Zoie D: Training Day


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Jared held up His hand and I stopped immediately. "Thank you for your honesty, Zoie. You will, of course, be punished but right now I'm going to enjoy My morning jadehoney and not think about this. Go upstairs and wait for Me. Take a kitchen chair to your room and sit in it with your legs open until I am ready to deal with you."

"Yes, Jared.."

I went upstairs and sat in the hard wooden chair, waiting for Jared with my legs wide open and wondering how I went from Zoie, observer/writer, to zoie, disobedient slut. It was slightly chilly in my room so my nipples tightened up and stayed that way. What was surely only minutes felt like hours while I waited... and it gave me time to reflect on the fact that I never once thought of NOT doing as He'd instructed this morning. I wanted this. I wanted His guidance and instruction and yes... His discipline. Because I knew with all of that, came His fierce protection and maybe someday... His love.

Jared came into the room still wearing His towel but now it was tented in front. I felt miserable for causing Him to have to punish me after His jadecunt breakfast.

"Get on your knees, Zoie."

"Yes, Jared!" I went to the floor and put my forehead down in one motion.

Jared sat down in the chair and I started to tremble, not knowing what was in store.

"Your true master may not require you to kneel in His presence, you know." He spoke calmly... even softly. "There are only certain times that I require it of jade... to greet Me when I come home and... before punishment. The rest she does of her own free will. You'll learn these things and many more from Me and from your true Master as you proceed in your new life."

"Yes, Jared..."

"One thing, you must learn from the very beginning though, is that the body your submissive soul is in, no longer belongs to you. Every part of you belongs to the One you choose to give it to. And if memory serves me correctly, last night you gave it to Me. Even if this is only to be temporary, you are Mine now. your body, including your cunt, and your orgasms are no longer yours. I am aware that you have not yet fully succumbed to your submissive desires but it will happen. When it does, you will be amazed how easily it all falls into place. If it doesn't then... your submission to Dominance is not what you are seeking."

"Yes, Jared... I'm sorry I failed You."

"I know you are, but there will still be punishment. I briefly considered a warning but you've been with us too long to need coddling. Most of this should already be ingrained in you if only by observation. Stand up."

I moved slowly, standing on my trembling legs and clasping my hands in front of me, feeling very shy of His sea green eyes, but not failing to notice the intense thump in my clit.

"Put your arms by your sides. That is a beautiful body and you should never hide it from Me. Now come and lay across my lap."

This was ridiculous! He was going to spank me like a child. I found the thought humiliating and infuriating and yet... I did as He told me, all the while trying to deny that the throbbing between my legs meant I wanted to have my ass spanked.

"I won't ask you to count this time but in the future it will be expected of you, because it helps you to focus on something besides your own pleasure. This might not feel like it at the moment, but very soon you will understand how serious I am about My possessions."

The erection that He'd entered the room with was still there and very prominent under my left rib cage, which made the throbbing inside me even worse.


Holy crap! Instantly my ass flamed hot from the sting of His hand and there was no denying how serious He was. And I was furious that He could think I would ever be able to cum, even involuntarily while He hurt me!


The tears were there in an instant and I even heard the yelping that escaped me from where I hid in my fog of shame and pain.

Jared softly stroked my fiery ass, "Relax... clenching doesn't do anything but hurt My hand and if I'm going to hurt, I may as well make it worth the pain."

The threat of greater punishment along with the gentle stroke of His fingers on my flaming ass made it easier for me to unclench.


I cried out now and I didn't care that I was loud.


"Oh god, Jared! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"



I couldn't stand it! I was moving my hands to cover myself when He paused and spoke.

"Fifteen seemed fitting but if you try to stop me I will make it thirty."

I jerked my hands away and used them to cover my face for the last blow.


The last one was as hard as the first, as were each one in the middle. I was sobbing now but somewhere deep inside, though I wasn't ready to admit it yet, I knew it had not been unbearable. There would be no marks because there was no true harm done to me. And... the tears were as much if not more from the humiliation of it all as from the spanking itself.

