood, but the doors squeak. They told me that would lessen with use."

John grinned. His wagon was a carriage now! There was room for cargo still, though not as much as before. Artesia could still drive from the front bench, but another bench at the top could be used to enjoy the view, the sun, or as a lookout if they were stopped for the night. Most importantly, he could have some privacy to study during long trips... or some privacy to entertain if he needed.

Artesia moved to the door and opened it for him. "My lord."

"You're opening doors for me now?" John asked.

She nodded. "I am your servant."

"You're just anxious to get on the road so you can beat me with the flat of your blade every night," John accused.

"I have to," she replied. "If I use the edge I'd need to find a new employer."

John chuckled and climbed up into the carriage. He sat down on the plush bench that ran along the back side of the small cabin and noticed Zynga lying on the bench that ran along the front side, directly under a window. Fully stretched out, neither Zynga's head or toes touched the walls of the carriage. Her almost comically large breasts seem to reached for the ceiling and only the skintight white shirt and equally snug fitting jacket she wore over it seemed to restrain them.

Artesia shut the door behind him and then climbed onto the front of the carriage. A few moments later the carriage moved forward, pulled by Germaine and John's new horse, Patrick. John watched Miller's Crossing pass by his window until they were outside the outskirts of the city. Artesia guided the wagon north, heading north on the road along the river.

"North?" Zynga asked as she sat up.

"What are you wearing?" John wondered.

Zynga grinned. She ran her hands along her dark blue jacket and asked, "It's called a riding outfit."

"By who?"

Her grin faded. "People. Lots of people. Just not here."

"I'll take your word for it. I'm surprised is all, normally you wear something that causes your boobs to fall out every time you take a step."

Zynga snorted. "I like to be unpredictable."

"No argument there," John agreed. The only thing he could predict about the capricious imp was that she would find a way to be difficult in almost any situation, even if she was his familiar. "So what's wrong with heading north?"

"Oh nothing... other than there's hardly any cities up there. A few outposts of villages, from what I've heard, and a lot of uncivilized lands."

"What's wrong with that?"

She tapped her face with a finger as she pretended to think about his question. "Well, let's see. You're a warlock whose preferred means of gaining Mistress's favor is by tempting and seducing women. There's probably not a lot of women up there. The women we might run across will be part of this small villages."

"What's wrong with that?"

"Small isolated villages, Master," Zynga elaborated. "Not a lot of breeding stock there."

"It's not like I had to bed every women in a town," he pointed out.

She shrugged. "You try to avoid the married ones though. In places like we're headed they marry them off young and put as many kids in them as they can. Figure a couple will die off along the way... diseases, monsters, accidents, and Mistress knows what else."

John winced. "She told me she was his sister, not his wife! That wasn't my fault."

Zynga giggled. "Fine, fine. If you've got a plan to keep Mistress sated in the land of the cousin-fuckers..."

"Cousin-fuckers?" John repeated.

"Come on," Zynga coaxed him. "That few people, you know they've got to practically all be related."

John rolled his eyes. "For not wanting to be predictable, I can always count on you to be as crude as possible."

She grinned. "Thank you."

"It wasn't—"

"I know," she said with a shrug.

John sighed. Zynga was one thing, but their Mistress was another. John had been on her good side ever since he eliminated Queen Jaspara and helped convert Lady Corsa into another one of Mistress's servants. "Has Mistress said anything about this? I know you seem to be in almost constant contact with her, is she displeased?"

"She's quite pleased with you, John. Lady Corsa is doing some amazing things and you seduced and corrupted her into Mistress's service."

John tried not to wince. Mistress had expected him to be her champion. If he'd unwittingly passed that honor along to Corsa because he couldn't stomach the thought of letting her die...

"She shares my concerns about the lack of people, but she reminded me that you can use your spear too, if the pickings are slim."

"Pickings are slim?"

"Yeah, you know, not a lot of girls to bang?"

John blinked. "Bang?"

Zynga sighed. "Keep up, Master. Remember, I've been to a lot of different realms. Bang means seduce. Sleep with. Have sex. Fornicate. Copulate. Get lucky. Hump. Fuck. Screw... I can keep going?"

John shook his head. "No need, I get the idea."

"Right. So, like she said, if you can't find any worthy women to give a good dicking to, killing something with your spear will draw their soul out too. Simple animals don't have interesting or powerful souls though, so she wanted me to pass on to you that trying to murder a bunch of squirrels to satisfy her will not make her happy."

John chuckled in spite of himself. He pushed his dark thoughts away. "Not to worry then, I hear there are all manner of interesting, and dangerous, creatures in our future."

"Oh, I'd worry if I were you," Zynga said. "You still barely know how to use that spear."

John reached into his pocket and pulled out the tiny chest carved from dragon bone. "Artesia's still training me... and don't forget, I have my magic too."

John pressed the spot on the chest where he'd attached the spell and, with a sudden gust of wind that rattled the door and windows, a full size chest made of dragon bones appeared in the middle of the carriage between the benches.

Zynga's nose wrinkled. "How could I forget?" she asked. "You spend more time trying to relearn that than you do plotting and scheming on how to serve Mistress.

John opened the trunk and looked at the books and treasures inside. These were the possessions of John the Savant, the archmage he had once been before... well, before now. Before whatever it was had occurred that restored his youth, put him in service to his Mistress, and purged most of his memory of his former life.

"Is she displeased with me?" John asked again.

Zynga folded her arms under her boobs and snorted.

"Well then, let me know when she is," John teased his infernal familiar.

"Oh, I will," she said with a little bit of the fire that had been eating away at her ever since she'd earned Mistress's ire by being captured by Jaspara in the first place. "First chance I get."

"Good. Now be quiet and let me read. I want to put what's done behind us. It's time for a new adventure," he said. "These books spoke of rumors of shadow monsters and nightmare creatures in the northwest, where most sane men fared to tread. Demons or some other infernal denizens. Stick around though, I may have questions for you as I read through what I wrote long ago."

She sniffed and turned to stare out the window. "Sounds boring," she muttered, but she couldn't refuse his order.

John smirked and reached for one of the books. What he really wanted to learn was more about them. More about infernal creatures and powers and what rules applied to them, if any. They were bound by contracts, but those had to be entered into willingly. He'd accidentally bound Jennaca by a contract on their first night together, but it was one with no clauses. What it resulted in was allowing them to be aware of one another at great distances and even to call on each other when needed... and the other was bound to come as quickly as possible.