A Taste of Slavery Ch. 14


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"Is it really lesbianism if all I do is receive and not give?"

"Probably not, but it was females licking your cooch, so it definitely has a percentage of lesbianism, doesn't it?"

"I suppose. It wasn't horrible. No, I'll admit I enjoyed it. They are very proficient and I'd say they're both skilled in pleasing a woman. But, I'd still prefer it if a man was doing it."

"Then by my definition at least, you don't have to worry. You're not a lesbian."

"My mom will be so relieved. She wants to have grandchildren."

"Of course, by my definition, you wouldn't be a lesbian even if you licked a slave back."

"So what is your definition?"

"Given a cock or a cunt, which would you prefer to have sex with. That's my definition. By that one, neither of my slaves is a lesbian, because given the choice, they will always pick a cock. If you'd always pick a cunt, you're a lesbian and if it's something in between, then I suppose you're a bisexual of one kind or another."

"Doesn't it depend on circumstances. If I were faced with a nice clean freshly washed cunt and or a dirty, filthy cock which hadn't been washed in two weeks, I could easily pick the cunt over the cock."

"That only proves you're fastidious. All other things being equal, which one do you pick?"

"Yeah, the cock."

"There you go. My next question to you is are you a giver or a taker?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've taken full advantage of my two slaves without giving them any relief in return. How many orgasms have you received versus how many have you given?"

"I've received several..." Sarah started.


"Given none. Is that the deal here?" Sarah asked. "Are you trying to turn me into a cunt licker?"

"Not at all. You certainly don't have to give them relief by licking any cunts. They can't have orgasms without permission. Have you given either one permission to have an orgasm?"

"No. What? I should finger them to an orgasm?"

"You don't even have to do that. You could tell them to masturbate themselves. There are two of them; they could masturbate each other. They can even lick each other, if given permission to. I would find it very difficult to sexually satisfy two needy slave girls all by myself. I have told them to masturbate for me, or to masturbate each other. Frequently, when I'm fucking one, she's licking the other one to orgasm, if I'm not licking her myself. It's only fair. Julia, how long would our experiment have lasted if I was the only one receiving pleasure and you never did?"

"Maybe two or three days, Master."

"Lisa, would you have joined us if you saw me using the slave, punishing her, but never let her have any pleasure herself?

"No, sir."

"Sarah, tell Lisa she can cum. She hasn't cum since the spring. Give her permission to cum."

"Would you like to cum, Lisa?" Sarah asked.

"Very much, Mistress."

"Why don't you and Julia finger each other to two orgasms apiece, but only two," Sarah said. "I want to see lots of kissing and fondling."

"Thank you, Mistress." They moved together and started the process of making each other cum.

"There may be kissing and fondling, but you won't be here to see it," I said. "Stay out here, slaves, until one of us comes to fetch you. Sarah, come into the house and I'll tell you why I wanted you to join us. Bring your glass; I'll pour you another drink."

We got out of the hot tub and dried off, going into the house after, where I poured another drink for both of us, then we sat down on the couch.

"Okay, what's the dealio?" Sarah asked.

"As I mentioned to you earlier, we're having a barbecue on Memorial Day. Several of our friends will be here, but also, all three sets of parents. My parents knew what was going on previously, but none of the others knew before Friday when they were invited. They were called to warn them their daughters would be nude because they were sex slaves. In the process of inviting them, we learned Julia's parents have been in an open marriage for a long as we've been married, and Lisa's have been swingers since they were married, engaging in spouse swapping and group sex orgies involving all matter of sex acts between multiple people, not all of it heterosexual.

"Originally, it was my intent that the slaves, and there will be three; would only serve food and beverages to the parents nude until three o'clock, when they'd be ushered out before the real games began. This is my poker group and for the last two poker games, first Julia, then Julia, Lisa and Gwen, have served the player who won each hand, orally for two minutes. At the end of the game, their sexual services were auctioned off to the highest bidder, using only money won from the game, and money paid going to the slaves preferred charity, under roughly the same criteria as the two men today, fifteen minutes or until the bidder orgasmed, whichever came last. We'll be playing again on Monday although I have some other fun and games planned before the poker starts involving dice. Essentially, every player would get to be with every one of the slaves for some brief foreplay as determined by the dice.

