Aaron's Summer of '77 Ch. 09


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"I need you to be there for when I make mistakes though, Adam. I love you too. I don't think of you as a father figure or anything like that. It's just that you happen to be older than me and I like older guys because they usually are more mature than the ones my own age. And, like you they're usually a whole lot sexier too! Especially you! I get flutters in my stomach every time I'm close to you. And I don't ever see that stopping either! All you ever need to do is look at me a certain way and boom! My cock gets hard and all I want is for you to be inside me!"

Adam gives me one his dirty laughs and says, "And I find cute, young ones like you just as sexy, baby! I'm no cradle-robber though. There's just something really special about you, Aaron."

"OK then, Adam. So what you've just said to me...what does this mean for us now?"

"Well, cookie, I've thought a lot about this. For one thing, you don't need me to be takin' you to places like the Lord Elgin and bars like that. Of course, I'll always go with ya' whenever I'm up in Ottawa and you want me to go with you. But, you're gonna' get lotsa 'interest from guys and I'm just gonna' hafta' get used to that and not be jealous or overprotective. I don't wantcha' to be going' to any bath houses like the one at 1069 Wellington, though. Promise me you won't be goin' into any places like that 'cause I don't wanna' hafta' worry about you getting crabs or VD or anything like that. And, I think you need to have a few friends your own age you can spend some time with when I'm back here workin' for now. I'm thinking about my job and apartment back in Brockville and I've almost come to a decision about what I want to do in the next few months. But, I'm not ready to talk to you about that just now. Mrs. Fullerton was talkin' to someone from the Rexall Drug Store chain and they may want to buy her out and open up a franchise on King Street downtown here. She's almost eighty now and not gettin' any younger. She won't always be around. And that's really made me think. For now, all I know is that I need you and want us to be together all the time. But I don't want to come between you and your school work. And I don't want to smother you either. Do you understand what I'm tryin' to say to you here, cookie?"

"I do now, Adam. And, I miss you, like all the time now and want you to be up here with me. I've heard some stories from Alan Abelson about the clubs and going out every night and smoking up and doing poppers, whatever that is and getting drunk, and I'm just not interested in those things."

"Well, I want you to come to those decisions and feel like you can make those choices on your own, cookie. I'll always be here to support you. You can count me always for that. But, I don't wanna' be havin' to babysit you or tell you what to do all the time either. Some days, I feel like I'm barely able to make my own way in this world. So you just might hafta' help me too, honey."

"Sounds like a good plan and basis for a relationship to me, Adam!"

"Me too, baby...me too."

"I still get to suck your King Kong dong whenever I want and you get to fuck me whenever you want though, eh, Adam?"

"That's not negotiable, baby. And judging from how hard you just made me by changin' the subject and bringin' up sex, I'm gonna' let you go down on me right now, Cookie. What goes on in Mom's Volvo, stays inside Mom's Volvo though, deal?"

I can't suck your big, hairy dong and talk at the same time, Adam! Hah, hah, hah!"

"I'm pickin' ya' up tomorrow morning and we're gonna' take a long walk downtown together, baby. Your Dad promised me bacon and eggs and coffee first thing, so I'll be joinin' ya' both for breakfast. And Blackjack is really happy when I take her for walks now. She doesn't get enough exercise and the backyard just isn't big enough for her to run and play in. I've gotten to really like her, Aaron. And I know she misses you a lot. Also, I was thinkin' about your Architectural assignment for that "Birdbrain' lady and you and me are gonna' walk around Courthouse Square 'cause I think I might just be able to give you an idea or two while we walk around. Sometimes an answer can be staring' ya' right in the face. But, it might take someone else and their eyes to push you into seeing it. I'll see you tomorrow, cookie. And be prepared to spend some time walkin' around with me and enjoying the fall weather and the leaves and each other."

"Good God, Aaron! Lucky for us that we've got a king-size washer and drier in the basement here. I'll get into this tomorrow morning, while you and Adam go downtown. He said something to me about helping you with one of your assignments when he was over here earlier in the week. Don't get used to me doing your laundry for you though, sweetie. I'm only going to do this for you this one time, you hear me?"

"Uh, yes Mom. Thanks."

"Aaron, so glad you are home now for Thanksgiving with us!" my Dad says and reaches out to give me a big hug. "I've missed you, son."

"Me too, Dad."

