A Case of Incest Ch. 10-12


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The drive gate was closed and locked but, I found the man - gate open. It sent an alert through me. Something was going on and I suspected it wasn't good. I pushed the gate wider and crouched down, quickly entering. No one challenged me. Hawthorn's guard was either not there or... I stopped the thought when I found the guard shack door open and a thick stream of blood dripping from the doorway. The guard lay dead, his head caved in by something large and heavy. My senses went on full alert, as I moved away.

Hugging the tree line, I moved as quickly as I could, trying to avoid detection. The mansion loomed large, as I rounded the final turn of the drive, large and silent – once again, too silent for me. The drive was empty, except for the ole man's Bentley. I re-gripped my Beretta with both hands and scurried across the open space between the tree line and retaining wall. Jesus, I gotta exercise more. I thought, as I breathed heavily from the exertion, and slammed into the wall, hugging it tight. My concern over Morgan increased with every moment. As it turned out, it was well founded. I moved quickly along the retaining wall and found myself looking into a court yard, of brilliant green grass, where it ended. Twenty feet or so from the house I saw Morgan Dalby, lying face down and a large red spot growing between his shoulder blades.

"Fuck! You stupid, dumb, bastard!" I cursed under my breath, dropping my head in sadness. I didn't think too much of him but, at the same time, I wouldn't have wanted him to be killed. After taking a slow deep breath, I moved quickly and dropped to a tight crouch, at ground level, to check for the pulse I knew wouldn't be there. Morgan's case had ended and there was nothing I could do for him. Being exposed, as I was, didn't set well with me, considering Morgan's state. I moved quickly off to the side, taking cover behind a large planter and scanned the property. Time was running out. My look around turned up nothing and it occurred to me the danger wasn't outside, not any more anyway – it had moved inside the house. I selected my next few cover spots and moved quickly between them, keeping the Beretta ready. Pulling up just short of the patio doors, I chanced a look, finding one of them wide open. The afternoon breeze pushed the drapes gently in semi-circles, giving me brief glimpses inside the house and I decided to press on. Sweat ran down my back, soaking my shirt, by the time I entered the house. My breathing grew forced, a product of fear and adrenalin. The hunt was always exhilarating and I was glad I'd made Roxy stay put. I'd entered the entertainment room of the mansion. Dead center stood an elaborate, circular, rock fireplace, complete with a ceiling hung, brass vent. The room was sunken and pillows lined the wide seating area around the pit. On the upper level, rich leather furniture was placed strategically, forming centers for conversation and I imagined other more sexual encounters. On the far side of the room stood a billiard table, one of the finest I'd ever seen, and of course an ornate wet bar.

I shook my head in wonder and whistled softly. No bar I'd ever frequented had a stock like this place and all of it high end. A pair of large, ten foot, double doors marked the exit of the room and I headed that way, tip-toeing, like the proverbial nervous cat on a hot roof. Pulling up at the doors, I placed my head against one of them and pressed my ear tight to the door, listening. If someone was there they were mighty damn quiet, so I finally opened the door and slipped through. The opulence was staggering, making me come to a stop, momentarily. I forced myself to move past millions in artwork and antiques, as I swept through the lower half of the mansion. The place felt a mausoleum, a place of death, more than anything else. It felt wrong in so many ways I couldn't describe it. For all its beauty, the house seemed a cold, sterile, place and it gave me the creeps. "Nothing good comes of this much money." I mumbled, looking up the circular staircase.

I was beginning to wonder if I was too late. Morgan was dead and the house seemed empty, as far as I knew. Silently, moving up the staircase, holding tight to the wall, I scanned the upper level for movement. Roxanne's assessment of Lora might have been dead on for sure but, had she really out done them all? My gut told me I was going to find ole man Hawthorn dead – mutilated like Peter. I steeled myself for the inevitable as I topped the stairwell.

