
Latest news:
(1/2/24): The updates to our "seasonal" tale, "The Flight Before Christmas," are up now. It's only some corrections and style changes, so go ahead and read it any time if you're up for some holiday-based erotica.

Also, forgot to mention earlier that the names "Brandy Mesa" and "Doctor Lands" are anagrams of "Brenda Mays" and "Todd Carlson." The mention was alluded to in the final page of "Havana, Baby!" as the author of Still Alive discussed the finale with Todd during a phone call.

Finally: The "Excerpt" section in the opening of "Havana, Baby!" was revised so the two stories properly mesh.

(11/28/23): Before anyone writes a scathing comment or sends feedback about how Still Alive Part 3 Page 7 has only two lines, blame Lit's publishing system. Not our fault.

(11/27/23): In a bit of feedback worthy of a humble facepalm, a reader informed us of a plot hole in "Still Alive." It was one we planned on filling later, but it was forgotten. It's been fixed. Most of the updates appear beginning on Part 3/Page 3. Suggestions from a beta reader regarding the first interaction of the primary characters (Part 2/Page 6) was similarly pigeon-holed, and that's been fixed, too.

To answer comments and feedback: Yes, the ending of the story is "soft." It leaves plenty of opportunity for a sequel, which may or may not be already underway. 😉

(11/6/23): Yeah, it's been a minute, but finally! Our latest, a three-part novel-length tale entitled "Still Alive," is online. It's a story which exists within the universe of one of our characters: Robin Grant (From the "A Walk Changed Everything" series). We thought it'd be fun to explore what Grant's own works, which were referenced throughout that series, might look like, and decided to write the conclusion of the fiction-within-fiction. A few ends which were loosened as a result of this excursion will be tidied up over the next few days.

(1/12/23): One of our stories, "Pulling Him Closer," was somehow deleted from the site this morning instead of publishing the edit (see below). Its rating, view history, and comments were discarded, too. If you had it in your favorites, it won't be anymore unless you re-add it. The site's admins are trying to figure out what went wrong, and they've expedited the re-submit so it'll be re-published overnight tonight as "New," though it was originally published on June 29, 2022. According to the WayBack machine, it had a rating of 4.82 on August 17, 2022.

(2/18/22): An article at Guardian.com mentioned our story, "Quarantined After Twenty-Six Years," as well as those from some of our favorite Lit authors.


Check it out!
Our first submission, published in 2019, was "It Only Took Twenty Years." We were amazed at the responses, comments, and ratings, all of which motivated us to continue writing.
Though each story is complete on its own, several of them are knitted together and should preferably be read in order within the series.

The OG WillDevo Namesake series:
* It Only Took Twenty Years
* Look the Other Way
* A Frigid Mother
The Aviation-Centric Series: (Note, all of these interrelate and cross over to each other.)
Todd & Brenda's Tales:
* The Flight Before Christmas*
* We Did a Good Thing*

Robin & Brandi's Tales:
* A Walk Changed Everything
* Havana, Baby!
* Still Alive (Can stand completely on its own, but is related to this universe.)

Mack McGarry's Tale:
* Off To a Rough Start
The Gary & Sunny Series (I can't think of a better name for it):
* The Perils of Love
* Quarantined after Twenty-Six Years?

A Series of Fortunate Friends:
* When Ordinary Isn't
* The Future Is In the Air
* Sacrifices In the Long Run

A Legal Series:
* Crimes, Torts, and Trials
* When Lines Get Tangled

An "Armed" Series (?):
* Pulling a Trigger*
* Pulling Him Closer*

(*) Several stories in various series cross paths with of others.

3/2/2021: Wow. Just WOW! A big thanks to our readers, because "The Future is In The Air" won second place in the January Reader's Choice awards.


Southern US



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