
Shattered Dreams - Erotic Horror /Celebrity/SF story about Ripley of Aliens; non-erotic
A reader, gyfurune, correctly proposed a chronology of my stories a few years ago. I will endeavor to update this list as I add new stories.
For those who are curious, I know that the proper form these days is to spell it sláinte, but I was taught to spell it the other way, with the accent on the end, so that's the way I do it. Slainté
Tales from Ibn Punacious - Artaxus (no date)
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House Sorena Ch. 01 - Legacy, Jan 12, 1990 - between Cedardale and Miridor
House Sorena Ch. 02 Pt 1 - Sisters, Summer 1999 - near Sargossa
House Sorena Ch. 02 Pt 2 - Sisters, Summer 2007 - same region
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In the Lair of the Entropy God, Solstice Eve, 2021, Holy city of Lona
* * * * Antasha Cycle - Duchy of Atansha, Kingdom of Tildor
New Girl Ch 01, May 2047
Down on the Mat, Feb 2048
Day Off For Three (day following Down on the Mat), Feb 2048
New Girl Ch. 02 Pt 1 - early March 2048
New Girl Ch. 02 Pt 2 - Interlude, mid-March 2048
New Girl Ch. 03, May 2048
* * * * Bardic Cycle * * * *
Bard's Tale 01 - The Beginning, March 2094 - Reison meets the Landers Sisters.
Bard's Tale 02 - First Outing Together; early March 2094
Bard's Tale 03 - Miriel; end of March 2094
Bard's Tale 04 - Holly Wood; April 2094
Bard's Tale 05 - Westward, Ho! The Whisper Winds head west; April-June 2094
Bard's Tale 06 - Tahna, Master Allyn, and Jo
Bard's Tale 07 - Making a Home; June to March 2095
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Anya Surprised, June 21, 2101, Sharaton-Charlottesville, capital twin-cities of the Kingdom of Tildor. Novella. Anya Starshine decides to have a second child and things go awry.
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Afternoon Break, Feb 2105, Sharaton-Charlottesville, Tildor; While away at college, Quinn Whisper Wind gets a visit from his horny wife.
Starlight Gleaming series, about 13,000 years ago.
04/16/2024 - Ha, ha! I laugh at your pneumonia!
03/31/2024 - Plugging away at Bard's Tale 08, along with a LOT of reading. Surprising the number of people who have come to dislike Janetta in SG, though. Hopefully, ch 23 showed her in a better light. Back to the writing!
02/10/2024 - Okay, it took longer than anticipated. Uploaded early AM
02/07/2024 - Edits are back, so I'll review them and post ch 23 tonight! Then it's in the hands of Lit.
02/05/2024 - Hmm. Still waiting for the edited document's return...
01/29/2024 - Ch 23 is with a beta reader. Yes!
01/26/2024 - Spellchck and ch 23 is off to whatever beta reader(s) I have left. Pleased with the story thus far.
01/18/2024 - Three weeks ago I thought I'd be done with ch. 23. After two weeks of getting wiped from doing some part-time work for my old boss, I'm back writing again, I'm at 94 pgs, and I'm only two days into their vacation. I'm looking for a good stopping point, and need to find out if I have any beta readers left. LOL! I will post before the end of the month! Honest!
01/02/2024 - Nearing 80 pages and feeling pretty great. Still have to watch when I try to change directions too fast or I have to turn my head too many directions so I don't fall, but my energy post-bypass keeps improving and I feel human rather than a lump of clay. I think a week before I send it off to my beta reader(s) for corrections, so look for something mid-January!
12/28/2023 - Update. Despite yet another sinus infection; it's my CPAP machine, but sleeping without it sucks worse mentally. I'm continuing to feel better. I've had to take some breaks, but I'm up to 66 pages today, with another 20 or so of the initial rough draft, and planning on writing more this evening. Planning for mid-January 2024 for chapter 23. Not sure if I will do the entire three weeks of vacation; could do a partial early release, too. Thank you for your patience. Be safe, have a grand holiday season, and a most excellent New Year! Slainté
11/27/2023 - Plugging away on Ch 23. Up to 20 pages in decent shape, with 40 pages of the first draft to work over. Not sure if I will attempt to do the entire vacation or stop at a sweet spot (NOT a cliffhanger!).
10/16/2023 - Well, Ch 22 got posted. Imagine my chagrin when I realized that after Terry had given me corrections, I accidentally deleted that file and uploaded the file rife with mistakes. After waiting 12 days for it to upload, I don't think I will try and update with corrections. Working on ch 23.
Earlier stuff has been omitted due to space considerations.





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