A Fuck Toy Graduation Episode 04


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"Taylor, you need a master to provide you some resistance, some guide rails to keep you from launching yourself into an abyss from which few people return. Your body demands lots of sex. When you surrender to it and lose the ability to use your mind to rein in those sexual impulses, you need a master to control you and direct you. Do you understand? I'm here to train you to use your sexuality, and not let it consume and use you."

Taylor nodded, her mind bubbling with what Mr. G was telling her.

"What about all the things in my mind? My God, Mr. G, I want...I want it all. I don't know if I'll like it all but I want to try it all once, every perverted thing you can imagine."

"And likely some I simply can't. Taylor, I want to be your master because when we are done molding you, you'll be the perfect sex toy, a living sex aid that I can use to great advantage and you'll delight in it. Here," he wrote on a pass pad, "get to class. I think Mrs. Stineway is waiting for you to demonstrate how to suck cock for your A.P. English class. I am not your master yet, Taylor but I am working to becoming that to you. The one who will lead you from climax to climax and not let you get distracted by other, petty concerns."

For a second they looked at each other, the potter and the clay. Taylor felt it, the sensation of being the man's handiwork, his work in progress. For a second all she could think about was having his hands on her body, stroking her and penetrating her. Yet he made no move to touch her, keeping a distance between them. She gasped, my god, she thought wryly, I'm his student! He's the Zen master of sex. She almost giggled but suppressed it.

"Uh, Taylor, about the Adult Club, I still want in. I presumed I'd be the first adult, long time adult I mean, to be uh, initiated?"

She nodded, suddenly confused because her Master was asking something of her, hat in hand.

"We're meeting at Ky's to tally up my marbles and hand me off to the winner." She almost mentioned she was going to initiate her sister but that got stuck in her throat...where it belonged, stuck in the gluey man cum.

Mr. G's brow furrowed. He stood up.

"I'm collecting marbles, so maybe I can own you. It's a natural progression, don't you think?"

She nodded again. She looked up at him and he stared down at her expectantly.

"Now, Taylor. Blow me."

"Oh. Oh!" She felt stupid for missing the obvious, the most obvious thing. She moved off the chair and got to her knees. She looked up at him. He stepped closer. She unbuckled and unbuttoned and unzipped and uncovered until his cock was uncommonly close to her lips. She sucked him in. It wasn't perfectly smooth but she mastered the gag reflex and pulled him into her throat with only a slight adjusting twist of her head, inhaled and then sealed off her airway with his odd cock. She held him tight in her mouth and throat and just as he was about to speak, the "uh, Taylor" balanced on the tip of his tongue, she swallowed the first time.

"Oh Christ!" He got her name wrong, which seemed like a compliment at the time. Taylor swallowed again, needing air. Mr. G's body bucked against her face, grinding his cock deep into her throat. She groaned. He groaned. She twisted her head and bent his cock in her throat, exhaled a puff and then managed to suck in a little new air. She swallowed again.

"Oh Christ, that's good!" Mr. G grunted. His hands clasped her head like he was blessing his first born. He came. When the first spurt tickled her throat, Taylor felt a curious flood of satisfaction swell in her chest, or maybe it was just his cum bubbling in her throat. She tried to swallow but had to back off a bit and Mr. G pumped more cum into her throat. In a moment, cum bubbled up into her mouth and burst through her tightly stretched lips. She felt it, the hot run of cum and saliva down her chin. Mr. G grunted and jerked against her, his hands holding her tight against him. The gag reflex was forgotten, ignored in some musty corner, pouting and helpless. She held him in her throat until he went still and then only cocked her head this way and that to allow air to come and go as needed. Finally, he roused out of his tottering daze, patting her head with one hand.

"My god, Taylor, that was fantastic! In only two days! You are such a fast learner! My god, that's amazing." Mr. G was almost never effusive so his bubbling enthusiasm caught Taylor utterly by surprise. He gently extracted his cock from her mouth. "It's incredible when a woman can hold a cock like that. My god, to have to force her to let you take it out of her mouth, it's such a compliment, such a thrill. You truly are remarkable!" He caressed her cheek. "You better get to class, though." He staggered back and dropped into his chair like he'd been shot. He'd pulled up his pants as he moved and sat rearranging himself.

