Activated Pt. 09

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Winter break, Sandy talks to the ASI and breaks up with Tom.
10.5k words

Part 10 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Author The Architect

Author Note: This covers the winter Christmas break, Poppy gets a showing and her success opens possibilities, Sandy talks to god, and breaks it off with Tom.

December brings with it two things at college, cold winds that seem worse because they whip through the canyons formed by the buildings and finals. I'm actually not worried about either. I never liked the cold, which didn't deter me from skiing and skating which I enjoy, I haven't been bothered by cold much since the changes. As for finals, I am actually excited about them. Mom and Dad have never had to worry about my grades but I expect to really impress them when I come home for winter break.

Next week we'll have finals and the school will empty out, Jen is flying back to Arizona and her yearly, good natured, complaining about how cold it is here and how she can't wait to get back to the reasonable weather in AZ. I really need to ask her at the beginning of the semester, in the fall, about the weather she is escaping, the summers I'm told they ace from one air-conditioned building to the next.

She just came back to the room with a large box and is unbundling and complaining about the weather. "You know, I was considering taking you to Sugar Mountain Resort when we get back next year, we could go up for the weekend and have some fun."

"With all that white stuff?"

"Snow my dear, we wouldn't have to ski the whole time, I'm sure they have a nice spa too."

"You should have led with that! Ok, we'll talk when we get back, plan it out."

Hmmm... will I be allowed to wear ski pants? We have to be. I decide to test the theory, and sure enough I can get into my skiing outfit, pants and all.

Jen looks at my outfit, "When we get back! I know you are excited but I need to work my way up to skiing."

"I was just testing something out; I was worried we're be skiing down the slopes in mini-skirts. Looks like we're good."

"I hadn't thought of that, can you imagine falling over and flashing everyone downhill?"

"Didn't make that connection, I don't fall."

Jen comes over and gives me a kiss on the cheek, "You are a sexy showoff"

"Sexy hacker ninja showoff", I correct her. "Hey, what's in the box?"

"You distracted me or I would have already told you it is a package for you, I bet you are on the first name basis with the FedEx guy at home."

"Hector? He's the best!", I'm kidding, the flurry of ordering is just the last few months. I open the package; I know from the shape what I'm getting.

"A bow???"

"A BlackOut NV-3 Compound Bow, this baby is going to be amazing, I can't wait to try it out."

"Sandy, I love you like a sister, specifically a crazy sister."

"I took archery in high school and I loved it, I decided to take it back up." She is looking at me deadpan, "And Ninjas shoot arrows."

"There is it!" Another hug and kiss on the cheek, "I love you, crazy sister."

I'm not sure where it came from, if this is 100% me or a mix with the nanites but I am serious about the ninja stuff. Once I get to black belt in taekwondo there are a few more martial arts I am going to be exploring. It may just be for fun but I am enjoying it, and who knows I might one day need to join the league of shadows and take over for Ra's Al Ghul.

I am happy to report that finals were painless, both Jen and I think we did well. Jen is an education major, not sure how she is going to parlay her new language skills with that but I am sure she has a plan. Tomorrow, we pack up a few things and head to the airport, picking up Poppy along the way. I'm told that Dad has been setting stuff up and she has shipped a few of her masterpieces to go along with the ones we left at the house. I'm going to miss Jen and there is a good chance I'll go out to visit this summer, trying to envision my morning run in the desert.

"Jen, the uber is here, get a move on."

"Bye picture of 'besties' I am going to miss you almost as much as my bestie." She addresses the picture in our room as she exits. Since we put it up, we had the girls on the floor all stop by to check it out, then it got interesting. We got contacted by a few of the art majors who wanted to come by, clearly the rumor did it justice since I can't imagine this ever happened before. The walls of the rooms are often covered by posters, that neither Jen or myself put anything up was uncommon. Now we have our masterpiece and I hung up my sword and bow. Am I warning those who enter to cross us at their peril? Maybe a little bit, maybe I just needed someplace to put them. The fact I can pull them down quickly for use is a minor point.

And on the subject of paranoia, I did setup a little alarm system for the room, just in case. I put a considerable amount into my computer setup, no way I'm leaving it without some monitoring.

