Abduction of a Fool


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Turning back to him, she seemed hurt. She made no attempt whatsoever to hide her nudity from him, dark-grey nipples and a smooth-shaved mound on display, difficult for any red-blooded man to take his eyes away from.

"Pink, pink, and more pink... Fading green, fading purple, fading red. Come here and touch me, I know you want to."

"I do..." Will gulped, drew his borrowed robe around himself as if hiding his erection would be enough to fool her. "I have some pride, as a man. It's just your job, somehow, like, to ingratiate yourself to humanity or something? That's what an Liaison is, isn't it? You're some kind of... infiltrator."

"In a way, to a degree. Did you know why you weren't afraid of those others? Our people have been placing ourselves into your popular media for decades specifically so that humanity would at least recognize us once espionage was no longer necessary. It is the reason you have the hobby that you do, and for that I as well as many of us apologize. Unfortunately, you and your allies will need to suffer some more years of social isolation as a result of our manipulations." Aleph stepped lightly from the bed into Will's space, took his sleeve in two fingers and stared up into his eyes. "I saw your aura, and I wanted to show this all to you. Sit with me, at least, and let me convince you that I want to do it of my own free will."

He let her tug him down to the edge of the bed, what other choice did he have?

"Why me?" he asked. "You keep saying something about my aura, and I don't know anything about that, why it would be a reason to reveal yourself to me instead of anyone else. Several of my friends have come to the crash site before and none of them said a damn thing about being contacted. The best we have is one blurry picture that might as well be swamp gas."

Aleph thought silently for some time. "What do you think about humanity, as a whole?"


"Because your answer will matter."

"They're a bunch of ignorant, self-obsessed creatures with egocentric morality if any. I've given up on them opening their eyes to the truth of anything and I'm content to stand on the sidelines chanting 'I told you so' as the consequences smack them in their stupid faces. I'm sure they won't look back and apologize for the way they treated me, they don't think about me and so I won't think of them."

"I see," Aleph said, subtly lay her hand on his leg. "It is not only that you feel you have been mistreated, is it? Do you feel that they may as well have abandoned you to the wild? Whatever truth you speak of, is there an underlying one you feel deep within your psyche, engraved as if by god? This sense of justice they have offended, what do you think it is?"

He looked away, didn't brush her hand off. No matter his other feelings, being touched was comforting... "Why are you talking about god? Is that just something that doesn't translate well?"

"It is as good a word for The Monad as any... When you speak of your allies, you sometimes call them friends. Are they not also the same humans that you despise?"

"I don't think I would say 'despise' really... Maybe, I think I'm disgusted by the way they operate. From above, I'm sure they look like they're moving in a pattern, cooperating for the public good, but that's not how it is from a closer perspective. It's just Brownian motion."

Aleph was silent, stroked his thigh with a calm assurance that he could continue.

"Each one does what they want to do, in the moment, without thinking about how it will affect someone else down the line. Not just in the large-scale stuff like governments and stuff, but just the way they act toward one another. Every interaction feels like a hostage negotiation: 'I have what you want so you better have what I want' and if you don't then who cares how much you need it? Even the ones who claim to look beyond themselves, they're just doing it because their pack instincts are too present at the front of their minds and it gives them a tingle to be thanked. They just want another kind of compensation; if they found someone bleeding in a ditch and there wasn't any chance of someone seeing them, they wouldn't lift a finger to save them. and I think about it and I think I'm no different, and it disgusts me..."

Aleph, very slowly, cradled Will's cheek in her palm and turned his face into a brief, soft kiss. And she pressed her forehead to his. "Purple, with so much blue beneath... Did you look to the sky, think that something inhuman must be different?"

He didn't pull away, feeling her breath warm on his face. "You had to exist, you had to be different, or there wouldn't be any hope..."

She put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him softly to the bed, lifted a knee to straddle him, put him in her shadow. White hair fell along the line of her face like a fringe of twinkling starlight. "That is why I had to pick you up, to show you this." She bent down and kissed him again.

It was slow, almost platonic until he responded. Aleph's tiny, restrained moans passed down to him in the near silence around them, urged on something that was currently rubbing against her butt from under a fluffy fold of his robe. She giggled, lifting and dropping her wonderfully soft self into his lap to tease the offending party. Her fingertips trailed from his ticklish neck, down his chest and spread there for her to push herself up, breaking their kiss with a small pop.

"I want you to agree to this," she said, rolling her hips against his bulge so that there was no chance of miscommunication. "I want to be close with you like this, please. I haven't done it with anyone else yet, if that's what you're worried about."

Will hooked an arm around her slender waist and reeled himself up into a hug, folding his legs so that she sat pert in his lap. "That's not something that would worry me."

She giggled and kissed him again, wrapped her arms around his body and pulled herself in tight; her smooth, warm breasts rubbed against his chest. "I know," she said.

