Stock Ch. 19-33

Story Info
Sean falls in love with an older woman.
40.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/29/2003
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This is by an adult for adults. If you are under legal age then get out. If you find that any of my material is offensive then don’t read it. That’s all I have to say about that. As for the rest of you. Enjoy!

Chapter 19

Sean cut out the general noise of the mall crowd buzzing about in the food court so he could eat the slice of pizza before him. Elizabeth’s family was with him, chatting amiably amongst themselves about which stores to hit next. Sean noticed Elizabeth had most of her shopping done; her family, Vanessa, Eric, and himself were the only ones she had to buy things for. She didn’t have many friends after marrying Charles. Sean tried introducing her to his friends but that left everyone uncomfortable, her age difference acutely felt by everyone but himself. And after the little fiasco with Cheryl everyone would try to avoid her like they did him; everyone but Derrick, of course. Sean cupped Elizabeth’s hand in his own and smiled at her. She looked at him questioningly but her attention was soon diverted by Brian as he told her about his encounter with Santa Claus. If Sean didn’t know any better he could have sworn that Brian already had put one and one together and figured that his parents were the real gift givers.

Lunch passed quickly enough as everyone wolfed down their meals and attacked the mall once again, Elizabeth dragging Sean along this time around. Elizabeth may have gotten her shopping done for everyone else but that didn’t stop her from hunting down bargains for herself. It seemed like she bought nearly as much for herself as she did for everyone else. Sean followed doggedly, amazed at the amount of stamina that his girlfriend possessed when caught up in the shopping frenzy. He nodded at the appropriate times and gave fairly useless commentary, which she didn’t pay attention to anyways as she tried various outfits in several stores. Soon their day was coming to an end and everyone packed away into the three cars that they brought with them, their trunks stuffed to bursting with the newly purchased spoils.

When they got back Henry threw some logs in the fireplace and soon everyone was warming their feet by the cheery flames. Alice brought in steaming mugs of hot chocolate and everyone was drowsily talking away the gathering night. Henry got up to rustle up some sandwiches for everyone, Alice being too tired to start dinner. Sean stood up and joined him in the kitchen, grabbing the mustard and mayonnaise out of the fridge and placing them on the counter.

“Yes,” Henry said over his shoulder as he began spreading the condiments on the slices of bread.

“Excuse me?” Sean asked.

“You were about to ask for my baby’s hand in marriage. I just said yes.”

Sean stood stock still for a moment as he gathered his wits. “You realize that you just took all the fun out of asking you.”


Sean breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled. “Thanks.”

Henry chuckled while he sliced the tomatoes and lettuce. “Well, I remember what it was like when I asked for Alice’s hand for marriage. I swear my knees were knocking so loud everyone would have mistaken it for a small earthquake. Her father was a really big man. I’d have to say at least 6’7” and solid as an oak. And he had this quiet demeanor that you really couldn’t figure what he was thinking. Well, he turned out to be an okay guy once I got to know him better, but at that moment I was scared out of my mind. Nah, just thought I’d save you the trouble and fright. Do you think you’re ready for all this though? I mean, marriage. You’re only twenty-two.”

Sean was wondering when that would pop up. “Yes, and Elizabeth’s thirty-four. She may never say it but I can tell she wants kids. I do too. I just wish I were a little older and she a little younger so we could get this timing thing right but that just isn’t the way it is.” He sighed. “I love your daughter. There’s no doubt in my mind about it. And if she wants kids then I’m willing to sacrifice the opportunities of my youth to give it to her. She being happy means that much to me.” The roast beef sandwiches were done and Sean piled them on a large plate.

Henry gave Sean’s words some thought and then patted him on the back. “Welcome to the family, son. You’ll do just fine. So, when do you feel like popping the question?”

“I was thinking Christmas. Give her something to really brag to Vanessa about. One thing though.”


“I was wondering if you could try to keep this from your wife. I find that news travels very fast when there are women involved.”

Henry snorted in agreement. “You and I are going to get along just fine. I’m not sure if I can keep it a secret if Alice gets wind of it but I’ll try. Besides, it’ll be worth to see the look on her face when I tell her that I knew all along.”

It was Sean’s turn to bark out in laughter as he shouldered open the kitchen door and headed for the living room. When Sean entered the room he saw there were several photo albums splayed out on the coffee table. Elizabeth screamed and hurriedly tried to hide them behind her but it was too late. Sean put down his plate on the cleared spot and smiled broadly, a mischievous smile on his face. “Well, what have we here?” He fished around behind his lover and pulled out a thick album. He flipped it open to the first page. “Baby photos!”