We made sure to get a mini-van Uber, Jen and I shouldn't have needed to pack much, we're going home. Poppy followed the same plan as last time, shipping her painting gear ahead. Apparently, she was warned by my Mom, who is talking to her more than me since we got back from Thanksgiving, to bring a few fancy dresses.

Two days ago, this triggered a panicked call to me and a shopping trip into town. It is hard to imagine but Calliope was not this knockout she is now before the nanites, she lost weight and what she didn't lose went to the best places. She had been somewhat utilitarian in her clothes purchases since the change, and it wasn't like she had a bunch of fancy clothes anyway. I'm beginning to think this is a type, before the change she was very introverted and socially awkward. Johnathan was her only good work friend, probably spending evenings quietly alone. I'm betting her lease was the only reason she didn't get a cat or 3.

We had a fun afternoon, when everything makes you look like a knockout it is a different shopping experience. After a quick dinner we went back to her place for a little fashion show that quickly became more about the lack of clothes. Shortly after we settle in, I am betting my brother Mike will be having sex with Poppy, but I got her first.

Mike meets us at the airport and Poppy gets shotgun on the way home, I know where I rate in all this, I guess. I expect a text in a few hours letting me know what Jen got home, I worry. When we get home Mom hugs Poppy like another daughter, she sure won over my family. Mike assured Poppy that all the stuff arrived fine but she has to check, and the two of them head off to inventory... yea, that's their cover story.

The house is modestly decorated, we never went crazy with that stuff but I know a few in the neighborhood who did, I'm guessing they will be painted as soon as she gets time.

Oh wow, she is going to be fucking Mike this vacation, what the heck am I going to do? Not like I have old high school boyfriends I can hook up with. Nope, going to look at this as a challenge, and what is the worst case? In 3 weeks, I'm going to be super horny, oh man this is going to be rough.

A few days in Mike pulled me aside to talk in private.

"Sandy, I really like your friend Poppy, we've sort of been dating."

I might have to take acting classes at this rate, I try not to reply sarcastically. "Mike, we kind of figured it out last visit."

"That obvious?"

"Well, girls talk you know. I don't think Mom caught on but never know, she always was able to figure out who spilled or broke stuff"

"I really like her."

"Calliope is one of the most wonderful, caring people I know. She's talented and drop-dead gorgeous." I pause, "She is also 6 years older than you and lives four and a half hours away."

"Yea, Mom will probably point that out."

"I suggest you two keep it under the radar a little bit, see how the vacation goes. I'm not expecting any reversal, she is clearly into you too", his eyebrows go up. "Mikey, girls talk, she's into you big time." I admit, I figured I could sneak in a "Mikey" without reproductions' and I took it.

"Got it, thanks sis."

"Don't get caught!"

"We'll be careful"

I hope so, although my parents really love Calliope like a daughter at this point, I don't think them dating would shake things up but a good chance they would have to stop sneaking into each other's rooms every night. Luckly every room, even the 2 guest rooms have a full bath, nobody is likely to be roaming the halls after we go to bed.

This visit Calliope does not spend the whole-time painting, she joins us in some holiday activities around town. I got out my skates and raced Betsy around the rink, I will admit I let her win, I find it a lot easier to suppress my competitive nature with family... sometimes. I ended up destroying everyone in Uno the next night, which I do not credit to the nanites, I have been nearly unbeatable for years.

There is a lot of talking, Calliope shares some of her history although there are a few tactical edits. How her relationship with her friend Johnathan turned romantic and then his loss a few days later.

A few days after getting home Dad has an announcement. "Everyone, I want you to clear the night of the 28th. We're going to an art show, fancy dress and tuxes."

Poppy's eyes light up, "Really?"

"Yes, Calliope my dear, they are going to call tomorrow to make some arrangements, how many paintings do you have ready to be framed?"

"26, I had some from the last visit and brought a few just in case."

"Don't expect to go home with any I'm afraid, I showed the one in my office and a picture of the family portrait to a friend, they were hooked instantly. And after Christmas, I have two coworkers interested in sittings with you. Partners, so you don't have to go easy on them."

I see her eyes welling up, this year saw her at a low point with the loss of her friend and in just a few months it has turned completely around, I'm happy to be the catalyst for all of it.

Christmas eve I see Poppy and Mike milling around the spare room she used for supplies and storing finished paintings. It doesn't look sex related so I risk going over. "Hey peeps, what's going on?"

