Activated Pt. 06

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We meet Calliope and get some more thoughts on the nanites.
7.3k words

Part 7 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Activated part 6

Author The Architect

Author Note: In this chapter we meet Calliope and hijinks ensue. We're still learning about the nanites a little, I do have it plotted out but not sure Sandy will uncover all the mysteries. Changed my mind and added more to chapter 6, enjoy.

Thursday I could barely concentrate on my classes, I probably got a perfect grade on a computer sciences exam, but in my head, I was waiting for the final parts in the mail room. Finishing classes I put my backpack on and ran to the head, mail room, waiting mostly patiently in line to collect my stuff. As predicted 2 packages were waiting for me, 64 gigabytes of high-performance ram and 5 7tb SSDs for my NAS. God I'm one sexy geek!

Tucking my loot into the backpack I practically run back to the room where I find Jen at her desk studding. "Hey roomie, how are you tonight?"

"I'm going to geek out tonight, maybe tomorrow I will show off the rig."

It only takes me a few minutes to get the ram in place and boot up, I have been planning out how I want to build it out for days now in my head. I get the NAS online, and start formatting it, it will store my development VMs. My goodness, I'm getting worked up just working on setting up my rig, I may have to take a break and get Jen revved up.

I am still amazed at how fast I can type these days; my fingers are flying over the keyboard; I am typing for real at the pace we see fake typing in movies. I bring up a game I bought to test things out, the Witcher looks clean, the no lag in response. I am going to miss Henry Cavell; he really was perfect for that role. I setup a few downloads using the universality internet and take a break. As much as I'd like I probably have another day or so before Sandstorm's new PC is ready... yeah, still working on my hacker handle. Time to take a break and work off some of my energy.

In one smooth motion I pull off my shirt, "Oh Jenny dear."

She looks up and her eyes go wide and lock on my tits, she knows she is trapped. With one hand I unzip my skirt and let it fall to the floor, with the other I beckon her to my side of the room. She gets up, whatever assignment she is working on forgotten, and moves to my bed, removing her clothes as she goes. I pull her in and she starts to lick my tits. I suppose we should have rested up; we just had that 3-way with Jo last night but working on the new system got me so excited, and an excited Sandy is a horny Sandy.

I'm not sure if she is bothered by my interrupting, I might hear about it later, right now we're moving into the next phase and this time we lie down on our sides, linking our legs. The script that the nanites hit us with that first night is still there but we seem to be a lot more creative control. My mind goes blank as the first orgasm hits me, the only thing I can think of it pleasuring my best friend.

"What brought that on?" Jen asks as we start to clean up.

"Working on the new system got me all worked up, I had energy to release."

"Well, it was a very nice way to let off some steam. Alex and Tom are busy, I guess we have to stay busy while they are gone."

I checked on my downloads, turned off the monitors and in nothing but an oversized t-shirt I climbed into bed. The lights are off in the room except the light on Jen's desk and her laptop as she finishes her assignment. The extra energy worked off I rolled over and fell sleep.

I work up at 6:30 full of energy again, I looked over and Jen was sleeping like a log and it looks like she forgot to do something with her hair, I see maybe a little bit of her face peeking out of the mass of chestnut hair. I make a note to tease her when she wakes up. Before this change I was a late sleeper too, I didn't wake up before the alarm and certainly not full of energy, this is clearly something the nanites have done to me. Jen didn't get this change, I guess some of the improvements are common but there is some variation, I wonder why.

So, let's say you create these nanites, or maybe you create the ASI first and have it built the nanites. What is your goal? It isn't to take over the world or they would already have done it. Was that the original goal then you realized it would be a really crappy job? You have revealed the nanites to the world a few years ago but all we have seen is sporadic activations, there isn't a lot of info on the other people changed so it is tough to see a pattern. Are they still experimenting before a wider rollout? Are Jen and I a beta test?

