A Slave to the Servants Ch. 31


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"The words have spread," Ratru's Brother told us, "all the camps make the same weapons and they all use the new words. We are proud the names originated in our camp."

The smithy was located a transport ride away from the main living areas, deeper in the mountain. We went to a second smaller parking area deep in the mountain and got on a large transport that would take us.

Rose and I rode with the men as Hannah and Ra flew behind us. The cave we were in got much hotter the deeper we went. I noted how high the ceiling rose and saw a slit at the top that must vent the heat. It didn't surprise me when we passed over a large open pit of boiling lava.

"The women dip their spears and talons there," Ratru explained as we soared past it.

I smiled and nodded, I knew what that pit was for.

We continued through a long tunnel before arriving in the area the men worked in to build weapons. I soon learned why we were so far from the main camp. Just after we parked our transport, an explosion shook the inside of the mountain and Hannah cursed.

"They have been told and warned. Stay here until we sort this out," she said loudly and then she and Ra flew ahead.

Several other women came flying by toward the sound. The seven of us left stood off to the side to get out of their way and waited. Luckily this parking area was well lit with torches.

"What happened?" I asked as another smaller boom came from the area Hannah went into.

"Rue and his Brothers have created terrible weapons," Ratru told me standing and waiting. "They are so powerful the Administrators have specific times and places they take them to test them. Those men aren't supposed to do it in the smithy. It is too dangerous."

The name struck me. "I knew a Rue," I said. "He and his Brothers were taken and held by Nu-reeh in the T'aran Mountains. They used to Keep me."

Ratru's face was grave suddenly and he turned to look at me. "Rue and his Brothers were slavers?" he asked seriously.

"I don't know if it's the same men, but no, not really," I said watching him.

Some large part of me wanted to lie and tell him yes, just to get Rue in trouble. Lying was probably really looked down on here, though.

"No," I reiterated, "Damien and his Brothers used Rue to Keep me before Hannah was born. I don't think Rue's family had any opinion either way on slaves. They just wanted to know about Earth."

Ratru and his Brothers seemed torn. These men had obviously been taught to hate the men who kept slaves.

"How were they taken?" I asked trying to change the subject. "They were in the mountain with the women last time I knew, if it is the same men."

"Oh, it's probably the same family," Ratru's Brother said watching smoke suddenly billow from the large arched passageway ahead. "Rue and his Brothers got curious and explored the mines deep in the T'aran Mountains. Using wind and smoke they somehow found our secret, underground tunnels."

"They opened them," Ratru said sounding amazed. "They figured out the levers and opened them. Once they were inside they closed the opening. It took them days, perhaps even a full moon, but they finally found an exit. Men from this camp found them wandering around in one of our fields."

I was shocked. "They made it all the way here, from the T'aran Mountains, on foot, and without any help?!"

"They're the smartest men we've ever met," Ratru said with a slight frown. "The Administrators tolerate their mishaps because they are so good at what they do. If they are slavers that will change how the men see them, though."

Another muffled explosion was heard and I sought to calm Ratru. "They did not have any interest in me as a slave. We talked and I told them things. Frankly, I think they were just curious about Earth. It wasn't like they ...."

It wasn't clear to me why I was defending Rue and his Brothers. They had been assholes to me. I guessed it was because I hated to see anyone ostracized the way Damien and his Brothers were being.

Also, the American side of me felt sorry for Rue and his family. Those men had been geniuses locked into a world that would not let them explore things. They'd been stifled for so long, this was probably a good change for them.

The smoke died down and Hannah was suddenly waving us forward. I walked toward her and she was ranting at Ra.

"Idiots," she said in English, "how many times do we have to tell them the ore is unstable? It can power a weapon, but it cannot be launched from one!"

"Sister," Ra soothed, "you are so worked up you're speaking in Mama's language."

"It's them," Hannah fumed, "I can barely stand them. You know how they treated..."

Hannah stopped talking and took several deep breaths. She had obviously hidden the relationship Rue had had with me. I wondered why she'd done that for these jerks and not her father. It piqued my temper.

"Hannah, could I speak to you privately for just a moment?" I asked stepping back from the group.

Hannah approached and leaned down waiting for the inevitable question.

"You didn't tell them, obviously, that Rue kept me as a slave for a time. Why did you have to tell them what your father did? Couldn't it have been hidden somehow? Couldn't you have convinced them somehow, so your father and I could be together?"