Jared let me stay there while He softly stroked my bottom. Every place He touched seem to light up again but... not in a painful way. Then something amazing happened... He slid His finger down my warm slit until He reached my clit. He circled it once and then He slipped it inside me. I was shocked at how easily it slid inside and how incredibly slick it felt coming out.

"That was very good, Zoiegirl. I am pleased that you didn't fight Me. I sincerely hope that punishments to follow, and there will be more punishments, rest assured, will not be because you have failed to learn that this is Mine." As if to punctuate, His finger plunged inside me again. "Orgasms are now gifts from Me to you. If you take one that isn't given, is it still a gift?"

"N-no, Jared."

Jared fucked me slowly with His fingers and new tears formed in my eyes as I realized I was truly wet for Him, even after what He'd just done to me. Or... was it because of what He did?

"What do you call someone who takes something that doesn't belong to her?"

"Ahhh.. a thief, J... Jared..."

"Do you think thieves should be punished, zoie?"

My mind was a fog of delightful pleasure and mass confusion and insult as Jared worked His fingers in and out of my sopping cunt alternately with swirling them around my clit.

"Yes, Jared! Oh yes!"

"Good. I'm glad We understand each other."

With that, Jared pushed me off His knees to kneel again... completely aroused and completely unsatisfied!

I stared at Him, my eyes wide and my anguished and lusty breaths coming in gasps.

"you belong to Me, zoie, and so does the arousal that is making that sweet cunt quiver, and I don't want you to cum for the time being. This is as much a part of your punishment as the spanking you just received. Orgasm denial will be part of your training when I see fit but it will also be punishment when necessary. Get back in the chair. you will stay in it for one hour. During which time, you will think about how your ass feels on that hard chair as opposed to the way your clit is throbbing now. I want to know how you intend to avoid this type of failure in the days to come... and what the pain combined with the pleasure makes you feel when We eat supper tonight. Do you understand?"

While He had spoken Jared was busy binding my knees wide open to the sides of the chair and my hands behind me in a reverse "prayer" position.

"Yes, Jared... I understand..."

"I imagine that your tender ass will continue to ache... The sensation will make you want to wiggle about. That, along with the exposure of that hungry cunt might tempt you to wiggle in a way that will relieve your quivering need. I advise against it."

With those ominous words Jared left me bound and helpless in the chair.

Argh! How could He be so sure? I was pouting. I was pissed off. And I was horny as hell.

jade came in only a few minutes later carrying a baby monitor.

"This used to be mine. JaredMaster used it during my training year. He says you are not to speak unless it is an emergency... He also says discomfort other than needing to use the bathroom is not an emergency," she gave me a sympathetic smile and then she went back downstairs to her Jared.

He was right, of course. My tender flesh was starting to burn in a whole new way. It wasn't like the initial searing sting of the slap, but more a smoldering coal. The chair felt like a raw splintered board on my tender cheeks and to my awe and wonder, my cunt loved it. The more I thought about being over Jared's knee, completely vulnerable and exposed to Him... how utterly humiliating it was... The more I also reflected on my willingness to do it. I was not bound. I did not resist. I freely gave Him my ass to hurt. I wanted it. I... needed it. And I knew with complete certainty, that I wanted more. I wanted everything He desired and I wanted Him to be proud. I wasn't deceiving myself... oh no... I was still scared as hell of the whip! But I also knew that I would strive to avoid it by doing everything I was told. The ultimate cause for punishment was willful disobedience or failure to try. That, I would not, could not, do again.

My cunt throbbed harder and grew wetter as I sat there thinking about the pain of the whipping. The pain that wasn't truly harmful... and the humiliating position of being spanked like a child. I blushed and I felt my hips start to wiggle... I had to think about something else. How long had it been? This hour would seem like an eternity. I could hear Jared and jade talking and I tried to concentrate on their voices coming through the monitor instead of the heat that was coming as much from my need as from my ass.

The monitor, it appeared, was a two way version. Jared was talking to jade about what He expected her to do while He was gone. I made some mental notes on the things she would be expected to do with, for, and to me and then I held my breath when I heard Him say,

"Come here, baby."

"Yes, Master!"

There was a slight pause then,

"Could you hear us?"

