A Tale of Two Paramours Ch. 22

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Valentine's Day weekend with Jessi continues.
12.6k words

Part 22 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/08/2014
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"I should be cooking for you," Jessi complained in a raspy voice as she watched me grilling chicken breasts on a cast-iron stove-top grill in the cabin's small kitchen. "Not only am I supposed to be your slave, it's Valentine's Day."

"I am not arguing with you anymore, Jessi," I told my twenty-year-old lover with as much calm as I could muster. "And talking is going to make your throat hurt more."

I turned to look at her for a moment, wincing when saw that the bruises that were forming on the front and sides of her neck were redder than they had been minutes earlier. I was sure that the finger shaped bruises on her left breast were probably a similar color, but my shirt that she was wearing covered those. As I looked at her, Jessi did not say anything else, but she glared at me to show her displeasure. I tried to give her a reassuring smile, but she just turned her face away.

When I was done with the food, which included mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables in addition to the chicken, I prepared two plates then carried the plates to the small table. I put one down in front of Jessi and then one at my place. I had already put napkins and silverware on the table, along with water for both the young woman and myself, so there was nothing else to do but sit and eat.

"Your food will get cold," I said when Jessi continued to stare off toward the fireplace in the front room.

The blonde looked back at me, fixing me with a long glare, then she picked up her knife and fork and began to cut up her chicken. I did likewise, neither of us speaking until a few seconds later when Jessi let out a little whimper after swallowing her first bite of the chicken.

"Does it hurt to swallow?" I asked her.

Jessi nodded, then took a drink of her water. She tried eating another piece of chicken, but with the same result.

"I'm so sorry, Jessi," I said, reaching across the table to rub her arm.

"Don't start that shit again," the young woman responded, but the hoarseness of her voice took all the sting out of her words.

"But I hurt you," I sighed, putting my own fork down. "And then I cooked something you cannot eat."

My lover took a deep breath as she looked up, then she again glared at me.

"You were in the moment," she said, her voice less hoarse but more quiet. "We both were."

"I should have not let it get that out of hand," I said, even though I knew we were rehashing our argument from an hour earlier, when I had realized that my use of Jessi's collar to hold her torso up off the ground had choked her more than I thought it had, as well as left marks. "You could have been hurt much more seriously."

"Yes, I could've," she sighed, shaking her head. "But I wasn't. You're still overreacting."

"Overreacting? You could have died if I had kept holding you like that."

"Yes, you keep telling me that," the young woman replied, and I could tell she was trying to keep her voice soft even though anger was again blazing in her intense blue eyes. "But I didn't, and we'll be more careful."

"It will not happen again."

"You've made that clear as well, Mark. Aren't you worried about our food getting cold while you sit and tell me what you've already told me?"

"Don't be a brat, Jessi," I snapped.

"Why not? You're not going to do anything about it," she shot back, then winced and took a drink of water.

I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths. When I opened them again, Jessi was tentatively eating some mashed potatoes. She blinked a couple of times after swallowing, then took an even larger bite of the potatoes.

"Are those okay?" I asked her, and she nodded. "There are more. And I can give you mine and take the chicken, if you want.

Jessi nodded again, then said, "I want a little of the chicken—it tastes really good—but you can have most of it."

It was my turn to nod as I pushed my potatoes onto her plate and took about two-thirds of the chicken from hers. After that we ate in silence for several minutes. Jessi seemed to do fine with the mashed potatoes, but she winced whenever she swallowed a bite of chicken, and about half the time when ate some vegetables. When she was had finished the potatoes and a little over half the vegetables, she pushed her plate toward me.

"Take the rest of the chicken, if you want."

"Do you want more mashed potatoes?" I asked her as took the few remaining pieces of her chicken.

"Maybe later," she replied.

"I can go to town and get you different food, as well as something for your throat," I said, repeating an offer I had made before I started on dinner. "I would be back in less than an hour."

"I'm fine," the blonde told me. "I have water, and the cough drops you gave me help."

"I could get you ice cream," I told her, eating the last of the chicken. "We could sit in front of the fire and eat it."