"Jesus H..." I whispered, seeing door after door of rooms on the second floor. Roxy's earlier plight came to mind instantly and I wondered which door would be the one to off the old geezer by accident. I made several, quick, time calculations trying to figure out if Lora had actually had enough time to set up another elaborate trap. Morgan was a simple kill but I was sure the others would deserve more attention and terror. It didn't seem possible. Steeling myself with a deep breath, I moved along the hall to the first door. My calculating might have been off but I relied on my gut, once again. No matter, the rest of the house had to be checked. After the forth bedroom, my tension eased and I let down my guard. Nearing the end of my search, I'd found nothing – not even the slightest signs of a struggle, let alone violence on a scale I knew Lora was capable of. The final door seemed to offer more of the same, nothing. It was slightly open, displaying a crack of light along its edge. Easing up to the door, I placed my hand on the handle and gently pushed. The click was out of place and barely audible but, I heard it. "FUCK!" My last word came with the explosion.

Chapter Twelve

I came around three days later, finding myself in a private hospital room. Apparently my initial reaction had been good enough to escape the major portion of the blast. Roxy explained she'd found me under a pile of rubble. I had suffered a concussion, lost hearing in one ear, my left leg had a thirty-five stitch laceration and my right arm, the one used to open the door, had been dislocated. Roxanne grimaced when she explained how she'd found it twisted under my body. I was alive and that's all I cared about. Sadly, Cybil wasn't as fortunate. Roxanne wasted no time in relating her gruesome demise.

"Holy shit you're awake! God, some men will do anything to get out of sex!" Roxanne quipped and laughed, as she entered my hospital room.

"Yeah? You better be happy my dick ain't in a splint." I muttered back.

"What the hell happened?" She retorted.

"She set another trap, what else? Where's Cybil?" I replied and got straight to business, once again, as Roxy gently sat on the edge of my bed.

"Dead." My sister's voice trailed off, sounding defeated.

"That fucking little bitch Lora! First she damn near does you in, then nearly me and, somehow, she still got Cybil! How in the fuck?"

"The blast Frank. Cybil was the center point. Coroner said she had dynamite shoved up her twat. Blew her to hell and gone."

"Yeah and I triggered it." I commented, looking off at the hospital window, noticing the day was dreary and raining.

"Nope, sorry you didn't. Investigators said the bomb was set on a timer. Guess you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Roxy's comment set me to thinking. How? When did she have the time? Did she have help? All good questions that begged answering but, I hurt and I knew there was nothing I could do for Cybil anyway.

"What?" Roxanne questioned.

"Nothing - just thinking, how long are they going to keep me here?"

"A couple more days, I guess. Doc said he wanted to make sure the concussion didn't scramble your brains." Roxanne snickered out and gently squeezed my leg. "And hey, what's the hurry?" She added, after having her little fun.

"Oh not much other than we still got a killer on the loose and what about the old man?"

"He's fine so far, I've been keeping an eye on him. Like you might expect, he's been busy with funeral arrangements. You might want to be more worried about Rocker. He's been howling like a madman since this last death. He's pissed Frankie, thinks we've been holding out on him." I grunted in response, thinking he could howl till the cows came home.

"Fuck Rocker and, say, who's paying for the private anyway?" I suddenly asked.

"Cybil, why? We got a two hundred fifty grand advance, didn't you ask for it?"

"No – hell no! When?"

"Two days after she was...whoa now, that is odd huh?" Roxy replied. I raised an eyebrow, not wanting to believe what I was hearing.

"Roxy, did you see anyone leaving the mansion the day of the explosion?" I asked, almost immediately.

"Oh shit! Yeah, God Frankie I was going to tell you. Lora – I saw Lora racing out in the ole mans Bentley. I was having a smoke when she drove by. You should have seen her face when she saw me!" I grinned at Roxanne's recounting.

"Yup, makes sense, couldn't kill either of us so the money's a bribe. Makes perfect sense, don't you think?"

"I guess but, how could she have known you were in the house?"

"Probably didn't or when she saw you she put two and two together. One thing I'm sure of, she kept tabs on what happened after the blast. Wouldn't take much finding out someone had been injured and just who that someone was – would it?"

Roxy shook her head slowly, as things cleared up for her. I was going to elaborate when the doctor walked in. Fifteen minutes later I was told I was doing fine. The prognosis came with an amended discharge date, which was another three days off.

