Activated Pt. 05

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We meet Jo from the next dorm room over.
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Part 6 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Author Note: I have a few ideas for upcoming chapters, Sandy taking Jen home for Thanksgiving, spring break with the girls and what if Sandy was to run into someone else who was activated? This chapter we meet one of the girls' neighbor Jo Clark.

Monday morning and again I'm up around 7am, completely awake and full of energy. I get up and look over at Jen, she took my advice and she managed her hair before going to sleep. Me laptop comes online and I check my mail, I should get word about the assignments I submitted this weekend today and tomorrow, some of this is going to go into the vacation fund. I was serious, I'm going to figure out someplace for spring break and bring Jen along, we are going to have so much fun and probably a lot of sex.

Some of the computer parts should come in this week too, the tracking number for the new monitors I bought first says they will be at the mailroom today. Oh, and the new sheets that Jen ordered will also come in it seems, won't cut down on the laundry but at least it won't be as urgent when someone gets frisky.

I turn and look at Jen sleeping, tempting but I will let her sleep. Heck, about 12 hours ago I was rolling around in my bra and panties on the bed with Tom and finished with a blowjob. I get a little warm feeling recalling that.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, wow, it looks like I spent 20 minutes doing make-up, something I haven't used any in weeks. I start to think back to high school and I was almost a different person. I was a lot like Jen back then, I was a shy girl and loved math so much I was going to be an accountant. I know, so exciting. I didn't do much with my hair and makeup, I wasn't exactly beating the boys off with a stick. I had one short-term boyfriend, basically a prom date and a few weeks after that and nothing physical beyond kissing. I liked action movies and science fiction, both Star Wars and Star Trek. I had a few friends but nobody solid, nobody I could talk to on end about things.

The summer before college I decided I would do a little makeover, nothing like my little nanite friends delivered, I got a decent hairstyle, and clothes. One of the reasons it was good I was paired up with Jen that first year was I knew exactly where she was, she was me in high school. I wouldn't push her but I would be around to help her socialize. In the last year Jen became the best friend I never had growing up, we became very close before we became very, very close.

Getting Jen and myself to break out of our shells as a project, well I didn't do so well with that, we're in our third year and I haven't been to a single campus party myself. I did date, had 2 boyfriends the first year and lost my virginity with the first one, a mistake because he became a bit of a jerk after that, the second guy was ok but not a keeper, at least he didn't change how he treated me after the sex. The second one is where I first tried blowjobs, it is hard to imagine now but I didn't like them one bit, my jaw hurt and it was so messy. Last night I was really excited to go down on Tom, the echogasim was a nice bonus. I think that is one of the best parts of sex now, the echogasim, which I coined. They are never the same and seem to relate somewhat to the orgasm that triggered it. I haven't figured out how it works exactly, some sort of message that jumps from the nervous system of one person to the next?

The echogasim may be one of the best things for women, no more men who finish first and fall asleep leaving you to finish the job on your own. We know that it works on people who are not activated since it hit Alex the night, he taught me anal. I space out and start to remember that night, it is vivid in my mind. I think my memory is improved but certainly not the eidetic memory from movies and TV. Maybe not, it is hard to tell with it, I do keep forgetting my panties and I've just about given up on the bra. At some point I'm going to be out somewhere and get worked up, showing it to everyone who looks at my tits.

Thinking of tits, I'm trying to figure out if any other words are now in a special place in my vocabulary, so far it seems like that is the only one.

I hear an email notification, breaking me out of my thoughts. Mom is emailing me she wants to facetime. Looking down I am at least wearing a t-shirt, although that is it. I think I'll call her now; I don't think I have even talked to her since the change.

I grab my phone, thinking maybe I'll put money aside for a new one, lots of big changes. The phone starts ringing and the first time nobody picked up. I try again, this happens with Mom, she emails me and then when I call her back the phone was put down a room away. This time I'm a little more successful. "Hi Mom, how are things back home?"

"Oh, my goodness, I have a daughter!"

"You have 2 daughters and a son I might remind you."

"Well, I hear from Betsy and Michael every day."

And she wonders why I'm not calling, "They are still in high school at home with you, I'd think it would be impossible not to talk to them daily."

