A Sister's Revenge Ch. 02

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Michael enjoys (?) many first-time experiences.
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 01/29/2010
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I hope you all enjoy this story. I appreciate any feedback you care to send, and will respond to all who desire it. I really do appreciate any and all notes and letters received from readers of this site. Please, be 18 or be gone

Again, please enjoy.


The next morning Melissa woke up early and dressed in her sweat suit. She and Michael used to jog several times a week before the Baileys moved in. She really missed their early morning jaunts, and decided that with the changes going on in Michael's life, he should start running with her again.

So as the dawn broke over Jupiter, Florida, Melissa shook her brother's shoulder.

"Hey, Michael! How about getting up and jogging with your ol' sister, eh?" she asked.

Michael stretched and tried to focus on the body standing in front of him and the words emanating from it's mouth. He had enjoyed a blissful night of sleep after his nocturnal fling with his fist and wasn't ready to be disturbed. However, once he realized it was his sister standing next to him, he listened more carefully to what she was saying.

Melissa asked him one more time to go jogging with her and he finally agreed, first asking her to leave the room so he could get dressed. It wasn't that he really minded his sister seeing him in his baby-doll outfit, but rather once again, he was sporting another fair-sized boner between his legs. After she'd left, he took the problem in hand and beat it into submission. Then he removed the nightie and pulled his sweat suit over his pink panties.

When Michael came into the kitchen, his sister had already drained a glass of orange juice and put out an estrogen-laced one for him as well as a freshly brewed cup of coffee for their Mother. Michael quickly drained his glass of juice and the two Franklin kids jogged off into the morning sun.

After about twenty minutes of jogging, Melissa looked at her brother and could tell he was wincing in pain with each step he took.

"Are you okay?" she asked him, turning back to attend her brother who had now stopped running.

"Well, now that you mention it, no, not really," he answered bluntly. "It feels like the skin is tearing off my chest with every step I take."

Shocking the boy, Melissa, without warning, reached into the top of his sweats and she began to gently fondle his expanding bosom for a couple seconds, noticing delightfully how his nipple grew into painful excitement. 'Ooohh, you go girl,' she thought. Squeezing and pulling on it gently, she inquired, "Does it start under your armpits and move out to your nipples"

"Yes, how did you know?" Michael asked hoarsely with growing excitement, watching incredulously as his sister just seemed to be feeling him up right there in the middle of the sidewalk where anyone could see. He wanted to tell her to stop, but hell, it just felt so great, he couldn't...didn't know how. Besides, maybe she needed to do that to find out what was wrong.

"I could tell there," she replied, suddenly removing her hand as if nothing had happened. "by how girlishly excited you got when I massaged the flesh around your nipple. That might be something serious, Michael." "What do you mean, Melissa," Michael asked with concern. "Well, dear," she answered, "Let me show you." So quickly he had no idea she was going to do it, Michael watched as Melissa reach out and squeezed and pulled on both his still-excited nipples for about 5 seconds, causing his knees to buckle slightly and his body to fall into his sister's just a bit.

"See, Michael," Melissa continued after ceasing her manipulations. "Now if someone else were to do that same thing, say some buddy friend of yours in jest, and you reacted that same way to him, well, he would just know that you were so turned on to him that he could probably do just about anything to you he wanted, isn't that right, Michael?

"In fact, I bet you are so horny right now from the fingering I've given your nipples that you can't wait to go home and jack off, can you? Huh, am I right, Michael?"

"Aw, geez, Melissa," Michael said looking down in embarrassment, knowing she was right. "Don't make me answer that."

"Okay, brother dear," she said. "You don't have to. Besides, there are other ways to find the answer to that question."

Suddenly, Melissa quickly lowered her palm to his groin. Looking up at her with a questioning look, Michael was once again nearly brought to his knees when she began to gently massage his cock and balls, which were so very hard and long at the time.

"Mmmm," Melissa cooed. "Nice package, Michael."

Needing to rub it for only 15 seconds or so, she almost immediately brought her brother to a screaming climax, making him cum hard in his panties.

