A Romantic Story


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"Oh my god Em! I love you!" Hannah yelled. All of the sudden, Hannah's body went entirely rigid. Her hips, half-pressed against my face, trembled and rocked. Her cock, was pressed directly against my tongue. I started to swirl it rapidly as I felt he urethra pulsing rapidly. I felt her balls seize against my chin. And the, sudden, my mouth was filled with flavor. Hannah's delicious, salty cum poured thickly into my mouth. Soon my tongue was coated and my groaned at the deliciousness of the flavor and the perfection of the experience. More and more cum poured into my mouth as Hannah's balls shook against my face. Hannah was moaning and crying and gasping all at once. The whole time, I kept my tongue moving, bathing it in my lover's cum and twisting around on the tip of her shaft.

Part of me wanted to save Hannah's delicious cum in my mouth. I wanted to have it coat my tongue for the rest of my life. But something deeper, more primal, would not allow me. I swallowed down every drop of my lover's cum as soon as it splashed across my tongue. I could feel it, thick and hot, dripping down my throat and settling, heavy in my stomach. I could feel the warmth emanating out all over me. The flavor of Hannah's love on my tongue.

"Oh god, too sensitive!" Hannah gasped finally, as the last few drops of cum poured into my mouth. And Hannah dropped over to the side on the bed, my cock popping out of her mouth. She lay on the bed, panting, with her hands resting on her forehead. She was smiling. "God Em, that was the best..." She began, but she couldn't even finish it. Instead, she just let out a tired little laugh and stretched herself on the bed. We lay for a few seconds, catching our breath.

After awhile, I rolled over onto my side, looking at my friend. I saw her chest rising and falling rapidly as she sucked the oxygen into her lungs. More importantly, I saw that, despite her fatigue and the fact that she'd just cum, I saw that Hannah was still hard. Her thick cock was sticking up, angling towards her face. The tip was dripping with my saliva and Hannah's cum. My mouth watered looking at it. I was tired, but I wasn't done.

"This doesn't happen very often," I heard Hannah say, and my eyes turned quickly towards her face. Hannah was looking at me, a mischievous smile on her face. It was clear she was thinking the same thing I was. She was still hard, somehow. We couldn't let that go to waste. And then, despite the fact that no words passed between us, Hannah and I began to move in unison.

Hannah rolled off of the bed quickly, putting her feet on the floor and then immediately beginning to walk. There was a small desk in our stateroom (under the television) and Hannah grabbed the chair that sat against it, spun it around, and placed it in the center of the room. I was already up and out of bed myself by the time that Hannah sat down on the chair. She kept her knees together, pushed her cock up between her thighs. She craned her neck and bent her head over her cock. I watched a thick blob of saliva drip from between her lips and land precisely on the tip of her penis. Hannah's hand rose quickly, and I saw her wrist turning as she worked the spit over her shaft.

While Hannah had been preparing, I had been doing the same. I was standing next to her chair, looking down at her. I'd thrust my hips back, pushing my ass out. At the same time, I was spitting into my hand, a big glob that mixed my saliva with the last remnants of Hannah's cum. I brought my hand around behind my back and slathered the saliva thickly on my asshole. My body tingled as my fingers tickled across my anus. But I could feel that, even before I added my spit, that my asshole was completely soaked. Even inside was was wet, where Hannah's tongue had bathed me. Now I was dripping wet, and ready.

Still without talking, Hannah and I finished our preparations. Hannah leaned back slightly in the chair. At the same instant, I lifted my leg up and threw it over Hannah's thighs. Up on my tiptoes, I was straddling Hannah's knees, her cock just a few inches in front of me. Hannah eyed me hungrily, I even heard a noise in the back of her throat. Her hands moved quickly and in an instant I felt her soft, but strong, hands grasping my waist. She didn't have to pull me forward, I inched towards her and let her arms wrap around my hips. I shivered as I felt her cock slip against the inside of my thigh. Her hands slipped around to my ass and I felt her spread my cheeks apart, the air felt cool against my asshole. I pushed the hair out of my eyes and looked down towards Hannah. She was looking up at me, her eyes were on fire.

