Activated Pt. 11

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This story overlaps 10 and is from Poppy's PoV.
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Part 12 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Authors note: This one takes place overlapping with the story in part 10 but from Calliope's point of view and covers her visit to Virgina to check out her house. Just a chance there is some sex with Mike, well a 100% chance actually.

I'm not sure I'm getting used to all this flying but it does make sense, driving back here would take too much time. I pick up my bag and make my way outside, my ride is here.

"Mike, I missed you!" He takes my luggage and puts it in the van, once his hands are empty, I make sure I'm in them.

"I missed you too Poppy, how long are you staying this time?"

We get in the van for the drive back to home, well Mike's home although the Cards have told me it is like home for me.

"A few days, I want to see how construction is going. I brought some pictures from vacation and last time Sandy talked me through setting up a monitor, I'd like to paint a few of them. The gallery wants to do something in June, they are hoping I can make 15 pictures."

"Do you have enough material for it?"

"I have enough for 150 easy, it was so beautiful there. I have a picture of your sister running along the beach at dawn, that's my next one. I already have 15, a good chance I will have in the 40s to choose the best for the show."

The rest of the trip we talk about college, he is getting excited, he wants to be a lawyer just like his Dad.

We pull up to the house, and always the gentleman, Mike takes my bags up to my room. I gave up shipping supplies and, after checking with Lily, I'm just getting things shipped here. We get in the house and Lily gives me a big hug.

"Betsy is at field hockey practice, she suggested she could bring you over to the house when she gets home. That is unless you have talked Michael into it." Oh, she sooo knows about Mike and me, I don't have Sandy's ninja senses and I picked that up.

"I would love that; she is a sweetie." I'm sure I'll make it up to Mike after everyone goes to bed.

We have a snack, thanks to Dora, and relax for a bit. Lily asked about vacation, I think Sandy's family was a little surprised we went there especially since it wasn't exactly a straight flight. I tell them how we spent the days sightseeing, swimming in the pool and ocean and tanning. One of the things Sandy had me do was take a picture to prove her tan, wearing a modest one-piece suit. Of course, even a simple one-piece suit looks amazing when Sandy is wearing it. I showed them the picture on my phone, I'm not going to tell them there are no tan lines under that.

"I think the best thing about this was she figured out the formula for tanning."

"Yes, the poor dear tried over the years and often was redder than her hair."

Betsy explodes into the house, "POPPY!!!" I can't help but smile, my adopted littlest sister.

"Hey Bets, want to take me over to the house? I'm told it is coming along well."

"The car is already warmed up; you can tell me about vacation while we drive."

I am in awe; my dream is becoming reality. This is going to be an expensive house but it is going to be all mine. I can see the massive studio is built, still need some exterior work but I can see myself spending many hours there. The frame of the house is there but alas they are working on it so I can't explore. I flag down the foreman.

"Hi there, I'm the owner, got a sec?"

"Hello Miss Bard, we met once at the beginning of the project."

"I'm sorry, this has been overwhelming, I must have forgot. How is the project going?"

"Pretty complex plans, I love you have secret rooms and such, if you ever sell it, I bet it will be snapped up, people love that stuff."

"One of my best friends is very security conscious, she is planning the security stuff and is concerned I'm going to be living here alone. 'I want it so secure even I couldn't break in' she said." I turn to Betsy, "Your sister the ninja."

"I grew up with her, she's the sort of weird you can't help but love."

I nod at that.

"We haven't had any setbacks, maybe 3 weeks and we can get to working on the interior. Probably you will be moving in around end of June. We have a big crew on it, guess you wanted it done soon."

"I'm excited and I couldn't resist speeding it along."

"You are coming in from out of town, right?"

"Yes, I still live in Raliegh."

He hands me his card, "Call or text me when you are coming in next, I'll set it up for you to walk through. The guys are working now and I'd rather not derail them, plus it's not really ready, holes in the floor, no drywall, dust, you get it."

"That's fine, I was just happy to look at it from the road, I shouldn't have called you over."

"No, no Miss Bard, this is your project. You want to talk to me; I will find time. I just keep the youngsters working."

"Mind if I take some shots of the progress."

"Miss Bard, this is your house, don't be silly."