"Knowing now that all of our parents have participated in some sexual weirdness themselves, I'm rethinking the original premise of them just eating and leaving. I'm thinking of binding each of the slaves for forty-five minutes for anyone to use in any way they want, with a couple exceptions. I don't want the parents of any of the slaves engaging in incestuous acts with their children. Or even my parents engaging in sex with their daughter-in-law. Even if it's not strictly incestuous, it has an ick factor I can't wrap my head around. I'd like you here to shoo off those people who shouldn't be fucking the slaves."

"Why do you need me? Anyone could do that."

"Agreed, anyone else could have, but every one of them knows who the other parties are. We've gotten together often enough as a group they all know each other. Something came up when my slaves learned about their parents and they were discussing it with me. Neither one of them would ordinarily have sex with their parents, when I suggested they might have to, they were both highly aroused and had extremely explosive orgasms. For instance, Lisa admitted that she saw her father having sex with her mother when she was younger and imagined herself as the person her father was fucking. He was the first man she ever fantasized about. So despite her realizing she can never have sex with her father, it still brings up very deep seated feelings. Julia's mother said she'd never been with a woman and wondered if Julia liked being with Lisa and if she should try it. When I said she might have to lick her mother to orgasm, she had a powerful one herself.

"Now, the other slave, Gwen, doesn't know or isn't related to anyone here, so anyone can fuck her, but my slaves would be limited, but I don't want them to know they're limited. I intend to blindfold everyone while they're confined, but the only ones it will affect is Lisa and Julia. They won't know for sure who's fucking them. No one will. They might be able to guess if it's someone who's fucked them before, but they won't know for sure. And if someone new is fucking them, they won't be able to tell anything about them. Every other person at the party would be able to tell them if it was their mother or father, but you, being new, wouldn't necessarily be able to inform them. You might have gotten confused during the introductions. So when someone is fucking them, you might be able to whisper in their ear that their father has a lovely cock, or was your father heavy set or thinner, did he have a mustache or not. I want them guessing a little as to who is fucking them."

"You don't want their parents fucking them, but you want them to think they might be? And you want me pushing their thinking in that direction, or at least confuse the issue?"

"Yes, because if they do have confused and somewhat twisted feelings about their parents, I anticipate they will have some very powerful orgasms. Now their safe word is 'Omega'. If either of them says it at any time, their slavery has ended. They're to be released, blindfolds removed, collars and cuffs taken off and told to dress. If they knew their parents were actually fucking them, I believe they'd both use the safe word and it would be over. But with the element of doubt created by their blindfold, and your supposed confusion, they might continue thinking you're mistaken and it couldn't possibly be their parents, and it won't, but the seed of doubt will be sown. You're the only one who might be able to pull this off."

"That's some really kinky shit," Sarah said.

"It's kinky mind games, but ordinary slave shit," I said. "I'll test a couple things tomorrow and see how it goes. One other thing I wanted to mention about our conversation in the hot tub. I'm going to offer you one of the slaves tonight to take to bed if you wish. You don't have to take them to your bed if you don't want to, or you can take them and use them without having to reciprocate in kind. But you will be responsible for seeing that she's rewarded for her service in some way. Give them permission to use a dildo, or to masturbate, but don't just use them and keep them frustrated. I intend their slavery to be as enjoyable for them as it is for you or me. It's all I ask if you wish to use one. Are we clear?"

"Crystal. Use slave if I wish, but don't leave them high and dry. Got it."

"Now, I have to punish my slave for cumming without permission. Do you wish to watch?"

"Yes, I admit I'm curious about it."

I went back on the patio and called for the slaves to come in after drying themselves. Three minutes later, they were both kneeling at my feet.

"It's time for your punishment, Julia."



"Yes, Master," I replied. I'd cum without permission and it was deserved, though I had no warning I'd cum so quickly. Marcus truly had a marvelous cock.

Master sat on the couch and had me go over his knees.

He had Sarah stand beside him so she could observe. Of course, with her standing there, she would be able to see my slutty pussy get wet as Master spanked me. Even though I'd just dried myself off with a towel getting out of the hot tub, as soon as I spread my legs, she'd be able to see how wet I was becoming. When did my punishments start to excite me so?

