A Song in Ebony Ch. 03

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Why would a god care for a mere mortal?
8.1k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/18/2017
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The gray room was bathed in a pale light from some invisible source. Larry focused on his breathing and tried to relax. His determination was fading. He had made his decision almost on the spur of the moment. Declaring 'love' for the entity seated across from him seemed now to be a foolish gesture. Whatever Izzy was, maybe she was incapable of what he thought of as 'love' or 'caring'. That doubt was what had driven him to this. He thought he had sensed affection from her during their previous experiences together, but maybe that was just his own interpretation. He felt a sudden need to speak up, to tell Izzy not to bother. Larry wasn't sure if he could really handle this.

Before he could call out, Izzy's glowing green eyes slowly closed. Her body seemed to shudder, as if she was cold. "Prepare yourself," she whispered, and then she just....fell apart. Her human-shaped body cracked and broke into pieces, while at the same time what looked like a river of black lava erupted up and out of her crumbling form. Within moments, there was a giant shambling and seething mass of black flesh in front of him. It was larger than a kodiak bear.

He almost shut his eyes at the sight. There was nothing recognizable, nothing regular or symmetrical that his eyes could grab onto. Izzy's bulk began sprouting small fanged mouths all over its surface. The interiors of those mouths were lined with pale green flesh. Shining black claws and protuberances emerged and then were absorbed back into the huge mass of the thing. Saliva and secretions began dripping from the various mouths as they randomly opened and closed.

Larry gripped his knees as his heart raced. He told himself to stop being scared. This had to still be Izzy, in spite of its appearance. He may have doubts about her emotional attachment to him, but he also felt that she wouldn't hurt him. And he had asked for this, after all. The least he could do was face this incarnation of her without flinching.

As if to confirm his thoughts, two glowing green eyes opened in the middle of the black mass and peered at him. There seemed to be clear affection in that gaze. Just as he felt his breathing slow down, more eyes opened all over Izzy's surface. Soon there were a multitude of emerald eyes, all staring fixedly at Larry. Izzy's massive bulk slowly swelled and contracted as if she was breathing. He began to feel more like a tasty morsel begin sized up by a large predator.

"Um, Izzy?"

Two mouths gaped open on opposite sides of Izzy's huge form. Out of each emerged a pale green and whiplike tongue. The tongues arced around towards each side of his naked body. It took every bit of his self control not to cry out as they reached him. One slapped wetly into his right shoulder, and he felt its thick saliva drip down his bare arm. The other slathered itself along his left cheek and left a shining streak of lubricant. Both areas of his skin began to immediately tingle.

Larry kept sitting still, with crossed legs, as the two tongues began to lick him. One roved over his stomach and chest, carfully avoiding his groin. The other slid along his back and neck, moving down as far as his tailbone. The saliva made his skin tingle wherever it touched. This wasn't a sensual feeling, it was more intense. It was almost like the pins-and-needles that come when a limb wakes up after falling asleep. His breathing began to pick up again.

The tongues licked along his thighs, both of them still carefully avoiding his genitals. Then they traced along his calves and reached for his ankles. One tongue wound around each of his ankles and began to firmly pull. He allowed his legs to go with the pull as the tongues drew his ankles apart. Larry felt a little panic when they kept pulling, even when his legs reached the limit of his flexibility. He felt a sharp pain from the stretched tendons in his groin.

"Too much, Izzy!" he gasped. The tongues gave one final yank and then stopped. Larry had his hands behind him and pressing into the gray spongy floor as he faced this huge beastly thing. His legs were spread wide apart and almost felt like they were going to pull out of his sockets. Izzy's many green eyes stared down at him with no apparent emotion.

Another mouth opened up higher in Izzy's middle, and another long tongue arced down towards his splayed form. This one again roved all over him, spreading still more saliva over his skin while managing to avoid his nethers. Larry was not at all hard at this point. He was somewhat surprised that his manhood hadn't simply drawn up into him out of fear. The tongue licked through his hair and then slapped into his forehead, and Larry blinked to try to clear the liquid out of his eyes as it ran down his face. His skin now felt almost like it had been scrubbed raw.

