A Taste of Slavery Ch. 22


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I looked at Master. He and Lisa were engaged in a conversation with Marcia on the other side. I doubt he'd heard a word of my conversation with Monique. I was persona non grata at the moment. A brand would signify my total love and devotion to my Master in a way nothing else would. I sighed. I doubted Master would ever give me permission to be branded. I leaned back on my heels and thought about what I'd want my brand to say or to be.

Twenty minutes later, Master told us if we wanted to shop for jewelry, we should do it now as we had to leave soon. He also told us to find the clothes we'd removed when we went into the pool yesterday, but leave off our underwear. Slaves needed to be available to their Masters. Master's clothes were in the bedroom we'd slept in last night. Monique told us our things had been laundered and placed in a cabinet out by the pool. Usually clothes were placed near where they were dropped, so the owner could find them easier. Monique offered to show us where before taking us to some of the jewelry designs they kept here. We went out to the pool and found the clothes as Monique said we would. There was a towel cabinet by the pool and our freshly laundered clothes were in the cabinet on a lower shelf, along with other clothes left by people by the pool. We took them out and put them on, sans underclothing. Both of us had chosen to wear skirts yesterday, so Master wouldn't have any difficulty fucking one of his slaves as he wished. God, I was so wet. I could hardly wait to don my collar again.

Next, Monique led us to some of the jewelry stock they kept on hand. There were several pieces designed for piercing I would have loved. Instead, I got some earrings that looked like slave manacles. Master thought Lisa should have some jewelry like mine which identified her as a slave, but didn't announce it to the world for when we went out. Monique showed him several pieces which would do the trick. Master put them on her himself, since she didn't have her regular slave collar, a wide gold and red necklace and matching bracelets. They looked good on her, especially with the red, which matched her normal leather collar and cuffs. Master told Monique that he no longer had a standard leather collar and cuffs for me except ankle cuffs. He'd given them to Mistress Sarah for her slave. I'd forgotten I didn't have them anymore.

"What color is her collar normally, Master Scott?"


"Obviously, we don't carry leather collars and cuffs because you can buy them anywhere, but I have this piece I think you'd appreciate for your lovely slave."

She opened up a drawer and pulled out this exquisite stainless steel and black enamel collar, with the matching bracelets to go with it.

"These lock and can't be opened by the slave. The locking mechanism is internal, so it won't stand out like an external lock would. It won't rust, so it can be worn in the shower and has rounded edges so it can be worn for long periods of time without hurting her neck. If you push down on this piece right here," she pushed down and a ring which looked like a circle on the collar, popped out, "you have this ring to which you can attach leashes, or chains to her nipples or these bracelets which have a similar device. It's strong enough you could suspend her from them, though we don't recommend anything but suspension cuffs for a true suspension. Then the ring can be pushed back in so it isn't so obvious what it is." She popped it back in.

"I'll take it," Master said.

God, my pussy gushed when he said it. To think I'd be wearing a metal collar really made me wet. Master didn't put it on me though, like he did with Lisa. He put it in a bag and carried it out to the car. He went inside Sam's to get his clothes and anything else we'd left in the bedroom last night.

We said our goodbyes to everyone. Zoe's, Marcia's and Chantelle's were particularly affectionate and loving to all of us. Chantelle winked at me as she rubbed her nude body all over Master as she kissed him. She'd promised me she would if she had the chance to do so. I kissed her as well. She was lovely and I was glad she wasn't going home with us for Master to fuck. Marcia also rubbed her nude body against Master as they kissed goodbye. She whispered something in Master's ear as their kiss ended. I detected Master's pants bulging as he started to get erect. Master and Sam shook hands. Master promised he'd send a picture of our bondage furniture and told Sam and Brianna he already had some ideas for some things which would double as bondage furniture yet look like something else. I was told to get in the back seat and Lisa was told to get in the front. Apparently, I was still being punished for my infraction. Master hadn't even told me I could wash Zoe's cum off my face.

As we navigated the heavy traffic around LA, Master told Lisa she could masturbate for her pleasure. He said she could cum four times. I was told nothing.

"I'm sorry, Master," I said from my gulag in the back seat.

"What are you sorry for?" Master asked.

"For spending so much time with Zoe, sir."