She slowly took the end of the robe's tie and unraveled it with a tug, spread it out so that his naked body was open to the air and his skin was rubbing directly against hers. She was so unbelievably soft, her body melting into place with his, her knee subtly pressing itself between his thighs and spreading his legs apart as she slid her chest down his body, until her cheek rested against his inner thigh and her big, black eyes stared intently inches from his erection.

"I want to kiss you, can I?" Aleph asked, her warm breath puffed against his cock and he couldn't help but tense from the sensation.


Aleph's soft lips brushed against his shaft only once with a subdued moan. Her arms slipped beneath his thighs and her hands landed along his waist, gently pressing him into the spot she wanted him. She didn't look uncertain or lustful, but zen, as if there were no place in the universe that she would feel unwelcome from the furthest reaches of endless space to the mundane place between Will's legs.

Without asking this time, she didn't need to, she kissed his balls, tightly clenched against his body, and circled the tip of her tongue around one before trailing it all the way up his hard cock. Then again, and again, and on like that without reaching the tip, too softly for any but the most pent-up man to get off. Her pale face bobbed up and down, her cheek gently rubbing here or there, her black eyes gazing up into his with an assured pride that he was enjoying what she did.

After an agonizing time spent teasing, she withdrew one hand and wrapped her fingers around his penis, began stroking with only the faint smacking of her own saliva as lubrication. "Do you like it? Tell me yourself that you like it."

"Any man would..." Will said. At some point he'd grasped the bedding and he turned his face against it but that wasn't enough to escape from her eyes. Those gorgeous pools of pitch blackness stared up at him, into his soul like a mirror of existence; very deep within he could have sworn he saw beautiful specks of bright light like constellations. And more, he saw the corners alight with humor.

"Liar~" Aleph said. She stroked just a bit harder, hovered her lips above the tip of his cock and licked around it. the sensation was so much more intense for the direct contact that his hips bucked with the effort not to cum right there and then into her mouth. But still, she continued teasing him with her hand and her tongue as if daring him to do just that so she could drink down his essence.

"Aleph, I'm going to-"

She came off and left him to his bucking as the urge to cum painfully abated. Kneeling between his feet, she laughed at the spectacle lightly and when he wouldn't again explode at a prurient thought, she took him by the hand and raised him to kneel with her, hugged him again and pressed her lips to his hungrily. This kiss was more affectionate, more urgent, just... more. Aleph surged against him with wet smacking and licking, going crazy with him as he instinctively matched her pace. It was intoxicating, let him forget his worries since this wonderful girl was willing to share the moment with him; he didn't notice it when she helped him shrug his robe to the floor and the full expanse of his skin was available to her.

Her fingers tickled and prodded, her hands squeezed and rubbed whatever they could find. Aleph pressed herself to him so closely that it seemed like she couldn't bear to be apart from him in the smallest way from the swell of her breasts all the way down to the rolling curve of her hips.

Eventually, their kiss ended with gasps on either side. At some point they had ended up on their sides and Aleph supplied the final push to bring Will above her. She spread her legs and hooked his waist, the subtext immediately clear.

"Take me," she said beneath him.

She didn't have to cajole him any further. Will aimed himself and pressed the tip of his cock against her wonderfully soft, eagerly wet lips. By inches, he pressed within her as she moaned encouragement from below, legs curling to bring herself closer and closer into his lap. Her warmth enveloped him, surrounded him with pulsating sensations of matched pleasure. He had to pause once she had taken the length of his cock, unsure whether he would be able to actually hold out until she also came.

But Aleph wasn't going to have any of that; she rolled her hips such that his cock stirred her deeply, moaned the whole time she did it as his tip rubbed circles within her. It would be her own fault, he thought, if they had to get her off later by herself, he took her pert ass in hand and began thrusting in earnest.

The quiet air within the cell rang out with paired moans and slapping, wet flesh. He plunged his cock as deeply as he could with each thrust, looking down to see the amazing face of pleasure Aleph made in his arms, pale lips open to pass gasps and luscious moans, black eyes unfortunately closed so that she could put all of her attention into truly feeling the two of them together.

"Please, Will, you have to cum inside me~ I want it so much~" she moaned. Her small breasts rippled with the force of his humping, tiny grey nipples quivering up and down. Her taut belly rose and fell with quick breaths and her pussy itself tensed around his cock. For someone who had watched as much porn as he had, it looked very much like she was... "Ahhh~"

She arched back just as Will crested the same point. Orgasm washed over them both and sensibility took a vacation as Will slammed himself into her harder and faster while filling up her pussy with his hot cum; she wiggled beneath as she rode out her own, rubbing her shoulders back into the bedspread while she yowled, legs clenching her so much tighter to his lap as though trying to make sure he did not take himself out too quickly.

It only lasted seconds, but they felt like minutes until both had slumped to the bedding catching their breaths.