Elizabeth groaned in dismay. “Mom, did you have to bring those out?”

“Well, you coming home after so long, I just felt it was a little appropriate to remind you that you’re our daughter.”

“I’ll go get the home videos,” Henry said as he entered the room. Elizabeth sobbed in embarrassment while Sean shook with laughter. Yes, he and Elizabeth’s family were going to get along just fine.


With one last gargantuan effort Sean hefted the last of the luggage into Elizabeth’s bedroom. Somehow she managed to use everything in those two large suitcases during their four-night stay at her parents’ house. Elizabeth gave him a peck on the cheek and thanked him for lugging her bags up the stairs. Sean smiled tiredly and then sat on the edge of the bed. The airport was packed, as would be expected, but still, he hoped it wouldn’t have been. Their leave-taking was an emotional affair, with a lot of crying on Elizabeth and her mother’s part. On the trip back Elizabeth was silent with sadness; she missed her family already. Sean had pulled up the armrest and held her during the plane trip and that helped things but still, she was despondent. When they got home she was just as quiet. When Sean was like that there wasn’t a force on Earth that could bring him out of the funk.

Elizabeth headed for the bathroom and Sean could hear the hiss of a shower being started. While Elizabeth showered Sean went downstairs and put a towel in the dryer for a couple of minutes. By the time it was ready Elizabeth just finished with her shower. Sean wrapped the warm towel around her and she smiled at him appreciatively as he dried her. Despite his efforts, Elizabeth still had that dull, sad look in her eyes. Sean walked her to the bed and sat her down beside him. He didn’t say anything neither did she. Sean thought he knew more than anyone what having a family meant, him never really having one. He was always on the outside looking in. Sean just held Elizabeth’s head to his chest and she nestled in his understanding embrace. Finally, Elizabeth gave a despondent sigh, her unspoken signal that she was ready to talk.

“I like your parents,” Sean started before Elizabeth could say anything. “How about we visit them for New Year’s?”

Sean let the question hang in the air, Elizabeth taking her time to reply. “I’d like that,” she said simply. Elizabeth turned her face toward him and Sean looked down at her soft brown eyes. She tilted her head up and kissed him, gently, tenderly. Sean returned the gesture in kind, keeping their contact light and subtle. For the next half hour they stayed like that, kissing gently, in silence, the touch of their lips telling volumes more than words could ever say. They lost one another in the other’s eyes during the pauses between each soft touch of the lips. Sean tasted the subtle flavor of strawberries from Elizabeth’s lip-gloss and savored the velvety texture of her mouth. Elizabeth finally held off on another kiss and just rested her head on Sean’s broad chest. Sean was simply happy that he was able to lift his lover’s spirits, although a small corner of his mind niggled at him to continue with the physical aspects of their relationship.

Elizabeth had her face turned away from him but somehow Sean could feel her smiling beneath the veil of her sable hair. “How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“You always make me feel better no matter how upset I am.”

“Oh, that,” Sean said and smiled himself. “I haven’t a clue.”

They both laughed.

Sean wrapped his left arm around her slender shoulders and raised her up to meet his steady gaze. “You,” he placed his finger on her nose, “mean everything to me. I can’t succeed at everything but one thing I know I can do is love you. You know I led a lonely life. I had a lot of love to give but I don’t think anyone was ready for what I had to give. Then you pretty much just plopped on my lap. You are the only person I’ve met that doesn’t demand anything from me except for what I am willing to offer and because of that I offer you everything; you deserve it. If that means trying to cheer you up then it means I will try to cheer you up. I love to see you smile. I love to see you laugh. I love to see every aspect of you that makes you the woman I fell in love with. You are why I love.”

Elizabeth listened to his words and melted into his arms. She nuzzled up in his warm embrace and sighed contentedly. They held each other for a while when the peaceful silence was disturbed by Elizabeth’s grumbling stomach. The two laughed at her protesting appetite and then walked hand in hand to the kitchen. They whipped up a pasta dish and slaked their thirst with a bottle of white wine. Conversation was light and playful, most of which circled around Elizabeth’s photo album and home videos. Sean teased her mercilessly all dinner long on how she chased a duck when she was only four and then in turn was chased at the petting zoo.

“You go on and keep laughing, I’ll be there when you slip up and then you’ll never hear the end of it,” she smiled at him maliciously.

Sean blithely batted away her threat. “You and I know that’s not going to happen.” Sean placed his hand on his chest with a flourish. “I am perfect.”