"Good point. Well, when they ask how their big sister is doing, what do I tell them?"

"I'm doing fine here, I do have some news", there is some rustling in back of me, "I changed major." I can see she is trying to hold back a reaction, worried I am taking advanced basket-weaving or something. "Don't worry mom, I just shifted to computer sciences, I realized I'm really, really good at it. I'm still going to minor in accounting."

Jen gets up and looks over my shoulder, "Hi Mrs. Card!"

"Jen dear, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing good here and taking care of my bestie", Jen puts her arms around me for a hug. I matched her goofy smile; she really is my best friend in the whole world.

"I was going to ask you Jen, if you are not going back to Arizona for Thanksgiving, do you want to come back here with Jen for that week?" Well, that could be really interesting.

"Awww, let me check but I think that would work out, I was going to just hang around the dorm that week otherwise."

I'm feeling a little left out of the conversation, although Jen is still hugging me from behind and I can't get the thought of her tits pressing against my back out of my head. "Mom, I have to get going, need to get ready for class. I will email you about Thanksgiving when we get closer to it."

Sensing I was about to close the call Mom, "Ok dear, anything else going on you need to tell me about? Anyone you are dating?"

"Mom! I'm not going into that with you."

"I just wanted to know if anyone other than Jen is coming home for the holiday."

Oh, she's fishing to see if I have anyone serious, I like Tom but we're nowhere near, bring home to meet the parents, close yet. "No Mom, that's it. Only major news is my change in major. I love you, send my love to Dad, Betsy and Mike. See you soon."

"I love you dear." I close the call.

Jen reaches around and gives me a kiss, "I love your mom."

"You know if you come to visit, we're going to have to avoid some of the crazy sex stuff, no asking me to see my tits because we know how that ends."

"I will behave", although not till we head home I guess because she starts feeling up my tits through the shirt.

Monday is uneventful, 2 classes and a visit to the mail room with Jen. I think I could probably have carried everything but the new monitors are bulky, best to have help. "What did you get again Sandy?"

"Two curved 30-inch monitors and a 24 I will swivel so I can look at the code I'm writing, they are for my new system.

"Were you always such an adorable geek?" As we walked back to the elevators.

"I think deep down I was; I was good working with computers but now that skill is supercharged."

"You are going out with Tom again tomorrow?" I nod in response. "Where are you going?"

"I talked him into Mini-golf although I was in my bra and panties at the time so it wasn't like he could offer any other suggestions." She started giggling at that. "Is Alex back today?" We get in the room and I start to unpack my monitors so I can get the placement even if I am waiting for something to connect them to. I'll use the laptop to test them but they are waiting for the new system, the parts should be all here by Thursday.

"He should be but I'm not sure if we're doing anything tonight. He might just swing by to check in."

"I imagine how that will play out."

"Yes, it has been a few days, he's not escaping without at least a blowjob"

First monitor works fine. "Jen, that language, do you eat with that mouth!"

"Oh yes, I eat a lot of stuff with it."

Jen comes up behind me and starts to nibble on my ear, I draw in a sharp breath and return to my task, the second monitor is connected to my laptop and works great, the monitors are better than my laptop can handle, they are going to look amazing with the new system. Oh, I think I need a new laptop too, something worthy of ... I need a good hacker name; I need to work on that.

"You keep that up and you know where it leads, do you want to save some energy for Alex."

"Maybe I have enough energy for you both." but she doesn't go any further. The third monitor checks out and my desk is ready for the rest of the tech goodies coming.

"Okay, my packages are done, let's see these fancy sheets."

The forgotten extra package is opened, they are very soft and machine washable which is extra important. We push them aside; their use is almost inevitable at this point.

The two of us settle down to work on any assignments and studying from today's classes, I make short work of my accounting and computer sciences work then take a look at my freelance assignments. Sandy062003 is becoming one of the rising stars, I can hardly believe it when I check my account, I have made nearly 18k in the last few weeks. I look at it and snatch up the new outstanding assignments including one that would take a normal programmer a few weeks, I will have it done by Friday. With bonuses for completing, it early that one is going to be a nice contribution to my "send Jen and Sandy someplace warm with fewer restrictions on clothing" fund.