For the first time since I had told Jessi that we would not be engaging in any more Master/slave roleplay for the rest of the weekend, the young blonde smiled at me.

"That'd be nice," she said, and then she was crying.

"What's wrong, honey?" I asked, alarmed at her rapid change from angry to happy (if only for a fleeting moment) to sad.

"I don't know," she said, shaking her head.

I stood up, moved to her chair, took her hands to pull her up, then hugged her. Jessi hugged me back as she put her head against my chest and cried.

"It will be okay," I assured her, stroking her soft hair.

"You don't know how much I wanted this," she whispered. "How much I still want it."

"We are together," I pointed out, kissing the top of her head.

"Not the way we should be. Not the way I want."

"There will be other weekends," I said. "Why don't you go lie down and I will go into town and get ice cream."

"Can I lay on the couch?" she asked, looking up at me with moist eyes.

"Yes, you can lie on the couch," I agreed.

Pulling out of the hug, I took the young woman's hand and led her to the couch. She started to sit down, but then she pulled me into another hug. This one did not last as long, but Jessi did kiss me lightly when it ended.

I went to the bedroom and grabbed a blanket from the closest. By the time I returned to the front room, Jessi was lying on the couch watching the fire. I put the blanket over her, which earned me a small smile.

"Chocolate, please," my lover said. "And no chunks of anything it it—just chocolate."


A little more than an hour later, Jessi and I were sitting together under the blanket as we ate our chocolate ice cream, of which I had bought three cartons, just to be on the safe side. I had also purchased sore throat spray, more cough drops, and lotion for the bruises, as well as a big box of instant mashed potatoes, a box of instant oatmeal, and a gallon of milk. I figured that softer foods would be better for her throat, and other than peanut butter, bread and eggs, I had not brought anything that I thought would be soft enough for her to eat.

"Thank you for the ice cream," Jessi said when she had finished her bowl. "Can I have more later?"

"You can have whatever you want, baby," I told her, setting my empty bowl next to hers on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Not what I really want," she said, looking down. "You made it clear I'll never get that from you."

"Please, I do not want to argue again" I sighed as I sat back and ran my fingers through my hair. "And I did not say we would never do it again."

"I'm not talking about playing," Jessi countered, looking back up at me. "I'm talking about you rejecting me when I submitted to you and begged to be your slave."

"I could have killed you with that shit with the collar," I reminded her, more sharply than I intended. "Not to mention what I did to your breast, well, to both of them if you count the whipping, and to your back and ass. Oh, and I nearly pushed you past something that I know is very much a limit for you. And topping it all off is what I called you even after I said I would not call you that."

"All of that stuff gave me the most intense orgasm I've ever had. It was even stronger than the one that made me pass out. It was incredible, but you won't believe me."

"I believe you," I replied. "I just do not think it was worth the costs."

"It wasn't your orgasm," she shot back. "And it's not your body."

"It would be mine if you were my slave," I pointed out. "Then I could do whatever I wanted to it, right?"

"Don't mock me, Mark," the blonde hissed before wincing from obvious pain in her throat.

"I can get you the throat spray if you want," I suggested.

The young woman shook her head, her eyes downcast again. We sat in silence for some time before she said, "You could order me to use it if you were willing to take what is right here for you to take."

"I don't want to be anyone's master, Jessi. I want to be your lover. I will play master if you want, but it will only ever be play. And I will never again let that play go as far as things went today."

"As my lover, you'll never get to fuck my ass," the young woman said, giving me a sidelong look. "As your slave, you could've made me do that today. I couldn't have said 'no'. Hell, you stuck a finger up it."

"It was my thumb," I corrected her, although I was not sure why. I knew the conversation was pointless because I no longer had any doubt that Jessi's need to give up control to me was going to be the end of our relationship.

"Thumb, finger, it doesn't matter," she sighed. "As your lover I won't do it. As your slave, I'd have no choice."

"But part of the reason you do not want to have anal sex is what the guy did to you when he would not take 'no' for an answer."

"He wasn't my master," the blonde said with a shrug.

"But you also told me about the guy who treated you like a slave and how much you hated it," I continued.

