Activated Pt. 12

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Sandy practices Archery, the MJaM project is started.
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Part 13 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Author: The Architect

Authors note: I did a little with different Point of Views in this one. I write the story from the first-person point of view so unless I want to introduce telepathy, I need to switch PoV to get that inner dialog. So, this one I shifted views to get the same scene from different points of view, Sandy, Michael and Jen. Also, we finally have a "hacker name" for Sandy.

Sandy PoV

I was looking at the pictures from the trip when it hit me, I had my hacker name. Artemis. Poppy is not the only one to use mythology although with a name like Calliope Athena I can see why she went there. Tomorrow, I think I will go to down to the archery range. I refresh my memory of Artemis in mythology and I think I'm going to need to become familiar with the spear.

Saturday morning, I wanted to get in some archery practice, I was making my way out to the range they setup on campus with my bow, a quiver of arrows and a few targets. As I get there, I see another student packing up, good because I won't have to wait to change out the targets, and my phone starts to vibrate. Mike texted me and wanted to know if I was interested in meeting for lunch.

"Mike, I'd love to after I practice. Want to meet me at the archery range, we can go over after that?" *Bow and arrow emoji*


I finish setting up, one with a traditional bullseye and another with a silhouette.

I know what dorm Mike is in, he arrives a bit faster than a walk from there, either he was closer or he's eager to spend time with me. I'm going to go with the second, it makes me feel better.

When he arrives, I had just finished my first set and I'm walking back to the mark after resetting the targets and refilling my quiver.

"Hey there, how are you doing today?" I am wearing my black running outfit, I look good in it, and it lets me blend into shadows.

"That is a fancy bow."

"It is a BlackOut NV-3 Compound Bow, draw weight is about 70 pounds. Want to try it?"

I pull a spare arm guard out of my bow case; I wear them but I have never needed. You wear them just in case you are sloppy, the string on one of these will hurt a lot if you mess up.

I get him into the proper stance and we nock an arrow, he tries to pull it back.

"Holy, how do you shoot this thing?"

"It takes practice." I'll admit, this bow would have been too much for me before, not these days. "Here, want me to show you?"

"Sure." He starts to take off the armguard as I line up for a shot. I draw and shoot 4 arrows rapidly and each lands in the center ring, I can't help it, it is in my nature to show off like this.


Three more arrows into the silhouette, 2 in the heart and one in the head.

"I'm done, let me pack up and we'll go get some lunch. Can you get the targets and the arrows?"

He walks down range and tries to pull the arrows out of the hay bales, a bow like mine hits with a solid punch, the arrows are going to need a good pull to remove he discovers. A few minutes later he's walking back with 7 arrows and the 2 targets.

"Do you ever miss?"

"Not a lot" ok, I never miss, just not a bullseye ever time.

My gear put away, we make for the dining hall, nothing fancy that the meal plan doesn't cover.

I guess my extracurricular activities haven't come up yet. "So, how long have you been into archery?"

"In high school it was one of the gym classes although sadly they didn't let us do it all quarter, we also had to do field hockey. My sister does field hockey and loves it, it wasn't my thing. I didn't pick it up in college till last fall."

"Wow, you do anything else?"

"I run every morning I can, also a new thing, it calms me. Also, I have a black belt first rank in taekwondo, my father signed us up for that in middle school, my brother, sister and I, he wanted us to be able to defend ourselves. I've started taking Jujutsu lessons too."

"I will make sure to stay on your good side."

"Oh, don't worry, I'm mostly harmless."

I see his face scrunch in concentration, "Um, I have a question, last year there was something at Lambda Chi Alpha..."

A campus, even one this big, has its own news network. I might as well get this over with. "Yes, I was there, the story probably has been distorted in the telling."

"Was it you that broke that guy's rib?"

"Lucky shot, I just punched him, no taekwondo. I was great in the moment but it chills me when I think back on it."

"He's in jail now?"

"Last I heard he pled down and it still likely to be in jail, when he has his sentencing hearing, for maybe 10 years, plus registered as a sex offender."

"Wow, that was a big story last fall."

"Yes, I get fresh apologies from Lambda Chi Alpha whenever I run into one of them. They are really a good bunch, just had one bad apple. Sort of soured me on big parties. I'm not really a party person." A little pause to change the subject "How about you? Activities?"

