X-Men: Evolution Ch. 03

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Rogue & Kitty get kidnapped.
14.1k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 06/08/2002
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Bayville, New York. The location of Professor Xavier's School for the Gifted, a place where mutants receive rigorous and specialized training in the use of their individual genetic gifts. There Professor Charles Xavier has created an environment where all mutants can live in peace, learn and develop their abilities to the fullest. Charles seeks to educate those who fear mutants. He seeks to show that mutants and humans can live and work together in harmony and create a better world. He has always been waiting for the day, fearing it. A day when one powerful mutant would threaten humanity and the balance of power between the two species would shift forever.

Last year, one mutant has revealed himself and his distrust of the human race. He is called Magneto. Like many others, an evolutionary twist of fate has given him the potential for great power. In his case the ability to control and manipulate magnetic fields. The world of humans fear them for being different... and hate them for being gifted. Magneto senses that the hatred is growing and darker times are at hand. Unlike Xavier, Magneto is not looking for a diplomatic solution to these darker times. He has plotted and schemed to prepare the mutant race for the coming war. In the beginning he organized a small band of teenage mutants to go into combat at his side, he named them the 'The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.' Time and again, the Brotherhood clashed with the X-Men, with each encounter the X-Men being victors.

Magneto abandoned these 'failures' and gathered a new band of mutants, the Acolytes. They revere Magneto as the prophet of a new age in which mutants will ruthlessly use force against the human race to insure their freedom. First, and certainly Magneto's favorite, is Remy LeBeau a.k.a Gambit. He has the ability to charge objects with kinetic energy, his particular choice weapon are playing cards. Once thrown, these glowing cards explode upon hitting their targets. Coming from the Cajun culture of New Orleans, Gambit is a prided thief. Next is a giant of a man, the Russian Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin a.k.a. Colossus. He is a mutant who can transform his body into organic steel, gaining superhuman strength and near invulnerability in the process. Last, and certainly least, is the young Australian upstart John Allardyce a.k.a Pyro, who can mentally control fire and flame.

Our story begins atop a great mountain, deep in the Vermont mountain range. Located deep within the wilderness is Magneto's giant dome shaped fortress.

"Hey mate, do you know why he wants to see us?" the young blond haired Pyro asked as he walked beside the tall Russian.

"Nyet!" Colossus replied, trying to ignore the little pest. As the two walked down the corridor the Pyro felt a sudden sense of dread come over him.

"You don't think we did something wrong do you? Maybe he's going to punish us! Ma... "

"Why don't you be silent?!?" Colossus snapped. "We'll find out soon enough. Lord Magneto probably just has a mission for us to go on."

"Or maybe he wants to reward me for my excellent service," bragged Gambit.

"Holy crap!" Jumped Pyro. "Don't sneak up on us like that, you scared us half to death!"

"Us?" The 6 ft 4 in. giant Colossus responded peering down at the smaller boy. Pyro recoiled in fear; this was not a man he wanted to piss off. Then again Pyro never was much for standing up to anyone. Gambit slyly stepped between his two bickering teammates.

"Hey come on mes braves, we have plenty of enemies, there's not reason to fight between yourselves." Colossus gave one more intimidating look to Pyro, who was now hiding behind Gambit, and then continued towards Magneto's main chamber.

"Blimey, Ah'd sure like to melt his metal ass down one of these days," Pyro said as he peered over Gambits shoulder. "What's with him anyway?"

"Eh, he doesn't truly believe in the cause ya know. I sometimes wonder what type of hold Magneto has over our 'friend.' Gambit said. The two then picked up their pace and enter the main chamber, where they're 'Lord' was sitting upon a great throne. Colossus was already standing in front of the throne, Gambit and Pyro quickly lined up beside him.

"Welcome my Acolytes." Magneto said as he arose of his chair and flung back his red cape. "

"What are you orders?" Gambit asked. "What task can we do for your glorious cause?"

"Today my loyal servant, nothing," Magneto responded in his great booming voice. "Today, what can I do for you?"

All three of the Acolytes gave their 'Lord' a confused look as he walked up to them.

"Mutants have now been revealed to the world and the X-Men now of your existence. My plans are moving along perfectly, and with your continued service we shall triumph over humanity. However, for the moment, " Magneto spoke as he paced back and forth between his ranks, " I shall be giving you all a much needed period of rest and relaxation."

Pyro and Gambit smiled upon hearing this, while Colossus remained his usual stoic self. Magneto continued to pace back and forth, finally stopping at Gambit.

