A Tale of Two Paramours Ch. 11

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Sexual fantasies push limits & lead to tensions with Jessi.
13.4k words

Part 11 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/08/2014
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When my alarm went off at 5:30 on Friday morning, I fumbled for the snooze button and then rolled over, intending to wake up Jessika. To my surprise, the bed beside me was empty. Shaking my head to clear the sleep, I sat up and saw that the bathroom light shone from under the closed door. Jessika must have awakened before the alarm went off, I surmised.

I had just grabbed a pair of shorts and pulled them on when Jessika, fully dressed, came out of my bathroom. Seeing me up, she smiled, walked over to me, and gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks for a wonderful night, Mark," she smiled before dropping her eyes and moving past me and out into the hall.

I followed her to the living room. She retrieved her car keys from the coffee table, then stood there staring down at the floor. It was clear to me that something was on the lovely brunette's mind, and I was afraid I knew what it was. I wanted to say something, but no words came to me.

After a few moments, Jessika shook her head, glanced up at me, and smiled.

"I really needed last night, Mark," she said, walking up to me and taking my hand. "But I'm afraid I might've sent you a wrong signal or two. This friendship is very important to me and I don't want..."

Jessika trailed off, biting her lower lip as she looked up at me, so I finished her thought, "You do not want me to think you want more than friendship."

"Yeah," she agreed, glancing down again.

I almost told Jessika that I might want more than friendship, but I was not sure I actually did. Yes, I had felt something the night before in the afterglow of an incredible evening, but I was uncertain how much of that had been the situation and how much had been something more. It did not help that thoughts of my young, blonde lover intruded at that moment, as I truly believed I had feelings for Jessi that went beyond just sex.

"I think we both enjoyed the closeness last night," I told her, "but also I think that is in keeping with our friendship. I did not think anything else, really."

Jessika met my eyes again, grinned, and hugged me tight before saying, "Thanks, Mark."

I shrugged, unsure what else to say. After weeks of back and forth thoughts regarding both of my paramours, I knew at that moment that I was unwilling to give up either of them. I was concerned it was unfair to Jessi, but I could not lose my special friendship with Jessika.

"I'll be working all weekend," she told me as she walked to the door, pulling me away from my thoughts. "I have to pick up some extra work to make up for when I was gone."

"What about Monday evening," I asked, understanding my brunette lover was telling me we would not be able to get together until then. "I will make you dinner, if you want to come over."

"Okay," Jessika agreed, as she opened the door. "I will plan to see you then."

After Jessika left, I tried to get back to sleep, but I found myself thinking about one of my lovers, albeit not the one who had just left. I had not checked my phone at all after Jessika had come over the night before, so I did not know if Jessi had texted or emailed me during that time. After about twenty-minutes of failing to get back to sleep, I got up, went to my office, and retrieved my phone.

As I had feared, I had a half-dozen texts from the twenty-year-old blonde. The first text, which had come in about 7:00pm, asked what I was doing. The second asked if I wanted to get together. The third invited me to use her mouth and pussy roughly when we got together. The next two texts were asking me where I was. The last one, which had come in at just before 1:00am, simply read, "Big tits must b back."

Since it was not yet 6:30am, and I knew that Jessi had been up until at least 1:00am, I did not think she would be awake to receive any text that I sent at that moment, so I put off replying. Instead, I took a long shower, dressed, and tried to do some work. However, I could not concentrate - I was troubled by Jessi's last text message. Even though they were just words on a screen, I could feel the detachment in them, and I could visualize the young woman's expressionless face.

After thinking of then discarding several possible tactics for my reply, I finally decided to be completely open with Jessi. Still, it was with some trepidation that I typed out the following text: "Yes, Jessika is back in town. But I want to assure you that I thought about what you said when you left on Wednesday. I want to be open with both of you, so I need you to understand that I am not ready to take that step. Sorry."

I paused, my finger poised over the screen, ready to send the text. It was the truth, nothing held back, but now that I had typed it, I felt the selfishness of my position. But while I knew this was all unfair to Jessi, who I believed wanted more from our relationship, I realized that I wanted to be selfish. From the time I had met my ex-wife so many years before, I had subverted my own desires. I did not want to do that again. I wanted to explore sex with both of these amazing women, not just one of them. That was, I realized, the true issue I had been wrestling with for the last few weeks - whether I was willing to do something because it was what I wanted, not what I thought someone else wanted.