He makes a point; I pull out my phone and snap some pictures. I can't help myself; I'm looking at the light and trying to figure how I would paint this. I'm tempted to paint it under the title "Work in progress" but selling a picture of my home, even in this state, would probably get me a lecture from the security ninja.

"Thank you, I'll contact you in a few weeks."

Betsy and I make it back to the car. I just realize how excited I am, I need to track down Mike when we get back.

When we get home the Cards are getting ready for dinner, I show the pictures of the house's progress. I tell them I'm going to be painting vacation pictures in the spare room if they want to see some. I am not the tech wizard Sandy is, she could have streamed it to the big TV easy. I bet I could still provision servers in the IBM cloud or login to their systems if my access was still there but I am nowhere the hotshot that Sandy has become. Just thinking this I miss her and Jen, they have become so much of my life. I was not in a good place when Sandy found me, only painting helped and if we hadn't met, I'll probably be somewhere drawing caricatures for people as they walked by. No, that kooky ninja turned my life around, since she isn't here, I give Lily and Betsy a hug out of the blue.

"Goodness, what is that for Poppy?"

"I was just thinking about how amazing you all are, taking me in."

"Oh dear, you are family."

I can't help it, I start crying. More hugging.

It took maybe 10 minutes to get back under control, the guys wandered off, go figure. We go back to the spare room which is my mini-studio while I am here. "I'm sorry about that, I'm just so happy, I know it doesn't sound like it."

"It's okay dear, we're here for you."

"I know you heard some of the story last Christmas, it has been a lonely the last few years." I'm on the verge of crying again, my hands setting up to paint automatically. "My dad died in 2019, and mom when I was just a kid, we never had any close relatives so when you brought me into your home like you have, it-" Yep, I lose it again. Lily and Betsy again enclose me with their arms. "I'm sorry, I'll be fine when I start painting, really."

"You just let it out dear, you are here with people who love and care for you." I'm never going to stop crying if they keep saying stuff like that. I take a deep breath, if I can get painting, I will be able to get under control.

"I love you too, all of you." I reach over and turn on the monitor, the pictures from the island fill the oversized screen, I feel a calm wash over me.

"Just wait till you see the one I'm going to paint tonight, we went out in the morning and setup along the beach and I took pictures of Sandy running by as the sun rose, I think it will be a good one." We scroll through the pictures pausing at a few of them. "Sandy has an idea to sell some of the ones I don't paint to the Greek government to promote tourism, she's always thinking of something."

"Has she asked you to paint her as a ninja?"

"Betsy, she actually did around Halloween. I told her I can paint a canvas all black with a few threads of red matching her hair. Got all excited till I told her I was kidding. I love her dearly but Sandy is kind of weird."

"We could tell you stories, it isn't a new thing."

I find the picture; it was better than I remembered. "Here it is, I have another one further on at sunset with Jen but I didn't make her run."

With my paints in hand, I enter the zone, I try to capture the picture on the canvas. Lily and Betsy are watching in silence, Mike came in too at some point, I guess he figured the crying was done so it was safe for guys. As I finish up, I realize I've gotten worked up in a different way, Mike knows painting sometimes does this to me and I hope he gets the hint that it is not a night to play call of duty.

"There, that one should be good for the show in June."

"Poppy dear, it is mesmerizing to watch you paint."

"Well, it takes a lot out of me, I'm going to turn in early. I want to get a few more tomorrow and apparently before I go home the builder wants to go over things with me. We had a nice talk with the foreman today but I got a text earlier, they have questions about some inside stuff."

I climb into bed in the spare room, same room I stayed in previous visits. I think I'm going to make a few paintings for this room to spruce it up. It took maybe 30 minutes; I was afraid Mike didn't get the hint and I'd have to track him down.

"Sorry, was waiting for everyone to go to bed."

"I hope you got some rest earlier." I sit up in bed, I am not wearing anything. "Come here darling."

He slides in next to me and I'm all over him, I need this so bad. I can tell right away he's ready for me and I am certainly ready for him, I have been looking forward to this all day. I reach down and position him, he doesn't need any more encouraging and pushes forward, filling me up. He builds up a nice rhythm and I am well on my way but I realize I need more. I speak to him in gasps, "Mike... can you fuck me... in the ass?"

"I thought you didn't like that?"


