A Proper Scottish Wife Ch. 21


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Finally, Laird Cameron said, "Here is what we're going to do. Mrs. McGillivrey dragged you in here and I imagine several people witnessed the event and I can't assume others aren't spies for Blackthorne. Therefore, some punishment will be expected for the way you were treated. You will be taken down to the barn and paddled, twenty-five hard strokes. The excuse will be Mrs. McGillivrey caught you pawing through Lady Cameron's things. The punishment will fit the reported crime and not leave any other spies thinking your usefulness as a spy has ended, which should protect you from Blackthorne for now. Unfortunately, your backside must be bare for the paddling and I want it to be witnessed by as many people as is reasonable both to serve as an example and so word gets back to Blackthorne. Isobel, you'll administer the punishment and you can't go easy on her. It has to look real. Every female of the household staff must witness the punishment, plus any other outside female staff. All others on the farm will remain outside the barn and listen to the punishment being administered. Mr. McTeague, you will be the sole male member to witness the punishment and I want you to tell everyone else what happened. I apologize for this treatment for a crime you didn't commit, but it's better than the one you deserve for the crime you did.

"Because I'm concerned for your family, sometime during the next couple weeks, we'll arrange for your family to move to the Viking trading village where Thorburn's and Bjarkë's family still reside. We can protect your family there. Bjarkë, please send the appropriate messages to make arrangements tomorrow. I'd send your family to the Keep, but then your changed alliances would be apparent to Blackthorne and your safety may be impossible to guarantee. Very few people are aware of our connection to this village, so it may look like a normal opportunity for a better life. Bjarkë, perhaps there could be an offer for employment extended as well; make it look better.

"You will report to Blackthorne only what we tell you to report. Anything more or less and I will spread rumors you've changed sides and I'm sure you can imagine what will happen to you then. For today, you can tell him we had a meeting and we've assigned extra guards to all our wives. No more and no less. Every couple days, I will tell you something else you may pass along so Blackthorne believes you're being compliant. If you are caught spying again or it seems you are reporting anything other than what I tell you to report, I will make sure you receive all fifty lashes you earned today plus another fifty for spying again. It's a very painful way to die. Do you understand? I expect your full compliance with everything I said today. Complete and total obedience. Do you agree to obey my instructions or should we end it now? We can throw you off the property and you can take your chances with Blackthorne. What do you want to do?"

Meghan didn't have to think long about whether she would accept his terms or take her chances with Blackthorne. Ailene's description of Màiri's death had been very vivid. It helped the Laird was concerned for her family and would try to protect them.

"I will do exactly what you say, Laird Cameron."

"In fifteen minutes, you will be taken to the barn," Frang said. "Isobel, wait here with her until everyone has been gathered. Mrs. McGillivrey, please gather all the household staff and bring them out to the barn. Cyrus and Bjarkë, please gather those outside who are still here and bring them out as well."

Frang went up to his room and got a leather paddle he stored with his stuff. He hated the necessity for this and even more, Isobel having to do it. He didn't want to embarrass Meghan more than necessary while disguising her discovery as a spy to protect her. McTeague was the only male who would be present for the spanking, but at least he was a familiar to most and a father figure for all. He also grabbed some rope to secure her and tie up Meghan's dress for her paddling. The strange thing is it was the rope Isobel had used to secure him to the bed. Now it would be repurposed to something less pleasant. He returned downstairs. All the household staff were already outside, gathered around the barn waiting for it to begin.

Frang handed the ropes and paddle to Isobel saying to Meghan, "It will hurt to be paddled, but by tomorrow, the pain will be gone. I hope the meaning will continue to remain in the forefront of your mind. I don't want you to endure your paddling stoically. I want you to scream as loud as you want. Everyone inside and out should know it's painful and you are suffering."

"As you wish, Laird Cameron."

"Let's go."

Frang took one arm and escorted her out of the house to the barn. It was nearing sunset so there were several lanterns lit and torches. As they neared the barn, the people parted to let them pass through. They reached the doorway and Frang stopped.

