A Ridiculous Bet

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Jess makes a bet on his wife remaining faithful.
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As the owner of my own construction company, I consider the workers under me like family. Most of them are in their early twenties compared to me nearing forty, and though my own kids were only three and seven, I felt like a father figure to my team. That was why I struggled to like Pedro, and was failing miserably.

Pedro was my newest worker and only nineteen, having moved from the big city after dropping out of college. He was a medium height Latino that had muscles like they were sculpted. He was a good worker, and my crew is made up of several difference races, so I definitely had no problem with that. It was because that Pedro was always bragging and acting like he was the hottest man on the planet that got with any woman he wanted. Of course, there was always shoptalk at a site or while relaxing at a pub after a hard job, but Pedro always took it too far. It felt more like he was more insulting the other guys than bragging.

When I hosted the company Christmas party at my place, Pedro went stag and flirted with almost every girlfriend and wife there. Most of them were wearing skirts or dresses showing a lot of skin, which he managed to paw. I had to defuse a couple situations where an understandably jealous partner wanted to punch Pedro out because we knew it wasn't "a little harmless fun" as he claimed in front of the women who did seem at least a little charmed by his antics.

Maggie was different. Being a thirty-something mother of two, she went for a pants suit that looked classy and stunning with those green eyes and bright smile. I knew her body was curvier but as toned as any of the others, except she felt confident enough to not advertise. She looked like housewife. Pedro did try his 'harmless fun,' with Maggie after she finally allowed him a dance, and I knew not to step in. Sur enough, she removed his hand from her back, gave him a shove, and walked away without a word leaving him looking like an idiot. He caught me smirking and gave me a dirty look, which I followed with a thumbs-up.


Three weeks later, after we returned to work from Christmas break, I was glad none of the animosity from the party remained. The other fellows weren't friendly to Pedro, but not trying to punch him out either. Of course, Pedro was again telling a tale about how his cock is so impressive, woman instantly have to suck it. No one was really paying attention. We've heard this many times, and always what follows is a tale of some innocent woman swayed by him that was probably total bullshit.

However, this time he ended with, "I'm sure your lovely wife gets enough to suck on from you, though, right boss?"

Mags and I had a great sex life, even though the frequency dropped once the kids arrived. Lean hips, taunt tummy, long muscular legs on her almost five-foot-eleven frame, and full breasts with a bit of sag two kids later: she was still my dream woman. I had to admit we never really fucked since the kids came. It was making love, but we both came most of the time and were happy with that. I performed oral on her as much as possible, but she never was into blowjobs. After two years of us being together, I knew she was 'tolerating' sucking me off for my sake and stopped pushing for that. When you get the full cake, who cares about a big of icing was my attitude.

Now, Pedro for the first time focused his taunting on me and the other guys stopped what they were doing and waited.

"Pedro, first it is none of your business. Secondly, I think we saw at the party how little need she'd have of you."

Pedro smiled and nodded. "I get it, wholesome housewife. She'd never do something like that -- too classy."

That was true, but with the guys watching I replied, "Definitely not to you."

"Care to bet?"

I moved to punch him, but another guy grabbed me. Mike, who has been with me the most, and whose wife's tits Pedro grabbed at my party had him against a wall ready to strike.

"Wait, wait, just hear me out," said Pedro.

I nodded to Mike who released Pedro, who in reality could easily kick Mike's ass. Mike shook his head and walked away muttering.

"Let's discuss this in private," said Pedro, "Okay?"

We went inside my truck. "Okay, why shouldn't I fire you for that. At best, I should break your nose..." Yeah, I had a bit of a beer-gut, but at six-foot three and over two-hundred pounds, I liked my chances against the punk in a fight.

"Because you want to prove I'm full of shit, right?" said Pedro, "I bet you that seeing my cock, without laying a hand on her or coercing her, your wife would suck it."

I laughed. "She'd slap you and call the police."

"And I will plead guilty and take whatever else the consequences are."

"If you lay a hand on my wife, I'll kick you ass so hard and many of the boys will be happy to join in after your grabby hands at my house."

"I won't touch her and she'll suck me off. If you're right, besides getting whatever is coming to me, I noticed your sports collection -- cards, balls, and jerseys. I have a signed Babe Ruth ball sealed in glass that's yours."

