A Slave to the Servants Ch. 27


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As Kein approached me I reached out for the sponge. He just tisked me and moved it away. Without warning my hands were grabbed on either side. Christof and Damien were both grinning madly as they held me still.

Kein started with my neck and played the sponge down toward my breasts. With a wicked smile he changed course and thoroughly cleaned the arm Damien was claiming. It was a small reprieve, but my nipples were screaming for his touch now. My chest rose and fell, straining toward him as he took his time on my captured arm.

I didn't expect it as his warm mouth suddenly descended on a nipple. Flicking his tongue repeatedly over the engorged tip made me feel faint in Bane's grasp. Before I could register the pleasure he had backed away. The water from the shower was cooler than his mouth had been and my tense nipples tightened at the stimulation.

"Other arm," Kein announced happily cleaning the arm Christof held.

"PLEASE FUCK ME!" screamed out of my mouth in frustration. I writhed helplessly against their hands and found it useless.

As Kein left my arm to soap my stomach they congratulated Damien on the win. He'd been right-on, when he said how long that it would take for me to beg.

"I don't like losing," Kein told me seriously as he worked the sponge up my belly toward my breasts. "I plan to take longer now."

It didn't matter that I was begging but I did. I pleaded with him to suck my nipples and play with my clit. In all the time I'd spent with them I'd never wanted to come this badly.

Kein dragged the sponge under my breasts and then teasingly circled each one. His cleaning was maddeningly slow. Once he reached the puckered tips he dropped the sponge and just used his fingers. He was pinching, milking, and flicking the hard tips like they were his own personal toys. Bane assisted with his free hand, lifting the globes and kneading wherever Kein wasn't touching. The stimulation from the two of them was maddening.

I stumbled slightly as Bane stepped away from my back. I had not realized how heavily I was leaning on him. Damien and Christof still held my arms and steadied me that way. My brain was foggy with desire and I would have done anything they asked.

"Tilt your head back," Bane demanded and I complied.

Strong fingers moved the soap over my scalp and hair. The long build up must have been getting to them, too, though. They took far less time than they could have cleaning my hair.

Evan tugged me out of the spray of the water once I was rinsed and dried me with deft strokes to my skin. Kein pulled the water out of my hair with a magic towel and the rest just stood grinning at me.

"You need your rub," Damien said holding up the little tub of purple goo they used to moisturize me.

I just could not wait for another moment. Dropping to my knees in front of Damien I took his length between my lips and swallowed it. My tongue worked fervently against him trying to bring him ultimate pleasure. Each quick slide along his shaft took me to the root and if there'd been more I would have taken it.

They wanted to play with me and see me wild with desire. I couldn't stand anymore delay. Doing this to Damien would hopefully make them just as crazy for me.

It worked. The game became too much for them as well. A strong arm wrapped around my waist and I was lifted off the floor. Damien's shaft left my lips with a plop and Bane threw me over his shoulder.

"No more games, little Sister," he said hoarsely making his way out of the shower room.

There was shouting and hooting in the bathroom as the men made their way to the bed chamber behind us. They were laughing at Bane's sudden loss of control. The big man had seen enough and playtime was over.

Bane's hand was wrapped over my ass and his fingers dipped to touch the wetness between my legs. There was nothing for me to grab at along the powerful plane of his back. I couldn't really control myself as he marched us toward the bedchamber. Bane ensured my continued disorientation as he found my clit and stroked at it lightly.

My eyes didn't adjust quickly enough to the dim light of the bedroom when we made it there. I screamed as I felt myself flipped and dropped in the dark. It was a huge relief when my chest and stomach made contact with the bed.

I turned to seek out Bane's face and I was confronted with the awesome visage he must show on the battlefield. His teeth were down, his stripes were dark, and the look in his eyes was wild. My first response was to move away and that was a bad idea.

As I scrambled to pull myself forward, Bane grabbed my hips and pulled me back. A tiny squeak left my mouth when my wet center was pulled flush against his erect cock. The sounds turned to moans as he held my legs separated and thrust his length along the valley between.