"I gave you permission to be with Zoe."

"Yes, Master, but I was gone a long time, even halfway through lunch."

"And why would that be a problem for me?" Master asked.

"The first duty of a slave is to ensure the pleasure of her Master. I was not available to you, sir. I was gone longer than you expected."

"How do you know how long I expected you to be gone? Did I give you a time limit?"

"No, Master. But you seem to be angry with me."

"Have I spoken a single harsh word to you?"

"No, sir."

"Then why do you believe I'm angry with you?"

"Because I was sent to a corner to eat, you've not given me permission to wash Zoe's cum off my face, because I'm in the back seat and Lisa is in the front, and because she's been given permission to cum and I have not. If that weren't enough, she's wearing the slave jewelry you purchased her and I'm not wearing anything. Because you've not once spoken a word of affection to me nor petted or caressed me since I came to lunch."

"I would guess from the amount of cum smeared on your face and Zoe's, you orgasmed plenty while with Zoe. I'm merely letting Lisa catch up to you."

"Yes, sir." He didn't really address any of the other concerns.

I was silent for twenty minutes without another word being spoken. The only sounds those of Lisa's fingers sluicing into her cunt and her sighs and moans of pleasure as she climaxed.

"Master, did you fuck Marcia?" I asked finally.

"Why would you think I had?" Master asked.

"There were signs of affection between you," I replied.

"What signs of affection?"

"She squeezed your arm after Zoe sucked your cock and she rubbed her nude body against you while she kissed goodbye, and whispered something in your ear."

"Sam wouldn't let me fuck his wife," Master said. Not that he didn't fuck her, only that Sam wouldn't let him fuck her.

Five more minutes of silence passed. Lisa must have had four orgasms. Even she wasn't making noise anymore.

"What did she whisper to you as you left?" I asked.

"She apologized again for her rudeness yesterday, told me I had a very strong hand and I should have little difficulty in keeping two slaves in line and I was a lucky man for having two such beautiful slaves."

I was unfamiliar with her rudeness as it happened when Lisa and I were in the pool, but Master said he'd spanked her and I could vouch for his strong hand. I did not think Lisa and I were as beautiful as Marcia and Chantelle, but I supposed we were pretty enough.

More silence followed. A lot more silence, tense with apprehension.

"Do you want to go back?" Master asked.

"What, sir?" I asked. "Go back where?"

"Do you want to go back there? Back to Brianna's estate and get fucked for three weeks? I can turn around."

"No, Master. I have no desire to go back there. I want to go home with you and Lisa."

"Are you sure? You certainly seemed to enjoy your time there."

"I did enjoy my time there, Master. It's a slave's paradise. But my place is with you. I don't want to stay at Brianna's."

"You certainly enjoyed your time with Zoe. Are you sure you don't want to go back?"

"You're not jealous of a woman, Master? Zoe's no competition for you."

"Why gone so long then?"

"Because Zoe was the woman before me, Master. She was the one you loved or cared deeply about before we met. Inside the slave part of myself I imagined her cum smeared on your face, your cock fucking her cunt. There was an extra thrill in fucking your old girlfriend, Master. More than almost anyone else, she'd be the one I most wanted to fuck, because you did. You know who else gives me an extra thrill, Master?"


"Lisa. It gives me an extra thrill fucking Lisa, because in addition to being my best friend, we're both fucking her. When I see your prick sliding through her wet pussy, I can almost cum from watching it. It's just twisted enough to satisfy the darkest part of myself. When I convinced you to fuck Rose, it made me feel good, because I was giving you something you'd deny yourself. I wanted Gwen to suck your cock under the table at Luigi's. I wanted her to prove she was worthy enough to fuck my Master. There is nothing I wouldn't give you, Master. Nothing. I want to be branded. I want you to mark me as your permanent slave. I love you so much. I belong completely and totally to you and I want to prove it to the world."

"You want to be branded?" Master asked. Quickly echoed by Lisa, as astounded as Master.

"Yes. Something to signify my ownership by you. Monique told me I can't get the piercings I want until six months after I deliver and I couldn't have another child for 24 months to ensure I'm healed before delivering again. I could get a tattoo, but it could fade or be covered up. I want to wear your brand, something even plastic surgery couldn't erase. I'm yours. I'll never belong to anyone else."

