
In 1971, I seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and landed, quite naked, in a sticky heap in Bulawayo. I was apparently very distraught for a few months, and reportedly got over it. I have no memory of any of that, nor anything that led up to it thankfully! It sounds like quite a grot, even compared to what happened next!

Well, that was a long time ago, and I have since led a mostly, what they call, "gay" lifestyle, and I've settled down nicely with the a wonderful man who makes all the rough edges of life a lot easier to coast.

I was discouraged quite vehemently by my high school "phase tutor" from becoming a teacher (english, languages, mathematics, physics, chemistry). I should sue her. (Can I do that?)

What my job now actually entails, is sitting in a canteen 3x the size of a toilet cubicle, one of which IS a toilet cubicle, full of quacking things, USING aforesaid, counting other peoples' money with a dying ALT_TAB machine.

Now, see, the employable (sic) school-leavers here are mostly ... just ... good for ... soap opera restaurant background music. Well, the half-not-bad-looking ones at least.

The others become such aforesaid quacking things.

And I like smoking, and coffee, fornicating, blaspheming and reading good smut, watching it, doing it and writing it.

And if I said any more, i'd be hunted down and incarcerated, so let's just leave it at that.

Hi. You can call me KABS.


Port Elizabeth, South Africa

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