About My Life


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Sunday I arrived at Laura's house right on time and Mrs. Moore answered the door. She smiled and invited me in. Nina came running into the room with her arms out. I bent down so she could hug me.

"We're going to the zoo and see all the aminals," she said.

"We're going to have a lot of fun. We might even go eat...." Laura walked in and stopped me. She figured I'd say something like McDonald's. She was right. That's what I was going to say. Nina was still looking at me.

"Honey, we can get something to eat at the zoo," Laura said. "Jim, do you mind taking my car? Nina needs to be in the car seat."

"That's fine. I want her to be safe."

At the zoo, I rented a stroller for Nina. She was one smart little girl. She was able to name almost every animal. She told me she had pictures of them all in her books at home. We got her a cone of animal food and she fed the barnyard animals. I could tell Laura was having a good time also. She finally was able to enjoy herself.

Before we left the zoo, we went into a small restaurant and got a bite to eat. Laura got some chicken strips and fries and shared them with Nina. I got myself a sandwich and chips. We got a couple of waters to drink.

Laura and I talked on the way home while Nina slept. I asked her if she would go somewhere with me the following Saturday.

"Jim, this feels like we're moving too fast."

"How can you say that? I understand that you needed time to mourn your loss but you have to get back out there. Let's take Nina to a baseball game next week. It will be fun and you need to try new things too."

She agreed to go but Nina was still sleeping so I didn't tell her. I could do it when I picked them up next week.

Monday I asked my boss if the company had three extra tickets to a Cincinnati game for Saturday. I knew that they got tickets for all the local sports teams. He said since the team hadn't been playing that good that he had three clubhouse seats he could give me. I told him I knew a three-year-old girl who would really be happy.

I called Laura later in the week and told her I got us clubhouse seats. Of course, that didn't mean anything to a non-sports fan. I explained it was an enclosed room at the top of the stadium and were the best seats in the house. She seemed a little happier and then told me that the Murphy's contacted her and accepted her tax plans for them. She thanked me again for helping land the account. I didn't feel I did anything but it made Laura happy. That was good enough for me.

The guys at work said they thought I changed some. When I asked them how, they said I seemed happier. I went bowling with them on Thursday but all I could think about was Laura and Nina. I didn't have my mind on bowling and it showed.

On Saturday, I showed up at the door and Laura answered. I asked if they were ready to go when my new friend Nina came running toward me. I picked her up and gave her a hug. Then I put her down and she kissed her grandma goodbye. We got in the car and headed to the ballpark. Laura said she couldn't believe I talked her into it. I smiled and told her she would enjoy it.

I had my baseball shirt and hat on. We walked into the stadium and our first stop was to buy a shirt for both Laura and Nina. Laura told me she didn't need them but I told her she would feel different after putting it on. Nina asked if she could have the big finger that said number one on it. I looked at Laura for an answer. She nodded so Nina got the big finger. Then they went into the restroom and put on their new shirts and hats. They were both smiling when they came out.

We headed up to the clubhouse and Laura couldn't believe how nice it was. I tried to explain the game to her but she really didn't care, she just yelled when everyone else did. I got Laura and me a beer and an orange drink for Nina. She also asked for some popcorn, so I got that too.

I found Laura rooting for Cincinnati and it made me smile. They won four to three. After the game, Laura said she had enjoyed it. Then she surprised me and added it was more fun because she was with me. That made my day.

Over the next couple of months, the three of us spent most weekends together. We went to plays, a museum, a couple of kids movies, and even the aquarium. We kissed but never went further. I wanted to but I wanted to wait until she was ready.

I received a call from my youngest sister to remind me about her wedding. She had told me about it months ago. She was nine years younger than I was. She told me she wanted all her family in it. My two older sisters already agreed so I told her I would be proud to be part of it. She had been going with Robbie for two years. They met in college and both got degrees in Business Management. After graduating, they both went to work at a bank. She was a teller and he was a loan officer. I was happy for both of them.

I asked Laura if she would attend with me. It was in Columbus and we would be staying overnight. She knew I had feelings for her because I didn't hide them. I offered to get us separate rooms or a room with two beds. I was doing my best not to push her away. She asked me if she could give me an answer in a couple days. We both knew this would be a big decision for her. She called the next day and asked me to come over on Friday.