Collecting sporting items was a bit of a passion for me, as well as some of the other guys. Attached guys aren't bragging their sexual conquests, so for most of us it was the new items in our collections or the biggest fish we last caught.

"That's worth more than what I pay you in a year?" My eyes narrowed.

"I know. I inherited it from an uncle and plan to sell it some day."

"And if you win."

"I'm allowed to fuck your wife -- if she'll let me. She resists or anything, again, I forfeit the wager and accept whatever -- including you kicking my ass. Sort of like a double-or nothing. So, what do you say?"

I laughed. "You want to try and get a blowjob from my wife, and then try to fuck her if you succeed? No way. Mags will see through right you, she isn't like the teen sluts you've been banging from the bars."

Pedro pulled out his phone. "Okay, this is just between us or it's off, so for legal reasons I want you to say that if Maggie will suck me off, I can try to fuck her."

It was the stupidest thing in the world. Part of me wanted to spare involving Mags, but having her shut him down and charge him for indecent exposure would make my year. Not like she hasn't another guy's dick before. We did meet when she was in her early twenties and knew we each weren't virgins.

"Fine, if Maggie willingly gives you a blowjob, you can try to fuck her and I won't kick your ass from here to China... because I'd probably divorce her if she willingly does that. Force her to do anything and you'd better hope for jail."

Pedro held the phone in front of his mouth and said, "And I willing accept any consequences if she turns me down -- including charges or you kicking my ass if I do anything without her consent and will hand over my signed Babe Ruth ball. There, it is official."

Pedro sent me an audio file of what he recorded and left the truck.

"Did you kick his ass, boss?" asked Mike when I returned.

"No, just reminded him why I'm the boss," I replied to some cheers from the guys. As much as I wanted to humiliate Pedro, I was feeling a little guilty using Maggie to do it and rather none of the guys knew.


A couple weeks after the bet was made was the ice-fishing trip. Maggie and I owned a nice three-bedroom cabin on a lake and we would host some of the guys for the day to ice fish on the lake and enjoy some brew. Maggie would remain sober, cook for the guys -- she felt as much a mother figure to them as I a father figure -- and drive us back to the city after in our company fifteen-man-van. Normally, the kids joined us either fishing or helping Maggie, but I suggested they go to her parents. Again, I felt a little guilty, but this was the perfect set-up for Pedro to try and fail.

Maggie, as always looked fantastic. Her curly shoulder length black hair tied back in a ponytail, wearing tight jeans and a loose sweater that couldn't conceal her full breasts. She was a little grumpy all morning, which I thought was even better. As long as she didn't find out that I agreed to what was going to happen to her.

As four of us headed out to fish, Pedro complained about the cold. Maggie, in her motherly way told him he could keep her company but was going to help with lunch. Pedro, of course, was the best cook in the world and offered to teach her some things. Maggie rolled her eyes and gave me a dirty look before we left. I shrugged.

We stayed out longer than I intended, mostly because we drank more. Carl kept pushing for another round. Still, lunch was still warm and waiting for us. Maggie seemed still a little grumpy, but other than that normal. Pedro was quiet for Pedro. That didn't give me any indication of what happened. Mind you, I was more than a little drunk and probably not noticing things as clearly.

That night, Maggie was grumpy again and turned me down for sex because of a headache. I asked her about how things went with Pedro. She said he was arrogant, but not much else. I wanted to push, but didn't want to give away that I set her up. I figured either I lost and she was playing cool out of guilt, Pedro chickened out, or she turned him down and felt sorry for him and was keeping quiet. The later would be Maggie thing to do.

After spending a day looking for a sign, I realized I was driving myself crazy and decided to trust my wife.

My trust was rewarded when I arrived at work on Monday to a vintage signed baseball waiting for me with a note that said, "I'll save you from firing me and quit. I'm sorry for what its worth. You deserve this, Pedro."

As good of a worker he was, no one missed Pedro and my team seemed more productive without that distraction.

That night, Maggie noticed the ball. "Jess, is this new? I hope it wasn't too much."

"No, actually was a gift," I replied.

Maggie crossed her arms and gave me a funny look.

"Mags, I'm serious, I did not buy this."

"I believe you," she said and walked away.