I find that I have so much energy, Jen doesn't seem to have had her energy level. Jen grew about 3 inches and we're both about the same height now, could that be a common trait? Her hair grew until it was down her back almost to her ass, mine was already almost that long so is that one too? Our skin has cleared up, I haven't worn any makeup in weeks, I don't need it anymore. We're both considerably stronger, the muscles just seem to be working better because while we're fit, we're not buff. Our tits firmed up and probably gained a size, if there is a guy behind this, he doesn't seem to be a fan of the insane huge tits and I am very thankful for that. Both Jen and I have nice tits that are not too big for our frames and don't scream for attention, they just constantly whisper "Yes, they are amazing"

Of course, we have the mental changes, I can only seem to say tits when talking about a certain part of the female body. I wasn't attracted to women before and now I wonder why I wasn't. We were given a bunch of sex related skills, and the echogasims, I still haven't figured out how that works. Does an activated person, through contact, make some sort of almost telepathic connection that triggers the orgasm? Does it trigger using the dormant nanites in every person? I am very fond of the echogasim but no idea how it works.

The bonus skill, is that something everyone gets? It seems like it just supercharges an existing talent. I was good with computers before, I just didn't have a motivation to develop it, Jen was probably good with languages before and now she is up to 24 languages and it picking them up as fast as she can. I'm betting she'll get a job after college as a translator at the UN or something. I'm already working on making contacts for a future tech job, I was on track to be an accountant in some cubicle working on spreadsheets somewhere but now I have a lot more options.

Back to mental changes, I keep forgetting to put on underwear and feel quite comfortable without it. I can wear it but I have to focus to remember it. The rumors are that the people changed in that town out west don't, it isn't even an option for them. I wonder about that town but the details about it was just rumors.

I find myself extra perceptive about certain things, certainly sex stuff but I think about the talks with Jo, I mean the talking part before the sex. I was like a councilor, all instinct, I think I said all the right things. Of course, we ended up having sex, did I push her in that direction or was it a needed part to make her feel better? I can't be sure although it was a great morning.

All the time I'm musing about the changes my hands are flying across the keyboard, installing software, moving files. I have compilers, virtual machines, and web servers setup. I get worked up about computer stuff, is this a change in me? I can't tell. I know I certainly am a lot hornier now, I have had a lot of sex in the last few weeks compared with 5 times before the change. The other night I picked someone up, went back to their place and fucked their brains out, I never would have done that before. I gave John a blowjob on the first date, I didn't even like blowjobs before this the 2 times I did before. Clearly my inhibitions were lowered but I was afraid people could walk up to me and ask for sex, thankfully this isn't the case. I'm thinking about sex all the time but at least I have some self-control.

I look around the room, Jen is still dead to the world and I ran out of work on my computer till some downloads finish. I don't have classes till later this morning. I thought about the campus gym but dismissed it, I finally settle on going for a run, I have a nice running outfit I bought at the beginning of the year that hasn't gotten any use, time to change that. A few minutes later I am in a light blue and ready to go, it is quite modest and comfortable. I put in my Bluetooth headphones and setup a playlist as I make my way down in the elevator. Outside it is a cool, clear fall morning, the perfect time to see if maybe running is my new thing, I take off trying to remember the path I've seen others running. The scenery and early rising students fly by, my breathing is quite steady. Making a circle of the campus, the hills and declines don't seem to impact my pace. I am really enjoying the calm although there is a part of my mind that is working through a programming project, I will commit that to my new system once I finish the run. My dorm is coming up, this was a good start.

I pull up to my dorm and check my phone, about 30 minutes and it looks like just over 5 miles. A very good start and I feel calmer, I think I found a new activity to keep me out of trouble. Heading back to the room I find Jen awake and, in a life and death struggle with her hair, I did warn her it would get messed up and knot. I tell her I went for a run and that might just be my new thing, while I'm doing this, I start to enter the code I worked through on the run. I'm very excited this will be my first use of the new system.

I get undressed, collect my sundries and head to the showers, I should have more than enough time to get ready for classes. Maybe use some time to shop for a running outfit or two before I go.