When I got there, I discovered her mom and dad took Nina and went to visit their other daughter. They wouldn't be home till late. I honestly didn't know what was going on.

"Jim, I love you but I don't know how good we will be together. I never told you but Arthur and I were never compatible. We had sex but we never made love. If he wouldn't have been killed I don't know if our marriage would have survived. I'm sorry he died but the only thing good to come out of our marriage was Nina."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I want you to make love to me. Arthur is the only man I have ever been with and I need to know that it was him and not me."

She took me to her bedroom and slowly removed her blouse. I kissed her passionately and then I removed her bra. I unbuckled her pants, pulled them down, and had her lean back on the bed so I could remove them. I quickly took off my shirt and pants and got on my knees. I put her legs over my shoulders and lightly kissed her pussy. It was getting wet and I applied more pressure and then inserted my tongue. She was moaning and holding my head tightly against her. I felt her climax and got a face full of her juices.

As she moved to the middle of the bed, I put on a condom. I got between her legs and rubbed my cock up and down against her slit. It opened and closed every time I pushed against it.

"Jim, please make love to me. I want you so much."

I pushed my cock deep into her. I leaned forward on my elbows to help keep my weight off her and kissed her with her juices on my face. I even used a little tongue. I sat back up so I could squeeze her breasts while pumping my cock in and out. I heard her scream as she had another orgasm. I was about ready to cum and asked her to turn over. I pushed my cock back into her pussy while holding her hips.

I pushed in hard and let go. I believe she came again because her pussy was pulsating. I knew then that this was the woman I'd been looking for my whole life. I pulled out and she turned over. We kissed over and over again.

She was crying and I asked her if I had hurt her. She said she loved me and it was tears of joy. She had never felt that way her whole life.

"Yes I'll go to your sister's wedding with you. Make sure you get one room with a really big bed," she said and grinned.

She got up and took a shower. I made sure I flushed the condom down the toilet and got dressed. When she came out of the bathroom, I couldn't stop kissing her. Good thing she was dressed or I would have taken her again.

I said goodnight to her and that I would see her the next day. I had slipped up and told Nina I would take her to the airport and watch the planes coming and leaving. I remember her bringing in her calendar and asking me when. Laura just shook her head. That little girl remembered everything.

I told my mom and dad that I had a date for my sister's wedding. My mom was surprised when I told her it was Laura. She was so happy. She asked me to bring her by the house and to bring her daughter.

I mentioned it to Laura and we stopped by my parents after watching the airplanes for an hour. Mom fell in love with Nina the minute she met her. She was such a smart and lovable little girl. We actually stayed for dinner and Laura told my mom she and her mother should get together again. She gave her their phone number. We all hugged and kissed goodbye. I don't remember seeing my mom so happy.

A week before the wedding, I took Laura out for dinner. She looked beautiful but then she always did. I had bought her an engagement ring but I was nervous as hell about proposing.

"Jim, is something wrong? I know you and you're acting different. Is there a problem?" She looked sincerely worried.

I went down on one knee and pulled out the ring. She put her hands over her mouth and tears ran down her face. I looked at her and grinned. "I haven't even asked yet." She was smiling as I said, "Laura would you marry me?"

As soon as she said yes, I put the ring on her finger. Then I got up and kissed her. After dinner when I took her home, we went in to tell her parents. I knew it was old fashioned but I asked her dad for her hand in marriage.

Nina had been coloring but stopped.

"Uncle Jim asked me to marry him and I said yes," Laura said.

Nina was smiling. "Mommy, will he be Uncle Jim or daddy to me?"

I looked at her and said, "I'll be your daddy if it's OK with your mom."

Laura nodded as Nina ran over to me and jumped into my arms.

"I have a daddy," she yelled.

Mrs. Moore asked when we thought we would be getting married. We told her we hadn't discussed it much but it would be after my sister's wedding. We figured we would just have a small wedding with family and a few friends. I was leaving the details up to Laura and our mothers.

We went to my sister's wedding and it was really nice. I introduced Laura as my fiancé. Everyone was surprised. They thought I'd never get married. They reminded me that whenever they asked me when I was getting married, I gave the same answer--when I meet the right woman. I told them Laura was my prom date in high school and I never forgot her. I had met the right woman but it took me years to find her again.