There was no more pulling away as I ground myself against him. The stimulation he was providing was erotic and consuming. When it was evident I would stay where he put me one hand moved so his thumb had access to my center. He dipped several times into the moisture of my pussy before dragging it to the tight place he wanted.

"You need the oil," I moaned softly as his thumb slid in and out of that forbidden pleasure.

"Not this time," he growled, as his cock slid into my pussy. "We've teased ourselves too long for me to wait."

The sex was intense and I could barely stand the jarring thrusts. Bane's cock filled my pussy as his thumb tormented my ass. Twisting my hands in the blankets I pushed back against him and ground myself into his body with each thrust.

"I love to watch them swing," Kein said from the side, just before his head disappeared beneath my tits.

Kein adored this. My pendulous breasts caressed his face and ran over his open mouth with each swing. He had my eyes rolling back in my head as he tugged roughly on the nipples with his lips and fingers.

Damien and the rest were not to be ignored. It was demanded I "finish what I started in the bathroom." His thick cock, still damp with my spit was pushed against my mouth. I devoured the glistening organ.

Bane erupted first. He pulled me so tight against him I was sure he'd actually penetrated my womb. I expected Damien's orgasm on my tongue next, but he pulled away.

Before I had a chance to move Damien had taken Bane's place and was pumping me furiously from behind. It took very little effort and he finished with a shout of triumph.

Collapsing on top of Kein, who didn't seem to mind at all, I looked back at Damien as he panted on his knees.

"You don't like my mouth anymore?" I asked confused.

"I like it fine," he smiled as Kein sucked particularly hard on a nipple and I arched toward him. "Sometimes I just enjoy your wetness as my Brothers do."

For some reason, tonight they all wanted that soft, wet space between my legs. Even Kein, who started out with his cock nestled between my breasts, finished by a firm fucking of my pussy. They wanted to share something and apparently that was it.

"You're very strange men," I told Evan after he finished and lay recovering beside me on the bed.

Bane was on my other side and his hands slid teasingly over my damp form. I tried to get up and he pushed me back down. Irritated by his refusal to let me up I attempted to wiggle to a sitting position. Evan just threw a leg over both of mine and Bane barred any movement of my torso with an arm over my chest.

"Let me up," I demanded looking into Evan's blue eyes.

My heart sank as I watched him. The mischief in his face was unmistakable. This was a game now and I was sure to lose.

I felt his damp cock against my hip as he pressed close to me. Bane did the same thing and now I felt absolutely trapped between them. Evan's arm replaced Bane's and I watched him warily.

"You only orgasmed twice," Bane informed me as he slid a finger down my stomach and between my legs to caress my clit.

I tried to keep him from succeeding, but my folds were soaking wet and he had no trouble teasing that sensitive pearl of flesh.

A whine escaped my lips as Evan sucked on my neck and licked my ear.

"Come for my Brother," he ordered quietly. "We don't think you are done yet."

It was a long time later that they finally let me up. My female body had long been primed for orgasm, especially with them. They wrung every bit of that from me. I barely remembered being cleaned up and the dinner we had afterward. My men had exhausted me.

The days became a pattern and I got used to it. In the morning I worked with Rose, in the afternoon we swam, and then talked. I used that time to come to terms with this life. At night, my family took me to the training grounds.

The men enjoyed the physical exercise. They bound my breast and we'd run the perimeter of the ground. Usually we worked on the slow motion stances and I used the fake sword. Some days we worked on precision and I swung my piece of wood at a target to practice actual sword play.

The young family we'd met the first night continued to come and work with us. Their confidence in dealing Damien and his Brothers grew. Although they'd obviously started this as a dare, they seemed to enjoy conversing with my family. It had originally been curiosity that brought them to us. It was interacting with Damien and his Brothers that kept them coming back.

At first, I noted that my family just made friendly small talk with the boys. Soon Damien and his Brothers began to really get to know them. Obviously they had a lot in common, but here the different ranks of age rarely conversed with one another. No one knew why.

One night the boys helped Bane teach me to wrestle. Obviously, only my family would be wrestling with me, but the younger men demonstrated. They stripped down and showed off the moves they knew.