"Sandy, can you help me with this box? When the delivery guys brought it in, they had a handcart and I didn't realize how heavy it is."

I look at Poppy and tilt my head, "It is a sculpture of your Mom and Dad I made up, we didn't think ahead, not sure we can get it to the tree. Maybe I should make up a nice sign that says the present is in this room, I am pretty good at calligraphy." I am not surprised at that last part.

The box has rope handholds, maybe. "Mike, grab your side, let's see if we can get it to the tree if we move carefully. If this weighs as much as I think, our priority is to keep it from landing on our toes, 'the walk-in-clinic before Christmas' is not a movie I want to see."

It is slow going, mostly because I have to feign weakness. When Mike comments on my strength I point out that I take full advantage of the campus gym, he buys it, I think. Takes us over 20 minutes with frequent stops but we get it under the tree, at which Poppy pulls out a simple bow and a card that she secures on top. Very practical.

I can't wait to see what she did, and I am convinced Dad is going to need to hire someone to move it if they don't want it forever in the great room where we setup the tree.

Christmas morning and presents are exchanged, more PS5 games for Mike, some clothes for Betsy and a few for me plus a couple 20tb drives for my NAS. I am such a geek. Poppy gets a very high end set of paint brushes, she gushes to Mom and Dad about how happy she is to be here. "You are part of the family dear" Mom responds. Just a few months ago she was on her own, no close family and her best friend in the world had died, from her lowest point to now.

Mike was sent to get tools to open the box, the suspense was building. The box was well constructed and full of packing to keep the contents safe, as Mike got it open there was a huge mess on the floor. Mike and Poppy gently brush off the packing to reveal a sculpture of Mom and Dad, in a warm embrace. We all go quiet as we take it in, Dad breaks the silence as he turns to Poppy, "We didn't pose for that?"

"I wanted something special because you took me into your home. Isn't not as easy without a posing but I felt inspired."

"Dad, we're going to need someone to move it, probably weighs 300lbs."

Mom goes to Poppy and hugs her, soon all of us are one big hug. Mom would later pull me aside and tell me how wonderful it was that I brought her into our lives, I couldn't agree more.

It was the afternoon on the 28th and we were all getting dressed for tonight. The last few days Poppy was spending her time talking to the gallery and escorting the paintings to be framed for the show. This is uncharted territory for her, the paintings she sold back at home were seriously undervalued, one day there are people who will find they have picked up a Monet not knowing it, or in this case an early Euterpe.

We eat an early dinner, apparently there will be hors d'oeuvres but that's it. Mom pulls us aside and reminds us we're all underage, it is unlikely they are going to card us at this sort of event so we are on our best behavior.

Dad decided to go all the way and order a limo, we remember to take a group photo before the car arrives with the guys in their tuxes and the girls in some amazing dresses. When Poppy first came out, she was stunning, I saw the look on Mike's face, in the back of my head I'm trying to figure out how it will go when Mom and Dad find out they are dating.

We drive to the galley; it was certainly Poppy's first time in a limo I can feel the excitement radiation off her. We pull up and there is a sign proclaiming the works of Euterpe. We walk in and there are so many paintings on the walls displayed, all of them familiar. It looks like bidding is already taking place and I do a quick inventory while I intercept the bacon wrapped shrimp.

The gallery owner has Dad make a speech, to formally open festivities which is a little confusing since they clearly started already. As he moves to the front of the room, I flag down a server, "What is this?"

"Spicy Strawberry-Goat Cheese Crostini miss"

I put one on a napkin and the other in my mouth.

"Thank you all for coming here tonight. Several months ago, my daughter", he gestures to me, I have my mouth full of course, "discovered and became friends with the artist whose amazing works are across the room. I can tell you she is not only a once in a generation talent but also one of the sweetest people I have met recently. I know there are some of you saying 'Steven, you are a lawyer, we know the people you meet'" A little laughter, "Well you will have to take my word for it. Please enjoy the show and take advantage of getting an early work of an artist who will certainly be talked about in coming years."

Poppy walks over to me and grabs my arm, "Your Dad is so nice, it would be years before I would be able to put together a show."

One of the patrons walks up to us, "You know the artist?", Poppy wanted to stay below the radar, she actually refused taking and displaying an artist picture in the entrance.

"I do, I discovered her doing a scenery in a park by my school."