Hannah looked seriously at me and crouched down so we were eye to eye. "I couldn't hide what Daddy had done," she said. "The men here have their opinions and nothing I said could change them. I really do believe that you have become too used to your role and need help to regain your independence..."

The next part was said in a whisper, so quiet I had to strain to hear.

"I love my family," she said, "and I want to see you all happy and together. If you work hard and Daddy does, too, I think I can help. It will take time and you must all grow, but it can be done."

I saw the glint in her eyes. She hadn't given up on us, but she'd publicly done everything correctly. This wasn't over yet.

"Thank you, Baby Girl," I whispered.

Hannah just winked at me as she stood.

The forge was a mess and I saw where the accident must have happened. There was a smoldering work area along one wall. Rue and his Brothers were there picking up pieces of what looked like a large cannon and cursing. Reed and Hassar were there explaining loudly that the ore could NOT be ignited and launched. Only power could be projected out safely, power derived from the ore. The ore itself is just too unstable.

Rue got on a chair so he was Reed's height and yelled at her. The large room was silent watching the loud confrontation.

"The only reason you KNOW that the ore's power can be launched is because we did it. I am telling you the ore itself could be used as a powerful weapon. If you limit our studies we will never determine how to do it!" he shouted.

"You do not have to take that tone with me," Reed said calmly. "If you want to study the ore that way, you must petition the Administrators. Allow us to look over your plans and give you a safe-"

Rue exploded. He yelled and screamed saying he would not allow his family to be limited anymore. It was a tantrum and his lack of control shocked me.

Hassar started to speak next and Rue's family just yelled louder. The confrontation was interrupted as Gunth and his Brothers entered the workspace. Gunth took a firm, commanding tone with Rue and it seemed to work. The younger man stopped yelling and got off his chair.

Ratru was whispering in my ear suddenly, "Men raised in the compounds do not work well with the women," he informed me. "They never learned to talk with the women, they mostly react with either fear or undeserved hostility. They listen to the male Administrators better. We were warned and try to not be like that. It advertises your origins as a man from the compounds. Free men do not behave that way. Rue often forgets himself in front of the women."

He was right. As we stood and watched, Rue calmed instantly listening to Gunth. Rue and his Brothers even agreed to stop the testing and submit a request to the Administrators. They did everything Reed had asked, just not for her.

"Come," Ratru said directing us toward the area the sword makers worked in.

Rose and I both were measured for swords. Ratru and his Brothers, under the lead smith, would make weapons for us. It took the men time to realize what weight would work for us and what length. Rose and I were markedly weaker than even the weakest man.

Hannah took Rose and me back to the main area of the camp once we were done. My daughter looked troubled and I was concerned. My worry was forgotten as soon as I saw Kennedy walking toward us.

I rushed to hug my second daughter and her sisters. Kennedy hugged me, but looked over my head at Hannah.

"We haven't taken her to the viewing room yet," Hannah said and Kennedy sighed.

I looked between them and saw Kennedy's mouth draw tight around her fangs.

Hannah spoke and it was certainly defensive, "I had to tell her about Daddy, this one is yours."

I didn't know what they were talking about until Kennedy demanded that Hannah go get Evan. I would want him present for this.

Tears ran down my face and I knew something had happened to my boy. My little Jonathan had to be the reason for all this. In my panic I couldn't even hear them talking, until Rose scolded them loudly for scaring me.

"Is he hurt?" I asked looking between Kennedy and her Sisters. "Is he dead? Did the women torture him?"

All of them rushed to soothe me, "No, Mama," Kennedy said. "The issue is we can not take him. It was put to a vote and it was determined that a family of children should not be removed from the Child Keepers. Nu-reeh has no reason to harm Jonathan, because he has no knowledge and his owners would not permit it besides.

The issue is that if we start rescuing sons of the revolution, the women like Nu-reeh will not let our boys join with their families. We have an uneasy truce regarding the boys right now. That just cannot be endangered."

My breathing slowed and I leaned on the wall. Hannah disappeared with Ra, presumably to go get Evan.

"The rebels in the camps had already found a way to access the cameras the slaving women use to monitor the boys. Hannah and I thought it would be good for you to see Jonathan," Kennedy explained.

"You can't save him?" I asked quietly still fighting the desire to scream and cry.

I would never be with my little boy again.

"No, not now, perhaps one day..." Kennedy trailed off looking uncomfortable.

Nodding silently, I looked up at my daughter and sought to accept this latest blow to my life.