"Oh no, Richard! Look at Blackjack! She's pee'd on the rug in front of the sink! She's so excited to see Aaron!"

Blackjack's tail is going 100 miles an hour and she is running around in circles chasing her tail with her tongue hanging out and barking every thirty seconds.

"I've missed you too, Blackjack!" I say.

"Mom...ummm, your hair and that jumpsuit. Adam said something about you wanting to learn how to do 'The Hustle' and go out to the Flying Dutchman sometime to their disco. Uh, well...ummm, what made you decide to do that to your hair?"

My Dad is sitting there with a bemused look on his face and is just waiting for my Mom to respond.

"I just felt like it was time for me to make a few changes, given that change is happening with you and Ariana and life in general. Why, don't you like it, Aaron?"

"The pantsuit looks pretty cool, Mom. I'll just need to have some time to get used to the hair. It's lighter too and all the grey is gone out of it."

My Dad chokes and jumps in at that point and says, "There never 'was' any grey in it, Aaron! For a young man who is supposed to be so good with colour, I'm surprised you would even think that! Your Mom still looks like she's in her thirties and has the butt to prove it too in that outfit!"

Mom turns thirty shades of red and says to Dad, "Let's not discuss my butt in front of Aaron, Richard!"

To which Richard replies, "OK, honey, we'll take that conversation upstairs when we go to bed then!"

"Oh Jeez, Dad...when is the next bus back to Ottawa?" I say.

So once again, my Dad saves the day by knowing just the right thing to say to avoid an uncomfortable situation with Mom and me and her wild-looking hair!

"Have you heard anything from Ariana, now that they are out in Calgary?" I ask them both.

My Dad answers by saying, "They were able to make it out there and arrived about a week or so ago. They have rented a house for a year in the east end and apparently someone that Nick had hired to work for him when he had his contracting firm back in Brockville here offered him a job. Your sister is looking to find a job with one of the bank branches out there. They're going to be just fine, Aaron. Don't you worry about them."

"I still think about what she said to me, Dad. I hope they're going to be OK."

"We know, son...we know."

"Did you talk to Adam about having Del' come over to join us for Thanksgiving dinner, Aaron?" my Mom says.

"She's having a dinner for her and Bast' for thanksgiving, Mom."

"Who is Bast', Aaron?"

"Oh no! I don't think I was supposed to say anything about that! Ummm, uh...oh well...Bast' is someone she's been secretly dating for a while now. Dad, uh...you know him. He works under you at the Hospital. Sebastien Forestier. He's an Orderly there. Do you know him, Dad?"

"Oh yes, Sebastien...I know him well. Hmmm, I wonder if he might be uncomfortable coming over to have dinner at his bosses' house. I bet that is why Delphine and he have been trying to keep things quiet between them and her turning us down for dinner over here. Also, the staff at the Hospital like to gossip and create all kinds of unnecessary drama at times. Both you and I know that Iva, don't we?"

"Indeed we do, Richard," she says.

"Tell you what, Aaron. You 'didn't' tell us this. Leave this with your Mom and me to handle with Delphine and Bast'? Is that how you say it?"

"Yes Dad. He was really nice to me at dinner earlier. He seems like a very nice man."

"He is, Aaron. He's a very quiet and shy man when on duty. He keeps to himself most of the time. Leave this to me. I'll make sure he and Delphine feel they are welcome over here anytime."

"Thanks, Dad. I know Adam would really appreciate that too."

My old room looks really bare without the armoire and my Grandmother's pine desk and that red rug. Even so, it feels so good to be able to sleep in it once more. Having sprawled out on the floor downstairs earlier with Blackjack lying on top of me and snoring away, it's now time for me to sleep and think about all the good things I know I should be thankful for in my life right now.

I know I'm sounding like Richard Thomas who plays John Boy from 'The Walton's.' But honestly, I do know I'm a very fortunate and well-loved son.

Later that night when Mom and Dad are in bed together, Richard turns to Iva and says, "So how about that! Delphine and Sebastien shacked up! I never would have thought the two of them would get together in a million years!"

"Oh, I don't know, Richard. Del' has been on her own for many years now, and she said to me she found it lonely and really tough when Adam moved out on his own. I'm very happy she's found someone. Now Richard, instead of you jumping in here and putting your big foot in your mouth with Sebastien, would you 'please' just leave this for me to speak privately to Del' about? I want her and Sebastien both to know that we would like to have them over here and I don't want the fact that he works under you to be a source of discomfort?"