He slows down, bless him for that, and pulls out. I feel him lining up to push into my ass, I resist the urge to grab him and pull him forward. He enters me and I am amazed I didn't climax at that; I'm not going to last long. He starts out slow, the only lubrication was from me and I suspect he is worried he will hurt me; the entire room seems to blur out, all I can see is his handsome face. I have maybe 3 seconds warning before my climax, just long enough to reach back and grab a pillow and bury my face in it. Even with the pillow I really, really hope these rooms are soundproofed. Sandy teases me that I'm a screamer, but I can usually keep it down, this time I didn't stand a chance.

Mike pulls out and settles on his side next to me, I turn to look at him and he is brushing the side of my face with his hand, looking into my eyes in the near darkness. "I love you Cali"

He said it! I take quick stock and realize I love him too; this is big. "I love you too Michael." I really do. I can't help it; I start kissing him like there is no tomorrow. Suddenly I feel tears running down my face, stop it Calliope, but I can't!

"Cali, what's wrong?"

"Absolutely nothing, I'm just so happy my emotions are all over the place." More kissing. "I know guys don't like the sharing like us girls but this last year has taken me from my lowest to the wonderful place I am now. And all thanks to that crazy sister of yours. She introduced me to Jen, then your family that has taken me in, and where I met you. I and going to owe her forever."

"I'm very happy you are in my life; I love you so much."

"Stop it, I'm going to start crying again. I love you so much." I didn't stand a chance, the tears started coming out again. Mike pulled me close and continued to brush the side of my face with his hand, it was what I needed and I started getting it under control. We just lay there, him brushing my face and hair, sharing our warmth.

"Mike, I have a question, do you think you can manage to fuck me again or were all the tears a turn off?"

"Gee, the most beautiful girl I have ever meet, the woman I love, wants to be intimate, that is motivation enough."

We start kissing again, running our hands up and down each other, confirming he's ready for me quickly. "You wonderful man, how do you want me?"

"Can you get on top; I don't want to take my eyes off you."

Don't cry, you need to keep it together or it will ruin the mood!

I climb on top and he slides into me, I bend down to kiss him, rubbing my tits on his chest. He runs his hands down my back to my ass. I don't want this to end. I feel it building for me, we're not going to last much longer. I start to quiver, and slide to the side so I can again use a pillow to muffle my scream. The orgasm hits me hard and echoes back and forth as he unloads in me. I try really hard to keep it quiet but the pillow is critical to that.

We come down from the high and I can tell Mike is going to ask me a question, I can't read everyone like Sandy and Jen but Mike, I'm ready to spend the future studying him. "Before, the first time, you had me switch, um... well, you know, I didn't think you liked that?"

"Well, when you and I did that, it was for the first time. I did enjoy it a lot but I think we should keep it for special occasions, like birthdays, anniversaries, and housewarmings"


"Oh Michael my dear, you are going to need to rest up, when I move into the house. I am going to be so worked up. I can see it already."

"Good night's sleep the day before, got it."

We cuddled and talked for maybe 20 minutes, it was getting late and Mike still has school in the morning.

I pick up my phone and start texting, "Did I ever tell you I am scared to get on your bad side?"

Sandy texts back, "Poppy, you wonderful girl, what did you do now?"

"Mike and I said we love each other."

I see the dots moving on the phone, she's typing something, ever second seems a lot longer while I'm waiting for her to hit send. It gets to about a minute and I'm stressing out.

"Just curious, what was going on when this happened?" That is clearly not what she first typed.

"Um, he was looking in my eyes."

"Were you dressed?"

"Maybe *shrug emoji*"

*Rolled eyes emoji* "I love you too, I am very happy for you both."

"And if I ever break his heart I won't see you coming till it is too late?"

*Ninja emoji*

My meeting with the builder got me excited but I kept it under control. I went to the site of my home, wow, there is something I don't know if I expected to think ever, and peeked in but they are still working so it wasn't so much a grand tour. There were a few questions about appliances and fixtures that they wanted my opinion on. The kitchen is going to be amazing for all the good it will do me; cooking isn't one of my talents I am going to have an amazing place to reheat stuff.

I wonder if Mike can cook?

The studio is huge, complete with a work area for Sandy who will probably build robots or stealth suits there. I asked which will be done first, the house or the studio, I was a little surprised when he told me I could choose. It seems at this point they can focus on the studio and polish it off or save it for when the house is done. I don't know how to go; I tell him I will get back to him.