The new tongue then reached down and began winding itself around his chest, just under his arms. It wound tight enough to be slmost painful, and then lifted him off the ground. The tongues at his ankles still kept up their tension. Larry hung in the air in front of Izzy, his legs spread painfully wide and his arms dangling at his sides. He hadn't even tried to use his hands to get her appendages off of him; he knew that such physical effort would be useless.

The array of emerald eyes stared at him for a long moment. Then the center of Izzy split horizontally, revealing a huge mouth a meter across. The edges of the mouth were lined with small conical teeth that dripped saliva. The interior of the mouth was lined with a spongy-looking flesh that was colored a whitish-green. The shambling body exhaled, and he felt a warm breath around him. There was an odd metallic tang to the air coming out of Izzy. And then he was drawn down and towards that waiting mouth. In spite of what he kept telling himself, Larry felt a pang of fear from some primitive part of his brain. The huge mouth gaped around his lower belly and crotch, almost as if Izzy was going to simply bite out the center of him. The huge mouth began to slowly close onto him. Larry looked up at the many stony green eyes that seemed to stare down pitilessly at him and knew true fear. Something must have gone wrong, some bit of programming that Izzy had somehow missed had gone wild. Now this more primitive avatar of hers was going to devour him.

A little protuberance pushed out of her, just above the huge mouth's upper lip. It looped towards him and split into five smaller tendrils at its end, then rapidly formed into a small human hand. The hand faced him with its palm out. Larry suddenly remembered one of the things Izzy had yelled in the throes of passion during their first coupling.

Hold my hand, Larry!

He brought up his right hand and pressed it to Izzy's hand, palm-to-palm. Their fingers laced together and she gave his hand a gentle squeeze. His panic ebbed; Izzy, his Izzy, was still in there and still in charge.

The giant mouth finished closing over his core. He felt her lips clamp down around his thighs and lower stomach. His upper body and lower legs were still left protruding, and the tongues on his ankles still mantained their tendon-creaking pull. Larry felt the gentle prickle along his stomach and back as her teeth pressed into his flesh. The teeth were not hard as he had expected, they felt more like firm rubber. They didn't do anything more than dimple his skin. He hung like that for a long moment. The prickling from the saliva on his skin was not waning; if anything, it was getting more intense. The tendons in his neck started to ache with the strain of keeping his head up.

Another tongue lashed around his left arm and wrist, then pulled his left hand firmly against Izzy's side. Her skin no longer felt like velvet; now it felt more like some kind of rubbery silicone.

A larger section high up on Izzy's flank rippled and bulged. A tubular construction pushed out of her skin and looped around towards his face. The tube's interior was the same pale green as the mouths, although it contained no teeth. The tube's insides looked as if it was lined with petal-like tongues. The appendage inched closer to his head slowly, almost hesitantly. It was clear this appendage was meant for his face, but for some reason it wasn't moving as fast as the tongues had.

Larry realized that, amid all of the sex he'd had with Izzy, she had carefully avoided covering his face. Indeed, the closest she'd come to smothering him was during their first encounter when she'd given him a cock-tongue kiss deep enough to make him nearly pass out. She must have known about his phobia about smothering, but now apparently she needed to encase his face. Izzy seemed to be asking his permission, however.

He took a deep breath and squeezed Izzy's hand. "Do it, babe."

The tube lunged forward like a striking lamprey eel and smacked into his face. He managed to close his eyes before contact and felt the outer edges of the tube seal around the edges of his face. It drew itself tight against his face, then began a wriggling and chewing motion as it started to engulf his head. The small tongues that made up its interior dragged across his cheeks and lips, then up across his forehead and down along his jawline. The tube managed to work its way up to the crown of his head and down to where his jaw met his throat. Then Larry felt small tendrils extrude out from the rim of the tube and worm their way further back along his head. They met and knotted themselves together at the rear of his skull, firmly attaching the tube of flesh to his face and head.

The tube drew tighter and pressed against his face, sealing his nostrils shut. His lips were left with just enough leeway for him to breathe. Larry kept telling himself he was not in danger, but he still felt a literally blind panic rising in him. He felt a slight vibration in the tube, as if something was slithering up along its inside and towards his face.