"OK, Iva. Now... on another matter, since when have you ever thought my feet were big, honey? Is there anything else you'd care to comment on with respect to size on me, now that we're in bed together?"

"Oh shut up, Richard and just kiss me, you damned silly fool! The door is locked I hope, isn't it?"

"Double-bolted from the inside!" he laughs, while cuddling up close.

The next morning and Adam and I have just covered the four blocks from Bethune Street to Courthouse Square. "OK, cookie. Here's my pitch to you about that History of Architecture assignment you've been worrying about. Hear me out on this and if ya' like it, then I won't charge you a fee for my services!"

"You can take it out in trade, if I like it Adam!" I respond and laugh at him.

"OK babe, here goes..."

"We're standin' in the middle of Courthouse Square right now. Start with the Courthouse and go clockwise and count the number of historic buildings going right down to King Street and back up until you get to the Courthouse again. And remember to include the ones that got torn down in the past couple of years, like where the Comstock Block was."

"Ummm, OK. Not sure where you're going with this. But. I'll play along."

I start to count and name the buildings off to myself. "the Old Courthouse, the Wall Street Methodist Church, the new Bank of Montreal where the old one used to be, the First Baptist Church, the land where the old Comstock building used to be, the Toronto Dominion Bank at the corner of King and Courthouse, the Cossitt Block, The old Post Office, the Brockville Club, the George Street Episcopal Church, Courthouse Terrace and the First Presbyterian Church.

"OK...I got twelve, Adam. Do I get a prize now or something for it?" I ask him.

"Not just yet, baby. Now...ummm, how many hours are there on the face of a clock?"

I'm starting to get a little impatient with him, but still playing along. "Twelve, Adam. Where are you going with this?"

"Patience, cookie...patience. Architecturally, how many different types and styles of buildings would you say there are here and over how long a time period would you say they have been built?"

A lightbulb is starting to go off with me. "Adam, are you suggesting I take these buildings and describe them and relate them back to their time periods and then compare them to the hands of a clock that is tracking progress and time? Is that what you are trying to suggest to me?" I ask him.

"You got it, baby! You wouldn't have to go too deeply into describing them, just their architectural style and then take photographs...black and white ones of all of them and compile them all into a booklet or something like that! What do you think of that idea?"

"I think you just gave me my first 'A' for the semester, Adam! God, I love you! Thank you so much!"

"I even help ya" with the photographs, baby. It'll be fun. And Aaron. Sometimes the best ideas come from the most surprising inspirations and unlikely sources. Never forget your hometown and where you're from, baby. Brockville is a historic city and it's Architecture is really important and worth recognizing, preserving and respected."

"Hello, Del. How are you? We haven't talked since our lunch together."

"Hello Iva, Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to you." says Delphine, as she answers her phone.

"Hi Del'! I just wanted to call to says thanks for letting Adam drive Aaron down from Ottawa. I don't think the five bags of laundry he brought along with him would have fit into the overhead bin on the bus! Hah, hah!"

"Hah, hah, hah! Welcome to the world of a College Student Mom, Iva. I remember when Adam did that to me years ago when he was up in Kingston!"

"Listen Del', I'll get right to the point here and hope you won't be embarrassed or offended. Aaron let it slip quite accidentally that you and Sebastien were quietly seeing each other. I'm thrilled for you by the way. But, I have to ask you, are either Sebastien or you nervous about coming over here because he works for Richard and we all work together at the hospital? Please be honest with me."

Five seconds of dead silence on the other end of the receiver and finally Delphine says to Iva, "Iva, I really don't want anyone to know about Bast' and me. But yes, to answer you frankly, he is apprehensive and cautious about having the staff at the Hospital know about us. It's still early on in our relationship and you know how nosy the staff are up there. Neither he nor I need to be talked about."

"I understand completely, Del'. And that is why I am calling. This is confidential information, but Richard plans to retire sometime next year. He is sixty-three now, so please tell Sebastien not to worry about reporting to him and coming over here. And please, Richard's planned retirement is not something we want to have circulated at the Hospital for the moment any more than you and...Bast', is it?"

"Yes, he likes to be called Bast'. He's the 'best' at just being Bast', as he reminds me all the time..."

"Hah, hah! Good! Now that we've confided in each other, then I hope that settles that. And as for you and Bast' I have to say I'm thrilled for you that you've met someone and are not alone there. It's none of my business, I know. But I remember our lunch together and am feeling lonely myself here with Aaron away at school. I'm just so pleased that you have someone for you there now."