This one is going to be tough, if they finish off the studio, I can start setting it up, maybe start painting. On the other hand, as much as I love the Cards, I don't want to impose any more than I have to, starting to move in will make me feel better. I'm sure I will see a lot of Mike when I move in, I am going to have furniture to assemble and such, I assure him I will show my appreciation.

I got back from the meeting, picking up something to eat on the way back for lunch, I feel the urge to commit a few more pictures to canvas. I need to find that sunset one with Jen, that one has to be next. The picture has her in the foreground, a hat obscuring her eyes, in a modest outfit with the sunset into the ocean in the background. I say the outfit was modest but with Jen's curves it looks so good. Darn I miss her. Maybe 45 minutes later I am signing it in the corner and setting it up to dry. I'm going to need a few clocks for my studio, when I am painting, really anything, I get in the zone. I learned long ago not to cook when I am painting, I was lucky I didn't set fire to the apartment, although to be honest it probably wouldn't have been very good if I was paying attention.

I start scrolling through the pictures looking for the next one. This is tough, you always think places you don't live have the most amazing scenery, if you live there, they are just hills I guess, I am not sure about it for someplace like Mykonos, they wake up every day to that.

I pick out my next few, there are some shots of the lighthouse and one of the monasteries they call out to me. I enter the zone and as I finish the final picture, I hear some noise from behind me. "Oh, hi there Mrs. Card."

"You really focus when you paint, I have been here for 20 minutes watching you. You don't remember me coming in and asking if I could watch?"

"Nope, did I answer you?"

"Yes, although a little monotone."

"Sorry, I don't always go that deep but it happens a lot. Sandy has been insisting she is doing a safety check before I move in, keeping in mind I will not be aware of my surroundings when I am working."

"Sandy always has been extra protective, Mike and Betsy never had to worry about bullies in school because they knew that Sandy was always watching out for them. I'd recommend letting her do the safety check, she is relentless."

"Oh, I get that. I know enough not to cross her."

"Can we talk about something while it is just us, probably have 20 or 30 before the kids come home."

Oh no.

"Sure." I start to put the paints away.

"So, you and Mike are dating." A statement, not a question.


"I spotted the signs back in the Thanksgiving visit but I was certain when you came out for Christmas." Wow, we sure weren't pulling anything over on her. "Since then, I see it on his face when you are in the room or your name comes up in conversation. He clearly has strong feelings for you.

"I feel very strongly about Michael."

"You are fine with him being a little younger? He has probably 7 years of college in front of him." I get what she is saying, he's going to be an amazing lawyer like his dad, things like being an amazing husband or father shouldn't stand in the way of that.

"I understand, our dating will not alter the course of his life."

"Goodness, I hope it does, I hope he is much happier with you in it." She smiles, this takes a little of the stress from me. I will admit, I was nearly having a panic attack at first.

"I care about him and will do whatever I can do to support him."

"Or you will answer to Sandy."

"I was almost calmed down before you said that."

She leans over and gives me a warm hug, "No matter what, you are part of our family now."

"Unless I cross Sandy."

"Yes, we'll look for your body for a bit but she was always was good at hide and seek."

We laugh.

"Let's keep it between us we talked. I don't think Mr. Card spotted the signs; I love him dearly but he can be oblivious about things."

"Got it."

"Let's see these pictures of the house, I'm already planning the housewarming party in my head."

"BBQ?" I get out my phone and start to show off the work in progress.


"We're going to need help, I never learned to cook, in my youth, I'm afraid I never got past frozen meals in my youth."

"I think we have another activity to work with you on next visit, if we can ever wash the paint off you."

I pack up to head back to the airport. Going to be a few weeks before I am back to Virgina but I'm actually excited about cooking lessons with Lily and Dora. Is it wrong I keep wanting to call Lily Mom? Stop it, you are keep breaking into crying at random and people are going to get concerned. Mike wants to drive me although he plays it as a chore, Lily gives me a look, Mike you are not fooling anyone. I got 6 paintings done while visiting, I'm kind of proud of the dawn and dusk ones, I might repaint them again when I get back and gift to the girls. I know we don't see each other every day or anything but I still miss them. I never had girls for friends growing up, I never realized I missed all this. Darn it, I'm getting weepy, I need to get this under control.

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