"Well, certainly not parties. I go to the gym every few days, treadmill or whatever but no way I could run five miles. I game on the PC, some board and card games. I love astronomy."

I smell blood in the water, "board and card games?"

"I was in the chess club in high school, my family plays card games on vacations."

"I want to get something out in the open, I have a huge flaw, a very competitive nature. Also, I was president of the chess club in my high school. If we are dating in a few months, I'll show you some high school pictures, I looked a little different."


"A few fashion choices I now regret, let's leave it at that. Hey, change of subject, I have a decent gaming rig, want to head back to my dorm?"

"Sure, what ya got for games?" I gather my stuff and we start walking.

"Well, I've been playing Naraka: Bladepoint a lot but I have some of the familiar ones like Call of duty and Diablo IV. My brother has a PS5 but I'm more of a gaming during downtime sort, I built my system for programming and such."

"You are something else Sandy." You do not know the half of it.

We get to the dorm room, "Mike, can you wait in the common area? I don't know if Jen is back and I need to change. I'll only be a moment."

I get in the room and Jen is there on the bed, alone, studying. I put away the bow case and return the bow to the place of honor on my wall. "Hey Jen, I wanted to show Michael my system."

"Gonna show him your system, eh? That what you kids are calling it these days? Need me to give you the room for a bit?"

I roll my eyes at her, old Jen was so quiet, granted she is a lot more fun now. I go with baggy sweatpants and a sweatshirt, very comfortable and only moderately sexy.

"Hey Michael, come on in and meet Jen." I got permission to call him Mike, I'm going to take that seriously, only call him Mike one on one.

"Hey Jen, I think we might have been in an English class freshman year."

"I can slouch and mess up my hair if you want to be sure, that was my look back then." Mike isn't sure what to make of that.

"Jen is a work in progress." At this point Mike looks around the room and stops at the painting, I have seen this before.


"Yep, it is amazing, isn't it?"

"I don't know anything about art but... wow."

"Jen and I have been friends with a local artist since the fall, my family has pretty much adopted her even. She painted us, I have a copy at my home too."

"I feel warm every time I come back to the room and see it. After finals I'm shipping it back to Arizona. Oh Sandy, I'm probably going to intern this summer in DC, I was wondering if I can stay over?"

"You know Mom will dote on you. Oh, you will be in town for Poppy's housewarming!" Michael is still looking at the painting, her paintings do that to you. He breaks his gaze and sees the bow and crossed swords on my wall.

"Are the swords real?"

"Are you going to tell the RA?"

"She's a sexy hacker ninja!" I have trained Jen too well, not sure if I would have added the 'sexy' part.

Mike for his part takes it in stride, I established pretty quick I am not some shallow pretty girl.

I reach over and power my PC, it goes from POST to login prompt in about 5 seconds. I flip open the cover on the webcam so I can login, ID, password and Retina. Once I'm logged in, I step away and cover the webcam. Inviting him to check it out. "You built this?"

"Yes, we had a week in October where we were picking up packages every day."

He brings up the specs on the system, I didn't skimp on any of the parts. I can see he is impressed.

"Sandy, I'm going to head to Tally for a snack, can I get you guys anything?"

"I'm good, how about you Mike?"

"No, I'm good too."

"Okay, be good while I'm gone." and with that she leaves us alone.

I reach past him and bring up Diablo, I spent a lot of money on the graphics card and monitors, it looks insanely good and smooth responsive.

I sit on my bed and tap the mattress; my intent is clear. "Do you want me to shut it off?"

"Just quit the game and join me over here"

He sits down and I make the first move with a light kiss on the mouth, next thing we're fully making out. I don't intend to go very far but I have really wanted to spend some time kissing him for days now. We run our hands over each other's backs as we kiss, and I turn a little to expose my front and hope he gets the hint. I get really excited when he moves his hand to my tit, he must realize I'm not wearing a bra, I'm certain my nipples are something he can feel through the sweatshirt. God, I'm not sure what magic Mike is using but this is getting me all revved up, far more then when Tom and I made out. He doesn't go any further, I sure wouldn't have stopped him if he put his hand up my shirt but internally, I am happy he's taking it slow and disappointed for the same reason.

I am really worked up; I might have to run 10 miles to cool down after this. The kissing starts to slow down, I look at the clock and we're been doing this over 30 minutes, I guess I tired him out. "I hate to say this but I have to get going."