"My goodness," Sarah said. "Her anus is already closed. After the way she was just fucked in the ass with that giant cock; I thought for sure it would still be gapping."

"Oh, no," Master replied. "It's an amazingly resilient piece of apparatus. I'm sure it was closed before she sat down for supper. Spread your legs slave."

I parted my legs and she exclaimed, "Is Julia aroused right now?"

Of course I was. "Touch her and see," Master said.

A soft, feminine finger glided along my slit. I moaned. "She's soaking," Sarah said. Her finger left, leaving me bereft. Of course I was. I was a sex slave.

"There's a process I went through when I first started," Master said. "I would first strike myself to get a feeling for how hard I was hitting, how strong I was. I've done this enough times, I no longer have to do that. I've got a very good feeling now for how hard I might strike my slave without doing actual physical harm to her. One of the things Mistress Dark taught me is how endorphins released by sexual gratification allow the slave to tolerate more pain. When I first began, I would usually give her an orgasm halfway through to let me continue without it hurting too much. As she's gotten more immersed in her slavery, I often find she'll cum on her own as she's punished. It's become more noticeable."

"Really, she'll cum while she's being spanked?"

"A few times now," Master replied. "Once I was punishing her with a paddle when a delivery person arrived. I made her get up and answer the door. She was crying and the delivery man asked her what was wrong and she explained she was being punished and asked him to touch her ass and see how warm it was. Then I invited him in to witness the balance of her punishment, about eight or nine strokes with the paddle. Of course he stood close to witness it and I pointed out to him how wet her cunt was. I gave her all but the last stroke and told him to touch her. As soon as he did, she climaxed. Since I didn't say anything to stop him, he pushed his fingers in her and finger fucked her. She climaxed several times while he did it, even though it was only a few minutes. Now in that instance, I'm sure it was a combination of her spanking, having it witnessed by a complete stranger while she was naked over my lap, and the first time some man other than myself had touched her intimately since our marriage which caused her to be so aroused she came that easily and quickly."

I remembered. I'm sure Master was right. The entire incident was etched permanently in my mind. My shame at being seen, the humiliation of being punished in front of someone else. Now he was going to punish me in front of Sarah, and I was so fucking aroused, I'm sure my clit was poking out. My nipples ached from their hardness.

"Keep count for me, slave," Master said.

"Yes, Master." His hand came down. Smack. I felt the warmth start under his hand and slowly spread. I counted. Smack, another on the other side. Smack; evenly paced warmth spreading out from the points of contact, approaching my already heated cunt. Smack, smack, smack, counting each time, my bottom glowing, becoming redder with each swat of my Master's hand. Smack, ensuring his slave remained the obedient slut he wanted. Smack, smack, smack. I'm still counting, mindless. The actual number irrelevant; I'd keep counting as long as he kept swatting. I felt the tension rising, the wave starting to roll in, to crest.

"Master, may your slave cum," I asked, knowing Sarah was going to see me cum while Master spanked his slave. The orgasms of slaves are common things. I'd already cum multiple times as she witnessed my pleasure, but somehow cumming while punished was worse. That a slave would orgasm while her bottom was turned red more wrong than cumming while fucked in the ass or cunt. Everyone can cum from that.

"You may cum," he said, and I felt the rush of warmth spread, flowing out, the palpitations of my pussy, fluttering in front of their eyes. Master waited for it to roll over me, for my trembling to cease, before continuing my spanking. Finally, it ended.

"I doubted you were telling the truth when you told me she'd climaxed while being punished, yet I've seen it with my own eyes. Amazing."

"I think it's time to retire," Master said. "Would you like to take a slave to bed, to keep you company tonight."

"It's very tempting," Sarah said. "I think I will."

"Which one would you like?" Master asked.

Pick Lisa, pick Lisa, I thought, my fingers crossed. I want to feel a cock in my cunt tonight and Sarah was reluctant to pleasure us.

"I'd like your wife, please." My heart sank.

"You will treat Sarah with the utmost of attention and obey her in all things," Master said. "She's a guest in our home."

