A Fucking Investment Ch. 13


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"When I let her loose, she just lay there, panting. I delicately took the gag out of her mouth and she gasped and snorted. Don't go, she said, but I left. I had been there much longer than I intended. I left and the very next morning, I was busing tables again and there she was, sitting at a table and I eased closer. A gaggle of girls were around Maya and she was talking in a hushed voice. I heard her say 'fucked me' and 'gagged the whole time' and 'orgasm after orgasm!' The other girls listened and then Maya said it, she said 'the Midnight Rambler is back'.

"Now I didn't know what she was talking about so I did some research but found nothing. Later I found out that in years past, some of the girls had had sex in the night like that, without cuffs but still, in their own beds with an unknown man.

The next two weeks were crazy. I had a dozen or so girls identified who had diaries and with similar predilections. I visited their rooms and found express wishes that the Midnight Rambler would visit them. I had a name. The night I went back to Maya's room, I fucked her hard this time. I tore her up. I had cuffs for her ankles this time and she was hooked all limbs to one point. I worried the eye bolt would come loose. I had to hook a larger...you don't care about the details. I fucked her. Two nights later, I fucked another girl. I felt like I had cheated on Maya but realized that I could not become fixated on one. I went back to Maya three or four times and she always came with me. I know she did. The last time we did it, I let her loose and we had sex like lovers. She was worn down and relieved not to be hooked up but the feeling of her legs wrapping around me as I did her lit me up. God it was hot!

"I know, I am getting to it. The semester ended and Maya did not return that next semester. I don't know why. I was hooked though, with or without her. I had to have sex. Since I was a nonentity on campus, my only avenue was through the diaries. For the longest time I just read diaries, convinced that I had to leave them alone, that it was too big a risk. But I always gave in. I'd find one girl or another who had very explicit fantasies and so I'd fuck her and the next couple weeks, all the women would be abuzz with stories of the Midnight Rambler.

"There was even a group of girls who formed his 'posse' and when various guys insisted that they were the Midnight Rambler, they'd fuck them to see. That got out of hand right away, the queue formed to the right and went around the block. So they changed it, they stopped that after a while.

"It changed how women responded because after that, they all wanted to blow me the first time. I figured out after a while that the posse would offer to blow a guy and if his cock wasn't the right one, they bang him in the balls. The lines got much shorter. They put one guy in the hospital but he was a dick, so he likely had a concussion. In order to help them out, I went back and fucked the whole posse again, getting them to blow me and they all agreed that they'd been had by the Midnight Rambler. By the end of that first year, I'd fucked maybe eight or ten girls that way.

"I was a fucking legend with a secret identity and everything, like I was a super hero. During the summer, I did three professors, two right on campus, right in their offices. When I left them, I whispered they'd just fucked the Midnight Rambler. None of them reported me. That was when I understood I had something but I had to be smart. Doing them during the summer was stupid because the process of elimination could have ended up with me as the prime suspect.

"The professors were the first time I ever did someone without the benefit of the diary. That is a little misleading because I heard two of them talking about the Midnight Rambler and the third was tight with them. I went back for them several times the rest of the next year, doing them in their houses. That is another story.

"The next year started with a whole new group of freshman women and it became obvious that most prestigious click was the Posse and the alumna of the Midnight Rambler. I began to initiate new girls. I got really adept and slipping into the room. I'd be on them and in them before they were fully awake. I know, that violated my desert pussy rule but if they did not enjoy it, I never went back. That whole semester I did maybe two or three a week. About half kept quiet about it and the rest joined the Posse."

John fell silent.

I waited. When he spoke again, his voice had changed. Before it had been high and tinny. It dropped an octave and he sat up, looking right at me.

"I quit relying on the diaries to keep from making that obvious. I did a secretary in her apartment. I had been working on picking locks and that was one of the first times I did that exclusively. The thrill was unbelievable. Well, in truth, I went to her place and picked the lock when she was at work but still, the rush was awesome.