Taylor nodded finally and stood. The panic that had possessed her had passed. Elation vibrated through her body. She was a true cocksucker! Just like Ky! She wasn't sure she could master Mr. Crowder's cock yet but that was a matter of degree. She'd rounded a corner and she could see confidence in cock sucking for her and that feeling was nearly as wonderful as a tight orgasm. She shouldered her pack and took three steps to the door, put out her hand to the handle but stopped. A dark lance of doubt ran through her ebullience. She turned back to look at Mr. G sitting in his chair staring after her.

"Why me, Mr. G? Why me? There are lots of other girls in this school who'd drop their knickers in a New York minute if they thought you were willing to have sex with them. They'd love to be your slave, have you as their master. Why me? Why did you pick me?"

Mr. G smiled and got up from his chair, stepped around his desk and moved to stand before her, very close to her. If she had had tits of any consequences, they have kissed his chest. He carefully put a hand on each of her upper arms and squeezed them tight. He crushed her between his hands.

"Miss Dillon, I, we really, Ester and I picked you because no woman will ever look at you and be jealous if their man fucks you. They may watch him use you and it will be to them like watching him wipe himself down with a towel. We picked you because no one will ever be jealous of you when you fuck them. If a woman is straight as an arrow and finds you licking her cunt, kissing her there and dipping deep into her to diddle her G-spot, she won't ever imagine that she's lesbian particularly if she's used vibrators on that cunt of hers. She'll view you as just an object, a sex aid, a fuck toy, something to be used and discarded.

"It's because you are an ugly cunt, Taylor, an awful unwieldy example of a woman but with three holes that can be filled. And best of all, you love to fuck. You have an unplumbed capacity for sexual pleasure and I want to plumb it, and you in every way possible and mold you into the perfect sex toy, the perfidious fuck toy many women dream of being, perhaps having or using but never dare to confront that twisted logic, or lust as it were, in them. They see you as an example of what they might have been, could have been, should have been had they been free of their mundane restraints, so they envy you.

"You, you are strong enough and have that potential, to be the perfect fuck toy, but with aid, my aid. I want you to love to suck cock and to take things into your ass. I want you to climax with men and women both, regardless of what they like, a true sexual omnivore. I want you to feel them climax with you and feel their climax when you orgasm. No one will ever be jealous of you. You're the perfect fuck toy with mouth and ass and cunt. You're real and I'll use you as your master and you will love what I do with you." He hesitated. He moved one of his hands down her arm to her free hand. He moved her hand to his crotch. He was hard. Taylor's hand massaged his rejuvenated cock with both a little amazement and that buzzing thrill that made her dizzy and her knees weak. His arms turned her to face the door.

Taylor heard him fumbling with his belt and then the rip of his zipper followed. His hands released her and then she felt one lift the back of her skirt and the other pulled her panties down her thighs. He grunted when he crouched behind her and thrust his hard cock up into her pussy. The connection was quick and easy, like a truck aiming down an eight lane highway. She felt open and wide enough that even from behind, he couldn't miss her entrance ramp. His cock thrust up into her followed by his body hard against her. She bumped against the door, rattling it in its frame. He put an arm around her middle and whispered in her ear.

"When I use you, Taylor, you'll always be ready, always be able to be used, always be able to orgasm as I want. Just like this!" He drew back and hammered her against the door. It rattled in its frame.

Taylor knew anyone in the outer office must know by the pace Mr. G was thrusting into her, that he was fucking her. That thought roared in her ears like she was listening to a conch shell. His first thrust lit her fuse, by the time he'd thrust into her half a dozen times, she was coming. Her body responded, clinching down on the prong in her pussy, making him hiss with pleasure. She jerked, she bucked, her body operating without an operator, no one was in charge. She was a naughty knot of stimulus and response and the responses were tremendously strong and enthralling.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Taylor cried, wanting to get to the other thought but unable to make the words happen. She wanted to cry out her approval, her lust, her pleasure as she came, pinned against the rattling door. Then it stopped. He pulled out of her. Taylor sagged against the door, feeling like liquid poured into plastic. Her pussy bubbled but he hadn't filled her and she longed for it. The sensations, their ghosts and their echoes continued to twitch and jerk her for several moments after he evacuated out of her. He leaned against her, his heavy weight seemed equally as boneless and slack as hers felt. Finally, he stirred.