"Come," Bane encouraged as one of the smaller boys held his Brother down, "look at the placement of the hands," he explained. "Aryn cannot rise with Tyson holding him like this. All the force is here and here."

I nodded and looked at the two boys straining against each other on the ground. Bane was right. The smaller boy, Tyson, had the larger boy, Aryn, trapped beneath him. Tyson had Aryn's arm twisted so the larger boy could not rise without harming his own shoulder.

There was no way I'd be able to hold a man like that, but I paid attention to every detail of the hold. Bane made me crouch down and really look at them. My eyes lingered over Aryn's family mark and I suddenly jumped back with a hand over my mouth. No wonder the boy looked so familiar.

The boys released each other and stood when I backed away from them. They looked concerned. My reactions always seemed to throw them off guard. I was special to Damien and his Brothers and they just weren't sure how to take me.

Damien was in my face a second later with Christof right behind him.

"What is wrong?" Damien demanded. "Did they frighten you? They will not harm you Ciara. They did not move when you were near. We will protect you."

"That isn't frightened," Christof said watching me closely. "That is surprised."

"I don't think..." I trailed off. "I can't tell you here," I said pleadingly.

Damien wouldn't hear of it. He put his ear to my lips and demanded the secret right now.

The shock reverberated through all of them when I spoke.

"Aryn is Bane's offspring," I said softly. "Look at his shoulder, Damien. Your mark is there along with Bane's number."

Damien straightened and looked at Bane, who just looked amazed.

"We apologize, Warriors, if we have offended you," Tyle said cautiously, crossing his left arm over his chest and bowing his head.

Damien regained control first and assured the boys nothing was wrong. He explained the position had just reminded me of something. I was merely surprised, nothing more. He encouraged them to continue what they had been doing. No apology was necessary.

The activity continued and Bane kept staring at Aryn. I knew what he felt. That boy was his to know as he had Hannah and Kennedy. He had been kept from something special his Brothers had experienced.

We stood in the field and I learned some of the basics of wrestling. Bane was so distracted Kein ended up doing most of the teaching. The young boys seemed to notice, but they didn't let it stop them from doing as the Warriors asked.

When we were done and it was time to go home I saw the longing on Bane's face. He wanted to spend more time with Aryn. It was obvious to me. It must have been obvious to Damien also.

"In three day cycles we have a trip planned," Damien said. "We have reserved a cabin and we will stay there for several day cycles. It would be a pleasure if you boys would join us. We will ask the Child Keepers if we may Keep you those days, if you are willing."

The elation I saw on those young faces was like being told they were going to Disney World. Tyle's family had never been asked to be Kept by Warriors before. The boys were ecstatic.

"We will train you some, if you would like," Bane promised staring down at his son.

"Yes, sir, we would enjoy that," Tyle answered politely grinning ear to ear.

It wasn't until our shower that night I had a horrible thought.

"Are we breeding at the cabin," I asked panicked. "That would be very odd to do with five young boys watching. Please, tell me this isn't a breeding time."

"Of course not," Evan said cleaning my hair.

"Nu-reeh has put off your breeding time," Damien informed me. "She does not want...more family for us right now. Our Mistress will not schedule that until she has time. You do not need to worry, we know this talk upsets you."

He sounded a little irritated for some reason. I just shrugged and let them pamper me in the shower. They knew I was working hard and my baths were half massage at this point. It was hard to stay stressed during this time.

My mind wandered during the bath, perhaps Nu-reeh was giving me something in my drink to prevent conception. It was the sweet tasting one, so I wasn't sure. I had not gotten the shot, either. We should probably talk about it, because otherwise the inevitable would happen.

I knew the men weren't trying to get me pregnant, but they adored sex. We still had plenty of it. Damien considered the nightly distraction part of my therapy. Although I rolled my eyes at his logic frequently, I couldn't dispute how good they made me feel.

As Evan rinsed my hair my internal musing was interrupted when Bane got all our attention. The big man slammed his fist into the wall of the shower. The water shuddered with the force of his blow. Christof jerked me away and placed my damp body behind Damien.

"Calm, big Brother," Kein soothed inching closer to Bane, "you will know the boy. We will see to it. We will treat him as family now that we know."