"Yes, Master, of course." I will end up licking her cunt all night long and fortunate if she lets me masturbate once.

I knelt at her feet. "Whatever Mistress desires of me."

She pulled me to my feet. "Go brush your teeth, then return and lead the way to my bedroom," Sarah said. Was it because she didn't remember the way to her room or so she could observe my red bottom waggling in front of her. I did as she asked, washing the spicy seasoning from my mouth so I could pleasure her without problems. Master and Lisa were already in the shower, cleaning up. The hot tub had done a nice job of refreshing us, but Master enjoyed a clean slave.

Lisa got to have Master's cock tonight. I suppose I should not resent her his cock after I had both Master and Marcus earlier while she licked Sarah's cunt over and over. Sarah was sitting back on the couch when I returned. I took her hand and led her to her bedroom. Except for the near empty knapsack sitting in the corner, there wasn't much in the room. I turned down the bed and invited her to lie down.

"Let's take a shower," she said. "I've been on the trail for several weeks and don't feel as clean as I'd like to be."

"Of course, Mistress." She'd showered previously, reducing her body hair which I appreciated. Still, she might still desire another shower where a slave was washing her. I would. We had no clothes; there was nothing to remove. We went into her bathroom and I turned on the shower, finding the right temperature. When the temperature was right, I invited her in and washed her. Sarah was strong looking and I didn't believe her looks deceived. Her thighs and calves were muscular and solid, her waist somewhat thick, but with a flat, tight, stomach. Her breasts were high and her nipples thick and long. I hoped I'd get to suck them later as a change of pace. She'd carried a heavy pack for several hundred miles so I knew her arms, shoulders and back were strong as well.

My soapy hands moved all over her body, caressing every part of her. She enjoyed my attentions and climaxed when I was washing her cunt and ass. I even washed her hair, running my fingers through the wet strands and massaging her scalp. When she was as clean as I could make her, I quickly washed myself, especially the sex stink, though I imagined we'd be smelling it again soon. I dried her before I dried myself.

"I could get used to this very easily," Sarah said.

"Yes, Mistress," I replied. I had. It had only taken a couple days of slavery for me to be fully immersed in it; unable to think of my husband Scott as any more than my Master. The same for him. If anything, it might have taken less time. By Saturday evening, he was bending me completely to his will. She brushed her teeth as well, then I took her to her bed and she lay down and spread her legs.

"Pleasure me. I want you to seduce me again."

I'd been well trained to seduce, tease and please a woman. Mistress Dark had ensured I could do so. I put every ounce of talent into pleasuring Sarah. If I made her cum enough, perhaps she'd let me cum, or at least sleep without interruption. From the soles of her trail hardened feet to the soft, short hairs at the nape of her neck, I kissed and loved her body. Licking and kissing and running my lips lightly over her soft skin, I brought her to four orgasms, even running my tongue over the crinkled sphincter of her ass since I knew she was sparkling clean. My face was drenched in her fluids when she finally stopped me.

"You are so good at that," Sarah said. "It's hard to believe it was two weeks ago when you first started."

"Thank you, Mistress, for finding I give you pleasure."

Sarah pulled me up from her crotch. "Your face is very messy, slave," she said.

"Yes, Mistress. You orgasmed hard and often."

"You know, I've never even kissed a girl. Did you know that?"

"No, Mistress. It's not been discussed."

"What's it like? Do you enjoy it?"

"Kissing girls might be the only thing I like better about women, Mistress. Their lips are so soft compared to a mans. Perhaps the lipsticks and moisturizers we use."

"Kiss me, slave."

"I've got your cum all over my face, Miss."

"I don't care, kiss me anyway."

So I kissed her and kissing her was as nice as kissing Lisa, her lips soft and inviting. She even licked some of her cum off my face.

"My cum is sweeter than I thought," Sarah said, licking my face.

"I find a woman's cum becomes sweeter, the more she cums, Mistress."

"Would you like to orgasm now, slave?"

"Very much, Mistress."

"Can I be completely honest with you, slave."

"Of course, Mistress."

"I want to see your Master punish you with the paddle and the whip, so I'm not going to give you permission to cum, although I suspect you'll orgasm often."