
Books live on Amazon:

The Venerati Academy: Seat Ardice, Simona, The Chosen, MELS, The Cursed Island, and Roanoke are all on Amazon Kindle Unlimited (KU)!
If you read these or have already read them, PLEASE leave a review! Positive reviews are the best way help authors on Amazon! Even if you just say 'Liked it', that helps! The more reviews and higher ratings a book has, the more Amazon promotes it and suggests it!

*If you would like to support my writing habit:
I have Patreon : (Gabrielle Miller)
I have a few erotica spinoffs and alternate endings content there open to the public as well as a few stories that Lit kicked back and a fanfic I wrote as well! I do have an advanced option to beta read my non-erotic series that I will be querying on the 'Fam' level of Patreon. They are 100k+ page novels, all Supernatural Urban Fantasy. In the series, there are 7 complete and in the other the first in the trilogy is complete.
'Fam' tier gets you month to month access to:
'The Mancer's: Dew' Book 1 in the Mancer's series at over 200k words. A Supernatural Urban Fantasy.
'Zin and the Art of War', books 1-9, supernatural urban fantasy. all 100k+ words, two over 150k+

*I finally have an Author page on Facebook, if you're on FB and would like to follow/share etc and get updates, links and more!

If you want faces to go with names in the books, or to know what's coming soon, I have a Pinterest just for that!

5/18/24 - 'The Trench' has already been approved and will be live on 5/20 at 12:01 AM!
5/18/24 - 'The Trench' has been submitted!
5/11/24 - 'The Trench', a Fallout inspired story set in modern day, is DONE! 118k words, it was a LOT of fun to write! I will edit it as quickly as I can and get it up on Lit, or it is available in it's yet unedited version on my Patreon now! This one was a multiple request story for fans of the Fallout show based on the video games (both of which I also love) and I was inspired and had fun with it! <3

4/2/24 - One month to the day after finishing 8, I just finished 'Zin and the Art of War: The Facility' (book 9)!
Also working on 2 separate books for Lit that are close to being finished!!

7/20 'Rue' was kicked back by Lit mods, so it's up on my Patreon.

1/11 -Ok, I have gotten ANOTHER feedback email from a reader that has said something similar to one I get every few months, so I want to address it.
The gist of the email: 'I started your book but DNF and rated you 1 star because rape is wrong! You shouldn't be writing about it like it's ok! Writing about it encourages men to do it!'
(usually sums most of them up)
So here is my answer to this:
Many many people have NC/R fantasies and most for varying reasons. One of the biggest reasons, though, are survivors who are taking control of what happened to them and changing the narrative. It's actually fairly common for a survivor to turn it into a kink in order to cope. For me, writing it, controlling it, turning into what I want it to be, it's empowering.
I have been a survivor many many many times over again my entire life. Sometimes if you don't take control of something, it controls you.
So before you judge or kink shame, consider there are valid reasons. Also, we're on an erotica site, we all have kinks. You shouldn't be shaming anyone. Live and let live, love and let love. <3





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