Six weeks later, as my birthday was drawing nearer, Maggie kept dropping hints how she had a big surprise for me -- without the kids. We're going to go the night after out for supper to do the family celebration. Doing the 'just the two of us' birthday celebration hadn't happened since before our youngest was born -- actually it led to our youngest being born and me getting fixed right after. Needless to say, I was getting really excited waiting for it. This carried on for days.

The day of my birthday, Maggie didn't say anything, just kept winking which made me even more excited for what was coming. I made so many little mistakes in the office because I was so distracted. The boys were teasing me for being a klutz and you'd think I'd never got laid before. The reality was, Maggie and I really hadn't been intimate at all since before the fishing trip. I figured she was saving herself for what was going to be a marathon night; I just hope that I was up for it. Once or twice -- with assistance -- had been my limit lately.

I called out for Maggie as soon as I got home. Her car was still in the driveway, but there was no sign of her or the kids. I searched the house and just found a wrapped present in the den in front of our TV. I unwrapped to reveal a DVD with "Happy Birthday, your gift part one. Love Mags," written on it.

Completely confused what was going on, I popped in the disk and pressed play. The video was of our cabin at aimed right at the couch in front of our fireplace. Maggie and Pedro were sitting beside each other drinking wine. By Maggie's flush cheeks, she had more than a glass at that point.

"Sorry, you aren't the Romeo you think you are," said Maggie with a chuckle.

"Romeo couldn't compete with me and my sword play," replied Pedro.

"Or your cheese. Think you haven't said anything I haven't heard before, little boy?"

"I'm not so little, you can see for yourself."

Maggie raised her hand. "Please, dick pics don't impress me -- even from Jess."

"Who needs a pic when you can see the real deal. Believe me, you never seen anything like it."

"Oh, I was young and single before Jess. Believe me, I've seen."

"Really?" Pedro stood up, dropped his jeans and briefs to his knees and his cock, still flaccid was dangling at least eight inches.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Maggie had a look of shock, but still stared at groin with utter fascination.

"It's bigger when hard..."

"Yes, I'm aware how penises work," said Maggie.

"Your husband has a penis to make sweet love to you. This is a cock for sucking and fucking."

"Which you can now put away," Maggie said still staring, "And you win. Yes, I have never seen one like that."

"Want to see it hard?"

"Want my husband to kick your ass?"

"He's not here..."

My heart stopped for a moment when Maggie reached out and lightly touched it and then pulled her hand back. She still stared.

She took another sip of wine and shook her head. "Holy shit, that is... something."

"Nothing compared to your beauty," said Pedro.

"The cheese still won't work," said Maggie, but she almost giggled at the end. "Okay, enough. Put that away... You're lucky I don't text Jess. He won't be so impressed."

"Touch it, see how big it gets. Believe me, you won't get another chance, unless you decide to cheat."

"I'm not cheating on my husband," said Maggie sternly, but taking another sip of wine, she stared at it again. Finally, she reached and grabbed Pedro by the shaft and lightly stroked him. Almost instantly, he became semi-erect and another inch or so longer. "Fuck, this is so huge..."

"You make me so hot... you are so sexy..." said Pedro, "But that gorgeous mouth around my cock would be the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life."

"I bet..." She said coldly, but kept stroking and staring.

"You like sucking cock? Bet you're fantastic..."

"At times, and I get no complaints, but..."

"You curious? I can see it on your face. Just the kiss the tip, no one will find out... I'll get fully erect then. You want to see just how big it gets, don't you?"

I knew I should've stopped the tape there. With the taste of vomit in my stomach, I watched as my loving wife of ten years leaned and took the tip of Pedro's cock in her mouth.

At that point, she just went with it, using her hand to work his shaft and balls as she sucked on it, taking him as far as she could into her mouth before releasing him with a gasp and going again. Pedro looked right into the camera and gave a thumbs-up.

"Fuck, you are so hot sucking me. I have to see what's under that sweater..."

Maggie removed her sweater and t-shirt to reveal her black lace bra. Her large nipples poked out rock hard through the fabric. My wife was aroused.

"Those are the most perfect tits... Hey, let's go here."

Pedro sat on the couch and Maggie knelt on it beside him and continued. Pedro cupped her breasts through her bra as she worked his cock.

"You're sucking me so good. And these are such amazing tits..." Pedro reached under the lace to play with her nipple and getting a groan of approval out of my wife. He worked one breast out of the cup, and then Maggie pulled the other out to give him access to both swollen nipples.

