You Couldn't Handle Me Ch. 02


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Part of me considered just jumping forward and ripping her blouse apart, or just reaching out and groping her mammoth rack. But I talked myself out of that quickly. That felt over the line. That was, like, legit assault. I felt shame at even considering it. What was I doing? What had I been driven to, considering something like that? I realized then I had to step back, and really consider what kind of guy I was becoming.

I fancied myself as being a good person. But I was seeing depths of my character I didn't know I had. And it scared me. I had to take a step back and cool down.

Obviously, any thought of just groping her body was off the table. But I couldn't run from the fact that I was still obsessed with my mom's chest. And I would never be able to forget about them. I just... I needed to see them. I just needed one glimpse at them. If I wanted to see my mother's enormous breasts, I would have to find a way to get eyes behind those locked doors. Eyes in her room, eyes in the shower, eyes all over the house. If her body was exposed in this house, I wanted eyes on it.

That's how I found myself, about a week later, opening a box that just arrived in the mail. In the box were six small spy cameras. I only originally meant to buy just two, but then I talked myself into three, then four to be safe, then I noticed if you buy five, you get a sixth free. So I would be stupid not to do that. Now, I found myself with six small spy cameras. I spent a pretty penny on these, and hopefully, they would get the job done. Each camera was about the size of a AA battery chopped in half. They would have to be plugged in to be charged and were able to hold the charge for about 12 hours. Each held a small memory card where all the footage was recorded onto.

Once I figured out how to use them, I had to decide where to put them. I had to figure out where they would be most effective and the most hidden. When Mom was out, I placed one on the fancy trim around the mirror. In the shower, I placed one on the shower caddy next to the shampoo that only I used, so no one should be messing with stuff near that area. I stuck one in a decoration in the living room. I stuck one on the patio overlooking the pool in case Mom went out for another swim and another wardrobe malfunction occurred. I stuck one in my own room, in case Mom had some secret, sexy ritual in my room when I was gone, like rubbing herself off in my bed or something like that. (Hey, I can dream.) With one camera left, I stuck it in the kitchen, on top of some random cookbook. So, the bait was placed, and now I had to wait for the results.

I wasn't able to recover the footage till the next day. And, unfortunately, the first day's results were kinda boring. By the time the cameras were placed, it was after Mom had showered, so there was no chance of seeing her soaped up tits. Plus, it was a Sunday, and Mom typically did chores on Sunday, so most of the footage was Mom dusting, cleaning, and watering the plants. When Mom changed for bed, it was out of sight of the camera, so I got nothing there. The best footage I got was a primo shot of Mom's cleavage when she was dusting in the living room.

But I was excited for the next round of footage. It would be footage of the house when Mom was alone. I would wake up early to turn on the cameras, and when I was at school, it was all I could think about. Mom, alone, all cooped up, with nothing to distract her from how horny she was. I couldn't wait to watch. I was rock hard just thinking about it.

Luckily, football practice ended early, so I was able to zoom home quickly. Mom was in the kitchen, working on prepping stuff for dinner later on. I said hi and took advantage of her being distracted, grabbing all the cameras I could, except for the one in the kitchen, obviously. Excitedly, I entered my room, locked the door, booted up my laptop and started examining the footage.

The first bit of footage I looked at was the living room stuff. On it, I watched Mom curled up on the couch, on her laptop, sipping a latte while watching TV. I fast forwarded through it quickly, noting nothing of importance. I swapped out memory cards, and found footage of my room. It was 10 hours or so of nothing. Mom didn't enter my room once, unfortunately. I put in footage of the pool next. And, I had some luck. Mom jumped in for a swim. I got some good footage of Mom in a bikini, her hard nipples against the wet fabric of her top, her flat belly exposed, water dripping down her body. But no wardrobe malfunctions, unfortunately.

The next footage I looked through was footage of the bedroom. I was on the edge of my seat watching this, knowing there was a good chance I could have some luck here. I zoomed through footage of Dad changing, cause no one wanted to see that. Dad left. I saw Mom get up, in her nightgown. I fast forwarded for a while. Then, she appeared.

