
Stuck in a dead end job as an accountant with a marine biology degree hoping to become a published author. No I did not just make that up.

I started writing stories when I was ten and I'm always working on something. I am in the process of writing my first novel and moving from around 10,000 words to over 50,000 words is killing me but I'm mucking through it. Part of the problem is that my writer's block is a freaking chronic illness.

*Thank you* to everyone that has left comments/feedback/votes on my first two stories. It's just amazing to me!! On top of my novel and being a mother and my craptastic job...I am also going to write more about Damien Night so stay tuned...

Finally, I need to add a special thank you to my husband for putting up with me and the rest of the people that live in my head. It's no picnic living with a writer but I do my part to make it worth his while ::wicked grin::

Thanks for reading.



Picture exchanges (if it's not posted I'm not gonna show it to you)

Erotic chat/cybering/whatever they call it these days. It takes me a long time to write the pieces I write and I'm to lazy to devote that kind of effort to a simple letter.

That's it...for now.



Author Stats

12 Years AgoMember Since
A Long Time AgoUpdated
12My Comments
1Series Published

More About Me


Dog(s), Cat(s), Bird(s), Other


Corsets, Light Bondage, Stilettos, Being Watched

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