Turning to face the gathered crowd, Frang said, "Meghan was discovered going through Lady Camerons possessions. Whether this was preparatory to steal some items or misguided envy for her things, it warrants punishment. She will receive 25 swats of the paddle on her naked bottom. All women present will observe her punishment. All men but McTeague will remain out here, including myself. I am informing you this is the Cameron's primary method of dealing with most disciplinary matters. Most infractions will result in a paddling of various lengths, more serious infractions may result in a strap or cane being used. The most serious infractions will result in both a whipping and expulsion from Lady Luck Farms. Lady Cameron will administer tonights punishment. I wish this to be public so you are all aware of the consequences for misbehavior and aware of the likely consequences should you find yourself doing something you should not. Please pay heed to the suffering of Miss Meghan."

Turning to Isobel he told her, "Until we get a pillory made, tie her firmly bent over a cross beam. Mr. McTeague will help ensure her bindings are secure. Fasten her dress about her waist and administer the paddling upon her bare bum. Make sure she is struck with enough force we can hear the blows landing outside the barn. I want everyone to know what happened to her."

"Aye, husband. As you order it."

"Lady Ailene, I expect you to ensure the paddle is well laid on. I know you have experience in these matters where Lady Isobel does not."

"Aye, Lord Cameron. She will not slack in her duty."

Frang waited until all the women and McTeague had entered the barn before he closed the door. He stood waiting with the others for the punishment to begin.

Isobel and Cyrus McTeague led Meghan to a sturdy cross beam. She was bent over the beam and her hands were tied to keep her in that position. Her legs were also secured so she couldn't cross them or squeeze them together. After Cyrus inspected the bindings and was satisfied she was secure, he stood in front of Meghan so he wouldn't see her bottom when Ailene and Isobel bared it. When he was safely out of sight, they raised to back of her dress and tied it around her waist so it wouldn't fall. Isobel didn't know how Meghan felt to have her buttocks and sex exposed in this way to over a dozen other women, but she was embarrassed enough for both of them.

"It was demonstrated to me you should test the paddle on yourself to get a sense of how hard you should swing it and how hard it will hurt when you do so," Ailene said in a low voice.

Isobel nodded and swung the paddle a couple times against the meat of her thigh to get a feel for it.

"Are you prepared to receive your punishment," Isobel asked, "and do you promise to never again go through my things without my express permission?"

"I am prepared and I promise," Meghan sniffled, already anticipating the pain to follow.

"Let us begin then," Isobel said and whacked the poor lasses ass with what she considered to be a stiff blow.

Despite Meghan crying out, Ailene told her she needed to strike her harder. Isobel glanced at Cyrus who nodded his head in agreement.

Isobel struck again and Ailene still wasn't satisfied despite Meghan crying out again.

"It's left almost no marks on her bottom," Ailene whispered, "and I'm sure it's not being heard outside the barn except possibly the girl's cries. I struck you much harder than this."

"Maybe you should do this," Isobel said, holding out the paddle.

"You're the mistress of the manor," Ailene replied. "You can't delegate power to another without forever losing it yourself."

Isobel sighed in resignation and administered another whack, this one much harder. Meghan screamed loudly and a clear red mark was left on the poor girl's bum.

"Perfect," whispered Ailene.

So for the remainder of her 22 strokes, Isobel hit her as hard as she had the third and Meghan wailed with each one. Both the smacks of the paddle and the girl's screams were easily heard outside the barn. Isobel tried to help by moving the paddle around, trying to avoid hitting her in the same place over and over. She even applied some strokes to the tops of her thighs. Meghan was jumping about and squirming as much as her bonds allowed, which was minimal, and she was sobbing and crying between each scream. Her bottom progressed from pink to darker and darker shades of red. Ailene counted down the last stroke and Isobel threw the paddle on the floor, happy to be done with it. They lowered Meghan's dress and Cyrus McTeague helped untie her hands and legs.

"Bring her back to the house," Ailene directed. "I've got a salve for easing her pain and reducing swelling or bruising. I'll be back there in a minute."

"Aye, Lady Ailene," he said. Cyrus led Meghan back to the house. She walked gingerly, every movement of her legs and bottom a fiery flash of pain.

Ailene put her arms around Isobel and squeezed her. Isobel almost broke into tears. She stifled a few sobs.