I start to dig into some of these assignments when there is a knock on the door, Jen bounds up to get it. "Alex!" She draws him inside and starts to smother his in kisses. God, they make a cute couple.

When he is allowed to catch his breath, he notices me at my desk. "Hey Sandy.

"You two are so cute."

"I'm sorry Jen, I can't stick around, I have classwork from today I need to work on."

"How long before you have to go Alex dear?"

"Um, maybe 5 min."

"Perfect!" She then drops to her knees and starts to undo his pants. I suspected he expected this, it has been an interesting few weeks.

"Alex, I have a question, that first night you were sitting outside in the common room but your room is 3 levels down."

I knew he'd have trouble answering, I wanted to have a little fun with him as Jen worked her magic.

"The common room on the guy's floor is usually busy, so when I want a quiet place to study, I pick one of the common rooms on a lady's floor. I also thought maybe I'd get the nerve up to ask someone out but I wasn't having much luck with that." At this point I see his expression change, his posture stiffens, blast-off. Jen finishes up and tucks him gently away.

"See you soon Alex", I say as he stumbles out of the room, his legs still shaky from Jenny's attention.

"Well, that made my night, I'm glad Alex is back", she paused and cursed, "I forgot to tell him about my superpower!"

"I'm sure it will come up the next time you two meet up"

Tuesday, another couple classes that I aced, I was no slacker before but I'm going to make dean's list easy now. After classes I picked up a few more computer parts and lovingly assembled, I am so excited for Thursday when the last of the parts comes in. I did a little shopping for a new laptop worthy of The Sandblaster ... Nope, that does not work as a good hacker handle, I'll keep working on it.

Shortly Tom will be by for our date, I am a little worried I'm going to go over the top. I warned him I'm a little competitive, kind of an understatement. I'm probably going to crush him in mini-golf but I'm sure I can make it up to him.

Jen and Alex went out, maybe a movie or something, they're so cute. On time Tom knocked on my door, I invited him as I finished getting ready.

"Wow, that's new" he said looking at the collection on the desk.

"I'm embracing my inner nerd, by this weekend it will be a top-of-the-line programming and gaming system. All set, let's go."

Mini-golf went as expected, or at least how I expected. I don't think I was given any super powers related to golf but my body is extra fit, my muscles do exactly what I tell them, by the halfway mark I had a 4-shot advantage. My competitive nature had me open the game betting that the winner gets to choose how the date ends. Once I crush him, I'm going to get some ice cream and drag him back to the room to make out.

The game finished as I expected, he actually tried to rally but, in the end, I won by 6 strokes. With fanfare I announced my plans, "Time to check out what ice cream they sell at the refreshments stand so we have energy for you to take me back to the room to ravish me." I give him a sexy wink.

We walk back to his car, a small cup of ice cream for him and a double scoop cone of chocolate ice cream with caramel swirl for me. A short drive later we're back at the doom as it is starting to get dark. Jen and Alex aren't back yet.

"My lady, what did you have in mind?"

"Strip to your boxers and I'm sure I'll think of something."

I pulled off my own clothes down to my panties and climbed into the bed, beaconing him to join me under the covers. His eyes went wide when I took off my bra, I do have amazing tits and they want some attention. I have him turn off the lights in the room, only the small lamp on my desk it on, and climb in with me. We make out, exploring each other, breaking every few minutes to catch our breaths. Eventually I shift and ask him to lick and suck on my tits, I didn't have to twist his arm and I really enjoy this attention. At some point our hands are in each other's underwear and I'm so tempted to take mine off and let him fuck me, they do eventually come off but I'm not sure I want to take that step. Fortunately, we seem to find a compromise, he makes the move to go down on me but I shift into a 69 with me on top. If he manages to get me to orgasm, he'll get the echogaism and that will seem kind of weird ff he isn't getting some attention. I'm going to take it easy with the blowjob, I don't want this over in a minute, I want to savor it.