"Hannah. I need you inside of me," I said. I think I'd said that line before, to someone at some point. I had been trying, at the time, to sound sultry and sexy. It was almost like I was trying to parrot a line from a porno. But this was something entirely different. The statement came out of me, soft and delicate. There was no affected wantonness in it, just an honest declaration of my needs. I felt the need, deep down. All the way from the bottoms of my feet. Hannah smiled at me sweetly, a smile I knew but somehow didn't. She shook her head.

"I need you all around me," she said, and I felt the depth of her meaning in six short words. Hannah's hands began pressing on my hips and my knees began to bend. I reached one of my hands behind my ass, grasping down and finding the tip of Hannah's cock. She gasped as my hand wrapped around her shaft. She felt so incredibly hard and seemed to pulse under my palm. I moved her cock even as I bent my knees further. Soon, I felt the top of Hannah's cock pressing into against my ass cheeks. My skin was so slick and wet, there was no friction. With my hand, I expertly guided Hannah's penis toward my dripping asshole. I felt her brush against the sensitive skin and groaned.

"That's it baby," I moaned, "right there!" I felt Hannah's hand press down and her hips thrust up. She was quick, but gentle. And my well-lubricated ass wanted her so badly, it was like I opened up for her. I felt the bulbous tip of Hannah's penis press against my sensitive asshole There was the shortest instant of pressure and then I felt the tip slip inside of me. I felt myself shuddering, even though I felt no pain. I could feel myself stretching and accepting Hannah. She kept thrusting and pulling and I could feel more and more of her long, thick cock slipping inside of me. My relaxed muscles squeezed around her, tight enough to hold her in place, not tight enough to pinch. Once again, it was like our bodies were made for one another. Inch by inch, Hannah's cock disappeared into my body. I felt my ass settle onto Hannah's lap, I felt my limp cock press against her stomach, and I felt her hard cock, deep inside of me.

"Oh god, your cock is incredible!" I groaned as I shook my hips slightly.

"Em, you're so tight. This is so good!" Hannah responded. But we knew we didn't need to talk. I was feeling everything that Hannah felt just as certainly as she felt everything I did. And for a moment, we sat in awe of the moment.

We began moving at the same time. I leaned forward, bending my neck down. Hannah wrapped her arms around my waist again, pulling me forward (and driving my cock into her ass harder). She also tilted her head back, leaning towards me. Our eyes closed at the same instant and Hannah's lips pressed into mine. In and instant, our mouths were open and our tongues were crashing together. The same electrical feeling from before flowed through me, this kiss was no less magical than the last.

Then I felt Hannah's cock twitch inside of me. Just the slightest movement. But it made my back arch as the nerves all throughout my body sang. Involuntarily my hips began to rock. My thighs slid up and down along Hannah's lap. Now Hannah was doing more than twitch. She began to rock her hips as well, moving to the same rhythm that I had taken up, falling in with me exactly. But she moved in mirror image to me, so that she thrust forward and pulled back when I did. The end result was that Hannah's beautiful cock was slipping in and out of my willing asshole. I could feel her shaft rotating inside of me, touching every sensitive inch of me and forcefully massaging my prostate.

We were still kissing as we moved and I could feel Hannah's hot breath against my face. But then a new sensation was added into the mix and my eyes fluttered open. At first, I couldn't even place what it was. There was just a sudden... intensity that hadn't been there before. I kept kissing Hannah, but my eyes moved, trying to find the source. My body came to the realization before my eyes. Hannah had reached down between my legs while she was thrusting into me and she had wrapped her delicate fingers around my soft cock. She was squeezing it and stroking it to the same unbelievable rhythm of our hips. I felt my soft flesh squeeze between her fingers. Her gentle touch, mixed with the firm thrust against my prostate was incredible. My eyes closed again.