"Yes, Sir.."

I could tell that her breathing had quickened.

"Did it make my little jade wet? Oh, yes! That sweet little cunny is soaking My fingers... I think My jade got quite hungry didn't she?"

"Yes! Yes, JaredMaster!"

"Does my pain hungry slut want a spanking of her own?"

"If it pleases my Master?"

"Oh, it definitely pleases Me. Get on the floor. I want you on all fours."

Another pause... and I heard a kitchen drawer slide open and utensils being moved around...

"I think we'll use a wooden spoon, zoie!"

Ohmygod! Ohmygod! He was talking to me because He knew I could hear them!

"jade isn't particularly fond of it, but by the time I'm done? she'll be hot as a little pistol and ready to blow!"


jade made a little yelp and so did I! I swear I was feeling my spanking all over again!

"One! Thank You, Master!"


"Four, JaredMaster! Thank You!"


"Six! OhMasteryes! ThankY.."


"Nine! Thank You Jared! Oh p-please i..."

"That's my sweet jadegirl! you so are beautiful when you submit!" "zoie, you are not to cum. Do you understand?"

My whole body shook as I struggled with the desire to succumb to my bliss but I knew if I failed again I too might suffer the spoon!

"Yes, J-Jared.. I under... stand..."

I could barely breathe.


"Master! Eleven! ThankYou! Please!"

"Please what, My sweet possession?"


"Please Master! Oh! Fifteen! Please may i pleasure You now?"

" Yes. Yes, you may. Kneel up... hands behind you... good girl. Now open your mouth, baby... oh! Oh yes... my jade has the sweetest little mouth, zoie... Mmm..."

Oh. My. God. I clenched my eyes shut and my teeth together. I tried to block the sounds from my ears and the sight of jade getting mouthful after mouthful of Jared's beautiful cock from my mind but... my imagination was running wild. My writer's imagination revealed everything to me in exquisite detail. His right hand fisted in her hair... His left hand under her chin to hold it in precisely the position that suited Him best... The tears that weren't from crying but from restraining her urge to gag rolling down her cheeks... The way His entire cock disappeared into her mouth and throat and the way His pubic curls hid her nose when His balls were pressed to her chin... I was throbbing. My ass felt like it was getting hotter rather than cooling off and my clit was throbbing hard like a runner's heart after a hard workout. I breathed heavily through clenched teeth as the image of Him pulling out to stroke Himself in front of her with the slick coating of saliva that comes from deep in her throat burned itself into my eyelids. Then I chanted. It came to me as though I'd been doing it forever...

"This is not mine. Not my pleasure... This is not mine! This is not my pleasure! Forbidden... Forbidden... Forbidden...

It was amazing. I took myself into a place where even though I heard the moaning and the slurping sounds... even though I could feel the throbbing between my lips... it was all wrapped in a cloud. A thick white cloud that kept everything soft and just out of reach. I know that isn't exactly clear but that's the point. My chanting clouded the rest of the world and kept me away from the edge of bliss.

I must have passed the entire hour in my cloud because the next thing I was aware of was the water running in the shower in my room. I drifted out of the soft white cloud and found Jared squatting in front of me fully dressed and untying my knees.

"I am pleased with how you restrained yourself, Zoie. It took jade some time to learn how to resist her urges. I suppose you've learned a lot, watching her for the past... four years, is it? Five?" Jared smiled at me and I nodded while I whispered an exhausted, "Yes, Jared."

"I want you to shower again. You worked up quite a sweat. You may wash yourself but jade will need to watch you. I don't want you to have gone through all of this just to succumb to your soapy hands in the shower." He finished with a wink then pressed His lips to mine in a soft sweet kiss. "I'm going to work now but jade has instructions for the two of you today. You did good, Zoie." He stroked my hair once then left to kiss jade goodbye, while I lifted myself off the chair and walked slowly to the shower with my swollen clit still thumping.

I didn't use the rag and was grateful that I wasn't required to. I mostly just rubbed my ass with my soapy hands while jade stood in the door of the shower telling me about the rest of our day to come.