"How much more family do we have?" Bane asked harshly. "How many others have been kept from us? We should have known them. I should have guided him..."

Damien spoke low and forcefully. He reminded Bane he was the best trainer in the ranks of the Warriors. Bane had been taking care of that young man for most of his life. The lessons he taught him would last all his days.

Bane was furious. I could see his Brothers working hard to calm him down. If they didn't relax him, the rage would be infectious.

"How have we never seen the mark?" he asked slumping his shoulders.

The water was turned off as Damien touched one shoulder and Evan the other.

"They kept us a distance from the young ones most of the time. We only trained them in large groups of many families," Kein said. "We were never encouraged to pay them much attention. None of us ever looked at another man's mark. There was never a reason to."

I dried myself with a towel as the men spoke to Bane. Wrapping the fabric around my body I settled on a bench and watched them. Christof had obviously wanted me away, so I stayed away.

Bane noticed me sitting on the other side of the room and walked to sit beside me. His Brothers hovered, but allowed us to be near one another. Bane sat and put his elbows on his knees. Cocking his head to the side he smiled sadly.

"I understand now," he said simply. "They disappear from you. You cannot protect them or know them. The sadness makes sense to me now."

My hand reached out to soothe down his wet back. It felt like a reconnection of sorts. Evan handed me a towel and I rubbed Bane's back dry. His angry outburst had forced his Brothers to separate us. Prior experience told me that would upset him. Family gained strength when they were together.

"You know this boy," I soothed. "I know you train all of them. We will know him better now."

"We will not just know him," Bane said staring at the floor. "We will free him. He should not be kept this way."

Kein answered before I had a chance to say anything. "Hannah will take him away. She will help him."

Damien agreed and so did Christof. Hannah had said she'd take my men if it wasn't for me. Certainly she'd take young Warriors.

The conversation concerned me. Those boys were just that, boys. They were children. Yes, they had trained, but they were very inexperienced. They barely knew how to fight and they knew nothing of the world. This would be a dangerous endeavor for them.

"Do they practice with sharpened blades?" I asked quietly.

The men looked uncomfortable and Bane spoke quietly. They would not qualify to use the sharpened blades for another three turns of the ringed moon. The men waited and watched me. I knew they expected me to tell them, no. Not that my opinion could stop them, but I knew it mattered. The family had to agree.

"You must train them in the dangers they will face," I said instead. "While we have them at the cabin you can start their real education. Relay the stories Hannah has given you."

Bane looked up at me and smiled. We were in accord. Damien's family would save Bane's son.

Just as Damien promised, three days later we prepared for a trip. I was dressed in one of the long blue dresses like I wore in the mountains. Two brown outer layers ensured I'd be comfortable on the way out. Bags were packed and loaded before we picked up our charges.

It was just after sunrise when we flew off on a transport being followed by the young family. Bane chose to ride with Tyle's family. He knew they had never been this far from the compound before. There would be loads of new things to see and he wanted to be there to explain.

We'd packed a fair amount of stuff that went with us. The men had quietly brought the swords they had learned with. The weapons were smaller than what they had now and more worn. They planned to give Tyle's family a chance to use a blade for the first time.

"We'll teach them to use these well," Damien promised Bane. "Hannah will take them if they can take care of themselves."

I rode with the men and smiled at their excitement. I tried not to think negatively, but I hoped Hannah would agree to this. She had been very resistant to taking me, because of my weakness. I hoped these children would not be judged too young.

When we got a good distance from the compound my brown hood was removed. The men liked to see me talk to them and I preferred not to be cloistered away. We talked and laughed the entire trip.

Halfway to our destination we stopped for a snack. Bane showed Aryn everything around us. The boys had learned about plants from the Child Keepers, but some of these things they'd never seen in real life before. Everything was new and different.

Bane talked about the plants on the ground and the tracks in the dirt. He also told the boys about some of the strange plants Hannah had told us about that existed beyond the mountains. The boys were enthralled by all of it.

"He's a good father," I said watching Bane patiently teach the five young ones. "It is a shame he was kept from it."