She wore only a towel, tied around her tits, her body covered with a sheen of moisture. I watched her pad across the room. And then, just as she walked off-screen, I saw the towel drop. I saw a side view of her bare back just as she walked off screen. She was gone for a few moments, until she re-emerged. She was there, her still bare back to the camera. I watched her toss a top and a bra onto the bed as she moved towards it. Her hands now free, she reached down to her waist. As she moved closer to the bed, her lower half emerged. As it did, I saw Mom was pulling her tight jeans over her butt. As she did so, the top half of her thong-clad ass was exposed to me, but it quickly disappeared into the jeans. Only her top half was left bare. I watched her move towards the bed, towards her bra and top. I was willing her to turn around, to let me finally see her rack in the flesh. She reached towards the bed, picking up her bra. 'C'mon.' I thought. 'Do it. Turn around!' I willed. Mom slipped the bra straps on, still facing the bed. She reached behind her, connected the bra deftly, and as she turned around, she used her fingers to pull the bra-cups into place, facing the mirror just as her tits were covered. I hit my fist into the desk angrily, knowing how close I just got. Mom pulled on her top and checked the fit into the mirror. She checked her cleavage before cupping her breasts lightly before smiling and stepping out of the room. The rest of the footage was boring and inconsequential. That left me with the final camera. The shower. This one had to yield results.

Again, I fast forwarded through Dad showering. I waited, and watched, waiting for Mom to appear. I saw some shadows through the glass door, and I knew it was time. I let the footage play normally. I watched. I saw the door slide open. I held my breath. I saw a bare, feminine leg step in. My eyes widened. And then, Mom entered the shower, facing the camera, and I gasped.

She was wearing a bikini. Are you fucking kidding me? Mom doesn't wear a bikini in the shower, does she? Trust me, she's not shy about her body. Why would she be doing this? I mean, sure, she still rocked the bikini like no one else could, but what was going on? She took the whole shower this way, washing her hair, and her body. When she went to wash her covered areas, she peeled the bikini back to give her hand room to wash. Finally, Mom turned off the faucet, effectively ending the shower. But then, she looked up, directly into the camera. She smiled teasingly at the camera, at me, and gave me a wink before stepping out of the shower.

I banged my fist on the table before gasping out loud. Mom knew. She knew about the cameras. She knew about them, and was teasing me. I'm sure my lack of seeing anything good was by design. I gritted my teeth, stood up and stomped downstairs.

This woman was unbeatable! It seemed like she was three moves ahead. Any angle I tried on her she deftly deflected. I was again baffled by her, wondering if any guy could out maneuver her. If she was on the football field, she would be a shut-down cornerback. If she were an army general, she would never lose. How could I crack her?

Mom's cocky smile adorned her face as she stood in the kitchen, awaiting my arrival, sipping a glass of water. I looked at her, annoyed, and her smile widened.

"How'd you know?" I croaked out.

"Hon, please." she began. "This is my house. I know everything that happens here. I know when somebody has been sneaking around here, doing things they shouldn't be doing."

I rolled my eyes.

"Hon, you've got to do a lot better than that. I mean, a lot better. What you want is not gonna happen, especially when your efforts are as clumsy as this. It takes a lot to faze me, Tom. At least put some effort in next time." Mom said, polishing off her glass of water and setting it down on the counter between us. I didn't know what to say, so I remained quiet. "Go get the cameras. Bring them down here and give them to me. Okay?"

I looked right at her, holding her stare for a few moments. I stepped forward and looked at her. As I did, I reached forward and snaked my fingers around the empty glass she was drinking out of.

"Sure, Mom. I'll be right back. Give me a few minutes." I said, turning and marching back upstairs. So my plan with the cameras didn't work. This house was her home turf. But, she assured me that I couldn't faze her? Well, we'll see about that.

A few minutes later, I returned, ready to wipe Mom's smug smirk off her face. She walked over to face me and held her hand out over the counter. I smiled confidently.

"Here are the cameras." I said, dangling the cameras over her palm for a second before placing them in her palm.

"Thanks for doing what I asked, Tom." Mom said. "But, I am surprised you gave in so easily. I mean, if I were you, I would have at least kept trying. I mean, I'm not perfect or anything. There had to be some point where you could have got a glimpse of something good." she postulated, playing with the cameras in her palm. "But, I guess that's why we're in here right now, and not in the bedroom." she said with a laugh. I smiled.