"I get that, I am going to code for a bit or go for a run." Anything to get calmed down, I am seriously worked up right now, I get any more worked up and I'm going to be ripping off his pants.

"Team project meeting on Tuesday, Tina is going to show some of the presentation work she has done."

"And our project on Wednesday, although I am fine if you want to meet again earlier." My breathing is unsteady, this never happened to me like this.

"I'd like that a lot, to work on the project of course."

You are not fooling me, "Oh, of course."

He lets himself out, I last about 20 seconds and I have my sweatpants off and I'm rubbing like there is no tomorrow. About 2 minutes in Jen returns, her eyes go wide when she sees me, she's caught me before but I am usually under the covers, I don't even have both legs out of the sweatpants. We lock eyes and she knows I need help; her hands replace mine and I feel her tongue in just the right places. I was kind of close so it only takes her a minute to get me over the mountain. I am a lot louder than I expected, I should have grabbed the pillow, I really hope nobody heard me. I look down and Jen has slumped to the floor. With an unsteady voice I ask, "Are you okay Jen?"

"Holy crap, what the heck was that, the echo caused me to see stars?"

"After you left, Mike and I we started making out, very tame, he didn't even put his hand up my shirt."

"His loss."

"I know right?! Well, I was really worked up by the time he left and that was when you found me. I love you so much for helping me there, I just couldn't seem to finish."

"Sandy, you really have it bad for Michael, like I have it for Alex."

"You think? I mean he's cute, polite and smart."

"You are so good at reading people and acting on that information, unless he/she/it corrects me I bet Arcturus will confirm that is your missing gift next time we contact him. I don't have that skill but even I can see it."

I look down to think about that and realize I'm still sprayed out on my bed, the sweatpants hanging off my left leg. I get up and remove them and give Jen a very serious kiss on my way to grab my running gear, I still have too much energy.

"I love you Jennifer Ann, I am so lucky to have you in my life."

"Aww", and that response covers it for me.

"I'm going to run off some energy, I'll be back in 8-10 miles."

"That is a lot of energy!"

"Probably would have run to South Carolina if you hadn't helped." And with a swish of the pony tail, I'm off. Yes, I have been practicing that move.

I'm worried I am going to have a problem of the best kind with Michael. We got together and made out, at the end of it I was on the verge of exploding. We do that again and I don't think I am going to be able to hold back. I have to think about this, as problems go it certainly could be worse. The scenery is flying by, I'm going to have to check the fitness app, I am easily setting a personal record.

Michael PoV

I walk out into the common area and push the elevator button, I have never felt like this before, I'm sort of in a daze.

The bell rings and Jen Brown walks out of the elevator, "Hey Michael, you and Sandy all done for today."

I hesitate while I collect my thoughts enough to answer, "Ah, yes" she squints at me, it's like she is trying to figure something out from my reaction.

"Hmmm... ok, see you soon."

I get to the lobby and then start to slowly walk to my dorm, looking back I see someone come out and take off running, I think it is Sandy but I can't tell from this distance.

The walk to my dorm doesn't help, I take the elevator up to my room. Greg my roommate is playing PS4.

"Hey Mikester, how is it going today." I hate the nicknames but I gave up a long time ago.


He pauses the game, he's a jerk on the names stuff but that is about it, he's been a good friend since we became roommates last year.

"Are you okay? Where were you?"

"I met Sandy Card at the archery range and we had lunch."

"I still can't believe it, you lucked out working with her on 2 projects. She's one of the hottest girls on campus."

"After lunch she showed me her gaming and programming rig back at her room. The thing is sick, she must have spent a fortune."

"Yea? So why are you acting so weird?"

"Um, we sort of made out after that."

He drops the controller, "Wait, what? You made out with Sandy Card?? For real?"

"I'm not sure I believe it either. Her skin is so soft. Dude, she even smells amazing."

"I'm still not sure I heard right, you were kissing Sandy Card, in her room?"

"Yes, you doofus."

"Sorry, no shot at you. How did this happen?"

"We sort have been dating."

"Sort of?? I heard she broke up with Tom Davis in January like the same day he got robbed, can you imagine breaking up with Sandy and then some guy steals your wallet and breaks your nose?"