"Yes, yes, brother dear," she whispered into his ear. "This is a problem. Something has happened to make you willing to become a slut for anyone who touches you in just the right places. I almost bet that if I were a boy, you'd be ready to go down on me by now."

Then, after stopping her actions and immediately becoming his concerned sister once more, Melissa turned to Michael and said, "But maybe we better turn back, you think?"

"Yeah sis," he said with a remorseful look, one that included forbidden desires that included wishes that Melissa had continued doing more to him, and ones that caused him to wonder woefully if she just might not be correct in her statements about his sluttish ways. "Yeah, I really think that's a good idea,".

"No problem," Melissa said, gleefully watching the cum-stain on his panties start to show through to his sweat pants. "I'm sure Mother will know how to handle this situation and figure out just what to do about it. She's good that way."

Mary was sitting in the kitchen having her first cup of coffee when Melissa led Michael into the house. Mary knew something was up when she saw the way her son crossed his arms across his chest, as if trying to hold it up.

"What seems to be the problem?" she asked as they came over to her.

"Something's wrong with his chest, Mother," Melissa said.

"I can see that. What have you done to it, Michael?"

Michael went to his Mother's side and tried to explain, "I don't know, Mother. We were jogging when I started getting this pain, and now it hurts just to take a step."

"Well, let's take that top off and see what's going on here, honey," she told him.

Michael carefully removed the top of his sweats and showed Mary his chest, first where the pain had started in his armpits and then how it had run all the way down to the center of his chest, to his nipples.

Mary stood up and stepped behind her son, where she reached around him and cupped and massaging his forming breasts in her hands. Then she gently raised them up.

"How does that feel, dear?" she asked.

"Uh, gee Mother, that feels a lot better. Actually, really good," he told her, as he couldn't help but fall back into her as his legs began to fail him. "Yes, mmm, the pain is pretty much all gone, now."

"Hmmm, just as I thought." Mary answered, trying to appear deep in thought.

Then, after removing her hands, she told both her children to take a bath and that she would take care of Michael's problem once he was ready to get dressed. Melissa got the shower first, and Mary told Michael he could take a bath in her bathroom. So he followed his Mother through her bedroom into her bathroom where she started his bath.

"I'd rather take a shower, Mother," Michael said.

"You'll take a bath this morning, young man, and that's that," Mary replied. "Besides, I think the spray hitting your chest might just smart a little."

Michael hadn't thought about that and was happy his Mother was so on the bean. He then asked what the blue powder was she'd just added to the water.

"That's Calgon Bath oil beads, dear," she explained. "It has a skin softener in it. It will be like taking a soak in Epsom salts to ease your body aches, only it'll smell much nicer."

As Mary turned to leave, she told Michael that she would put out a clean pair of panties for him to wear and that once he had them on he was to call her.

So when she had closed the door, Michael got undressed and slipped into the tub. He rarely took baths, and never used this Calgon stuff his Mother put in the water. But overall, the warm water did ease the sore muscles in his chest and felt really silky to sit in.

Lying there in the tub, he saw how his bosom rose above the water level and it seemed to make him notice for the first time how his nipples looked much bigger than they'd ever appeared before. And it wasn't just the nipple that looked bigger, but the entire surrounding mound was much larger around as well. It must not have been so noticeable when he stood in the shower where they tended to droop more.

As worried as he should have been over the fact that he was definitely growing a good-sized set of tits here, Michael instead closed his eyes tightly and lightly caressed both his swollen breasts just as his Mother and Melissa had done. Doing so allowed him to enjoy a surge of wonderful feelings created throughout his body.

As he soaked, he heard his Mother go in and out of her room several times. After he'd been in the tub long enough, Michael got out, dried off and went into his Mother's room.

"Go ahead and put on those clean panties that are lying on the bed," she instructed from the hallway.

"Okay, Mom, they're on. Now what," he asked.

Mary came into the room and once again started pushing and prodding at Michael's swollen chest. He finally jumped back at one point and asked what she was trying to prove with all this probing.

"Michael dear," she began. "First of all. The problem you are having here is not a serious one. It is a fairly common medical condition in boys your age. This condition is called Gynecomastia and, it sometimes strikes boys as they start to go through puberty. That said, it is a bit strange for this ailment to have afflicted you at your advanced age, though it is not unheard of.