"You Gambit will get the greatest reward. Because of you, my son has been rescued from military incarcerment and I shall not soon forget that. So, name what you want and that shall be your reward."

Gambit lowered his head and gave this opportunity a great amount of thought. Then a wicked smirk crept across the Cajuns rugged face and a twinkle sparkled in his red eyes. He looked up and without a moment of hesitation spoke...

"Rogue, I want Rogue."

"Nice choice mate," Pyro said, bumping his shoulder into Gambits. "That girls got some big titties."

Magneto snapped his head over.

"Be silent Pyro!!!" Magneto yelled, causing the young red head to quickly fall back in line. "In order to accomplish our 'cause' I have ordered the you three to do some... questionable and unethical tasks. However, one thing I won't condone is the rape of a young woman, especially a mutant woman."

"I would never think of doing that my 'Lord'," Gambit responded smugly. "I promise you, she will not do anything she doesn't want to do."

Magneto looked deep into Gambits eyes, not quite sure what Gambits was trying to accomplish with this foolhardy plan. Then it came to him. Gambit has several mutant powers, only two are known to most people. He has the ability to charge objects with kinetic energy, causing them to explode. Gambit also has increased agility. However, he does have one more mutant power... hypnotic charm. With it he has the subtle psychic ability to win trust. Finally realizing and accepting Gambits plan, Magneto nodded in response.

"Fine then, that shall be your reward. Colossus, Pryo, it is your job to help Gambit acquire his 'prize.' Try and do it... gently, at the moment I wish no harm upon the girl."


"Rogue?" A soft and soothing voice whispered. "Oh Rogue?"

Rogue shifted in her bed.

"Hey come on Rogue, wake up."

Rogue slowly opened her eyes. Her dark brown and white streaked hair, combined with grogginess prevented her from seeing who was waking her up.

"Jean is that you?"

"Jean? No it's me Kitty, your roommate."

Rogue brushed her hair back from her face. Hovering over her was a petite brunette. She sat herself up, rubbing her eyes.

"Come on, we're like, gonna miss breakfast," Kitty exclaimed tugging at Rogue's bare arm. Rogue quickly recoiled in fear, yanking her arm away from Kitty.

"Sorry," Rogue said, her face filled with guilt. "Ah still haven't got use to the lack of ma powers."

"Hey, like, don't worry about it," Kitty shrugged "Come on, lets go get some food!" She grabbed Rogue's arm again and yanked her out of her bed. Kitty made her way for the door and just as she began to open it, she gave a glance back at Rogue.

"Ya wanna change first?"

Rogue looked down. She had on a tight black cotton spaghetti stringed tank top with a black pair of boxers. Not only where her large and full breasts straining against the fabric but they where also spilling out from the top. Combine all that with an exposed firm stomach, Rogue was dressed to kill... all before breakfast.

"What's wrong with these?" Rogue mockingly asked tugging at her shirt.

"Nothing, nothing," Kitty said as the two started walking down the mansions long hallways. "Unless you're like, trying to make even the Professor blush."

"Sorry Kitty, but not all of us can dress like total prudes." Rogue smugly jabbed.

Kitty looked down at her own nightwear. She had on an oversized dark pink t-shirt and a matching pair of dark pink oversized boxers.

"You got ah hot little bod there," Rogue admitted. "Ya need to show it off sometimes. Get tha guys attention every once in ah while."

"I think you've like, done that enough for the both of us. You've developed your own little fan club."

Rogue snapped her ahead around and grabbed Kitties arm, stopping them in the middle of the hall.

"Fan club?"

"Yeah, like, I heard Bobby and Kurt talking about you the other day. Lets just say they weren't talking about your bright and chipper personality."

Rogue crossed her arms around her chest and couldn't help but blush.

"Yeah, ah guess ah can understand that. Last week ah had a couple... 'incidents' with tha both of em."

Kitties' attention fully perked up


"Yeah, both happened a couple days after the sudden control of ma powers. First, Bobby saw me walkin down the hallway in ma bra and panties... well thong actually. So he got quite ah view. Then like 10 minutes later Kurt burst in on me in the shower. Luckily he didn't see anything... "

Kitty winced on hearing the last incident and slowly resumed walking. Rogue saw the noticeable facial expression.

"Hey! Hey what was that!?!"

Kitty stopped and turned around clenching her teeth.

"Yeah... I, like, kinda told Kurt that Scott was in there." Kitty admitted. "Well you just got control of your powers, so I kinda figured that you needed some action."