"Everyone knew about the Midnight Rambler. Then I got bronchitis and had to lay low for a month and a half. I cough like a pig in a dry, dusty pen when I get a cold and it held on forever. Coughing in the midst of an outing would never have worked out.

"The campus was wondering what had become of the Rambler when I finally got back on the horse. All year I visited girls, fucking them. It was unbelievable. A bunch of them never even fought. Some fought because they wanted to be restrained. They were the ones gushing when I entered them the first time.

"So that year passed. In April of that year, a girl visited the campus and I lost it over her. I fell in love from across the quad." He halted his headlong narrative.

"Eve." I breathed.

"Eve." He agreed. "I did not see her again till the next year but I knew I had to have her. By then, I had become a campus legend. I was suddenly completely content being invisible. I always wondered why no one else tried it but no imitators appeared to screw things up for me. After a while, the challenge was to surprise the woman. I made a lot of girls' lives better; girls who were not part of the in-crowd. When they decided to let it be known they had been fucked by the Rambler, they were instantly a sensation. I realized as the numbers rose, that duplication would mark a girl off as special and occasionally I'd go back when a girl was having a hard time. I made female reputations with my cock that second year.

"Then came Eve. Eve was different. She was part of a group of high society girls who knew about cotillions and that sort of thing. They found each other and formed an instant bond that excluded everyone else. Swallow was the vociferous instigator of it but Eve was often at the center of whatever they did. There were eighteen girls.

"I was in love though. The first month, I didn't do anyone and the rumor began that the Rambler had graduated. Others insisted he was a towny. I was fixated on Eve. She had no diary so I had to reconnoiter heavily before I could figure her out. I failed.

"I did however fuck her. The football game the first week in October was away and a lot of the students made it into a weekend in Ohio. They left but Eve stayed behind. I fucked her Friday night. She went crazy. She came and came and came, like it was her first time or something but believe me she was no blushing virgin. I went back Saturday and by Sunday she was expecting me.

"When I opened the door, her voice came out of the darkness. Couldn't stay away from this good pussy? She asked me. I was terrified for a moment but she did not scream and she spoke the truth, I could not keep away from her fine pussy. She told me I didn't have to hook her up. I found her nude on the bed waiting for me. When I say she was waiting for me, I mean she was slick as axle grease and hot as a baked potato when I slipped inside. But strangely, she did not come when I fucked her. In fact, most of the energy was gone and she just held on till I gushed the first time.

"I made to leave but she wrapped her legs around me and held on, telling me not to go. I got a little panicked, thinking she was trapping me. Going back the third time was dangerous. She held on and soothed me and told me to relax and listen. She said she had a plan, a plan that would let her own this campus. She wanted to control everyone and everything. She said, she said she had a deal for me.

"I wasn't sure what that meant but I got hard. She took me inside and while I fucked her, she told me what she had in mind. She would tell me who to fuck and she'd tell them she had control of me. If I did that, she'd guarantee that I'd get all the women I wanted without any risk whatsoever.

"I got loose from her legs and left. That next week, she posted a notice on the big public bulletin board addressed to the Midnight Rambler. It said, come do her again and she'd make it worth my while.

"For two weeks I resisted, because it seemed like a trap but then I saw the crap she was taking from everyone for the poster and finally, I did her again. This time, though, I hooked her up good and fucked her fast and deep before leaving her. I told her no more posters. The next day, she took it down.

"I cannot tell you the power I felt then. I never stopped to ask what I needed her for. The year before I got fifty or sixty women that way. Easy, but having her blessing seemed much more attractive. Finally I went back to her. She gave me a name, told me to fuck her before Thursday.

"I was terribly suspicious, thinking it was a trap so I did the girl immediately. She was so wet after I gagged her and hooked her arms up, she sloshed when I rammed into her. She was a black chick named Odessa. God, what a lay! Friday I did Eve again and she told me who to do next. I did Lucretia Laurenitus and she came like a cannon. She was a dancer, ballet and flexible as rubber. I kept trying to find her limits and didn't.