Hannah and I didn't last much longer. The magnitude of the moment was too much, we were too well suited for one another. It was just so unbearably perfect in every way. I remember when it started. We thrust forward at the same instance, and I could feel Hannah's urethra bulge inside of me. I knew what that meant. But that same thrust pressed just so exquisitely against my prostate. I felt my muscles tighten all over and my thrusting instantly stopped with Hannah pressed deeply inside of me. She stopped as well. I could hear her voice croaking in the back of her throat.

Hannah was cumming inside of me now. I could feel the hot wetness of it, somehow. I could feel her spraying my insides and, it was like every inch that she touch instantly burst into pure pleasure. Like her lovely sperm was the catalyst and it could make any cell in my body pour over into an orgasm. But not limited to where she'd touched me. Instead, it was like her hot cum soaked through my tissue and my veins I could feel the intense pleasure of her spreading out through my blood, carrying her to every corner of my body, until the pure pleasure of her touch flowed into my brain. And then I ceased to understand anything, just overwhelmed by the pleasure.

It wasn't that I passed out or anything silly like that. I was heightened in the awareness of my body. So intense that everything else seemed to fall away. Well, not everything. Or maybe everything, it hard to explain. Because there was one thing outside of me that I was still aware of: Hannah. In fact, I was hyper aware of her as well. It was like...I could feel the pleasure flowing through her as well. It was like we had melted into a single whole...something beyond words. It was something more than love. We were one.

When I recognized where I was again, Hannah and I were both lying on the floor (I think we'd both fallen off of the chair). Her cock had slipped out of my ass. Hannah was sitting against the side of the bed, panting. Her soft cock was now draped over her leg. I saw that she was moving her fingers around on her stomach and her breasts. For a moment, I was confused about what she was doing. Then I saw what was happening and I moaned. Hannah was scooping my thin, white cum up off of her skin and the shoveling the salty liquid into her mouth. She moaned with delight as her delicate, sticky finger passed between her pouty, pretty lips and my cum soaked her tongue.

For a moment, I was jealous. I felt thirsty. Hannah's eyes flicked up when she noticed me stirring. She smiled at me and then glossed her lips with my cum. She still panting too hard to speak. But when she looked at me I could feel her...it was weird. I could feel her inside of me. Her cum, I could feel it again. I pulled myself up into a squatting position, my soft cock dangling sated between my legs. I put my hand down below my asshole and I could feel the cum already dripping out of me. I pushed, forcing Hannah's juices out of me. A large amount of it slipped out of me easily and pooled warmly in my palm. There was so much. But despite how excited I was to have Hannah's cum in my hand, it almost felt like a mistake. I could feel its absence. I needed her back inside of me

My mouth was watering and I didn't hesitate. I quickly brought my palm up to my face. I could smell Hannah's delicious aroma in her pearly, thick cum. I wanted to admire it, but I needed it more. I pressed my palm against my lips, my tongue pouring out of my mouth. I slurped Hannah's salty sperm into my mouth. My lips moving frantically. I desperately needed to get every drop of Hannah back inside of me. I sucked my fingers clean, my fingers glistening with spit. I swallowed all of it down as fast as I could get it in my mouth. Hannah's flavor soaking my tongue so I could savor it, even as I ate.

As soon as my hand was away form my face, I almost jumped. Hannah had moved, she was right in front of me, smiling. Her arms wrapped around me and we tumbled to the floor of our state rooms. Our mouths found one another eagerly. Our tongues plunged together and I could taste my own flavor on Hannah's lips. I knew she could taste herself too. Our bodies wrapped together as we kissed, sharing the last of our cum back and forth. And, in some small way, recreating the strange unity we'd felt just a few minutes before. It was like we were cementing it...making that shared sensation real.

Eventually, our kiss broke as we panted for air. But we remained wrapped together in one another's arms. Our faces were just inches apart and our eyes open. In our exhaustion, the intensity of the moment had faded a little and we were able to look at one another without fire in our eyes. We laughed a little, but in a satisfied way. Not sheepish or embarrassed. We luxuriated in our embrace for a long while.