"The usual ages of boys are 15 to 17. But, as I say, 18 is not unheard of. The outward signs of this condition are the same as those a woman experiences when she goes through her own puberty, that is, the growing of breasts, the widening of the hips, etc.

"The reason I know so much about this ailment is because your Father went through this same thing when he was a boy and told me about the experiences and ordeals he encountered. Thus I know how to ease the pain you've been feeling, as well as take care of the swelling that has suddenly appeared.

"Your problem is the same as his and we will attend to it just as his Mother did his. You will be happy to know that this condition is only temporary and will go away once you pass through puberty and have become a man in your own right."

Mary paused in her explanation to watch her son first take on a hot pink coloring of embarrassment and shame, and then gradually relax as Michael learned how his Father went through the same experiences and survived, and then saw how he relaxed even further when he heard that the condition was only temporary.

She knew her story, although true in some parts, like about the ailment Gynecomastia, was pure poppycock in others, like the fact that it was what was ailing him, or when she mentioned his condition being only temporary, and spoke about his father having had this ailment.

Of course she would make sure Michael's tits lasted him the rest of his life, but he didn't need to know that yet, and no, Jim hadn't had the ailment, but Michael would never know this as it would definitely be a part of their childhood that adults would never share with their children.

Mary knew that Michael would most likely think and believe everything she told him. In that same vein, she also knew that Michael, through blind faith, knew she wouldn't lie to him, at least not knowingly, and that he trusted her enough to believe that she would not let anything bad happen to him. Thus she knew he would buy her explanation hook, line and sinker, and that knowledge brought a surge of wetness between her legs as she almost came realizing it.

"You see, Michael, Gynecomastia causes your body to collect water and fatty tissue around the mammary glands in your chest and buttocks. You'll need to take two of these pills with each meal to help reduce the swelling, plus you will need to wear one of your sister's bra's for a few days."

Michael's eyes got huge and Mary knew he was about to dig his heels in for a fight, so she continued apace:

"Wearing the bra will lift the weight of the swollen glands off of your sore chest, thus easing the pain you've been experiencing, and it will keep the tissues from stretching out of shape."

"I'll deal with the pain," Michael replied in an indignant tone. "And I don't care if they do stretch, Mother. I am not going to wear one of those, those stupid bras!"

"Well, Mr. I don't care if my tits hurt me or if they hang down to my knees, Franklin," Mary spoke indignantly back at her son. "Go ahead, don't wear them, see what I care! But I can just picture you walking down the street sporting a massive pair of floppy tits for everyone to see!"

Michael's look changed from one of absolute defiance to one of ashen shock. 'Could that really be true,' he wondered. 'Could that really happen to me? God, please don't let it be so! I couldn't go through life like that! God, I'd be known as the Titty Freak of Jupiter, Florida!'

"Michael," Mary continued sincerely. "I'm not trying to force you to wear this bra. It's just that I have known many people, even women, many firm breasted women, who chose to go bra-less because they thought they looked sexier that way.

"But because of that, they ended up with breasts that flopped around the rest of their lives, having lost their elasticity completely."

Mary could see tears welling up in her son's eyes, so she decided to go for the kill.

"Right now, it's just a minor sag of your glands, but if you don't do something about it now, if left unchecked, there's no doubt that soon the other boys in the neighborhood will notice and start teasing you and calling you names. Is that what you want, Michael, for the boys to call you names? Names like Titty boy?

Why, they might even start chasing you down the street shouting things like, 'Oh, Titty Boy!', or 'Hey you, Titty boy, show me your tits!', or even, 'Let me suck on your tits, Titty Boy, they look so nice and juicy. Can I get any milk out of those big tits of yours, Titty Boy?' Do you think you could live a life like that, Michael?"

Completely done in by Mary's portrayal of his future without a bra, Michael broke down completely and the tears just burst out of him as if some one had opened the flood gates. As he continued sobbing and crying, Mary took him into her arms and hugged him closely.