"Take it easy Mr. Logan and I'll see you tomorrow. I'll leave in your sister's capable hands – she loves you a great deal, if you don't already know." The good doctor commented, just before closing the room's door. Roxanne grinned broadly at the doctor.

Still staring the door Roxanne asked, "Speaking of that Frankie, you remember that rain check you asked for?"

"Yeah." I mumbled, uncertain where Roxanne might be going.

"It's raining Frankie. It's raining and I'm damn horny, so I think it would be a perfect time for you to collect." She cooed out and slowly turned to face me.

"Christ Roxanne! Here – in the hospital! We can't..." I started to protest watching my sister saunter towards the room door. I stopped talking when she placed a Do Not Disturb sign on the outside and locked the door.

"Now what was that?" She replied in a sultry voice, as she moved to the left side of my bed. "When you ask for a rain check sir you get what you asked for." She added and lifted the bed linen. (Damn hospital gowns!)

"Roxy really – I can't! My arm! My leg!" I protested, even as my cock was stirring from the thought already implanted by my sister.

"Humm, I see. Too injured huh? Wait a second, what's this I see? Frankie your penis doesn't seem to agree – Oh MY not at all!" Roxanne's words came as she reached and gripped my rising manhood. "You don't have to worry my gallant knight, I can take of this hard problem and you won't have to do a thing." She added and flipped my gown to the side.

Yeah, alright I groaned. It was natural and I was hurting okay? Alright fine, that's not why I groaned. It was obvious Roxanne had been waiting for this, as she partially undressed. A few undone buttons and her breasts were free to touch with my good hand. She stepped from her shoes, lifted her skirt and smiled at me. I smiled back. Her bare and obviously wet pussy wasn't encumbered by panties. I reached to cup one breast as she placed a knee on my bed and swung her opposite leg up and over me, like she was mounting a horse.

"That's a good boy. You play with Roxy's tits and let Roxy take care of that big, hard, aching cock of yours." She whispered softly, with a look on her face like the dream Roxanne.

Being careful not to disturb my grip on her tit, Roxy leaned forward and rose up on her knees, as she reached down and gripped my cock. I loved her madness, what man wouldn't. Slowly and sensually, she rubbed my cock head up and down between her labia, getting it wet. Biting her lip, she wiggled and rubbed her clit with my dick head. It was sure sign she was enjoying her game. Without warning she shuddered hard and raised up, tearing my fingers from her breast.

"I want you Frankie. I want you in me – deep in me Frankie." She cooed out and held my cock firmly, as she started to lower her hips. "Oh God – Fuck Frankie I love your cock!" She cried out in a harsh whisper.

There was nothing to do but go alone with Roxys ride. I closed my eyes, letting every sensation flood my mind. So intense were the sensations that I wasn't sure if I swelled more or Roxanne's pussy had gripped me harder. Whatever, it was incredible. Finally, I felt her firm ass rest on my legs, feeling like butterfly wings, so light was her touch. She kept her word and applied no pressure to my aching leg. Instead she leaned forward, touching her hard nipples to my lips and began rolling her hips and belly, like the fabled Far East dancers.

"Roxy will (Oh God) Take care of (Jesus your cock is heavenly) You – Oooo yeah - Yeah!" Her words came from some place deep inside her, hot, sensual and raspy. She was shuddering hard with every belly roll. "I don't care how fast you cum Frankie, I don't (Oh yeah – yeah) care. Just cum in me. Cum hard Baby. Cum hot and deep." She added and I wasn't sure if her words were for me or her. She was already shuddering hard and each time she impaled my cock deep inside her she sent an extra hard hip thrust, until that was all she wanted – my cock deep, with short, hard, hip thrusts.

Roxanne never lied to me. She never had to. Now, as a lover she held true. I felt the changes inside of her body. She was going to cum and cum hard. I released the nipple I was ravaging and allowed her raise up. Her eyes were closed and then suddenly opened, as she gained a full upright position. She placed her hands on my belly and started to rapidly move her hips back and forth. It was maddening and she brought me closer to cumming.