"You're a marvel, a sexual treasure, Taylor, and I swear, I will use you and use you and use you but I fear you have no limit to the things you can and will do. You frighten me because of the untapped capacity in you but because you are such a tangled mortal coil, no one will care, it won't matter if they use you. You're may become the perfect Fuck Toy." With those words, he pulled her panties up her lean, lank thighs. They twisted around her legs. She used one hand to sort them out and get them to fit back in place comfortably.

"Here's your hall pass, Taylor, get to class. I am sure there is still more cock for you to suck there." Mr. G reached past her, nudging her to the side so he could open the door. She let him and staggered out into the outer office. It was empty. No one had heard him fuck her against the door, unless some random passersby had. She looked all around and saw no one. She felt vaguely disappointed. She had actually wanted to face someone, Mrs. Coyle, anyone, when she emerged freshly fucked from his office, glowing with her cocksucking triumph. She fairly sprinted for A.P. English where surely more cock waited for her to suck.

Sure enough, when she opened the door, Mrs. Stineway was sitting on her desk and the room was only Swanson adults.

"Miss Dillon, nice of you to join us, since you are going to be the lesson today." She looked around at Ky. "Miss Carter, you're up."

Ky stood up.

"Thank you, Mrs. Stineway. As you all know by now, this is Taylor Dillon's week of cock sucking lessons. Miss Dillon has little experience and next to no skill when it comes to sucking cock..."

Taylor couldn't help herself. The flush of her recent success made her heady and bold. She interrupted Ky.

"Ky, I would dispute that. Let me show you. I think I've mastered it. Pick a cock, and let me suck it. I'll show you I have skill." Taylor felt the familiar flush of her challenge. This was their pattern, Ky always insinuating that Taylor lacked something and Taylor rising to the bait, always, and often ended up a fish on the line. Those times when she managed to surpass Ky's expectations made all the other times worth it because Ky so hated it when Taylor beat her at something.

Ky was staring at her like her tits had swelled. Taylor noted the careless shrug in her shoulders before she looked around the class.

"Who wants to see if Queen Cunt Taylor can back up her words?" Ky looked so smug when no one raised a hand. She smiled a little. "Now, if I offered, who would volunteer?" Hands shot up everywhere.

Taylor was miffed but when she glanced at Mrs. Stineway, she saw the woman was irate at something. This was the cost of being late, Ky had the chance to cue the room to humiliate Taylor. Even the thrill from both the humiliation and Ky's failure to grasp the reality of the thrill in Taylor failed to pierce her feeling of euphoria. She'd been able to hold onto Mr. G's cock for so long without gagging and choking, it meant she was learning. She was actually learning to suck cock! Ky's cocksucking lessons were helping and she was about to show that to Ky! Taylor had Ky right where she wanted her, though taking Mr. Crowder's crowbar wasn't a sure thing but she was much more confident than she'd been just that morning.

Ky pointed ostentatiously. Grand Anders stood up.

Taylor's chest ached. She knew that Ky knew she had a thing for Grand Anders, his body anyway. He had that crinkly black hair she adored and it was long, shoulder length when he left it free. Now it was tied up into a tight pony tail that hung down his neck, between his shoulder blades. He stood up, his angular rangy body gave Taylor the chills. She also knew that Ky had picked him because it would humiliate Taylor more if she gagged on his cock, since she would surely want to impress him.

Taylor felt the familiar twist in her guts when presented with a challenge, the slight lightheaded feeling and the surge of adrenaline. She mastered herself but got quickly to her knees, tossing her pack and purse back against the front wall of the classroom. She felt Ky's surprise that she didn't cringe or shrink in the face of the challenge. Ky always underestimated her opponents and that made her second to Taylor in lots of competitions because Taylor had the killer instinct, the will to crush an opponent with no need to taunt or humiliate them. For her, winning was enough, but more than that, it was everything. For Ky, winning was a byproduct, a means to an end and her objective was always to humiliate and trample her opponent and that got her trampled and humiliated. Taylor had never been scared of that humiliation but with the COMPULSION driving her, it had become fuel to her.

Grand approached her. Ky moved behind her and turned her so her left side was to the audience, her audience. Grand stepped around in front of her and she reached up and took hold of his belt and proceeded to open his pants. Before she got them open, Taylor glanced at Mrs. Stineway, surprised that she sat placidly on the corner of her desk, just watching. She was watching but she looked like she was in pain, like she was sitting on a cocklebur. Taylor focused on Grand's clearly hard cock.