I took a deep breath, then tapped send. I immediately began to second-guess myself, but I put those feelings from my mind as best I could. There was no going back.

I did not hear from Jessi until Saturday night.


"Can I try to win you?" popped up on my phone shortly after 10:00pm on Saturday. The text was from Jessi.

I stared at these words, relieved and uncertain at the same time. I was relieved because she seemed to have decided not to end our relationship outright. However, I was uncertain what she might consider would constitute "winning."

"I am firm on what I told you," I replied.

"k" she texted simply, but it was instantly followed by another text.

"but i can try?"

"I do not think that I could keep you from trying," I texted back.

"wanna come over tomorrow PM?" popped up on my screen.

"Why not tonight?" I countered, suddenly wanting very much to see my blonde lover.

"tired, worked today," she sent back. "and want u to watch somthin but u need computer. check email."

Curious, I went to my office and checked my email. I saw that one had arrived from Jessi just a minute or so earlier. The subject line read, "I want this."

When I opened email, the only text was "want ALL of this," which was followed by a link that appeared to be to a pornographic website. For a moment, I let the mouse pointer hover over the link, unsure what to do. However, my curiosity won out, and I clicked on the link.

The video opened with a young blonde woman, approximately Jessi's age and with a nearly identical body-type, sitting on a bed wearing nothing but a t-shirt and talking to someone off camera. The blonde was cute but not as pretty as Jessi. Still, I suspected that the similarity between my lover and the woman in the video was not a coincidence.

As I examined the blonde in the video, I did not paid much attention to what she and a man off-screen had been discussing, but that changed when he clearly asked her, "Are you ready to get your throat fucked, cunt?"

"Fuck yes!" the actress said with a smile as she nodded vigorously.

The video cut to a scene where the blonde woman was on her knees, naked now, the man, or at least his body from the waist down, now visible in the frame as he slowly pumped his erect penis in and out of the actress' mouth. My first thought on seeing this new scene was that the woman's breasts, while a similar size to Jessi's, were not nearly as well formed as my blonde's were. However, my inspection of the woman's body was interrupted as the man began to rapidly thrust himself down her throat, gagging her repeatedly.

Nearly eight minutes later, I sat staring at the last frame of the video, which showed the blonde actress' semen covered and mascara streaked face and an ad for a different pornographic website. While I had been somewhat aroused at the start of the video, I was not at all so now. Further, I was not quite sure what I thought about what I had just watched, and even less sure how I felt about Jessi telling me she wanted "ALL of this."

The video had shown what seemed to be scenes from a longer video. In those scenes, the man had repeatedly, and in several positions, forced his penis down the actress' throat, usually quite roughly. Several times during the video, she had coughed out thick streams of saliva, but the man had made her continue after each such event. If the woman had not so obviously submitted willingly to what was happening to her, I would have thought he was actually forcing this on her.

It was not just the force with which the man shoved himself down her throat that bothered me, however. Several times throughout the video, the man had smacked the blonde actress in the face with his penis, fairly hard it appeared. Taking it a step further, on a few occasions the man had slapped her face, and twice he had spit in her face. Also, over the course of the entire video, the man had called the blonde a variety of degrading names, although he most frequently called her 'cunt'. I was further bothered by the fact that even though the blonde seem to be a willing, even eager participant, it was obvious from the mascara that had started running down her cheeks early in the video that she had been crying.

I was torn away from the computer monitor when my phone buzzed with an incoming call. Seeing it was Jessi, I answered the phone, "Hey, Jessi."

"Did you watch it?" she asked breathlessly.

"I did," I replied, hesitant to say more.

"So, will you do it?"

"You want me to do all of tha?" I blurted out, and I could hear the incredulity in my own voice.

No sound came from my phone for a few seconds, then Jessi said, "We have already done most of it - I just want to..."

I did not let her finish as I delivered a forceful, "No!"

"Why the fuck not?" Jessi snapped, anger or frustration (or both) sharpening her voice.

"It is degrading and violent," I shot back, indignant.

"And we have already done most of it, like I said," she again pointed out.