"This is it Frankie, you rain check is cumming – Oh God yes, its cumming hard Frankie!" She whispered, as her eyes rolled in her head and she bit her lower lip hard.

Muscles deep inside her body contracted and I felt Roxy freeze, holding her breath. A fraction of a second later I was soaked and Roxanne was wildly humping my cock as she came – as promised. That was it for me. I'd been straining to hold back (for what reason I wasn't sure) and her release told me it was my time. Caught up in her passion, I groaned feeling the first big pulse of cum release. It surprised Roxanne and she cried out in delight.

"We're cumming together!"

I wanted to silence her. I wanted to make her scream out again and again. I wanted to fuck her silly. I wanted her – for the rest of my life, I wanted her love, her sex. What I got was the pure pleasure of emptying my balls deep inside my sister, as she wanted, and I loved her for wanting me to.

"God, how are you doing that?" I whispered.


"It feels like you're gripping my cock with your..."

"I am silly. Never heard of vaginal muscles? If a girl practices she can get really good at it."

"Jesus, how many hours a day are you practicing?" Roxanne giggled – a little girl type giggle.

"You're sweet. Glad you like it because I can do more."

"Holy Mother Mary of God." I sighed, as my sister somehow squeezed the last bit of cum from my cock without touching it.

Roxanne pushed up with her hands and grinned at me. "I hope you're happy with your rain check sir. I always aim to please so be sure to ask for me the next time!" And before I could answer back, she rolled and extracted my cock from her pussy. "My – my, I certainly wouldn't have wanted to delay your rain check any longer sir. I don't seem to be able to hold what you've deposited this time!" She added and laughed.

I laughed with her, looking at the cum oozing from her pussy and dripping on the floor. My heart swelled, even as my cock diminished and it was a good thing. Roxy's dress dropped naturally and she was just getting the last button of her blouse taken care of when we heard the door start to open. I flipped the linen back over me and Roxy started to chastise me, when the nurse walked in.

"And if you ever do anything so damn stupid again I'll..." Roxy stopped and looked surprised at the nurse. "Oh, hi...Sorry, my brother and I were just having a little disagreement." She finished up.

"What's this for?" The nurse questioned, holding up the sign. Roxanne shrugged her shoulders and I looked like a beaten dog, with no answers.

"Don't know – the doctor was just here, maybe he did it." Roxy offered sheepishly and looked at me.

"Hump, he knows better than that without talking to us. You okay Mr. Logan?"

"Yeah, but you better get her out of here before I relapse." I replied, as I swept my good arm towards Roxanne.

"Fine then but, you haven't heard the half of it!" Roxanne retorted and winked at me.

"Alright – okay, that's enough. Mr. Logan needs rest and honey, sister or not, you gotta go! Visiting hours are..."

"Yeah, yeah I know. See you Frank, don't do anything more stupid than you have." Roxanne commented and gave the nurse a solid sneer. Roxanne blew me a kiss before walking out and the nurse gave me a lecture on working with relatives. Three days later I was in the wheel chair headed for freedom.

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srgeeksrgeekover 14 years ago
Still here, still liking the story, but . . .

Still here, still liking the story, but . . .


"the vise." should be 'the vice.'


"Roxanne sat up, half way, and watched intently as I began to undress. "

<BR> Did anyone check to see where the wacko is?


"us when eased my" should be (s/b) 'us when I eased my'


"was nothing to do but go alone with Roxys"



'was nothing to do but go along with Roxy's' Note two corrections


"She was already shuddering hard and each time she impaled my cock deep inside her she sent an extra hard hip thrust, until that was all she wanted – my cock deep, with short, hard, hip thrusts."

<BR> should be rewritten, it is very messed up


<I>-- srgeek --</I>

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I am caught up

Well Pappy, I am caught up. Like others have said, need the final chapters.. Great work..

You know who it is.. ;)

BradehoftBradehoftover 14 years ago
A Ending

We need a final chapter of either the P.I,Old Man or the killer getting it. Please

Stanz12Stanz12almost 15 years ago

One word....well ok two!



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I agree this can't be the end. Tell us more.

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