"Being in charge means more responsibility than most people realize," Ailene said. "You will be a lot of things to these people; nursemaid, mother, boss, judge and executioner. Imposing rules and ensuring people obey is one of the toughest things you will ever do. Just remember to be as fair as possible, have no favorites or scapegoats, and be consistent in your punishments. Use praise as much as you can to encourage good behavior, corrective words to try to stem misbehavior before it occurs. You'll do fine, I'm sure."

"McTavish did everything before," Isobel said. "He was never just, nor consistent. He beat everyone indiscriminately without a word of praise."

"And you hated him for it. Yet you didn't hate me when I paddled you because you knew the rules and were sorry you broke them. That's the difference. You can still be friendly to your people without coddling them or allowing them to run over you."

"Come with me. You can put the salve on to ease Meghan's pain. Show her you're not just the disciplinarian, but the nursemaid as well."

"Thank you, Ailene."

"Of course, sister."

Arm in arm, they walked back to the manor house, most of the people already gone, returned to their own homes or whatever duties they'd been pulled from, two guards trailed behind them, Bjarkë already assigning men to do the job. Isobel sighed, knowing she would never feel much privacy again as long as this thing with Blackthorne lasted.

Back at the house, Ailene went to her room to get the salve for Isobel. She returned with small tub.

Handing it to Isobel, she said, "You don't need much. A little goes a long way. You may keep this. I'm sure you'll have occasion to use it again. Thankfully, Frang will be disciplining the men who tend to get into more trouble than the women do."

Isobel went into the kitchen and found Meghan standing with Cyrus speaking to her in a low voice. When he saw Isobel, he tapped his tam and left. Isobel asked Meghan if she would like to apply the salve herself or if she would like her to do it. She said she didn't want to embarrass her more than she had been already, but would assist her if she liked.

"Will it hurt, Lady Cameron?"

"No, it will make your bottom feel much better than it does now. I had my bum paddled in the last week and I can tell you that when this salve was put on, it felt much better."

"You were paddled, Lady? Who would dare to paddle you, Lady Cameron?"

"Ailene was the one who administered the punishment. It was ordered by Thorburn, Laird of Cameron Keep."

"Yet you married his brother and remain friends with Lady Ailene?"

"I was in the wrong. The punishment was deserved. I struck a seamstress. The Cameron's have very strict rules about striking servants. They must not be stricken at any time unless they have been judged guilty of some offense by the Laird. I hit her because she accidentally stepped on my Festival dress and tore it. It was an accident. I was aware of the rules. I'd been told shortly after arriving at the Keep."

"And you, a Lady, was punished for striking a servant?"

"Yes. I shall tell you a secret, though it doesn't hurt if you know. Lord Thorburn wanted to make me feel better about my own punishment so he hit one of his men on the training grounds so he had to suffer the same penalty as I at the same time. He paid the man so he could hit him. He was paddled before I was and it was not an easy one. He was struck harder than I struck you tonight."

"Do you agree with their rules, Lady Isobel?"

"I do, yes. I think Frang and I will impose many of the same rules here. You were here when McTavish was here. He hit anyone he wanted, any time he wanted, including me, often for no good reason other than he was hung over or lost money. I never did anything to deserve his abuse, nor did most of the other people he struck. It was unfair and unjust. These rules, when applied to everyone means there is some justice and fairness to all. I often think it's all most people want, that the rules apply equally to all."

Meghan thought about it for awhile.

"You still haven't answered my question about the salve," Isobel said. "Would you like to apply it yourself, or do you wish my assistance?"

"If you could do it this once, I will know how to do it next time."

"Of course." She turned to her guard and asked him to leave the room while she administered medical assistance. "I will scream loudly for help if I need it," she said, "but I don't want you in here while I put this on her bottom."

"Aye, Lady Cameron." He left the room and closed the door behind him, but standing right outside with his hand on the door.

Isobel bade Meghan to lie on her stomach on one of the benches and when she was in position, Isobel raised her dress and checked the damage. The redness was already starting to fade and was several shades lighter than when the paddling ended.

"How bad is it, Lady? Will I be disfigured?"