Rogue was pissed. Her normally pale face was red with anger.

"You stupid little valley girl!" Rogue yelled. "Ah'm not a total slut! Ah woundn't spread em at the first able-bodied guy." She took in a deep breath trying to calm herself. "And come on Kurt? Ah mean, if you're gonna try and hook me up with someone, get me ah non-furry blue kid!"

"Sorry, sorry" Kitty said hanging her head down. "But hey he could be fun, his tail has some, interesting possibilities." Kitty said with a devilish grin.

Rogue snapped her head around.


Kitty just shrugged her shoulders.

"Now who's being the prude? But hey no harm! Like, nothing happened, he didn't see anything right? So stop worrying about." She then turned around and walked down the stairs toward the kitchen. Rogue slowly followed, still upset... and still quite shocked at Kitties comment about Kurt's tail.

As Rogue approached the kitchen, she was disappointed to hear the usual noisiness. Yesterday the kitchen was completely deserted, except for Jean and herself. Not to long ago, Rogue didn't even want to be in the same state as Jean let alone the same room. All that however changed. Rogue hadn't planned on it changing but she couldn't help it.

After all it's hard quite hard to hate the girl who gave you the best orgasm of your life.

Rogue opened the big wooden door and entered the kitchen; she winced at the sight. Of the 18 people who lived in the mansion easily half of them where in the kitchen having breakfast. Logan was at the stove and from the smell of things he was making a sausage omelet. Over in the small breakfast nook was Bobby and Kurt...

Great mah adoring fan club, Rogue thought to herself as she walked over towards the fridge.

As she approached, Logan glanced over his shoulder.

"Hey kid, want me ta make you one too?" The gruff man asked.

"No thanks," Rogue polity responded as she readjusted her spaghetti strap which had fallen down. She opened the fridge and looked over her shoulder. Over at the 'island' in the middle of the kitchen was Amara(aka Magma), Jubilee, and... Jean and Scott.

Mmmmm, mah two favorite fuck buddies, Rogue thought to herself as she couldn't help but giggle.

Jean looked up from her cereal bowl and caught Rogue's eye. She smiled and very seductively licked her lips. Rogue giggled again and flicked her brown and white striped hair back, re-focusing on finding something to eat.

"Something funny there 'Stripes'"? Logan asked.

"Um... no," Rogue smiled, trying to contain her laughter.

She grabbed the milk and went over to the 'island.' She came up right beside Scott and poured herself a bowl of cereal.

"Hey Scott," Rogue seductively said.

Scott glanced to his side and saw the busty figured mere inches away. He swallowed his breakfast and choked out a...


Rogue smiled and looked across the island, catching Jeans deadly glance. Rogue smile grew wider as she saw the effect she was having on the tall redhead. Rogue then reached across the island to grab a spoon. Scott couldn't help but glance over. Her small black boxers hugged Rogue firm ass. However what caught Scott's attention was her noticeable and exposed ass crack. Scott again swallowed hard, nearly choking himself. Rogue turned around and smiled.

"Ya ok there Scott?" she said as she wrapped her arm around Scott's far shoulder while pressing her body up against his.

"Oh... y..yya.. I'm ::cough:: f..fine," Scott couldn't help but stammer on as Rogues large breasts mashed into his side.

What the hell do you think your doing!!! A loud voice rang in Rogue's head.

Rogue whipped her head around and looked over at Jean.

If your gonna talk to me telepathically, Rogue thought, At least give me some warning.

You said... you promised you'd stay away from Scott, Jean telepathically screamed at Rogue.

Ah did, and ah will. Scott and me will never hook up again so long as you wish. But ya never said anything about flirting. Rogue retorted with an evil grin.

"Well, try not and choke on anything else while Ah'm away Scott," Rogue said as she strutted over to the small breakfast nook. Kurt had just left leaving an open space for her to sit down. Bobby (aka Iceman) was leaning across the table to grab an apple from the fruit bowl as Rogue placed her bowl down on the table. The 14 yr old boy glanced up at the older and more importantly, busty girl. His eyes immediately focused on Rogues large breast as she leaned forward slightly ever so slightly to sit down in the nook. An apple escaped Bobby's grasp and fell off the table as a large amount of cleavage came into view as Rogue leaned forward. Bobby quickly picked up the apple and tried to recompose himself and desperately tried to advert his attention from Rogue... and her breasts.