"I thought you regretted not taking Sam's offer to stay for three weeks, that you loved it too much to leave."

"No, Master. I will never willingly leave your side. Get it through your thick skull. I am now and forever will be yours. Nothing can tempt me away from you. Now, answer my question. Did you fuck Marcia?"

"I told you Sam would never let me fuck her."

"Which is not the same as saying 'I did not fuck Marcia', sir. Did she suck your cock? Did you fuck her ass? Did you lick her cunt?"

"No, I never did any of those things. We kind of agreed I would never fuck anyone you weren't allowed to fuck."

"I'm allowed to fuck slaves and I sucked Sam's cum out of her cunt twice today, which means you could fuck her. We also agreed that I would not restrict my Master from fucking other slaves if it would be a lesson or punishment to his own slaves. Perhaps you wanted to punish me for being with Zoe for so long."

"Master didn't fuck anyone, Julia," Lisa said. "I wasn't with him the entire time you were gone, being in the pool much of the time, but he never left and no one fucked anyone else."

"Would it make you jealous if I fucked Marcia?" Master asked.

"She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, Master. I would be jealous of her, especially if I weren't with you. You started getting another erection when Chantelle and she kissed you goodbye. You orgasmed five times this morning by lunch and they were making you hard again as we're leaving."

"They are lovely, Julia, but I don't love them. I would far prefer to stick my cock in you than anyone else in the world."

"Thank you, sir."

"And for your information, I don't know why she touched me at lunch, but I believe she squeezed my arm because she approved of my handling of you by not punishing you for being gone so long. I didn't ask her, but it seemed like she agreed with me. I didn't set a time limit, so it would have been wrong to do so."

We were both silent again for quite awhile.

"We really do need to work on our communication skills," Master said.

"I don't know, Master. Perhaps. However, it seems to me most of our problems in so called communication exist because you don't believe I'm irrevocably yours. If you believe that, I'm not sure we have a communication problem. I will never, ever, from this moment until the day I die, belong to anyone other than you. You are my true and natural Master, my husband, the father of my child, my lover, and the only person I desire to spend my nights in bed with other than those you choose to give me to. That will never change; it's as indelible as if engraved in stone. If you truly believe it, nothing else matters. If I spend a few extra minutes with someone you give me to; or I cum when someone else you've shared me with gives me pleasure, it only matters because you gave me to them. I do not want to exchange places with anyone else. I do not want to be anyone else. I don't need to be with anyone else. You are all that's important to me. I would like to share you with Lisa, because I love you both, but if it meant losing you, I'd surrender her too. You and I, Master, and the child we'll share, are all that matters most to me in the world. There is no more important communication than that."

Master was silent again, absorbing everything I'd just said.

"Would you like to exchange places with Lisa and suck my cock?" Master asked.

"Nothing would please me more, Master," I said.

He pulled off the highway and slammed on the brakes. Finally, I had my Master back.



I was shocked as hell when Julia said she wanted to be branded. I couldn't imagine applying white hot metal to her beautiful skin and listen to it sizzle and watch it smoke. The thought of it disturbed me, yet she was so sure it was something she wanted to do; that somehow, it would prove beyond all shadow of a doubt she was mine and mine alone and forever would be. Merely the declaration she'd be willing to do it made my heart pound. It seemed something unequivocal in her declaration of love and submission.

She asked me a second time if I'd fucked Marcia. I answered her question once, though when she made her point in asking a second time, I could see the distinction between the two answers. If I'd fucked Marcia behind Sam's back, it wouldn't have been an honest answer. I had no intention of fucking anyone behind someone's back, but my answer could have been clearer.

I found both Marcia and Chantelle attractive; there was no denying they were sexy as hell. Goodness, all the women at Brianna's were eights and above, from their Mistress on down. Intelligent, funny, attractive; almost anything you might look for in a woman was there. Zoe was a nine. So were Brianna, Monique, and Riyuki. But so were Julia and Lisa. Not everyone could be a ten, but it wasn't solely physical appearance which made a woman special and shine. And they were all different; black, white, Asian, tall, short, dark, light, a world traveler's dream. But they weren't mine. Part of what made Julia and Lisa so special is they were mine.