"I went back to Eve. She told me about the Little Lords who were intent on fucking everyone and lo and behold, she had drawn my name, my real name. She told me that she'd fuck me as John, though at the time my name was Mark Stallworth. She said she was going to fuck me and make me her boyfriend and that she'd tell him all about me. She said she'd give him the name, the next name to fuck and I could get it from him. If I kept doing her this way, someone would get suspicious and I'd get caught.

"Now at the time, I had no idea if she was on to me or not. The next week, she spilled scalding coffee on my arm while I was busing tables and burned the shit out of my arm. She was all solicitous and demanded I take her to her doctor to have the burn looked at. She did and we ended up doing it in a hotel room. She said she'd picked me because I was nothing and that I could not demand anything from her She said she had a job for me. She told me that she had no wish to end up on the auction block with the other cunts, her word, she wanted to be left alone with her tamed cock. That was me. She insisted that she just wanted a boyfriend but if I'd play along, I could fuck her as much as I wished.

"I was so nervous, so suspicious, I could not believe this was all a coincidence. To this day, Eve insists it was. I may be gullible but I believe her. She then told me about the Little Lords, the name of her group of girls, and she insisted that she wanted to keep them out of trouble but give them a good time in school. She insisted that I would be hearing from the Midnight Rambler. When I did, she told me to give him the next name.

"It was easy to tell her that the Midnight Rambler insisted that I not reveal who he was or how he did what he did. She seemed perfectly willing to accept things as they were. She told me who to fuck and I fucked them. I figured out eventually that she told everyone that I knew who the Rambler was and that the guy had taken me under his wing and protected me. He said that he let me decide who got fucked in the night.

"Eve used it to perfection, leveraging it into control over all the women who cared about the Midnight Rambler. I did something really clever, though, to keep things from getting to conspicuous. Several times, once I knew who was getting fucked on a day, I'd slip in and change their clock so that it was an hour later. I'd then fuck them at midnight by their clock. While they were eating breakfast, I'd change the clock back. At the actual midnight, I'd go fuck Eve.

"She figured out that the Rambler was fucking the next girl while I was doing her. I managed to dispel that suspicion. But Eve was not really fucking me. The fire cat I had fucked as the Rambler was replaced by a cool female who'd wrap her legs around me and let me pump till I came but she'd be filing her fingernails above my back. It was awful. She turned into a limp fish and nothing I could do could get that fire back. I insisted on doing her ass, made her suck me off all over campus...nothing changed her. She was consistently pliable but utterly unresponsive.

"This went out for the whole year and I fucked everyone she told me to. I endured her lack of response and came to love the variety. I still poached diaries but mostly with the idea that I was finding out what a girl liked. She and Swallow, dammit, now you have me doing it. She and Shallow used me several times, as me, to do girls with guys they were interested in but wanted to see if they'd share. I did Shallow several times with other guys, just to see if they'd share. The whole thing they told you about Shallow and the other Little Lords, Eve never calls them that, by the way. That thing was all true. Shallow fucked everyone of the guys who sniffed around the Little Lords. She was the fuck buffer. When a girl got hooked into a guy Eve thought was beneath her, she'd send the Rambler to show her what sex was all about.

"In the process, I got mad respect. I came to be the guy that the Rambler listened to. I had to fuck some girls from some other people along the way but I used Eve to figure out who was trying to catch me out and who just wanted a good fucking. As you can see, the whole surprise thing went out of it nearly from the start. I became an on-call cock that serviced the girls on campus.

"When summer came, I was stranded. Eve went back to her life, and I was alone on campus. I knew should not call on the Rambler but I did once too often. A married professor, well, two married professors were boning in her office and I caught them, as me, doing maintenance. I knew they had been carrying on and thought I'd contrive to get her under my thumb. I barged in and then backed out. I left the room but a few days later, when the man was out of town, I caught her alone and fucked her. She went right to the administration and reported me. She laid out her reasons for not engaging the police, because I'd rat out the other professor and no one thought that was a good idea.