"This thing is unreal..." Maggie said pausing and jerking the massive erection, "Are you close?"

"Not even," said Pedro with a chuckle, "As good as this feels, I need something tighter and wetter..."

"No way... This is too far already. I'm done... If Jess..."

"Jess set this up. He wanted this to happen. No kids... Me staying behind..."

Maggie laughed coldly, adjusted bra and grabbed her shirt about to leave the couch. "No way. He'd kill you at the suggestion..."

"Here..." Pedro pulled out his phone and played a recording of my voice, but not how I remembered. "Let Maggie give you a blowjob, and you can fuck her..."

"What the fuck?"

Pedro shrugged. "Some guys, when they lack the stamina to make their woman orgasm, like watching them be pleasured by someone else. Cuckolding is the term. Funny thing is, I never thought you'd go through with this. In fact, your husband bet me."

"He made a bet about us?"

"Yes, if you were willing to go through with this, I'd owe him a vintage baseball."

"And if you won?"

"He'd give me a naked picture of you to enjoy. He showed me some from his phone. That's how I knew how incredible you are despite dressing like an old prude."

"Bullshit... He deleted those."

Pedro pointed at the camera. "See, he even set it up with your old nanny camera there filming. It's inside that stuffed bear. And he's keeping the guys out on the lake past noon to give us more time. You heard him... we can stop if you want. I don't blame you, but don't feel guilty about what we've done because your husband wants me to edit it so he can watch. You heard the proof. And I know you're turned on..."

"Immensely, but..." Maggie looked right at the camera hesitated, then dropped her sweater started unclasping her bra. "Do you have a condom."?

"I haven't been with anyone for a while -- that's why I got a little frisky at the party. Pent up frustration. And I'm fixed. Surely, you noticed the scar?"

"I wasn't looking there..." Maggie looked at the camera. "I never imagined this was what you wanted, baby. I guess, I can try this once..."

Pedro watched attentively as Maggie carefully removed her jeans and white granny panties, keeping on her wool socks. She really looked up at the camera. "Really, Jess, you should've talked to me about this first. I would've been more open-minded and prepared. I didn't even trim..."

Pedro stared at the thick black triangle between her legs. "That's okay, more hair to trap the perfume... Mmmm, I can smell that sweet pussy from here... Can I taste it?"

Maggie laid her sweater, which I never noticed she wasn't wearing when she left the cabin till now, on the couch and sat on it and spread her legs wide. "Is this what you want, babe? Watch this nasty boy eat my hot, wet pussy?"

Pedro dropped to his knees and attacked it with his mouth. As he did, Maggie fondled her full breasts as he loudly sucking on her. She looked in pure ecstasy, squeezing and pulling her nipples as Pedro pleasured her.

"Fuck... he's so good... Fuck... I'm coming already, fuuuuuck..." Maggie tightened her legs around his head, holding it with her hands as she squealed loudly like I've never heard her since before our children arrived.

"Ready for the main course?" asked Pedro.

"I don't know...." said Maggie looking at his cock and then at the camera.

"I'll sit down, you climb on and take as much or little that you want... I haven't been in a woman for a while, I hope I last long enough to please you."

"You've already pleased me, don't worry about that," said Maggie breathlessly as she faced the camera, moved in front of Pedro and slowly lowered herself on him, "I'm more worried about you hurting my insides... You fuckin' owe me for this Jess. We can negotiate later..."

With a grimace on her face and mine, I watched as the tip slowly went in her.

"Relax and take it slowly... fuck you are so tight..." said Pedro caressing her thighs.

"Two kids came out of there, I can handle this cock... fuck... doesn't hurt but stretching me so fuckin' much. Feel it on both my g-spot and clit.... Fuck..."

She took at least nine inches of him in her and slowly raised herself.

"Never felt anything like this... so fuckin' good..." Maggie moaned as she started lowering herself again taking even more of him in her. When she started raising herself again, Pedro grabbed her waist and started thrusting up in unison with her.

"Fuck, yes... yes....yes..." yelled Maggie, "Holy shit, I'm coming again..."

She squirmed and buckled, but Pedro kept pounding.

"Keep fuckin' my cock. Let him see me cum in this tight pussy..." Pedro hissed and soon I could see it dripping out of her.