Something was. A large wet tongue bumped up against his lips and then unceremoniously shoved its way into his mouth. The appendage was a couple of centimeters in diameter, and its blunt tip roved and pressed all throughout his mouth. Larry felt the tongue's saliva bathe the inside of his mouth, which immediately started tingling as well. The saliva had a sour-sweet taste that he found somehow addictive, and he started sucking on the tongue and trying to get more of its nectar off of it. He could just barely draw a little bit of air in around the tongue squirming in his mouth. As he swallowed the saliva, he could feel the tissues of his throat begin to tingle.

The tounge in his mouth pressed further, forcing its way down his throat. He gagged and tried to cry out, but he couldn't even manage a muffled protest. The saliva the tongue exuded was incredibly slippery and allowed the appendage to quickly force its way down his throat and towards his stomach. He felt it slip easily down his esophagus and then press through the entrance to his stomach.

Now, finally, Larry began to struggle weakly in his bonds. He couldn't breathe! Izzy must know he needed air. His chest heaved with the effort of trying to draw breath when there was none. And then, abruptly, he could breathe. He drew in a great shuddering breath and felt clean air fill his lungs. Was the tongue down his throat somehow feeding air into him? Or was Izzy just somehow...getting him air? Either way, he wasn't going to question it.

The tongues binding his limbs and chest began to flex and wriggle over him as if to more firmly plaster their saliva into his skin. The tube covering his face also pulsed and massaged his features. Every exposed bit of his skin felt like it was painfully throbbing. He could feel his stomach also beginning to tingle as the tongue deep inside him licked and pressed at its walls.

It seemed like Izzy was trying to stimulate every part of him that she could reach. Every part, that is, except his groin. That part of him was still enclosed in her mouth. His buttocks, his cock, and his scrotum had been left thoroughly alone so far. He could feel his cock dangling down against his balls. He wasn't surprised he wasn't hard. This was not a sexual experience, this was almost like he was being basted prior to being devoured. Larry hung for a long moment, feeling every inch of his skin pulse and his stomach churn with electric sensation. He knew that this was just the warm-up act, any moment now she'd really start in on him.

He felt a glob of saliva drip down onto the clump of pubic hair above his groin. The liquid ran through his thatch and then down along the base of his shaft. When the skin at his groin started to tingle, Larry was instantly hard. He would have gasped if he could have. It almost felt like his cock was going to explode from its firmness. Whatever was drooling saliva onto his nethers kept moving, drizzling copious amounts of liquid over his aching cock and then down onto his scrotum. He could feel the saliva running down along the cleft of his rear, and he jerked when it flowed across his anus. His balls and ass tingled, and his cock twitched as if from electric jolts.

There was another long pause, and then something began to engulf his cock. From what Larry could feel, this was a smaller version of the tube that was stuck on his face. The tongues lining the smaller tube's interior slurped across his glans and shaft as the tube slowly mouthed its way up along him. He felt the base of it nestle into his pubic hair, and then it began a slow languid clenching.

He then felt a nudge at his scrotum. Another tube began to swallow his sack up to the root. Once it was firmly in place, it began a gentle pulsing massage of his balls.

The tongue inside him stopped licking his stomach. He felt the appendage sliding further along his own tongue and palate, combined with an odd nudging sensation deep inside him. It must be pushing past his stomach and into his intestines.

In spite of his vulnerability, he felt his arousal rising. The firey pinpricks all over his skin and interior, the flexing and licking of his cock and balls, the weird massaging of his interior...it was all bringing him closer to the edge. And he could feel Izzy now, feel her mind approaching his as she had done during previous times of climax. But before he had felt her pleasure as well. Now all he felt from her was a clinical detachment as she manipulated him. Before he could determine more, Larry felt a wet kiss on his anus. Another tube began licking and sucking on his sensitive rear flesh, and that was enough to make him come. He tensed in the tongues that restrained him as he drained into Izzy. But his orgasm didn't give him relief. He was still steel-hard, and still felt rising arousal. And Izzy's mind didn't give him any hint of her pleasure. Instead, it felt like she was using his climax to pry further into his mind. She was using it to open him up, like someone using a chisel to split a log.