"Just like that, I was out on my ass. They dismissed me and cut me off from all financial aid. My tenure there was over. I was devastated. I left, I thought, never to return. I was working as a night clerk in an all-night pharmacy when a guy found me...it was three months later. He said he worked for Mr. Covington and had a message for me from Eve. He gave me a letter and left.

"Eve wrote me that she needed the Rambler back. Word was the Rambler had graduated but she had convinced them that he refused to touch anyone but her but that was wearing thin. She said I knew him and that I should find him and bring him back occasionally. She arranged a hotel room and told me to have him visit the campus.

"I am not sure what she was thinking but I had kept the master keys. I returned to the campus and fucked a few of her freshmen friends. I returned to my job for a few weeks till the guy reappeared. I returned to campus several more times under that pretense. Even then, she insisted later she had no idea I was the Midnight Rambler. That insults me a little because no one imagined I could be that guy, so nondescript was I.

"Her junior year, I did the same thing but I got a hair up my ass and got a job at her father's company. For some reason, I got a position and in six months, I had worked into a respectable position. I managed to finish my degree with night school and Internet classes.

"Eve's senior year, I was off her radar. She came home at Christmas and came face to face with me in the halls of her father's offices and did not recognize me. Not even a flicker. I had changed a little, gotten more handsome, filled out some. She says now she does not even remember seeing me."

John stopped and I felt like a galloping pony had just locked his front legs and bucked me off ass over tea kettle. "What? How did you end up with Eve Covington? You cannot stop there!"

John smiled wanly.

"Just because I left campus did not mean I had stopped visiting women in the night. I made a hobby of searching for diaries and when I found one that contained the right fantasies, I'd go back and fuck them. Several of the women in the Covington companies got visits from me. No one ever knew."

"But what about Eve?"

"Eve is smart. You know that. She graduated and her father assumed she'd come back and become a vice president to his Chairman of the Board. He had a guy all picked out to succeed him and Eve was going to marry him to keep the business in the family. Eve was having none of that. They had a huge fight right in the offices and she insisted that she could make it on her own, that she did not need her father.

"She did too. That was the beginning of the legend of Eve Covington, the model. She went and broke into that business and dominated it for two years. She came back once during that time and paid her father for her education, dropping three-hundred thousand in gold coins on his desk. It embarrassed him. She turned around and left. We all thought that was the last we'd see of her but then her mother died.

"Eve was like her father sinew and bone but looked just like her mother. She used both to her advantage. She came back and she and her father reconnected. Her older sister resented them both; she was ditzy like her mom and not reserved and dignified like Eve is. Eve's father was devastated and Eve put him back together. He got back up on his hind legs and they fought again.

"During that time, I took to slipping into their house and fucking her, as the Rambler. We went through a little dance and she suddenly 'recognized' me from school. I had changed my name by then and dodged her friends when they came to visit but I still had it when it came to doing women in the night. I had begun doing her regularly and she responded as she had to the old Rambler. When she discovered I was working for her father, she invited me out a few times but it seemed to go no where. Neither of us mentioned that I was doing her in the night, while she strained at hand cuffs in her own bed. She knew though, it was all clear to her at that time.

"Well, she had this huge blow up with her father and she came down to where I was working. She dragged me up to his office, told his father I had been fucking her for six months and there wasn't a thing he could do about it. Mr. Covington was not shocked or even perturbed. He just looked back at the papers on his desk and said she was right, she could lay whomever she pleased but she was marrying Carl Billings. She pointed at me and screamed we were getting married. Mr. Covington told her if she married me, she was out. She did and we were. She had invested her money from modeling well and we used that to buy into Holdingsfield. That is how I came to be Mr. Eve Covington."

I nodded. "Not very romantic."

"Eve is not much of a romantic. As you said, she has had to cut off all ties to her friends from college or they would surely recognize me and put two and two together."