"The list is really for the week. We can choose different things to work on and try at our discretion. Master thought... well he suggested that during the day while it's just the two of us, you might be willing to tell me the things that most interest you , or concern you, or make you most horny? Like... is there something that really scares you and you just aren't sure of or... something you definitely want to try? You should take advantage of this freedom we have during the day to test some of your limits. Don't misunderstand, though, eventually we have to do everything on the list and there may be a day that He specifies what we will work on, but today because you did so well during your punishment, He wants you to choose something."

I considered what she said while I dried off and she brushed through her dark hair.

"Well... I guess I should want to start with something easy but... I really have no idea what that would be. Why don't we just close our eyes and point at the paper? We'll do the two things we touch first."

Giggling, jade said, "That could be interesting!" then she went to the bed and picked up the legal pad she'd taken Jared's notes down on and brought it into the bathroom and placed it on the counter. She held up one finger and I mirrored the action as we stood in the bathroom nipple to nipple and let our peripheral vision guide our fingers to rest on the pad. Eyebrows up in anticipation we both turned toward the pad to see what the day had in store for us.

jade was touching the word training in the sentence that read... Begin training for anal use.

"So... whatever else we do today, will have to be done while you wear a plug, okay?"

My eyes were wide but I knew that this was one of the things I would do. "Okay, yeah... sure."

We looked at the pad again and found my finger on the word pain. Crap.

"It says, Try out some of the different pain toys to get an idea where Zoie's threshold may be. DO NOT push her but let her tell you when to stop. Well? Is there something that comes to your mind that you might want to start with, Zoie?"

"No. I don't want to choose. You pick."

"Okay, there is a new plug in my room for you to use just come in there when you are ready and we can start. Are you still okay with all of this?" jade looked at me as if she were trying to see inside my soul.

"I have no idea how long my subconscious has desired this? But I know beyond doubt that I am more than just okay with this. I want very much to find the place inside me that seeks Domination and fill it completely. Even if my desire turns out to be a small cup, I want my cup to runneth over! Yes, jade. I'm okay and I can't tell you how long it has been since I've truly felt... okay. Thank you for this. Thank you for everything."

"You are very welcome! i am so happy this is happening! If i had only known sooner we would have you begging to be cropped by now!"

I swallowed hard and jade laughed and left me alone while she went to prepare things. I looked at myself standing naked in front of the mirror. Not just at my reflection but really looked at this new woman with the pale hard nipples staring back at me. I couldn't recall when I had looked at myself like this. A mirror is for hair and makeup, right? I lifted my hands and cupped my heavy breasts lifting them slightly and turning the nipples in between my fingers and thumbs. Then I slid my hands down my sides and along my hips. I liked the way they flared out and made my waist look small. Then very carefully I cupped my hand over my mons and used my first two fingers to open my swollen lips. Barely concealed by the puffy lips was an equally swollen and protruding clit. I smiled at the thought that if I looked closely enough I would probably be able to see the thump thump that was pounding away inside it even now. I liked what I was seeing. The changes were subtle, but smiling at my naked body would only be subtle to those who didn't know my naked soul.

On the bed in jade's room were two plugs. One still in the package and a black one to the side, three different lubes, some different types of nipple clamps, a spiny wheel thing that frankly scared the hell out of me, some candles, a small crop, a whip with tiny rubber strings, a thin stiff leather paddle, and some other things that I couldn't quite absorb. Wow.

"we'll put the plugs in first and then just see what happens with the rest of this stuff," jade said as she grinned at me with her hands palm up in a 'let's just wing it!' gesture.

"Plugs? As in, I have to wear two?" This was getting a little nerve wracking.

she laughed out loud and nearly snorted, "No silly! The other one is for me! we are in this together. i do what you do. Maybe, if you can see me do these things, you know, one on one... it will make it easier for you to do them too?"

I smiled, "That would be really nice."

Stepping closer to me, jade pushed my hair out of my eyes and took my hand to pull me onto the bed that was covered with paraphernalia. We kissed softly and touched lightly just to ease into what might otherwise have felt awkward.

jade kissed lightly down my body and was careful not to get me too aroused. she spoke softly between kisses and had me relaxed and ready in no time.