"We've been going to the union after our project meeting for snacks every week and talking, she joked about being the smartest in our class. I don't doubt she is, she's smart, funny, and unbelievably pretty. Oh and she came back from vacation with this killer tan..."

"So not sure where the problem is."

"She is so out of my league, light years. She is going to figure that out, I mentioned it but she told me she likes me. She's so amazing I can't figure out why she is even noticing me."

"Dude, not sure what to tell you. If she is into you, just treat her good and you should be fine."

"I hope so, I'm tempted to text her but that would feel real needy. Also I think she went running anyway, did I tell you she runs like five or six miles a day."

"Wow, tell me about this tan..."

I toss a pillow at him.

Jenny PoV

I got a little rest on the plane to Raliegh, the trip from Athens helped a ton. I didn't want my time in first class to end. I am lucky I only have one class today, I'm having problems focusing on the class, I just want to crawl into bed. And then there is Alex, he has too classes today but a huge break for lunch, I can't wait to see him so I guess I can't fall asleep yet, still going back and getting into bed.

I actually like this class but I'm so glad when it ends. I walk back to the dorm; it was worth it but travel sure takes the energy out of me. I get tired when I go home to Arizona.

When I get to the common room all thoughts of fatigue go away as I see Alex waiting there. I play it cool, "Hey, let me get the door." Once I get him, I can't help myself and I'm all over him. "I missed you so much, but I need to warn you, once I get your clothes off, we need to get in bed because I am so tired."

"Your terms are acceptable."

Sandy and I keep the room pretty clean but at times like this the clothes are thrown every which way. We get into bed and I roll him on top of me, he gets that we don't need any foreplay and enters me. I draw a sharp breath as he builds pace. He didn't last as long as usual but it felt so much better, I missed him so much.

He rolls to the side and we stare into each other's eyes, "You are more beautiful than before, how is that possible?"

"It's the hair isn't it; you guys always saw me in the gloomy winter months, this is my look during summers in Arizona."

"I wasn't talking about that but that makes you look amazing too."

Oh, he is so sweet. About this time Sandy comes into the room, she barely acknowledges us, drops her backpack and then plops herself down face first on her bed.

"Sandy dear, we can see up your skirt."

She lifts her hand up to dismiss that but doesn't move otherwise. The batteries on the energizer bunny have run out I guess.

"Jen, I'm going to run to get some lunch, want to go with me?"

"I would love to but I think I will sleep for a bit, I'll get something for dinner. Any chance you are coming by after your afternoon class?"

"For a chance to cuddle with you? Wild horses wouldn't keep me away." He sits up and starts to get dressed, I get a kiss before he goes it will have to last me a few hours.

"Sandy, are you asleep yet?"

Muffled into the bed, "No, I met with my project group, I am so exhausted, I'll settle down in a moment."

"Come here for a second?

She drags herself over, I have never seen her this low energy, she comes over and sits on the side of my bed. I reach down and pull her shoes and socks off, then her shirt and skirt next. Then I pull her under the covers next to me and she feels really good. We cuddle and feel a special calm, I hear Sandy's breathing and I'm sure she's asleep, before I know it I'm out too.

A few days later I'm in the room studying when Robinette Hood comes in, "Hey Jen, I wanted to show Michael my system."

"Gonna show him your system eh? That what you kids are calling it these days? Need me to give you the room for a bit?"

I watch her change into baggy sweatpants and a sweatshirt, if you are trying to avoid looking sexy even a garbage bag wouldn't help.

"Hey Michael, come on in and meet Jen." Oh, he looks familiar and he's cute, I can see what Sandy sees in him

"Hey Jen, I think we might have been in an English class freshman year."

"I can slouch and mess up my hair if you want to be sure, that was my look back then." I don't think he got my joke.

"Jen is a work in progress." I watch as he sees the painting, I have seen it in every visitor. I wouldn't say that Sandy and I take it for granted, more like we expect that feeling when we come in. This one is mine and it is going back to AZ this May, not sure how we're going to handle next year without it.


"Yep, it is amazing isn't it?"

"I don't know anything about art but... wow."

"Jen and I have been friends with a local artist since the fall, my family has pretty much adopted her even. She painted us, I have a copy at my home too."

"I feel warm every time I come back to the room and see it. After finals I'm shipping it back to Arizona. Oh Sandy, I'm probably going to intern this summer in DC, I was wondering if I can stay over?"