When she finally got it unwrapped, she felt like it was Christmas all over again and she was getting just what she wanted. She decided not to tease him at all but to suck him using all she'd learned in the past few days. She pulled the tip to her lips, gave it a lick and a promise and inhaled it. For a terrible moment, she thought she'd miscalculated. His cock was slender but long and it poked against the back of her mouth without finding the egress to her throat. She gagged. For a moment, she thought she was going to lose it and begin coughing. She steeled herself, adjusted her angle of entry and pushed forward. His cockhead found the entrance to her throat and penetrated it, thrusting down, down into it. She could breathe around it and did, pulling air into her lungs at the same time she pushed her head down onto his cock.

Grand grunted in surprise. Her lips clasped down on his hot shaft, she sucked hard and felt her throat close down on his cock, sealing around it. Grand hissed through his teeth. She felt the elation return, shouldering the gag response aside. She swallowed, once, twice, three time, her face rubbing against his abdomen, her nose poking against him, though he surely didn't notice. Grand was climaxing. At first, he just jerked once but the second convulsion drew his hands to the back of Taylor's head and crushed it against him, jamming his cock a little further into her mouth, but it didn't matter. Taylor twisted her head, breathed out and then sucked air in and then swallowed around his cock again. He lurched against her like he was a ship hitting a reef head on. Like a ship on the rocks, Grand crumpled. He bent over her as his orgasm spindled him, his hands grew painfully tight on the back of her head and his hips jerked, moving his cock in her throat. His cum boiled out of him and felt horribly hot in her throat.

Taylor swallowed but then held it, clamping down on his cock while sucking hard. She moaned a little just for the vibration. Grand lurched again, swaying in her tight, intimate grasp, still jerking with spasmodic orgasm, pumping her mouth full of cock. She leaked. She hadn't perfected the art of keeping the cum from overflowing, from containing it and swallowing it neatly. That lack didn't bother Taylor, she had his cock implanted fully in her throat and she wasn't coughing her fool head off! That was what mattered, that was her triumph.

When Grand finally stopped jerking and she let him draw his cock out of her throat and mouth, she glanced at Ky and saw that she was furious. The moment Taylor looked at her, though, Ky's face snapped back into that imperious expression that she thought hid her feelings. Everyone who knew her understood that the impassive, tense look meant Ky was furious. The look made Taylor want to laugh and skip around the room. She didn't. She simply looked at the room.

"Who's next?" She asked.

Taylor noticed Ky leave the room but she was too busy reveling in her newfound talent that she gave it no thought. By the time Ky returned, Taylor had sucked five cocks dry. She felt a little bad that she wasn't getting any cum on her face but she didn't want to be smearing other guys' cum on the guy she was blowing. She thought that was awfully nice of her, to swallow it all and not get it everywhere. She was still on her knees when the door opened and Ky came into the room. Behind her loomed the frame of Mr. Crowder.

Taylor felt the elation again, different this time tinged as it was with fear but she licked the cum off her lips and lifted her chin. She had taken six cocks in a row into her throat, sucked on them and held them there while they came. She thought it was logical that she had a good chance to take Mr. Crowder's hog's leg full into her mouth. She knew though, if she failed, if he succeeded in gagging her, the humiliation would be luscioustoo, frosting on her successes with a new literally larger challenge and if there was anything to rival her new found love of sex, a new physical challenge was it.

It confused Taylor when Ky came right to her, reached down for her elbow and nearly pulled her bodily to her feet.

"Taylor, I must commend you on a great deal of progress. Monday morning, all she could do was cough and spit when she tried to swallow a cock. Now, look at you, condoming cocks like a pro, not that anyone would pay to have you suck their wiener but you get my point. But, Taylor, surely you know that this is just the first step, the first basic lesson in cock sucking, right? I mean, it's easy getting on your knees and sucking a guy's cock. That's all you need to do. The Sex Queen of Swanson high, though must know more than the basics of cocksucking. You need to be able to suck a cock while someone else is fucking you. That's when your skills as a cocksucker begin to mature. If you can suck a cock and be fucked at the same time, then you have something worth admiring. Then you have some real talent, some actual skill to be proud of. Oh, sucking a cock like you do is a skill, one that the rest of you nasty cunts would do well to learn." Ky glared out at the room. Never had a high school class room been that quiet or that attentive!