"H..h..hey Rogue," He pathetically greeted.

"Hi Bobby," Rogue said, not even making eye contact. She adjusted her spaghetti strap again and began to munch on her breakfast.

Back at the kitchen 'island,' Jean and Scott got some company. Kurt and Kitty each pulled a stool up to the island.

"Well," Scott started "It's getting a bit to crowded for me... " He looked over at Jean. "Wanna go out and do something today?"

"What like a date?" Kitty barged in.

"Kitty!" Jean glared. "Mind your own business!" She then looked back over at Scott and smiled. "Thanks but I have some telepathy training to do with the Professor today. Maybe some other time ok?"

"Yeah sure, no prob," Scott said as he scratched the back of his head. He then picked up his empty bowl an exited the kitchen. Once he was out of the room, Kitty scooted her stool closer over to Jean.

"Jeez Jean, like, what are you doing?" The younger valley asked. "If you keep that up your gonna like, loose Scott."

Jean very casually continued to eat her cereal. She slowly chewed and swallowed and then glanced down at the shorter brunette.

"And who my dear Kitty can compete with me?"

Kitty retracted, quite taken back with the comment.

"Well with that attitude, like I'll sure try," Kitty said, and couldn't help but giggle. "What about Rogue? She sure does have some advantages over you and she has like, a thing for Scott?"

Noticing Kurt's eavesdropping Jean leaned in closer.

"I don't have to worry about our southern Goth anymore, I've got her under control." Jean whispered.

"Oh please!" Kitty loudly retorted. "Like, Rogue doesn't take shit from anybody, especially you. If she like, wants Scott she'll go after him."

Jean casually took another bite of cereal.

"I don't think so."

Kitty gave the red head a weird glance.

"You mean to tell me that you like have Rogue wrapped around your finger?"

More like Rogue's pussy is wrapped around my finger, Jean thought to herself.

"Actually," Jean started as she swallowed her food. "Rogue and I talked yesterday. After a lot of talking and some bonding, she promised me that she wouldn't go after Scott."

Kitty sat there, completely dumbfounded.

"You and Rogue, talking? Being nice to each other? What type of bonding could have brought this on?" Kitty asked.

Jean looked over at Rogue and smiled devilishly.

"Well me and her actually dyked it out yesterday."

Across the island Kurt overheard the last comment and couldn't help but spit out his food.

"Vas es das?!?" The young German boy yelled.

Jean looked over at Kurt and couldn't help but laugh. Kitty just sat there thinking of what Jean just said.

"Ya right Jean," Kurt laughed. "Let's just say that Rogue could touch you, and let's just say she's a lesbian, there is no way she would hook up with you of all people."

"Well," Jean sarcastically admitted, "I guess you got me there Kurt."

Finished with her breakfast, Jeane got up and went over to the stove and began to talk to Logan. Kurt continued to eat his food, stilling chuckling at Jeans 'unrealistic' comment. Kitty however still sat there, completely speechless. Virtually everyone in the mansion thought that Rogue still hadn't found a way to control her powers, thus making skin-to-skin contact impossible. So under those circumstances, Kurt's reasoning for deflating Jean's comment would be true. However, Kitty knew that Rogue had control over her powers, so the possibility of Jean and her hooking up wasn't completely out of the question.

The real question, Kitty thought to herself, would Rogue like, hook up with a girl, and more importantly, would she hook up with Jean?

Kitty looked over at her roommate.

Naw, she would have better taste in women, even if she were like, gay.

Back over in the breakfast nook, Rogue continued to eat away at her cereal, keeping her head low, desperately trying to avoid eye contact with Bobby, her would be fan club. She looked into her bowl and slowly scooped a spoonful. As her mouth wrapped around the utensil, her mind flashed back to the previous day, as she wrapped her mouth around Jean's breast. A very quiet moan came from Rogue as she relished the memory of devouring Jean's breasts and her delicious pussy. As she slowly withdrew the spoon from her mouth, her mind flashed back even farther to her 'encounter' with Scott. She gave the end of the spoon a long and luscious lick, just as she did Scott's cock. Her mouth watered of the memory of having his long, slender length in her mouth. She swirled her spoon around in her bowl as she wished for another taste of him. As she continued to daydream of Scott, the left spaghetti strap to her black tank top fell to her side... again.

Gawd damn it, she thought to herself, these things just don't wanna stay up.

As soon as she brought the left strap to it's proper place, the right strap immediately fell. Rogue turned her head and gave the strap a curious look.