Thanks, Iva. I appreciate that."

"Now...about Thanksgiving dinner, I have a suggestion and a proposal. I know you are doing up dinner there for you and Bast'. Aaron let that one slip as well. But how about coming over to have dessert with us later on in the evening? Do you think Bast' might be comfortable with that?"

"I'd have to ask him, Iva. Can I get back to you on that?"

"Absolutely! We'd love to have you both come over, truly. Call me back when he lets you know. And Del'...I swear to you that no one will hear about you and him from either Richard or myself. That is your business. But, I want you to know both Richard and I are very happy for you. You deserve happiness, Del'. We really are happy for you!"

"OK, thanks for that, Iva. I'll let you know later on today."

Are ya' hungry, cookie? Wouldya' like to maybe pick up some fish and chips over at Manoll's and maybe head down to Hardy Park to watch the ships on the river? Then maybe we can go back to my place for a while. Whatdaya' think, baby?"

"It's going to be one of the last nice days to do that before the cold weather comes. Sounds good to me, Adam."

"You sure do like your ketchup there, dontcha' Adam?"

"It's good with the fish and I forgot how good these fresh-cut french fries were!"

"So now that it's just you and me, baby, tell me more about how you've been doing, really. We haven't had much chance to be alone and talk since I drove ya' back. I remember my time away at College and it was lonely for me at first. Have ya' really not gone out at all or done anything outside of your classes with any of your classmates?"

"Well, Adam, like I said last night, I just don't want to get too friendly with anyone right now. There is this one guy named Greg in my class. He's straight by the way. But, he chats everyone up and then before you know it, his assignments look like someone else's when it comes time to hand them in. I don't trust him. And Alan Abelson...well, he seems OK. But his parents are really rich and he makes me feel like I'm some kind of charity case sometimes when he talks to me. I may be wrong though. I just don't know."

"You're just as good as anyone else, babe. Don't you ever let anyone make you feel bad because of what they have and what you don't. Take it from me, Aaron. I aughta' know. And money isn't the measure of what makes ya' good or happy for that matter."

"Thanks, Adam."

"You're welcome, honey. Now are there any other projects or great mysteries of life you want me to help ya' with right now? Or can we go back to my place and maybe practice Chapter Fourteen of your joy of gay sex book there!"

"No fair, Adam! You've been reading ahead and are ahead of me now! I don't know what Chapter Fourteen covers!"

"Everything that Chapters One to Thirteen didn't, baby! Hah, hah, hah! Now let's hike it back to my place now, OK?"

"I'll race you there!"

"Sometimes it's all about the journey and not just getting to your destination, Aaron," he says, as he gathers up the newspaper and fish and chip wrappings and bag and tosses them into a garbage can.

"You 'have' lost a bit of weight there, Aaron. I can see your hip bones protruding out more than normal. How much did you say your weighed now, honey?" asks Adam, as I climb fully naked onto his bed.

"I think I've lost maybe between five and ten pounds, Adam."

"Well baby, that's just not gonna' happen anymore. I can't have ya' wasting' away to just skin and bones. You have to keep your strength up. Winters up in Ottawa are cold ,and I don't wantcha' coming down with the flu or bronchitis or anything like that."

"Since you are the 'drugstore king', I expect you to keep me healthy," I say laughingly to him.

"I'm bein' dead serious, Aaron. I know I said that you hafta' grow up and learn at your own speed. But, I do worry about you and don't wantcha' gettin' sick on me. You got that, cookie?"

"Yes, Adam. I do."

"Now, let's see just how tight your little butt hole is there. I think it needs my tongue teasing it and gettin' it ready for a full-scale Star Wars Imperial Star Fleet attack! My light sabre might need some charging up from you though babe, to get it ready for battle. Think ya' can manage that for me, honey? Chapter Fourteen is all about '69' Aaron. Do ya' know what that's all about, baby?

"Nope. No idea," I lie to him.

He has his clothes off in record time and climbs over me on the bed and says, "Cookie babe, roll over onto your right side and get ready to take my hard, hairy cock in your mouth, while I lean on my right side the other way and do the same thing to you. I'm gonna' play with your ass and balls and suck the livin' shit outta' your little buddy down there and you're gonna' do the exact same thing to me!"