Elizabeth laughed with him and looked around for something to throw at her arrogant boyfriend. They returned to their meal and chatted away the evening. Their appetites sated, Sean helped clear up the table and placed them in the kitchen sink. Elizabeth turned the hot water on and started washing the dishes while Sean wet a sponge and wiped down the table. Sean finished cleaning the table quickly and stood back and watched Elizabeth washing the dishes. She was focused on the task at hand, her mind blanked of worries and cares, just flitting from one trivial thought to the next as she went from dish to dish. It seemed to Sean that everything that Elizabeth did, even the domestic, had a certain beauty to it. It was just another reason to love her.

Sean crept up behind her and nuzzled her right ear. She laughed and squirmed away. “Hey, that tickles. Stop that!” Sean moved his attention further down and concentrated on the little hairs down the back of her neck as well as the warm contour of her jugular. “Hey, do you want these dishes washed or not?” In reply his hands snaked around her waist and he snuggled up closer to her as he continued to shower kisses up and down her neck. Elizabeth murmured appreciatively at his ministrations and at the same time growled her frustration, as she was up to her elbows in soapy water. She finally gave in when Sean’s hands found their way up to her breasts. Elizabeth stopped scrubbing the dishes and rested her hands on the edge of the sink to help support herself.

Sean, too, stopped his attentions. “I didn’t say you could stop,” he said teasingly. “Keep going.” Sean waited patiently until Elizabeth began scrubbing the dishes once again. He continued nipping gently at her soft skin and began caressing her breasts through her oversized, white t-shirt, which she wore as pajamas. Sean knew that Elizabeth didn’t wear a bra after taking her evening shower and so he decided to capitalize a bit on the situation. He leaned in further until his body was mashed tightly against Elizabeth’s, effectively pinning her to the sink counter. His hands kneaded the sides of her breasts and then trailed down her shoulders then arms and then down into the sink, caressing her hands. Sean kept her attention elsewhere by intensifying his assault on Elizabeth’s neck while grinding his crotch into her firm behind. He massaged her hands with his own beneath the soapy waters and then scooped up a large amount of warm water as he lifted his hands to her breasts once again.

Elizabeth shouted in protest at the mess he was making but soon quieted when the water seeped through her clothes and Sean’s firm hands began doing wonderful things to her hardened nipples with the wet cloth. Again, her hands stopped washing the dishes and so, again, Sean stopped his ministrations. “Uh-uh, I want those dishes squeaky clean.” Elizabeth growled in protest but Sean simply stood back and waited.

Elizabeth did something unexpected and pulled her hands out of the water then turned around, her eyes throwing lightning bolts of challenge that held Sean captive with arousal. With one hand she lightly shoved him back and arched her eyebrow in that way that always turned her lover on. Elizabeth held her steady gaze, her eyes never leaving his, and then reached into the sink for the large salad bowl. She lifted it out of the sink, filled with water, and held it over her head, still her eyes never leaving his, and then poured the contents over her body. She drenched herself down to the skin. Her breasts and their hard nipples showed prominently through the wet shirt, her wet hair plastered to her face, and her long legs dripping with dampness. Nonchalantly, she tossed the bowl back into the sink with a soft splash and stood there, her arms behind her on the edge of the sink and legs spread apart in a stance of sexual defiance. Before Sean stood the perfect image of wanton lust and desire. “Now, was there something that you wanted?”

Somehow Elizabeth had managed to turn the tables on him again. Not one to back down from a challenge, Sean walked slowly up to his lover and kissed her brusquely, savagely. She returned the kiss with an equal amount of lust and hunger. “You realize that we’re going to have to mop up the floor now,” Sean stated. Sean whipped Elizabeth’s shirt over her head and slapped it on the floor. His hot hands ran over Elizabeth’s cool breasts and she elicited a gentle moan. Elizabeth in turn tore all of Sean’s clothes off and dropped them on the large puddle. They embraced each other, hot and cold, fire and ice. Sean’s hands swarmed all over Elizabeth’s body, leaving no inch unexplored. His body’s heat permeated into her skin. Elizabeth’s breath quickened in excitement as she kissed him frantically, her arms flailing about madly, trying to grasp all of him at once, yearning to feel every ripple of his muscles.