He looks at Poppy, not making the connection she is the artist. She points to that very painting, "I wanted to pick that one up but alas it has exceeded my budget for tonight." She shakes his hand, "Cali Bard of the Martha's Vineyard Bards."

"Thomas Stevens, from Westchester County, NY. I think I might know your mother."

"Oh, that seems unlikely, she was killed at a winetasting over 10 years ago when a cask broke loose and squashed her. In trying to get it off her they broke the seal and flooded the room with a particularly complex claret." Don't laugh Sandy, hold it in. "Steven," she points at Dad, "successfully sued them, and now we own a winery. Steven is a dear, I just wish he hadn't undersold this woman's talent, I regret I'm not going home with a painting."

I hope he doesn't read the shock on my face at Poppy's performance or see I'm trying very hard to hold in my laughing.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Miss Bard, safe travels back to the Vineyard."

"Thank you, sir."

He walks away and Poppy bounces a little and grabs my arm, she leads me over to the side where there is nobody in earshot. "Sandy, I need help, I'm so worked up I think I'm going to explode." Interesting. "Any chance you can help me out?"

"Why don't you pull Mike into the bathroom and give him a blowjob? I can't believe I just suggested you give my brother a blowjob."

"I can't, they have those attendants outside, there is no way they will let me bring a guy in."

I get where she is, I have been there a few times and usually you need help to get the proper outcome. "Let's go."

We get to the bathroom and enter, in my head "Just two girls using the bathroom, we do it in pairs right?"

Before we get going, I hand her a cloth napkin roll, "What is that for?"

"Poppy, we know you are a screamer, bite down on this"

"I don't need that" I reach under her dress to start and brush up against her lips, it is almost funny how quick she put the napkin in her mouth. I realize I want more and proceed to put my head under her dress, one hand continuing to finger her and the other to caress her ass. She doesn't last long and I realize I needed that badly too, it has been over a week.

We stand up and exit the stall, nobody has come in thankfully. I make my way over to the sink, a little portable mouthwash for just this eventuality. Poppy comes up behind me, "Any chance we can talk later tonight, I'll tell Mike I'm worn out."

"What do you mean by 'talk'?"

"I mean I will start with open mouth kissing you, followed by nibbling on you neck and earlobes, then I will move down your naked body kissing the whole way. I will then move back up along the inside of your legs kissing until I reach your lips and clit, they will have my undivided attention until you orgasm at least 3 times, maybe more."

"Good talk, just make sure you give Mike the broom for tonight, don't want him to find you between my legs."

"Agreed, not sure he is ready for a 3-way with his sister... now if Jen was here."

I roll my eyes. Time to go back out and socialize.

After we leave the attendant checks to make sure nothing is out of place, darn this is fancy.

The rest of the show was uneventful, by which I mean that Poppy stayed under control. I did catch her socializing using her Cali Bard of Martha's Vineyard persona. Dad has lined up 3 family portraits for coworkers after the new year and there is a good chance that a few more custom sittings will be setup by the gallery, I wonder if any of them will have met Cali of the Vineyard tonight?

Things began to slow down and more importantly they stopped bringing around the appetizers. We will find out tomorrow how she did but the gallery manager pulled us aside and he was all smiles, telling us we had a very good night. We piled into the limo, all of us exhausted, and had a comfortable ride home. Dad rides in limos from time to time, I can see the appeal. Maybe one day when I'm a tech giant I'll get chauffeured around also. Nah, self-driving cars by then, I'll just make sure I have a really nice one.

We get home and everyone heads to their rooms, it was a long night and I certainly feel drained.

I hang up my dress and climb into bed naked, I had forgotten about Poppy's "talk" when I hear the door open in the dark. A very naked, very sexy girl climbs under the covers next to me. Any fatigue I had is forgotten as she starts to kiss me. "Poppy dear, did you just give Mike a blowjob?"

"Oh, yes I guess so. You can tell?"

"Oh God, is it weird I really want to give my brother a blowjob?"

"Probably, let me take your mind off that."

I'm not surprised when she starts to nibble on my earlobes and neck, she did tell me this was coming. Wow, I needed this, I needed something for sure, my brother was starting to look very good. Poppy is now making her way down my body, as predicted, what I didn't expect was a quiet knock on the door and Mike whispering "Sandy? Are you awake?"