"Oh, yeah, I did forget one thing." I began. With my other hand I lifted up the thing I was holding under the counter. With a smirk, I slammed her glass back onto the counter, only now it was very, very full. In my few minutes apart from Mom, I had been quite busy. Mom looked down, her eyes wide, staring at the contents of the glass, awed by the sight of it. Shocked at the fact that the glass she had minutes before finished drinking from was now three-quarters full of my cum. Cum was literally dripping over rim, over the lip marks she had left there.

"Is that...?" she began.

"Mom, that is exactly what you think it is. That's about, um, 10 or so hour's worth. I rubbed one out this morning. And, I'm just gonna leave that right there. It doesn't faze you, right? So, it shouldn't bother you to lift that glass, feel how warm it is. See how full it is. Wonder if I could fill it to the brim with the right stimulus. I mean, it shouldn't faze you in the least to see your lip marks on the glass covered with my cum, right? Knowing where your lips were moments before now covered with your son's jizz. I'm gonna walk away and you can do whatever you want with it. But no matter what, you're gonna have to decide whether you're okay with still drinking out of your favorite glass even though you know it's been full of your son's cum." I said. I began to step away confidently. "But... like you said, you can't be fazed by me. I mean, it shouldn't even bother you to tip that glass back and just chug that cum down, right? It's gotta be a pretty tempting sight for a woman like you. A glass full of a young guy's cum. I'm surprised you're not drooling."

"Ha ha." she said sarcastically, with a small, almost impressed smile. "Go clean yourself up." Mom called out. "You're filthy." I smiled, and as I turned to walk away, she looked down at the glass of my cum, looking at it appraisingly.

I gave her a few minutes, confident that I had in fact fazed her a little bit. I washed my hands, wiped the sweat from my brow and made my way back down to the kitchen, eager to see some hint of what Mom had done with the glass of cum I gave her. I stepped into the room, only to see her at the sink, running the glass under the faucet, scrubbing it out with a dishrag. She looked up at me as I entered. I raised an eyebrow at her, hopeful that she had disposed of the cum in the way I hoped she would. She laughed.

"I dumped it down the sink, you nasty, nasty boy." Mom said, clearly not disgusted at all.

"Sure." I replied arrogantly. "I totally believe you." she smiled back at me.

As I sat through dinner and I saw Mom eating, I couldn't help but wonder what she had actually done. She had probably just washed it down the sink like she said, but there was the small part of me that hoped that she had actually done what I wanted and chugged down my load like the cum-thirsty whore I just knew she was. She kept glancing at me, smiling coyly. As she picked at her food, I couldn't help but wonder if she wasn't hungry due to the healthy dose of my jizz she just swallowed. But alas, as I retreated back to my room, I realized there was no way to know for sure.

I really wished I hadn't forgotten about that spy camera I left in the kitchen sitting on those cookbooks.


(Author's Note: Part 3 coming very soon. And just a tease of what to expect...With Tom running out of ideas on how to make progress on his Mom, opportunity literally comes knocking at his door, giving Tom the chance to show what he's really capable of.)

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AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

I can't believe he would forget about a camera when he literally had just placed them very recently and there was only 6. I mean come on. He's laser-focused on the task of using them to spy on her. Surely one of the most prominent bits of information in his mind is how many fucking cameras he's using and the fact he didn't return them all. I get why leaving it is part of the story (having read the story before) but just "forgetting about it" is not plausible in the least, not when it was so very recently placed.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Mind blowing , who be defeat alpha female or alpha male

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The dreams are annoying. Like an extra tease to both Tom and the reader. Could have done without those.

His mom seems to have been placed on a pedestal so high, it's basically in the atmosphere. She's a just a woman, jeez. The way that John guy was going on about her, it's like she's got some kind of freaky mindcontrol powers or some shit. Tom has the tools necessary to deal with her - a big fat cock. He just needs to learn how to wield it properly and focus on his control and confidence, and she'll be just like every other woman in these stories: utterly at his mercy and gagging for it in every hole.

GreysonHGreysonH8 months ago

Way to much exposition, leading to an annoying tease throughout the entire second part. It leads to disinterest and a rester likely skimming until the next interesting section

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