Sean’s actions became more insistent, his lips pressing into Elizabeth’s with more passion. His kisses began dipping lower and lower down her neck until finally he was worshipping the hard nubbins of her breasts. Elizabeth moaned in approval as he expertly swirled one tip then the other in his mouth. Sean always delighted in suckling her soft mounds and this time was no exception. While his mouth worked on her breasts, his hands continued massaging and caressing various parts of her anatomy. Her ass was soft yet firm from all the time she spent at the gym with him and her flat stomach had always turned him on. But it was the damp heat from between her legs that was on his mind at the moment. His fingers raked across the small patch of hair above her womanhood and then he gently stroked the delicate petals. Slowly, he slipped his index finger inside Elizabeth’s steaming depths and she twined her fingers in his hair, signaling for him not to stop. However, Sean had to since he could feel the beginnings of her knees buckling beneath her. He scooped her up and carried her out of the kitchen. Not wanting to take Elizabeth right there on the cold tiles but not wanting to march all the way to their bedroom, Sean settled for the couch in the nearby living room. They never made it that far and wound up on the living room floor.

The plush carpeting was good enough for Sean, it wouldn’t be the first time they’ve had it there. He slid his body beside Elizabeth and began stroking her body. Elizabeth returned the favor but focused more on his cock, which had been as hard as steel rod for quite a while now. She gave Sean a quick peck on the lips and then dove down between his legs, enfolding his shaft in one smooth motion. Sean lay back and enjoyed the wonderful sensations his lover was eliciting. Elizabeth turned her body around and placed her knees around Sean’s head as her face bobbed up and down on his throbbing manhood. Sean got the hint and tilted his head up, diving into her dripping muff. Sean licked and sucked on her petals and dipped his tongue into Elizabeth’s depths at a steady pace until finally he managed to unhood her clit. Once it presented itself Sean attacked it with unrestrained fury. Elizabeth, unsuspecting of such a sudden assault, lost her composure and fell on his face. Sean immediately grabbed her behind and held her to him, pinning her steaming folds to his savage tongue. Elizabeth’s mouth came disengaged from his cock with an audible pop and she gasped with excitement and surprise. Her head dropped back down and returned the favor bestowed on her and began pistoning her face on Sean’s cock. All Sean could do was moan but the vibrations added all new sensations to her already stimulated clit. The two worked licked and sucked each other until they were sweating and bucking at a fever pitch, a tangled mass of arms, legs, and sex. Everything one person did the other returned and with interest until bother had built up their sexual energies to unrestrainable levels. Elizabeth snapped her head back and screamed in orgasm as wave after wave of cumm flooded out of her gates. In her throes of passion Elizabeth gripped Sean’s shaft and that sent him over the edge with her, his large dick spraying her throat and breasts with his thick, white seed. They rode each other’s orgasms, pulsing in unison, and then languorously taking little licks and bites of the other’s sex like diners nibbling at the end of a meal. Their sweat soaked bodies were plastered to one another as they lay on the carpet, trying to catch their breath. After having a relatively restrained physical relationship up in Seattle it was a relief to finally blow some steam, and each other. Languidly, Elizabeth turned around and collapsed on Sean’s torso, idly caressing his broad chest and glowing from endorphins.

“Gods, that felt good,” Sean commented.

“Mmmm…most definitely,” Elizabeth replied. “We should do that more often.”

“How can we do something we do all the time more often?”

“Got me, but it’ll be fun finding out.”

Sean chuckled with Elizabeth as they lay there petting one another. “’Liz?”


“I love you.”

He could feel her smile sink through to his heart. “Love you, too.”


“Yes, dear?”

“Can we clean up the kitchen tomorrow?”

His only reply was Elizabeth’s steady breathing as she lay sound asleep.

Chapter 20

Tiredly, Elizabeth pushed the stack of papers aside as she cleared some desk space for her lunch break. She picked up her insulated lunch bag from beside the desk and peered inside. A ham sandwich and a banana stared back at her. Disgusted, she closed the flap on the bag and set it aside, propping her chin on her hand in dismay. Just then the smell of a steamy pizza wafted past her door. The smell reminded Elizabeth of her boyfriend. She took a moment to think about how he had completely swept him off her feet. She couldn’t put words to what it was exactly that she saw in him that attracted her so strongly. He was smart, witty, nice, and he has a body that made her quiver with desire. But that wasn’t it either. He always thought of her feelings first, he did everything he could to protect her and at the same time he always valued her independence. Like that time when he conceded and let her face Charles on her own first when her ex-husband came over with every intent of beating her, or more likely worse. Sean also made every possible effort to get on good terms with her best friend Vanessa. A smart move considering Vanessa could make any man’s life miserable if she so chose.