Saturday was really a free day, I polished off my assignments and studying every night after classes so I decided to try out the new running outfit that arrived yesterday, I think if I use running to burn off energy then maybe I will stay out of trouble. After stretching, I see others doing it so I guess it is a running thing, I take off and head toward town. I have my tunes playing and I'm working out a freelance assignment in the back of my head, and take a turn into the large park. I pass kids playing on the field, people enjoying this fine day at a slower pace. As I am running by the lake, I see a woman in the distance with an easel painting the scene along the lake, something is off and I swing toward her to investigate. As I come up behind her I see the picture, it is amazing, not perfect like a picture, something about it is just compelling in its beauty. I slow down as I approach; she appears to be done and I can see her putting away her paints, "Afternoon, your painting is amazing, it really draws you in."

She stands up having finished, to put the paints away, all she has left is the easel and the painting of course. You know how they say the eyes of the Mona Lisa follow you, the painting has a similar quality, this woman is not an amateur. She faces me directly and looks at me, looking from head to toe. "Another one?"

What? "I'm sorry? Another? I didn't mean to bother you; I was just out for a run and I wanted to get a closer look to admire the painting"

"The nanites woke up in you, how long ago?" The first part was clearly a statement, she knew! "Never mind, hand me your phone."

I'm a little shocked and hand it over without thinking of why I'm handing it over. She texts a number and I hear a vibration in her gear, she texted her own phone/

"I don't have time to talk now, I imagine you have questions, I know I do. I'll text you and we can meet up."

"Um, that would be good, I'm Sandy by the way"

She reaches out and shakes my hand delicately, "I am Calliope, nice to meet you."

With the painting in one hand and her gear in the other she walks briskly to the nearby parking lot. I check her out as she leaves, she is a beauty with clear skin and soft features, raven black hair down her back almost to the waist which is about Jen and my length. I'm beginning to think our mystery controller has a type. Her tits seemed smaller, maybe a c-cup, and she wore a skirt which showed off some nice legs. I think she may have been 2-3 inches shorter than me and the way she handled her gear it seemed she was stronger than an unenhanced woman her size. It didn't stand out as amazing like lifting a car but you would expect a normal painter would need 2 trips to break it down.

I keep coming back to that picture, it was almost unearthly how it drew you in, I'm going to guess that maybe the nanites supercharged her artistic ability.

She is right, I have tons of questions, when did she have her change? Does she know anyone else? Did they make any different changes in her? Can I get a painting? Well, that last one I probably won't ask although it would look unreal on the dorm room wall, neither Jen or myself ever put-up posters.

I put back on my music and return to the dorm, I might have run a little longer had I not made this discovery, I just wanted to get back and let Jen know what I found. It isn't like I'm not paying attention to my surroundings but they seem to blur by as I run, my mind working out programming problems and what I'm going to do with the rest of the day.

Arriving at the dorm, I still have energy to burn, maybe I should have looped the lake a few times. I decide to take the stairs up, all 6 flights which would been insane for me in the past, I was fit but not that much. I arrive at my floor and I have broken a sweat, my pulse rate is a little higher but I should be collapsing in exhaustion after running up a few flights, 6 seems just inhuman. I am not inhuman, I'm just a really fine-tuned human thanks to my little friends.

"Jen, I have big news." I call out as I enter the room. She will not reply to me, she has her mouth full, "Oh hello Alex, how are you doing this fine day?" Even if he wanted to react to my barging in, I doubt Jen would let him go. I'm not sure he's comfortable with me being in the room while his girlfriend has oral sex with him but it isn't like he hasn't fucked me, twice.

Alex collapses on the bed and Jen pulls away with a closed mouth smile. I wait a moment for her to settle, I doubt I'll have her full attention right now. I change out of my running gear and put on my robe, once I talk to Jen, I'm going to take a shower since that last part worked up a sweat.

"Morning Sandy, how are you doing?"

Before I could reply Alex pulled up his pants and moved to the door, "I'll see you later girls." Well, I'm sure Jen will share the news later, they seem to be sharing everything.

"So, what is the news, Sandy? I have news too after yours."

"I met someone else who was activated, her name is Calliope and she was painting by the lake in the park. She's very pretty, I can see some of the same traits that we got also like the long hair."

"Yea, I was so excited by mine because it looks so good but I really need to put it up every night or you are going to wake up one day to find me strangled by it."