Once again, it seemed I didn't understand my slaves. Or I did understood the nature of their desire for slavery, but bungled entirely the depth of their feeling for the one who owned them; me. Confusing the nature of their passion for their submission. I don't think anyone could have made it clearer than Julia when she declared her devotion and love for me, to the point of being willing to give up Lisa if it meant holding on to me. I could not imagine two friends closer than they were, and if Julia would surrender that friendship for me, then I was an idiot for ever thinking she wanted something from her submission other than exactly what she was saying. She wanted to be owned and possessed by me. It was all that was important to her and as long as I understood that one fact, I could never misunderstand anything that was said, or done by her. I thought I believed her before. I knew I believed her now.

When I asked her if she wanted to change places with Lisa and suck my cock, she said, "Nothing would please me more, Master," as if sucking my cock was the most important thing in her life at this moment. I pulled off the highway and slammed on the brakes. I was getting ready to tell Lisa to get in the back and I realized I was an idiot. To hell with a blow job, I wanted to fuck my slave in the worst possible way.

"Lisa, you drive. I'm going to join Julia in the back."

"Yes, Master."

She smiled at me and climbed into the drivers seat when I vacated it for the back seat.

"I'll drive carefully, Master."

"You do that. No one's going to be wearing a seatbelt. Let us know if any police come near."

Julia welcomed me with open arms, pulling me into a close embrace, raining kisses on my face and neck. Before Lisa pulled back on the highway, she had my zipper open and my cock pulled out. I was already hard, she didn't need to suck me at all. Rucking up her skirt, my cock slid right up her wet cunt. We didn't have a ton of room in the back seat, but I pulled her over so she straddled me. I had to bend my legs so I would fit, so she couldn't slide all the way down my pole, but she got far enough to make it worth our while.

"Master, I'm going to cum soon," she moaned.

"Not until I give you permission, slave."

"I love you so much, sir," Julia whimpered.

"I know you do. I finally understand how much. I love you too, slave."

Julia tried to slow down, delay her orgasm, the wet, sloppy sounds of our fucking dwindling away to almost nothing.

"Please let me cum, sir."

"Not yet, my wonderful slave," I panted.

Lisa passed a huge semi truck and he could look down in our back seat and see us, my cock plunging into Julia, her bare ass, and he blew a long note on his air horn. Julia orgasmed, writhing on my shaft, knowing she was being seen, unable to resist any more. I was startled too, though not so much I lost control, though her clinging cunt nearly did the job.

"I'm so sorry, Master," she gasped. "I couldn't control myself anymore."

"I know. I wanted an excuse to punish you."

"Please punish me hard, sir. I want you to. As hard as you've ever punished me. Prove to yourself you own me and I will never belong to another."

Julia was still pumping herself up and down my prick, riding out her orgasm. It felt so good.

"I don't think it's necessary to do so, slave. It took awhile but you've finally managed to convince me."

"Master, I don't just want you to know and understand on an intellectual level how much I belong to you. I want you to know it on an emotional level. I want you to believe it in a gut wrenching, stab in your heart, you can't believe it's happening, down to your DNA level. It's why I want you to brand me. If you do, you'll never again be able to disbelieve the depth of my devotion to you."

I stopped fucking her.

"I can't brand you," I said. "You're my wife. You're carrying our baby. The trauma could kill it even if I wanted to do it, which I don't."

"Yes," Julia said, "you're my husband, but the bond I share for my Master is deeper than the one I have for my husband. You can divorce your wife, cast me aside, but even if you divorce me, I'll still be your slave. Your brand shows the world that. If you want to wait for the baby to be born, I'll wait, but I want to do this."

"Julia, don't ask me again. I won't brand you."

"Your wish is my command, Master."

Good. Thinking about it was giving me a headache as well as a stomach ache. The very idea was nauseating. I resumed sliding into her. The next time Julia needed to cum, I let her. I already knew I'd be punishing her. More would be overkill. I orgasmed with her the third time she climaxed, sending my cum deep into her cunt. As soon as my pulses stopped, she dropped down to take my cock in her mouth, cleaning me off, before tucking my prick back in my pants. We finally put our seat belts on.