"What happened there Em?" Hannah asked after a long time. I snorted, thinking of the enormity of what she was asking.

"When a transwoman and a transwoman love each other very much..." I started and Hannah laughed.

"You know what I mean," Hannah said, "I mean one minute we were just friends and then it was like...magic. At first, I'd thought that maybe we'd warm up if we pushed things for awhile. But there wasn't any warming up it was...instantaneous. I've never had anything like that." And as Hannah spoke, I knew exactly the sensations she was describing. I'd felt them myself.

"I don't really know," I said, but even as I said the words it didn't sound right. I kept speaking not sure where the words were coming from, but knowing that they were right, "I think that we think about passion like it is some sort of thing that exists or doesn't. Like you meet someone and want them or you don't. But I think there are different kinds of passion. There are...match lights. Fire that bursts out of cold nothing for an instant and then fades away a short while later. And then there is a slow burn. The embers stoking over time until it bursts into flames. I think we've been building to this for a long time Hannah. And neither of us recognized what was happening or what we wanted. We fell for each other so slowly we didn't even know it had happened And then we gave the embers just a little bit of oxygen and they, you know, it was fire." As I spoke, I could see Hannah nodding. I could feel the truth I was saying in the recognition I saw in her eyes.

"I don't know what I felt a couple of hours ago," Hannah said "It's like looking back on forgotten dream. It's just blank. I can't imagine that I didn't realize then that I needed you so badly. It's was so obvious. It was right there. But I know that right now, Em, I love you. I can see as far out into the future as it is possible for me to see and I still love you. I don't ever want to be away from you again."

"I love you too, Hannah," I said, my voice catching in my throat, my eyes watering.

"Will you stay my wife?" She asked.

"Oh God, Hannah, of course," I said, and our lips found each other once again. We kissed and held each other all night. We stepped off the ship the next day, hand in hand. No more jokes, no more denial And we really did live happily ever after.

And isn't that a romantic story?

The End

Note: I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence or two (though I always prefer more). Consider that your payment for a free story. And if you like this, I beg you to read my other stories and comment on them too. I know who my loyal readers are and I really appreciate you. Thanks!


P.S. I do one edit of my work and I try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free erotica, you all would be better served getting it fast (if a little rough), than waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don't really care that much. Don't complain about the soundtrack in your porno, don't sweat the typos in your erotica. Thanks.

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Tawny33Tawny3329 days ago

Romance stories with good sex scenes are my favourite. I love the depth of emotion that you brought out of Emma and Hannah.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A very well written and quite erotic exploration of the difference between love and passion and how they can interact and affect each other. I enjoyed this very much, and was rooting for the positive outcome. Thank you!

Beejay3Beejay311 months ago

Geez.. what an uplifting story of sexual pleasure and satisfaction They at once, fell totally for each other…just a magic feeling ending in orgasmic surrender to each other.

Thanks for this , it was pleasurable reading.

Vell84Vell8412 months ago

This was so... I loved it! I hope to find something similar to Em and Hannah myself some day 🥰

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It was a beautiful story. The middle aged man looking for a fling while his wife was out was a reminder that the world's not all unicorns and rainbows. But when you fall in love with your best friend and marry her, irrespective of the order in which it happens, what could be better? I stand by your musings on passion and "happily ever afters". Popular media (fairy tales, romance tales, movies, dramas, etc.) do often present an unsustainable model of relationships. It's often just the "suspension bridge effect" at play. And so many of the older romance movies (at least in my country) focus just on "getting" the girl, often by deceiving her. That's well and good for a movie, where you don't see what happens after the "hero" "gets" the girl, but it's not good relationship advice. And unfortunately, many young people are erroneously educated in the ways of romance through these movies, to their detriment.

Again, I really enjoyed the story. I apologise for most of my comment being a tangent :)

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