"She was leaving so I didn't get a chance to talk to her but she said she'd text me." I held up my phone and saw there was actually a text there. I looked at it and it turns out Calliope sent me her contact info. I replied with mine, it seemed the right thing to do. "At some point in the next few days I'm going to meet up with Calliope... " looking at the contact info, "Bard, that's an interesting last name, I want you to come with me."

"Sure, do you think she's been like this longer?"

"Not sure but she didn't strike me as a college student, seemed more mature. By appearance she looked in her 20s but you never know about that given the changes the nanites make, she could be in her 70s. Wow, that would be something." I pause to think about someone rapidly de-aging, that would be so dramatic it would be hard to keep a secret. "And what is your news?"

"I'm going to have Alex take my virginity on Wednesday for his birthday and I can fuck other people."

I put down my shower supplies, this is going to take a moment to digest, "Um ... what?"

"Alex and I reached the point where we said out loud, we love each other and him taking my virginity seemed only right and it will certainly add to the fun we can have."

"I get that but what about the other part??"

"Oh, we have been talking, and he knows I'm super horny which is fine when he's around but we have vacations coming up and a woman has needs you know." Oh, I know very well but I still can't wrap my mind around shy Jen saying those words. "So, if I slip while on vacation Alex is ok with that, as long as I come back to him."

"I wonder if Tom would be up for that?"

"Are you exclusive?"

"After 3 dates, I don't think so, we sure haven't discussed it"

"I wouldn't worry about it then, not just yet." She paused then added, "Will you be around on Wednesday, hold my hand when it happens?"

"Of course, if it doesn't mess with Alex, and I'll get a free echogasim out of it I guess."

"Awesome, after we'll eat cake off my tits", she sees my look of horror, "just kidding!"

"You better be, I told you mixing the eating and sex thing grosses me out. Not sexy, I just don't get it. Shower time, I need to get cleaned up after my run"

She walks up to me and takes a sniff, "Smell good enough to eat to me", and a big smile with that.

With a roll of my eyes, I head to the showers.

I get back to the room and check my phone as I get dressed, Calliope texted me and wants to meet up on Tuesday evening. I look over at Jen who is trying to follow a YouTube video on easily braiding your hair. "Are you around on Tuesday? Calliope wants to meet up and talk."

"Sure, I should have this figured out by then. I'll text Alex we won't be hanging out that night, he should be fine because we are celebrating his birthday on Wednesday."

Looking back to the phone I confirm that Tuesday is fine and I'll be bringing my roommate who is also activated.

She texts an address and the time of 6pm, she says she'll cook something for us to eat. When you are invited over someone's house it is polite to bring a bottle of wine but I have a few months before either Jen or I hit 21 so that is out. What do you bring to dinner that goes with discussing the changes made by the nanites in all humanity? OH! There is this bakery just off campus, I'll run over there and get a desert, seeing the nanites are keeping us fit and healthy, a decadent desert seems like a safe selection.

After getting dressed I head down to the dining hall, a programming book in hand, I have to learn things the first time and then my enhanced brain makes magic with it. My first few projects were based on what I picked up over the years, I've since been sucking up everything I can learn about computers since much the same way Jen has consumed everything Rosetta Stone had to offer and is now looking for sources on some of the more obscure languages.

I'm sitting there learning about SQL servers when I hear an unfamiliar voice, "Hey Sandy."

Looking up, it takes me a minute to identify the voice, Walt from one of my accounting classes. "Yo, how goes?"

"Next Friday we're having a party at Lambda Chi Alpha, are you interested?"

Sandy Card hasn't exactly burned up the social scene since heading to college, I came out of my shell a little since High School but not a lot. "Sure, sounds like fun."

"We'll see you there."

About 4pm I make my way to the gym and join the Taekwondo class; I have been taking it off and on since high school when Dad suggested it. I haven't been going lately but I got all the way up to orange belt, I might how well the new fit me does. Apparently pretty good, I get out there and everything seems smoother, the moves come to me. So now I'm running and doing Taekwondo, I'm going to be a sexy ninja, I am going to need an outfit for that.