I followed Kennedy into the Administrator's main room. She took us into a smaller room and we waited.

"Jonathan is in a compound near the one you were at, Mama. The men call the mountain near it the red mountains, we call them the T'ylene Mountains. The compound is called the Barnas compound. It is about as far from us here as the T'aran Mountains and the Caras compound you were in. Right now, you reside in the T'lynien Mountains," Kennedy explained politely.

I nodded and stared at her, just trying to process how close and yet how far away Jonathan was.

Damien and his Brothers came in a few moments later with Hannah. Hassar followed the entire group in.

"This is not appropriate," she growled looking between Hannah and Kennedy. "I do not want them contacting the woman they used as a slave."

"Evan is Jonathan's male breeder and I am his female breeder," I choked out. "On Earth we would have lived in the same place and cared for him together. If I am being told I will never hold my male offspring again, I at least wish his male breeder here for comfort."

"You may turn to your female offspring or your female friend-" Hassar said and I lashed out at her.

"Allow me this moment with my men!" I demanded. "You offered us no time to say good-bye and that is all I am asking for. Comfort from those whom I love and a chance to wish them well in their separate future."

Hannah didn't give the woman any time to answer and flipped on the screen. It was in black and white, but that did not matter to me. I took Evan's hand as we watched a recording of Jonathan, Hannah said it was the first time he entered the Children's compound.

Tears poured down my face when I saw him look at the monitor. There was no sound, but I could read his lips. He asked where Mama and Daddy were. The Child Keepers herded the new little boys into the bunk house and the camera changed.

We stood and watched for what must have been hours. My girls had made sure to keep a record of Jonathan for Evan and me. The children were kept intentionally very busy. Hannah told me it helped them forget their breeders. Jonathan's owner also would have given them subtle commands that only their Brothers mattered. Soon the only focus of their world would be on the four other boys in their family. Their first home in the mountains would be a dream or distant memory. Eventually, they would not remember it at all.

Within the first several moons they had them using the lacquered pots and learning to dress themselves. Games were set up that they played every day to build endurance and strength. I watched Jonathan get stronger and more coordinated quickly.

As I stood, totally fixed on the monitor, I saw his bond with his Brothers get stronger and stronger. He touched them and tasted them constantly. When he slept it was often wrapped around a Brother and sucking the other boy's fingers. The entire little family seemed to sleep in a pile most of the time. They were never separated.

Less and less did I see the motions of his mouth that told me he was saying Mama or Daddy. He was forgetting us, as he was being forced to do. It broke my heart.

I didn't remember dropping to the floor as the crushing sobs gripped me. I clung to Evan as I mourned the loss of the son we would never know. He had been so sweet and wild. I would have loved to watch him grow and learn with his family. Now all I had was pictures on this black and white monitor of a boy who would find me alien very soon.

"It will not be forever, Sister," Evan whispered over and over again. "He will grow and we will take him. No more tears, please, he will be safe there."

"There is a cream," I heard Damien beg, "that will help her feel better."

"No," Hassar told him sharply, "grief is normal. This is normal. This woman does not have to be a perfect creature to represent your family's health anymore. If she wishes to be sad, she can."

"This is pain," Damien argued. "It will harm her. She does not survive well when she is sad. We must protect-"

"Daddy," Hannah cut in, "please don't worry. Humans can feel sad. Kennedy and I will watch her. It will not be like it was before. She is not trapped and she will not break like that again. We know this about her."

"The sadness is too powerful for her-" Damien started to say and Hannah interrupted.

"The bonds of slavery were too powerful Daddy, the emotion is normal. You have to let her be free. She can be sad or happy. Kennedy and I believe she will make the right choices now that she has the option. We will help her and she will be well."

Damien was silent as Evan soothed me with strokes to my hair and back. We knelt together and I knew the men were confused.

"You all may come separate from the female if you wish to view him," Hassar said after a moment.

"Thank you," I whispered squeezing Evan's hand and pulling myself together.

I stood with Evan and looked into his eyes. "I love you," I told him simply.

"As I love you, Sister," he responded.

Hassar made a bitter, grunting sound and tossed her head in irritation turning away. I took her moment to take one of my own. I moved to hug and kiss each of my men before she made them leave.

"Boys grow up in the Keepers all the time," Christof soothed when I hugged him. "Don't mourn him, Sister."

Hassar broke in and demanded the men leave. She also demanded they stop calling me Sister. It offended her that they would use the sacred bond she shared with her family to imply slavery.

