A Slave to the Servants Ch. 13


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I wanted to know how they knew.

The order burned itself into my mind: do not question the women. I wanted desperately to ask, but I was forbidden by my owners. The women would tell me whatever they wished, but probably not at my prodding.

"You are so silent, slave," Nu-reeh commented as my men climbed toward us.

She seemed to be testing my resolve about not speaking.

Master Damien came to stand beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder. The reassurance felt good. I was safe now that my family was here.

"The slave does not wish to anger you, Mistress," Master Damien said politely.

"Wise decision," the large woman said turning away. "Care for your Masters this evening, slave. They will be punished in the morrow."

The women walked swiftly away down the corridor and my men stood around me watching them go.

"Interesting," Christof commented.

The internal conversation was fast and repetitive. I wanted to know how Nu-reeh knew what I was having. My men were not able to understand how the women knew, although they were only interested because I was.

Master Damien started to move first and I fell into step behind him. His Brothers took their usual positions around me and we moved toward our quarters briskly. We needed privacy to discuss this further.

"Is there a way to know?" Christof asked when we were back behind our leather flap.

"No," I said shaking my head, "there are old stories about how you carry the child-"

"Explain," Master Evan demanded.

"If the belly rides way out in front or to the sides, I think. There are stories, but they aren't accurate. In my world there is no way to tell, unless you do an ultrasound," I said.

Damien and his Brothers poured over my limited knowledge of what an ultrasound entailed. That had most certainly not been done here.

Master Bane let out a frustrated sound and walked into the bathing room. My men wanted to wash the smell of the women off themselves before they ate. They wanted to enjoy their evening meal.

I crawled into the tub and washed Master Damien. He loved the feel of my soft hands gliding over him. It relaxed him immensely. His pleasure coursed through our bond.

After the bath we dried off and went to the eating area. Master Evan and Master Damien went to pick out our meal for us while the rest of us waited.

Master Kein laid my pad on the ground and I struggled to kneel on it. My belly was getting larger. Getting to my knees was beginning to be a small feat. When I was tired, like I was now, it was hard.

Christof stopped me from trying and pulled me to his lap. He smiled knowingly at me when I looked at him.

"So, now she is ungainly on land as well?" Master Evan snarked as he handed out the food he had picked up.

Master Bane grunted a laugh and dug into the meat in front of him. Master Kein chuckled and picked through the green stalks to get the tastiest one.

It was their fault I was in this mess, so I felt entitled to my irritation.

"Well, it's a good thing I can't fly or we'd have to watch that catastrophe, too, Masters," I commented smartly.

Christof laughed and held me as he chuckled. His humor was infectious but Master Damien was angry at my new found attitude.

"We're still looking forward to punishing you for this morning," Master Damien informed me. "The men from the red mountains have taught us to handle the lash and the ropes. It should be an interesting experiment."

I paled and decided to try to reason with them. Being hit or tied up seemed like it would be terrible.

"You don't hit your own slaves, Master Damien," I said half pleading and half reminding, "and you don't need to tie me up, Masters. I'll do anything you want."

"The men in the red mountains have informed us that if done correctly we can discipline you ourselves. I wish to test this theory. They say a slave will not permanently fear a Master that has caused her pain, if done well. It may make them less obstinate, though," Master Damien threatened.

I met Master Damien's hot stare across the table and caught his intentions. He was looking forward to seeing me squirm and beg him. The very idea had him achingly hard again. The image of a woman pleading with him sent his arousal into overdrive.

"I'm not really a woman," I said bargaining.

"Flew in the mountains all day," Master Kein offered.

"Hunted prey and ate it raw," Master Bane ticked off between bites.

"Spoke to us in any manner she saw fit," Master Evan spit out.

"And is carrying the seed of one of us in her belly," Christof added helpfully.

"Sorry, Ciara," Master Damien grinned. "I know what you are now."

Master Evan leaned close to me and I watched him warily, "And we will enjoy watching our woman bend before us."

I looked at Christof and he was just smiling as he offered me a chunk of food.

"I am sorry, Ciara, but I have been wanting my Brothers to come over to my way of thinking for a long time. It is a shame this is how they chose to do it," he said as way of apology.

I shook my head and took my dinner. They were decided about how to proceed and we were all looking forward to it. The idea was so exciting and novel. I couldn't rid myself of the anticipation, although I was the last one that should be happy about it.

My men took their time with the meal. They even took their time after the meal to sit and talk. Several groups stopped by our table to say hello and my owners made time for all of them.