"He wasn't my master either," she explained. "He was just an asshole who thought he should be. You could really be my master, and then I'd do whatever you wanted."

"But I do not want you as a slave," I replied. "I want you as a lover."

"I know, Mark," Jessi nodded. "I want that too, but sometimes it's too much. Not as often as it was, but sometimes. Not having a choice makes it all easier."

"I know," I sighed, then fell silent.

We sat there for fifteen or twenty minutes, each lost in our own thoughts. I wondered if I would have the strength to end the relationship, which was what I knew I had to do, or if I would hold on to it because I did not want to give her up. It was less than two and a half months that we had been lovers, but the intensity of my feelings for the young blonde was not something that I could deny. I had never felt anything like it before, and I did not want that to end. Plus, I was worried about Jessi's mental wellbeing. I did not know how she would react to our relationship ending.

I also thought about Jessika. I wondered if not having Jessi in my life might allow me to really explore whether there might be something more than friendship and casual sex between the lovely brunette and me. My feelings for Jessika were not as intense as my feelings for her younger, blonde counterpart, but I knew I felt something for her that might grow to be a similar intensity.

And it is all so much easier with her, both emotionally and physically, I reminded myself.

My train of thought broke when Jessi ran her fingers along my cheek. I looked down at her face and saw tears. I opened my mouth to speak, but suddenly the young woman was kissing me, hard. I hesitated for a moment, then returned the kiss.

"Make love to me, Mark," she whispered after she moved her lips from my mouth to my ear. "In front of the fireplace. Please."

"Are you up to it?" I asked, moving my head back so that I could see her face.

The blonde merely nodded, then stood up and reached her hand out toward me. I stood as well, taking her small, soft hand in mine. But when she tried to pull me toward the fireplace, I resisted.

"Don't you think the bed would be better," I suggested, not only because of issues of comfort, but also because it was on the floor in front of the fireplace that I had taken things much, much too far just a few hours earlier.

Jessi shook her head, then said, "I need it to be here."

Without further argument, I allowed the slender young woman to lead me to the fireplace. The fire had burned down to a couple of charred logs and embers at that point, but it was still producing a flickering light as well as a good amount of heat.

"I could get the blanket," I offered, but my lover did not respond other than to put her hands behind my head and pull me down for a kiss.

Taking her waist between my hands, I pulled her tighter too me. Then as the kiss continued, I moved my hands to her firm, shapely bottom, squeezing it, leading to the blonde moaning through the kiss. I was not as bothered as I should have been by all the good reasons to end things with Jessi that I had thought of in the preceding half hour.

"Can you go turn off the light in the kitchen," she asked when our lips finally parted. "I want the fire to be the only light, if that's okay."

"That is fine, honey," I assured her, holding her tighter against me a couple of seconds before I broke our hug and went to the kitchen.

In the few seconds it took me to turn off the light and return, Jessi had retrieved the blanket from the couch, spread it on the floor, shed my t-shirt that she had been wearing as well as her panties, and sat down on the blanket. As I stood over her slender, naked body, illuminated only by the light of the dying fire, she lay back on her elbows, her torso a slight incline. She looked up at me and chewed on her bottom lip before she spread her legs.

I was wearing the jeans and shirt that I had thrown on when I had gone to the store, and I quickly discarded them, as well as my socks and underwear. While I was undressing, the young blonde reached down between her legs and started rubbing her pussy with one hand while her other hand massaged her shapely breasts. I watched her for several seconds, then I got down on my knees, leaned forward, gently moved her fingers out of my way, and began to lick her. However, before I could do more than run my tongue up and down a few times, she grabbed my hair and pulled. I looked up at her and saw a frown on her pretty face.

"I want you inside me," she breathed. "I want your cock filling me. I need your cock filling me."

"I like to please you," I grinned, trying to move my face back down between her legs.

"I like it when you do," she sighed, but she did not relent her grip on my hair. "But right now I need you in me, so I know I'm not losing you."

"Jessi, you're not..."

"Please, I don't want to argue," the blonde. "I know what you were thinking, and I need to show you we can be more. That I can be more for you."