"That's okay, honey," she whispered. "If you listen to me from here on out, everything will be just fine, I promise."

Then she stood her son up and kissed him on the cheek.

"Now, this first time I'll help you put your sister's bra on," she continued whispering to her son, "so that you don't get saggy breasts and so you don't get teased and called names like Titty Boy of Jupiter, Florida, okay? But soon, you'll need to learn to do this by yourself, okay dear?" "Yes, Mother," the beaten lad said in agreement. "I will, I promise."

So he took the proffered garment and slid the straps up his arms while Mary showed him how to bend over and place his breasts in the delicate white lace-trimmed cups of the feminine garment. Then she showed him how to secure it around his chest by hooking the clasps together at the back.

Mary knew the 32A bra would be a tight fit as she watched him clasp the hooks in back. Once connected and in place, Mary then lovingly adjusted the shoulder straps to give his sore, swollen breasts the support they desperately needed. Then she stepped back and looked gleefully upon her now nearly completely feminized son.

The hormones had done a splendid job reshaping Michael's breasts and hips. In time those and the rest of his body would become even more delectably feminine and by then he will have thanked his lucky stars he'd listened to and followed his Mother's advice as she continued her plan to feminize him. Even now he could wear a larger cup size, but that could wait a few days.

"Now then, I've laid out one of Melissa's t-shirts and a pair of her rayon shorts on your bed. Go and put them on and we'll all go out for breakfast this morning. My treat. Okay, honey?"

Although he wasn't really happy about going out in public wearing his sister's clothes, Michael was so emotionally drained from the morning's experiences, that he had no fight left in him to even think of challenging his mother. Soon he found himself in his bedroom getting dressed as he'd been told.

As Mary had said, Michael found a white t-shirt and shorts on his bed and put them on. He was aghast to see that the t-shirt was actually a frilly little tank top with delicate lace trim around a bottom that had a hem so short it stopped just below his tits, revealing his tight tummy and belly button. He was also shocked to see that the shorts were actually hot-pink in color and were really tiny short-shorts at that!

It surprised him when he saw how feminine looking the shorts made his legs, hips and butt look and that the tank top actually seemed to enhance his bust somewhat. He desperately wanted to complain to his Mother about his new look but after getting dressed in them he saw how nice they went together, how nice the colors matched and went with his tan, and how they even made him feel really sexy. Because of that, he felt maybe it was alright this one time.

So, wearing the clothes, Michael put on a pair of his favorite flip-flops and went down to find his Mother and sister.


They went to their favorite restaurant for breakfast, but, being Sunday, it was packed, so they ended up eating a late brunch. After a filling meal, Mary took her two children to the Mall to do some window shopping.

Michael clearly wasn't happy about going out in so public a place, but decided if he had to go out, the Mall was the safest place for him. All his friends hated the Mall and stayed away as if their life depended on it. Therefore he was pretty sure he could walk through without his identity being discovered. He was doing fine until Mary decided he needed to replace his old flip-flops for a nicer pair of shoes. Michael was happy about this decision until they all passed up a Kinney's Shoe Store and turned instead into Zappo's, a women's shoe store.

"I'd like to see a nice pair of loafers for my son here," she told the saleslady.

Michael's face turned a bright red when he overheard his Mother tell this to the saleslady. Still he sat down and let her measure his foot.

As the saleslady came back with the shoes, Mary handed her son a pair of flesh-tone knee-high stockings and told him to put them on. Again, Michael could feel his cheeks heat up with a blush, yet for the second time he acceded to her demands and put the stockings on.

The saleslady watched with humorous delight the scene unfold before her. Somehow this teenager sitting before her was completely cowed by his Mother who, most likely with the assistance of his sister, some time ago put him on hormones which gave him a nice set of breasts there, breasts he seemed not to be allowed to hide. Then he was made to put on nylon stockings to try on women's shoes, which he then did on his own.

As she picked out the shoe she was going to place on his foot, the saleslady seemingly decided otherwise and put the shoe back down. She then gazed longingly at Michael, then lifted his calf and, bringing his foot to her lips, began kissing and tonguing his nylon-clad toes while caressing his silky, nylon stocking-clad leg.