They were letting my food settle. No one wanted me to vomit, that would diminish their fun. A little extra time would be worth it in the long run.

We walked back to our rooms after dinner and I tried to drag my feet. Master Damien just reached down and picked me up. I opted to beg one last time, although I knew it was futile.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and planted kisses on his face. Softly, I murmured affection in his ear. The resounding answer in my mind was clear. Begging was not attractive. I earned my punishment, now take it like a woman.

We entered our quarters and my men stripped me of my protective layer. The only question was where to do this. I shivered in the main room and that decided them.

"I'll light the warmer in the sleeping room," Master Kein said running in that direction.

The room for sleeping could be kept warmer than the rest of the apartment. My owners were gracious and generous men, I thought.

"God, this is intolerable," I said in English while grabbing my head.

I couldn't separate my thoughts out of the collective when they were so close to me. The distance during the day had allowed me some freedom over my own mind. It was awful, thinking what I knew I didn't believe.

Master Bane went toward their clothes closet to retrieve what they planned to use as I was escorted into the sleeping chamber. I knew what he was looking for. Master Kein had wanted it so badly when their cousins had talked about it. The lengths of soft ropes could be used to bind me and immobilize me without causing pain.

Now everyone wanted to see me like that on the bed. They wanted to tease me and see me cling to the very edge of orgasm. I'd beg them for relief and they had the power to grant or deny. The plan was to deny.

In the bedroom I looked at them and saw lust in their eyes.

"Please, Master," I begged putting a hand on Kein's chest.

I didn't really understand what they wanted to do. They'd never hurt me before and what was in their minds didn't seem painful. It just seemed so strange.

His teeth grew as he watched me. The imploring voice from a female unhinged him. It was so erotic. They'd never realized how amazing it was to hear me plead with them, but he didn't like the fear I had.

"You will be safe with us," he soothed placing a hand on my shoulder.

The hand travelled up my neck and to the back of my head. I'd felt him grip the hair at the back of my skull. He pulled the locks tight and my head pulled back exposing the line of my throat to him. Kein's eyes were on fire as he looked down at me.

"You will be safe," he whispered again smiling, "but you will beg and we will enjoy it."

Fighting was useless, but I struggled anyway and it made them wild. I forced Evan to pick me up and take me to the bed. In some futile effort to resist, I even screamed at them.

A soft knot rope was forced between my lips and I felt it tied at the back of my head. I could still grunt and make noise, but intelligible sound was limited.

"We will remove it when you learn to behave," Damien told me gently.

The more I squirmed on the bed the more they held me. It was familiar sensation of being bond by the pressure of their hands and I relaxed. This I was used to. Once my struggles stopped the true binding began.

Kein had paid most close attention to the cousins that taught this to them. The men had described ways they had seen unruly slaves bound and displayed in the yard. While Damien and his Brothers never planned to leave me out in a common area like that, they wanted to try it at home.

Damien and Evan held my arms down as Christof and Bane held my legs. Kein worked slowly and deftly wrapping me in the rope. Everything Kein did felt careful and practiced. I found his certainty in his movements reassuring.

I'd seen my uncles magazines with women bound this way. It was not something I felt I'd ever experience. There had never been anyone I trusted enough to do this to me, before now. Hands lovingly stroked me as I realized how much I trusted Damien and his Brothers. If they wished to bind and tease me, there was nothing to fear. I was safe with them.

Damien had seen my thoughts and the understanding in them. He reached down to release the rope from my mouth. A finger stroked across my lips enjoying the soft feel of them. He loved my mouth and only enjoyed seeing it stuffed with one thing.

Soft rope wrapped around my thighs several times. My knees were bent and pulled up, so the rope could be moved around my lower legs. Loop after loop was applied securing me, but never so tight as to cut off blood flow. My bent and spread legs were tied to the frame of the bed, so I had no chance of moving them together.

I tugged at my arms held above my head and watched Damien's eyebrow raise. I knew I couldn't get loose and they weren't letting me go. He failed to understand the temptation to test the bonds. It was comforting, in a strange way, to have them hold me so tightly.

Kein wanted to bind my chest next. He'd listened with fascination as their cousins had explained making the breasts and nipples stand out. That was what he was going to do now.

Kein almost lay on top of me as he passed the rope under my back. The leather of his pants rubbed my exposed feminine folds and I shuddered at the sensation. My hips raised to brush against him again and he allowed it, once.

Holding himself on his arms and knees he placed his mouth next to my ear.

"It is a privilege I am leaving your hips enough freedom to move," he said softly. "If you abuse it, I will truly enjoy taming you with this rope."