Damien didn't flinch as he faced her. "You will understand one day," he promised her. "This is not our slave; she is our Sister."

My men were taken away and Hannah handed me a small, wooden square. Inside the square was a black and white drawing of Jonathan surrounded by his Brothers.

"One of the families here can draw," Kennedy explained. "We brought them here and told them what we wanted them to do. There is nothing in this camp like a printer. They exist, but we do not have access."

Hannah had tears in her eyes as she ran a finger over Jonathan's image.

"This is from just a moon ago. The boys saw something in the sky and they all looked at the camera at the same time. It struck me as something you would want," she said softly.

It was something I would want. I would put it on my shelf in my room and look at it every day.

"This room," Kennedy said, "is not the formal observation room for working. It is for mothers like you and fathers like Evan to come and see their sons. We have programmed the pad to recognize your human hand print and associated it with Jonathan. Any time you wish to see what he has been doing come in here and follow the instructions."

My tears refused to stop falling as I held the small picture to my chest. I'd kept what I could of Jonathan's baby clothes and blankets, but those were all at the compound. This was all I had of him.

Rose took my hand and I saw her drying the tears from her own eyes. She had helped raise Jonathan with me, as if he were the son she could never have. She felt the pain of losing him as much as any of us did. We all suffered for this decision.

"Dinner will be served soon," Hannah said pulling herself together. "Go put your things in your room and come down to meet us."

I shook my head and looked down at the picture of Jonathan's happy face.

"I promised to eat with someone named Arik," I said softly. "He grows things."

"Good," Hannah said decisively, "that will please the Administrators, keep doing things like that. The faster they see you acting like a free woman, the sooner we can start working on changing their minds about Daddy and his Brothers."

"Damien's family is going to have to change, too," Kennedy said softly. "Did you hear Damien ask for cream for her? They can't keep her like an orchid anymore. We need to talk with them. They have to understand."

"Let's take them hunting to make sure they eat and show them around," Hannah said and Ra agreed.

All the girls planned to spend some time with the men tonight.

Rose and I walked slowly up to our little room. I put Jonathan's family picture up on the carved shelving and sat on the bed staring at it. Rose joined me and held my hand tightly. We sat in the quiet until the dinner bell rang.

"Will you come with me?" I asked her softly. "I agreed to eat with these strange men, but will you come, too?"

Rose sighed and squeezed my hand. "I'm not leaving through those damned portals," she said bluntly, "so I best do what they want."

I smiled at my friend and was truly glad she was here with me. If we had to change, at least we could do it together.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Still a slave, just with new rules

xyz123446xyz123446almost 2 years ago

@tiercenpt - she did blow up though. And the administrators (at least the women) recalibrated.

@havoc - Note that paterians, especially bonded men are *very* conservative (lower case c, not the political sense) and set in their ways. Five minds is a lot of inertia! Once they’ve decided on something it takes a lot of information and time to change it - you can see that with the glacial pace of Damien’s family internalizing what treating Ciara as a sister would mean. We’ve now seen two societies created by paterians and they’re very rigid in different ways. This one at least has hints it can bend without breaking.

It’s one sentence in passing but it says that Ciara, Rose and Fuji are the first slaves rescued by this commune. I don’t recall if they say later they were the first alien slaves rescued period but I’d believe it. Their choice of commando team and debriefing certainly was enough of a disaster that that’d make sense. Hannah and Kennedy might’ve pushed hard enough that they undertook this mission before actually considering what a good transition would look like and need. While they might not have been able to make a push that hard I’m sure they found a voice at the highest levels in Tosu.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Oh yea the author ‘predicted cancel culture’, wake up havoc and realize that waves of conservatism and liberalism and chaos have guided people through all history. Just bc you are going through a moment where things are different you don’t need to feel sorry for yourself, just adapt.

This story is all about adapting, this is my second read through and the nuance, back and forth thinking of the characters and progression of the story is something I appreciate thoroughly. Despite all the alien society, the insecure and survival instincts of Ciara/Rachel make this story feel very human.

I wish the author would write again. I’d read from them again.

Havoc100Havoc100about 3 years ago

This "free society" reminds me a lot of the "woke" liberal culture we have today. You are free, but you cannot wear this or say that or associate with them. "They" are all bad, anything associated with them is bad. It is like this author foretold woke and cancel culture 10 years ahead of time.

MbC56MbC56about 3 years ago

Had me crying, I do love this story

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