We did our best not to take anything away from my little sister's special day. She looked so beautiful and I was really happy for her. I could tell she was also happy for me. Laura was at my side throughout the whole reception, except when she danced with my relatives.

After the wedding, we went to our motel and made love until the wee hours of the morning doing a repeat of the first time we had been together.

We met some of my family members the next morning for breakfast. We did our best to answer their questions about how we met. My oldest sister noticed the attention seemed to bother Laura a little. So she told my family our personal life was none of their business. I saw Laura smile at her. It was a good thing too because I had enough of the third degree, relatives or not.

On the way home, I asked Laura where she wanted to live. I didn't figure she would want to live in my trailer. She told me that there was a three-bedroom house for sale two doors down from her parents. It would be perfect if I didn't mind living so close to them. I told her we could look at it when we got back. Laura knew my net worth since she was handling my taxes but I had no idea what she was worth. Then again, I didn't really care. I wasn't marrying her for her money.

I explained to her that money never meant much to me but we should have a prenuptial agreement to protect her investments. She said half of the money was from her husband's insurance. The other half was her earnings and investments. We decided to keep it simple. The document stated that in case of a separation or divorce we would both leave with what we came into the marriage with.

We both started back to work on Monday. I was as happy as I had ever been. When word got around that I was getting married, everyone wanted to know who my fiancé was. I told them she was the one who got away when I was younger but that I caught her again.

I saw Laura and Nina about three days a week. Some days while the women were working on wedding plans I would sit and color with Nina.

We looked at the neighbor's house and put a down payment on it. We decided that we would each pay half the balance out of our savings. We didn't want a house payment. I told Laura that the more we found out about each other the more we had in common.

Our small wedding ended up not so small. What really blew my mind was that Mr. Moore, Laura's father, was a judge. He had pulled me aside one day and said he felt bad that he hadn't been able to give his daughter away when she married the first time. He was happy we were getting married in a church and he was going to walk his little girl down the aisle.

We bought the house two weeks before our wedding. I put my trailer up for sale and it sold in less than a week. Laura and I planned to buy new furniture one room at a time.

The wedding was fantastic. Mom, Elaine, and Laura did a fantastic job. My dad was my best man. Jane, Laura's sister, was her maid of honor. Our flower girl was none other than Nina who threw rose petals at everyone as well as the aisle. Then there was Laura, dressed in a beautiful light blue dress. Holding her arm walking her down the aisle was her father. I knew I had tears running down my face when they reached the front of the church.

I don't even know what the minister said. I just repeated it. I do remember when he said kiss the bride and I did. More than once as everyone cheered. I met more people that day than I thought possible. The band played all the familiar songs you hear at weddings. I went up to the band and asked if they could do 'You Belong to Me'. I went over and took my beautiful wife onto the dance floor and we danced to our song.

See the pyramids along the Nile

Watch the sunrise on a tropic isle

Just remember darling all the while

You belong to me

Our guests came out and started dancing along with us. The band played the song through a second time. It was something I'll always remember.

We went on a honeymoon for a week. When we returned, we had welcome home signs on our new house. Laura ordered a new bedroom set before our wedding. Her mom was at the house when the store delivered it. They set it up, too. Her father brought Nina's bedroom set over so it would be there for her. He also put all her toys into her new room.

As soon as I could, I showed up at the courthouse with all the necessary forms to adopt Nina and have her name changed. Our life has been wonderful. Laura and I have as close to a perfect marriage as possible. And having Nina as my daughter makes me the proudest dad in the world. Life is amazing.

Thank you for reading my story.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

That felt like the story of Forrest Gump after a game of telephone.

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

Trite and sophomoric with no development and a writing style geared to teens.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This was a very nice little story. But did Nina get a baby sister? Too bad we never found out that Laura was actually a millionaire, due to the insurance money, and her Thriving business she has..

olddave51olddave51about 2 months ago

It was nice to see the same elements used as in your "My Sister's Wedding" story

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Call me old fashion at 70, but I really love happy stories once in a while, Especially happy engagements and marriages. Too bad there wasn't a second chapter and maybe we could hear both their monies they had saved..

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