"Not like that," I disagreed. "I have never treated you like that."

"Like what, Mark?" she inquired. "Are you saying you have never used me roughly? I think we both know that is not true."

"Not like that," I repeated. "Not hitting you, or spitting on you, or calling you..."

"You certainly have called me dirty names, Mr. Warner," she cut me off. "And I well remember a whipping, and my ass being swatted, and my tits being roughed up, and..."

"That is different," I argued. "None of that is the same as slapping you. In your face, I mean."

"How's it different?" she challenged me.

"I cannot slap a woman," I told her emphatically. "Or spit on one."

"But you can whip me and cum on my face?" she pushed. "How is slapping me and spitting on me worse?"

"Because it is not sexual," I shot back, and I truly believed that I had won the point. "It is just violent and degrading."

"Maybe it isn't sexual for you," she said, "but it might be for me."

"I just do not think I can do that to you," I informed her.

"Even if I beg you to?" she asked.

"I do not think I could slap you," I explained, "and I know I could not spit in your face."

"What about the rest of it?" she queried, and I noticed the anger in her voice had been replaced with something else, something I thought might be triumph mixed with lust. "You can do the rest?"

"I did not say that."

"You have already done it all, like I have said a couple of times," she persisted. "Maybe not all at the same time, but..."

"I will try," I interjected, a bit surprised by my own capitulation. "But I draw the line at slapping and spitting, and I do not know if I can be as rough with, you know, doing that."

"Fucking my face, Mark?" she snickered. "Is that what you mean?"


"Then say it," she chided me.

"I do not know if I could fuck your face that roughly."

"You already have, Mr. Warner," Jessi laughed. "Maybe you didn't realize you were doing it that roughly, but you have done it. And I loved it."

My memory did not comport with what my blonde lover was claiming, but I decided not to fight her on it. Instead, I pursued a different line of inquiry.

"What is in it for you if I do this?" I asked, which is question I had wondered about when I had been watching the video.

"Remember in the shower, when I fingered myself while you fucked my mouth?" she responded.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"I barely needed to touch myself, I was so aroused," she explained.

"I thought that was for other reasons too, such as what you had told me before about..." I started to point out, but I stopped myself, not wanting to bring up that she had used a threesome fantasy as a way to arouse me.

"It was everything that was going on," she agreed, "but every time you take control and use my mouth, it brings me right to the edge."

"You really like, I mean, get off on..." I stumbled, trying but failing to formulate my question.

"Yes," she breathed, and I had no doubt that what I was hearing in her voice then was lust.

"Ummm..." was all I managed as not for the first time Jessi's sexual desires had left me speechless.

"And I should have told you this part too - I plan to shove a bullet vibrator up my pussy as you fuck my face," she elaborated. "I am guessing I will cum several times that way."

"What is a bullet vibrator?" I asked. "I mean, I know what a vibrator is, but..."

"It is kind of an egg shaped vibrator on a cord," she explained "A couple of inches long and battery powered. You can put it inside and leave it 'cause you can pull it out with the cord."

For the first time in during this conversation with my twenty-year-old lover, I was becoming aroused. The thought of the small vibrator she was describing being in her, pushing her over the edge while I used her mouth, was very alluring. Without consciously doing so, I began to rub my hardening penis through my shorts as I felt my breathing quicken.

"And it will make you climax while I do that, um, I mean, while I fuck your face?"

"Oh yes," Jessi moaned through the phone. "Just thinking about it has me soaked."

"Do you want to use it - the vibrator?" I suggested. "Now, I mean, while we are on the phone?"

"No," she gasped. "My fingers are doing fine right now."

"Fuck," I groaned, pulling my erection from my shorts and stroking it. "Are you doing anything else?"

"Playing with my nipples, Mr. Warner," she confessed, her voice lower than normal, almost hoarse. "Pinching them, and rolling them between my fingers, and pulling them."

"I would help you with that if I were there," I told her. "With my hands and my lips."

"God, yes," she sighed. "Are you stroking that nice, thick cock of yours, Mr. Warner?"

"I am," I confirmed. "I am thinking of how it would feel to push it between your lips, forcing it down your throat as you licked and sucked on it."

"OH FUCK!" the young woman yelled.