He starts in and he's no Jenny but he's not so bad, I feel him running his hands along my ass, it feels quite nice. I feel it building as he moves along the lips and brushing the clit, I am enjoying giving him similar attention while trying not to push him over the edge. He runs his hands along by lower back and ass, I really needed this. Any second I'm going over the edge, I start to prepare for his echogasim, I'm going to get him close enough that maybe he won't notice. I'm worried what will happen if people find out ... oh, hold that thought. I start to shake and I feel it rolling over me and into him, he explodes into my mouth. When I did this before the change I did not like the taste, my perceptions have changed and I find it quite tasty. Not addictive or I'd trade it for a chocolate milkshake but not bad.

I slide off him and turn around so I can cuddle. "You are quite good at that; we will have to try that again." I feel him against me but he won't be recovered soon unless I decide to work my magic and we went pretty far tonight, best to leave some more for later. He does bend down and he resumes his attention on my tits, I had so little experience before the change, I'm not sure if this was something I would have liked before but now it is one of my favorite things. Tom seems to be enjoying it too but then again, I have been told they are amazing tits.

There is a knock on the door, and slowly it opens to show Jenny peeking in. "Sandy, are you in here?" We need to hang a sock on the door or something, this was never something we needed before, now we're getting all this action, we need something.

"Hey Jen, I'm here."

"Oops, we'll come back" and the door closes.

"I think I'm going to head out, still need to study tonight because I'm not as smart as you."

"I really enjoyed myself tonight." We get up and start looking for our clothes, I can't find my panties but it doesn't concern me too much. I hand Tom a small bottle of mouthwash and a water bottle to spit in, it is important to have ways to clean up close at hand.

"Do you want to get together this weekend, maybe Saturday?"

"That would be fun. I should have my new system built", I wave toward my desk, "you can check it out when you come by." I pause while I check how messed up my hair is, it is almost perfect, I don't know how those little guys manage that but I'm not going to argue it. "Tom, I have a question, why did you ask me out?"

He turns to me and looks me directly in the eyes while reaching down to hold my hands. "Sandy, you are super smart and funny. And also, you are really, really attractive, although that is a reason, I almost didn't ask you out."

A confused frown crosses my face.

"I thought for certain someone like you has to be dating someone, when I asked you out, I was certain you were going to tell me you were dating someone else."

I pull him for a hug, and a kiss.

We break from the hug and I walk him out of the room to the elevators in the common room where I find Jen, Alex and Jo talking.

"Evening guys, how is everything?"

"We were just catching up on things."

Jo catches my eye, "Sandy, are you around tomorrow? Maybe we could have a talk like the other day?" Does she want to talk or "talk", I'm good either way.

"Oh, course Jo, I'm there for you."

She smiles, a good chance it is for a "talk", yay!

Jen gets up, "It was good catching up Jo"

"And good finally meeting you, Alex.

Alex smiles but doesn't say anything, he really is quiet.

Jen leads Alex back to our room; Jo walks us to hers next door. When they get in there Jen and Alex don't waste any time as Jen climbs on the bed, lifting her skirt. Alex knows the routine and gets behind her. I get undressed and loosely put on my robe, give Jen a light kiss as I make my way to my bed, the sheets will probably need to be changed and washed but they have me all worked up now and I'm going to rub one out while they put on a show.

Alex and Jen are quietly grunting as he pounds into her, they are able to see me off to the side, my robe open as I am working myself toward my own climax. Jen is watching me; Alex is trying not to but I catch him glancing over here. I see Jen bury her face in a pillow to muffle her scream, and this pushes me over the edge myself and I use my free arm to muffle my own climax.

That was a good one, all 3 of us take a moment to catch our breath before we clean up.

Alex leans over to kiss Jen, "I'm going to be busy the next few days, probably won't be able to go out till Sunday"

"I'm going to miss you, text me if you have some time to meet up or need a pick-me-up", she adds that last with a sly grin.

"Will do." I think he got the hint; I'm betting she's going to check-in long enough for a blowjob a few times in the last few days.

"Jo is coming by tomorrow to talk, she's had a bad time the last few months."

'She said you two talked last weekend, she seems so nice and if she needs someone else, I'll let her know I'm available also."

"Maybe hang around tomorrow when she comes by." If I'm right about some of the things Jo is looking to talk about this could be very interesting.