Isobel laughed. "Nay, child, the redness is already fading. The paddle they use is designed to create pain without marring the skin. It is doubtful you will even have bruising. I should be most surprised if you aren't able to sit on it without discomfort by tomorrow afternoon."

While speaking, she removed the lid from the tub of salve and showing Meghan the small amount she placed on her fingers, she gently daubed it onto the reddest areas before smoothing the cream into the skin. It brought almost instant relief from the worst of the pain and Isobel noticed Meghan relaxing her ass cheeks as the salve took affect. She put a little on all the areas still reddened by the paddle and Meghan quit flinching as she finished putting it on.

Isobel handed her the small tub. "Put more on if the pain returns."

"It really does feel much better," Meghan said as Isobel lowered the dress over her bottom again.

"I wouldn't try sitting on it until morning at least," Isobel instructed. "If you can sleep on your stomach, you'll be more comfortable. What was McTeague telling you when I walked in?" Isobel asked.

"He told me I was lucky I didn't have the skin removed from my back for spying on you. He said you were the most honorable people he'd ever met and the kindest. He reminded me of all you'd done for the people here though it wasn't their responsibility and if I were to have any problems, I should seek your advice and guidance, or at the least, his, before taking any actions which might get me into trouble. I really am sorry, Lady Isobel. I didn't want to spy on you, honest."

"I believe you, Lass. Cyrus gave you good advice. Màiri, the maid Blackthorne tortured to death, was stealing from the Cameron's to help her sick brother. Before dismissing her, Ailene asked her why she didn't ask for help rather than steal. Màiri was fairly new to the Keep and didn't yet realize how much they cared for their people. After she went missing, the Cameron's gave food and money to her family because their daughter could not provide and she was the only one could work. They didn't have to do it, having no more duty towards them. Màiri had been legitimately discharged for stealing. That is the kind of Lord and Lady Frang and I wish to be. Never be afraid to ask for help. Between all of us, there may be some solution to be found you alone might never have considered. Just as Frang wanted to find a way to protect your little sister when deciding what to do. Allowing her to suffer in your stead is not something he nor I could abide. We understand your desire to protect her and realize how dangerous this war with Blackthorne is to all the people we care about. We need to work together."

"Thank you, Lady Isobel. I will keep all you spoke of to mind. I shall do my best not to disappoint or betray you again."

"Good night, Meghan. I appreciate that. I expect you to be at work in the morning."

"Aye, Lady Isobel. It will be as you say."

Isobel went up to her room, accompanied by her guard. She thanked him for looking out for her before closing the door. He would have to stand guard outside the room until relieved. Frang was asleep but there was still a tub for her and hot water on the hearth. So much for another night with her husband. It was unfortunate. She found she was quite enjoying his attentions. Who knew something she'd hated for so long would be so wonderful with the right person. She found herself too tired for a full bath, but she dipped a cloth into the hot water and washed herself.

Climbing into the bed, she was pleased when Frang put his arms around her, kissed her neck and whispered, "Are you too tired to play tonight, my love?"

"I thought you were sleeping. I could hear your snoring before I even reached the room."

"Merely taking a nap until you could join me."

"I am very tired. It's been a long and difficult day. I hated to be the one to punish Meghan. Then there was the training and loss of privacy, catching another spy. It's been a very busy day."

"As you wish, dear heart."

Isobel turned to face him and kissing him, said, "But not too tired for that."

Frang chuckled and nuzzled a breast; soft pliant flesh with nipples already peaking with the surge of excitement she felt in his arms.

"We must endeavor to be quieter," Isobel said, panting. "It's bad enough my sister-in-law has heard me cum. I don't want to give the young man in the hallway a reason to look at me in that way."

"What way?" Frang asked, pausing what he was doing.

"Like I'm a wanton woman who enjoys sex." She placed his mouth back on her stiff nipple. "Men look at you differently after, like they're considering what you're like between the sheets."

Frang laughed, stopping again as he lifted up to consider her. "I've got news for you, Lady Isobel. Most men have already gotten that look within five minutes of meeting a lass. If they haven't wondered what you have between your legs, they're a pouf."