We stared at each other for several seconds, an imploring look on Jessi's face. Several arguments and counter arguments ran through my head concerning what she had said, and what I should do. However, I did not have any doubt that I would do as she asked, so I pushed aside the debate and moved forward so that I could start kissing her breasts.

Jessi sighed and relaxed her hold on my hair as I kissed her chest, then she moaned when I started licking and sucking on her small, firm nipples. At that point, I was only semi-erect, so I spent some time playing attention to her breasts as I waited to become fully aroused. However, everything in my mind combined with my prior orgasms must have been working against me, because I remained only partially hard.

"Mark, I want you in me," Jessi said after a few minutes, and I looked up to see expectant blue eyes staring at me.

"I'm not quite ready," I told her. "I may be a little distracted by... things."

"I can take care of that," she grinned, starting to push herself up. "Just get up so I can suck you."

"Your throat," I objected, not moving.

"Just having you in my mouth will not bother my throat," she told me, rolling her eyes. "And trust me, I'm not willingly taking it further right now."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes," she nodded. "Now get up so I can get you hard."

I stood, my now mostly flaccid penis hanging in the air. Jessi sat up, gave me a quick smile, then took about two inches of me into her mouth. Maintaining eye contact, my young lover used her lips and her tongue to coax a full erection out of me in almost no time. It helped that I did not see a single look of discomfort on her face as she did so.

Once I was fully hard, Jessi pulled her lips off of me, giving the tip of my shaft one last kiss before she lay back again. As soon as she was ready, I positioned myself back between her legs, gave both of her nipples a suck followed by a kiss, then moved so that my penis was just pushing between her moist labia.

"Slow, please," the blonde said just before I entered her, and I complied.

Jessi moaned and arched her back, her hands now gripping at my arms, as I slid fully inside of her. I held myself still for several seconds, then drew back as Jessi moaned louder. For several minutes, I pushed myself slowly into her, until I was fully in her, then just as slowly I pulled back. I did this over and over, and Jessi squirmed and moaned as I did so, her hands roaming my arms and chest. We did not kiss, nor did I attempt to play with her breasts with either my hands or my mouth. We just both concentrated on the feeling of me moving in and out of her with a steady, deliberate rhythm.

Quite some time after we started, I realized that my right side, the side away from the fire, was getting cold. I looked at the fire and saw that it was now only coals. However, despite the loss of heat from the fire, and despite the slow pace, I was covered in a thin layer of sweat. Jessi's face and breasts were flush and shining from perspiration, even though I was sure she had not climaxed. So, I ignored the cold and kept pushing in and out of her tight, warm, wet pussy, and she continued to close her eyes and moan with each thrust in, then open her eyes and stare at me each time I pulled back. This probably lasted several more minutes before the young blonde's body started to shiver.

"Are you cold," I asked, surprised by the raspy sound of my own voice.

"No," Jessi breathed with slight hake of her head. "Coming."

My lover smiled up at me for several seconds, then her eyes rolled up and her body tensed below me. Low moans came from her partially open lips, and her hands squeezed my biceps. But even tighter than her grip on my arms was the way her vagina constricted around me. As earlier that night, it felt like it were vibrating around me. Nearly instantaneously, I went from moderately close to finishing to ejaculating inside of her, despite not moving again once she started climaxing.

As her body relaxed and the spasms in her vagina lessened, Jessi looked at me and smiled. I reached down and brushed a few strands of blonde hair off her forehead.

"I love you, Mr. Warner," she said before she took my hand and sucked two fingers into her mouth.

"I love you, Jessi," I replied, enjoying the feel of her lips and tongue on my fingers. "What are you doing?"

"Making sure my mouth is ready for you," she said after she released my fingers. "I want you to come too, but my mouth felt a little dry after I came. It's better now."

"I did come," I told her.

"You did?" she asked, her brow furled. "I didn't feel it."

"You usually feel it inside you?" I asked, surprised that she could feel me ejaculate.

"You mean your cum? Sometimes," the blonde replied. "But I know the way you move now, so I know that you push inside me harder if you're coming inside me. And sometimes I do feel it twitch, especially now that I often know when you're coming."

"This was a bit unusual," I admitted. "I did not know I was going to climax until you did, then it just happened."