"Good boy," Aleph said and patted Will's cheek. "Now, do not move." She pushed him onto his back once more and bent down, he thought to kiss him, but instead pressed her forehead to his.

The room became... overwhelmingly pink... No, that was Aleph herself in all her sweaty, rumpled glory. Around her was an... aura. She glowed so brightly pink, yet closer inspection found whorls of all sorts of other colors. Yellow, purple... but the rest were swallowed up in the color of love.

"You can see it, can't you?" she asked.

He could only nod.

"Look down."

The floor was transparent once more and he looked down to the planet below. At first what looked like a cacophony of auras resolved themselves into a kind of pattern, a symphony with melodies and harmonies. Individual pieces seemed to go off on a tangent but were quickly subsumed beneath the force and the momentum of the others, not stopped but guided and followed into euphony.

Aleph wordlessly held Will's head and tipped his gaze upward toward the stars.

The whole of the universe sang in tune. Colors glowed around lifeforms all across reality, singing into the void with desperation, with assurance. Before he knew it, Will was crying and had held his head at a weird angle until his neck developed a crick. And sadly, as easily as the symphony had reached him, it faded again into nothing but the empty, all-consuming monster of space.

"You see that... all the time?" he asked, wiping his face of tears and snot.

Aleph folded him into her arms and rested her nuzzling chin on his head. "Only when I mean to." With the skin contact, Will almost felt as though he could again hear and see the echoes of the universal symphony. "This is what I wanted to show you all this time, ever since I felt the terrible loneliness of your psyche. That so many of us can see it in some way or another doesn't stop war, or selfishness, stubbornness or stupidity. Predators still hunt prey, men no matter the shape harm other men, but there is always the song, the portrait of all thinking minds painted across the cosmos. I am truly sorry that we couldn't live up to your expectations."

"I can almost... It seems like there's some meaning behind it."

"There is." Aleph kissed the top of his head. "Why do you think we are here? Science? Resources? No... this is a missionary vessel."


"The song, the painting of all those psyches. They do have a meaning. Persons and animals from all corners of the universe, separated from one another by the vast reaches of space and time, all look to their skies and they are saying 'You are not alone'."

Will choked up in her arms, began truly sobbing, relieved, as she cradled him.


Will woke on the side of a mountain, looking at a crater, with a massive crick in his neck. A dream, then? It made enough sense, given what he was thinking about when he must have fallen asleep, but he made his way back to the hotel with aches in places he never thought he had, thinking it felt so real at the end.

He'd only had the couple days off work in the first place, packed his bags to leave and wondered how much caffeine he would have to supplement himself with to function with his self-induced graveyard jetlag. There was nothing to show for it either, a quick look through his footage revealed nothing but a deer and some bunnies that had happened upon his sleeping body. Nothing more, no flashes of light, no orbs, no beam transferring him to the mother-ship. His grasp on the last straw that what happened hadn't been his brain's fevered imagination was gone. It wouldn't be a big deal with the guys, they never assumed that someone would come back with proof positive, nor anything that could be argued endlessly like a flash of light at just the right angle or a camera artifact.

Funny enough, Will felt a little more at ease thinking about what he would tell the guys when he got home.

That one girl was at the checkout desk.

"Catch anything?" she asked.

He looked up, there was white paint in her hair... "What was your name, again?"

"You never asked it in the first place." She smiled, touched his hand as she took his room card. "Alice."

"What, um, is with the paint?"

She winked. "Me and the folks are painting something. So, did you enjoy your stay?"

Surely she wasn't... the footage didn't show anything like... "I... saw something, but I didn't catch anything on film."

Alice laid her hand on his atop the counter, whispered, "You never know, those aliens tend to be sneaky, don't they? I'm sure if you come again next year, you might get lucky again."

He just nodded.


Aleph came into the back of the hotel rubbing her eyes, said to the small man working behind the scenes, "You're sure we still have to keep it a secret? He seemed to take it well enough."

The little grey man shrugged.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

Nice story and well written. A little bit of confusing end, but close to how most of people would act. Last of all, we live here now in our daily lives and mostly nothing we see, experience or dream chancge our lives much. Of cause, there are some people who are making changes in their lives - but is it better then or just different for them? Who knows. I did not expect the spiritual approach and also not the 'clingy' part-alien consort. It seems unlogic to create an local substitute for such an short-time contact. It would be an very specified existence for her alone in her body-specifics. Or was it the girl of the hotel-counter? Well, there seems no coherent message as only to help / or give hope to an lonly individual. If the hint of the last part about the grey men is right and the girl is the alien-descendant, so why mock him and show him the handmade fake-spaceship first? Nobody would belive his story and even he will remember only himself having an dream, fallen asleep in an night out. For that i did not see the approach of that ending. Thanks for publishing and last of alll, we are alone under billions.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

wonderful humours twist

Gmann006Gmann006about 1 year ago

you have a great imagination. the story was one of the best i have read here and 5 stars well placed

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