Images flashed in my mind, drawn images their cousins had shown them. Human women in such complicated bondage they couldn't move a muscle. What Kein had planned was much gentler than that. He just wanted to see me restrained, but if I insisted on pressing my luck...

The tension on my breasts became intense. Soft rope was wrapped steadily applying pressure. It wasn't necessarily painful, but it made them start to leak. Evan noted the change and licked up the fluid lovingly.

"Oh God," I moaned as the sensitivity was ratcheted up several notches.

I'd never felt such stimulation. It was like I could feel every ridge and bump on Evan's tongue. Just as I realized I could probably orgasm from one more lick, Evan stopped. The goal of this game was torment, not release.

"You'll learn," Evan whispered in my ear grinning.

My arms were bound last. A complicated run of knots was slowly placed up my arms until they were held to the center pole in the bed. Kein made everything firm, but not too firm. I just felt immobilized and I relaxed completely in the wrapping.

"Your breasts," Kein said watching the large rounded orbs that now literally stood on my chest.

He couldn't take his eyes away and started to stroke them. Even the sides were sensitive. My breathing caught as he stroked. A little more right over the nipple would feel so good, but he refused and trailed his fingers across my belly. I fought the urge to arch into his touch.

"Control yourself," Damien whispered as his hand travelled over the area between my breasts.

"You will learn control," Evan said crawling off the bed. "You can control your thoughts. We will teach you."

I felt so strange as they stared down at me. My positioning wasn't markedly uncomfortable, just odd. I was exposed entirely with my arms above my head and my legs bent and spread. My vulva was pulled apart and I knew they had access to any part of me they wanted.

Evan knelt on the bed between my thighs as Kein crawled up to sit beside my chest. Damien stayed by my head with Christof beside him. Bane took a place beside Kein and they stared down at me waiting to begin.

"We think as one being," Damien informed me. "Our cohesion is important to us. It is time you understood that."

"Yes, I understand," I whispered appreciating that disagreement hurt them.

Damien leaned down and his tongue played across my lips. I sought to capture it and he backed away. Similar sensations started to be repeated on my ear by Bane and over my breasts. Evan's familiar lips were teasing my clit and I knew what the plan was.

Over and over again it happened. One moment I would be covered in their hands and tongues. Every fantasy caress reenacted in real time and then it would stop as I sweated on the bed.

My breasts started to take on a light purple hue and they were released. Kein changed the binding. Instead of the tight standing breasts, the decorative harness he applied merely was visually appealing, but did not limit blood flow.

Now removed of the strict binding they felt even more sensitive. They had tingled when Kein first released them. He and Christof had massaged and licked the soft flesh until their color returned to normal.

I was insane with need after a while. They didn't want me to feel relief, though. My lesson tonight was that discordant feeling causes discomfort. The lack of release was certainly uncomfortable. Being almost able to orgasm, but not allowed to was maddening.

"I understand I really do. The communal flow must be respected," I whispered with all the sincerity I could muster and they smiled.

Hands and mouths covered my slick flesh and this time they didn't stop. My body shook and exploded on Evan's tongue. It felt as though the release would never end. Lightening was exploding behind my eyes as my body clenched over and over on Evan's long tongue. My men enjoyed it immensely.

"Perhaps," Damien said, his mouth inches from mine, "it is time for you to please us."

It most certainly was. They'd enjoyed my orgasm, but they wanted their own. The ropes were slowly and methodically removed. My men were about ready to start removing their own clothing when clattering talons interrupted our evening.

The women were outside and they called to Damien wanting us out there, now!


A note from Steve150177-- We can thank DW for this wonderful story by voting for it. We need 11 five stars for every 1 four stars to get to an average of 4.91 and 1st place.

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PlushBunnieGPlushBunnieGabout 2 months ago

As an avid Shibari Top and bottom this chapter truly made my rope heart smile… and the way it was written shows me that perhaps the author is themselves a rope enthusiast as well… I’m highly highly enjoying this story overall so far

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

To the other anonymous poster before me: I would also love to read a follow up story by DW from a different perspective. Or a FanFiction, I’m actually strongly thinking of writing one if nobody else does soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Would you continue the whole story? Could you write a similar one with a different perspective ? I've read the whole thing 4 times over and desperately need more!

skippersdadskippersdadabout 1 year ago

I like it butt I think the Men still do not see her as a slave, Butt their actions say otherwise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Dammit!!! Work to do - deadlines to meet and STILL I click that Next Chapter button

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