Low moans came through the phone, and I brought myself close to the edge as I imagined Jessi's slender yet very feminine body rigid from her orgasm.

"Are your fingers wet?" I rasped, my hand now stroking my shaft quickly.

"Yes," the woman on the other end of the line murmured.

"Lick them clean," I commanded.

Jessi did not say anything, but I heard licking and sucking sounds coming from the phone's speaker, and I imagined her thoroughly cleaning her juices from her fingers. Simultaneously, I realized that I was about to explode and that I had nothing with which to catch the result of that explosion.

I pushed my chair back from the desk just as my climax hit me. The first several ropes of semen arched up from my penis and landed on the wood floor of my office. The rest ended up on my legs and shorts.

"Shit," I groaned.

"What's wrong, Mark," Jessi asked.

"I made a bit of a mess," I admitted.

"Where?" she followed up. "Did it get on your keyboard?"

"No," I told her. "I had pushed back from the desk. It mostly landed on the floor, but some it is on my legs and shorts."

The phone was silent for a couple of heartbeats, then Jessi, in a small, almost shy voice, inquired, "If I was there, would it bother you if I licked it up off the floor?"

I closed my eyes, and a vision of her pretty face on or close to the floor, her tongue darting out to lick up my semen, filled my mind. It was both troubling and very arousing, and it also brought back memories of the blonde licking my semen from a saucer on the floor. This was just taking it a step further, I supposed, but it was quite a step.

"If you wanted to do so," I gulped.

"Would it excite you to see me do it?" she breathed.

"Yes," I conceded, surprised at how much it excited me - I was mostly aroused again.

"Then I will do it tomorrow night when you come over," she informed me. "Just make sure some ends up on the floor."

Before I could respond, Jessi disconnected the call, and I was left with an almost rigid penis and a jumble of confused thoughts. Chief among these thoughts was the concern that allowing the young blonde to lick my semen off the floor was as bad, if not worse, than things that had bothered me about the video she had sent. However, that concern did not stop me from bringing myself to another climax while I stood under a hot shower and thought about fucking my pretty young lover's face and then making her clean up any ejaculate that might end up on the floor.


My twenty-year-old blonde paramour opened her door wearing only a long, loose t-shirt. However, it was not loose enough to hide her hard nipples, which were pushing against the fabric where it touched her perfect breasts.

"Hi," I managed to get out as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into her studio apartment.

Jessi's lips brushed mine in a quick kiss, then she stepped back and pulled her t-shirt off. Naked, she dropped to her knees and opened her mouth wide. She did not utter a single word, not even a hello.

I had already been semi-hard when I knocked on her door, and the sight of the young woman kneeling in front of me, ready for me to violate her mouth, brought me to a full erection. I was about to strip off my clothes when I had a different idea. I unzipped the fly of my jeans and managed to maneuver my stiff penis through it.

Jessi, her eyes on my erection, leaned slightly forward and opened her mouth even wider. However, I did not just shove it into her mouth. Instead, I rubbed my shaft all over her face, eliciting a moan from my lover as I did so. Then, remembering the video, I lightly smacked my penis against her cheeks and lips. The blonde briefly closed her eyes and shivered. When she opened tem again, she looked up at me with lust and longing.

"Are you ready for me to fuck your throat, slut?" I growled, and Jessi shivered again even as she nodded her head vigorously.

Grabbing a handful of her soft, blonde hair in both hands, I shoved my penis into her open mouth. I had intended only to push it in about half-way, but once the head of it slid between those soft lips and Jessi moaned around it, I decided to go for it all.

As I pushed the entire length of my penis down my lover's throat, the young woman brought her hands up and put them against my thighs. At first I thought she was going to push me back, but then she grabbed my legs tightly and pulled me a little forward so that I her lips were pressed up against the skin around the base of my shaft.

We stayed that way for several seconds, my erection completely encompassed by her throat and mouth, as we stared into each other's eyes. I smiled down at her as I pulled back until only about an inch or so was in her mouth. I held it there, and Jessi started licking and sucking on it. I was tempted to let her continue to see if this might shift to a regular sexual encounter rather that the rough usage she had wanted, but even as that idea ran through my head, I decided against it. Not only did she want me to do this to her, I realized that I wanted to do it too, although not as extreme as in the video, of course.