The tube at his rear opening pressed itself firmly against him, sealing itself against his rear. Larry felt another tongue nudge against his pucker and then slither up into his rectum. It kept sliding into him and he could feel strange sensations in his guts as it worked its way up further and further into him. The tube around his cock began to work more vigorously, and the sucking and massaging of his balls became faster. The tongues that bound him up had never stopped their stroking and squeezing, and his skin felt almost like it was going to simply fly off from the tingling caused by Izzy's secretions.

He had another orgasm. This time, it almost felt like he was ejaculating fire. He could feel Izzy use his climax to leverage herself further into his mind. She was vivisecting his brain, splaying his soul open while his heart still beat. There was still no physical relief, and now his groin and ass were under constant assault from the frenzied pulsing, sucking tubes that worked on and into him.

Somewhere deep inside, he felt a little nudge as the tongue down his throat and the one up his ass met and fused inside him. The rope of flesh that was all the way through him now began to throb and twist, massaging his core at the same speed as the manipulation of his exterior.

Larry was a little frog, pinned down on some huge lab bench while something titanic sliced into him and ran careless fingers through his entrails. He couldn't cry out, he couldn't even touch Izzy's mind. She was spreading herself all along and through his mind while still keeping a thin barrier between them.

And then he had one last agonizing and firey climax, and Izzy's mind clamped around and against his own as she removed the last barrier between them. Finally he heard. as it were the noise of thunder, Izzy's voice.

[Come And See.]


Once more, he saw his little green mind-spark floating in the center of a vast glowing network of green light that indicated the thoughts of Izastetlhrandopolthrunf. This time, however, there was none of the frenzied pulsing that had indicated her own climax. Instead, there was just his little mind which throbbed as it went through its little terror. He could see streams of light going into and out of that spark, and now realized he could understand a bit of what was going on. Izastetlhrandopolthrunf was doing exactly what she had said she would do; she was trying to send a filtered data stream of 'herself' into his mind. She was also monitoring his mind on a neuron-by-neuron basis and trying to stay alert for any damage she might be causing. He felt Izastetlhrandopolthrunf's invisible hand squeeze his and draw his viewpoint higher.

Now they were looking over an area about the size of the earth. The patterns were more varied and intricate, and still somehow he could see his own little pulsing mind-spark in the middle of it. He was surprised he could still see his mind. Before, he had lost sight of 'himself' by this point. Although, now that he thought about it, he was seeing more through her eyes this time. He could also sort-of name the various sections of moving light. Over there was a part of her dedicated to mapping out his bodily functions and ensuring his health. Over there was a section devoted to keeping a comfortable environment for him. Below was the part of her that was trying to map out the future and anticipate his wants and desires. He gazed over it in wonder. This much effort, only for him? Even if it was still a small part of her whole, he was satisfied as to her genuine feelings for him.

[Okay, Izastetlhrandopolthrunf, I've seen enough.]

[No. You must understand. Come And See.]

She drew him higher. Now he could see other parts of her, huge communication nodes the size of suns that dug into the spacetime 'below' the gamma-level and thus allowed Izastetlhrandopolthrunf to communicate instantly across her own vastness. The patterns of thought that were 'her' flowed and ebbed around those nodes, and he got the sensation that there were vast discussions going on in those streams. Various aspects of Izastetlhrandopolthrunf argued with each other about the best way to proceed on a second-by-second basis, sparring and clashing about the safest path forward. The results of that bickering were distilled and fed forward to the center...where, amazingly, he could still see his own little green spark. The knowledge feeding into his mind made his vision blur a little. His brain was starting to hurt.

[Really, this is enough. You don't need to show me more. Please.]

[No. You must understand. Come And See.]

She drew him still higher. The communication nodes shrank into pinpricks of light while ringlike structures much larger than solar systems came into view. These were the mighty engines that Izastetlhrandopolthrunf had used ages ago to probe into the underlying nature of reality for her Irie creators. The machinery had lain dormant for countless millennia after she had been abandoned, and then had been repurposed so that she could now communicate and manifest at least a little bit into the 'normal' spacetime above. All around those engines swirled Izastetlhrandopolthrunf's own thought. There were huge eddies of green light around the ring-probes. Those eddies of thought monitored and maintained the ring-probes, but the rest of 'her' still flowed into and out of that little spark of his own mind.