Activated Pt. 14

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The end of the school year.
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Part 15 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Activated Part 14

Author: The Architect

Authors note: Introduce a new character. The end of Sandy & Mike's weekend. Jen's visit with Alex's parents. We finish up the school year and while Jen and Alex head to

Rebecca PoV - translated from Hebrew

I woke up in pain, when I passed out, they were kicking me, I guess they continued for a few minutes longer. My hands are bound with rope, the only thing in the room is a table in the center. I'm probably going to die in this room, I am not going to make it easy for them.

The lock is being opened; this could be it. The animal grabs me by the rope that binds my arms, I don't have any energy to resist. Suddenly there is a sharp pain at my behind, he's cutting away my pants and not at all concerned if he slices into me, why would he? Apparently, they are going to rape me before killing me. I wish I could do something but I don't have any strength.

I scream, his knife cutting into me. I find some energy, no idea from where, I use my leg to sweep him on to the floor, I then kick him in the head worthy of Eran Zahavi, there is a crack, I broke his neck. Diving down I look for his knife, turns out it is a boxcutter, these animals seem to have a fondness for boxcutters. I start to work on the rope when I hear the door start to open. The second terrorist seems to avert his eyes at first, maybe he doesn't want to watch the first one rape me, his mistake. I launch like a coiled snake, the boxcutter in my hands aiming at his throat. I'm covered with blood, but two terrorists are dead, I can shower, they are in whatever dark place they go.

I take stock of the clothing, they are shorter than me, it won't stand up close inspection but it is better than my uniform that is ripped, sliced and covered with blood. Covering my face with the keffiyeh the first was wearing. Every moment I waste brings me closer to detection, I was very lucky so far, one of them gets off a shot and the entire nest will swarm and attack. This is a maze but I think I got lucky, there is a sign on this door that appears to say 'hospital', my Arabic is passible but it is worth a try. Inside the room are several containers, probably weapons, and a ladder in the corner to a door in the celling. Well, up is probably safer, any moment now they will come on the 2 I killed, if I am to survive, I needed to get out of here.

I climb up and find a hospital storeroom. I am not alone; I see an orderly in blue scrubs collecting supplies. I no doubt saw someone climbing out of the floor and it didn't alarm him. His outfit stands a better chance of getting me out of here, I don't think he saw me moving till it was too late. I tackled him into the wall, his head actually seemed to dent the wall. Every second counts, I pull off his scrubs, a slightly better fit, and grab a facemask from one of the shelves. I grab a handful of random supplies and exit to the hallway. It takes me a moment to get my bearings, I'm on one of the basement floors, I grab the next elevator up to ground level. I spot the lobby and dump my supplies into a garbage can, leaving with them might draw attention.

I make it outside and say a little silent prayer that I have gotten this far, I'm not out of the woods yet. I spot a jeep with the side plastic doors, I only have a boxcutter, I needed a car I could get into. I look around, I know I couldn't be so lucky to find keys. I check under the steering column, I wish I had learned how to hotwire a car, that needs to be something they teach us. Here goes nothing, I pull out 2 wires and tough them together, the car starts to turn over. I can't believe my luck, or maybe someone is looking down on me.

I head east, that is where the border is. The jeep actually has a compass, I might have been able to figure it out but it is early afternoon. at least a day since I was captured. I see some uniforms at a checkpoint up ahead, I might be in the clear. I'm wearing hospital scrubs with a mask in an unknown vehicle, my concern becomes keeping my countrymen from shooting me for their own safety. I park a safe distance away and walk to the checkpoint, my arms up. Leaving the vehicle behind is important, they may not be able to tell if I have a bomb on me but there is no way they would be as trusting of a strange vehicle.

"Corporal Rebecca Abrams, I was captured and escaped."

I give them credit; they are super careful. I am frisked and my handy boxcutter removed, I honestly forgot it or I would have left it behind. I am led to a small tent and told an ambulance would be here shortly. The senior officer does a quick debrief, I tell him about getting the upper hand on my rapist and then killing his companion. At one point the terror of it all hit me, I started to sob uncontrollably, I was still sobbing when the ambulance arrived. I got a quick examination on the drive to a medical unit, my slash to the side wasn't as deep as I thought, I was black and blue all over but that would fade. I was alive, a few hours ago I thought I would surely die. I lived; I will make something of it.

Sandy PoV

This morning I actually was able to get up without waking Mike, got dressed in my running gear and went on my run. Jen is going to be back this afternoon, I can't wait to see how it went.

Now that we crossed this line, I think I'm going to have to work out time to get the room to myself with Jen. We pulled Alex into this craziness when I plucked him from the common area that night to fuck us both, him sleeping over and having sex with Jen with me in the room is fine but I am willing to bet that Mike wouldn't be as comfortable with Jen in the room, or Jen and Alex. Nope.

Next year we are going to have our own rooms. Just thinking about that takes me a second to recover back into my running gait, I might have just skipped there unintendedly. I can have Mike over anytime I want. I almost trip at that, I think I'm going to save these thoughts when I am less likely to faceplant.

I close in on the dorm, stop and run through my stretches. I sneak back into the room and start to get undressed; I see no indication I woke him up. I look at the clock, just after 7am. That is late for me and I start to snuggle up to him, I reach over him to put my phone on the desk making sure to brush my tits across his face. That did it, he is wide awake, kissing me on one of my nipples. I stop moving so he can keep that up.

"That was one of the best ways to wake up. Are you going to go running?

"Already got in about 6k."

"Wow, I didn't hear you leave at all."

"I'd say I'm sorry to wake you but it was intentional. I am full of energy; I need you to fuck it out of me. Pleeeese!" I bat my eyes at him.

"Well, since you asked nicely, how can I refuse?" He starts kissing my neck, I don't remember telling him that was one of my things, I think he just has an instinctive way of knowing my buttons.

I don't need a lot of foreplay lately; this isn't to say I don't want it. He's moved on to sucking on my tits, I have to be careful because that could push me over the edge.

"Mike dear, I'm ready if you are."

I get his response without words; he thrusts into me. One very little part of my brain is comparing Friday night to now, he has a lot more confidence. The rest of my mind is enjoying the ride. I am going to climax; it starts to roll over me and I can't help but let out a moan of pleasure. The echo hits Mike and he unloads in me. He is still in me, just looking at my face and then comes in for a kiss. He rolls over to my side, I have a content smile on my face that will not go away. We need to wash up, I loan him a towel and sneak him down to the men's level to shower, I'm going to get him back in the room and then I'll take mine. It is still before 8 on a Sunday so we probably don't need to worry.

After the showers we spent the rest of the day talking in the room, a little gaming on my PC but mostly talking. About 2pm there was an unexpected change in the dress code forcing us to get undressed, we took advantage of this by trying to give each other a massage. Unfortunately, neither of us are any good at that so we settled with him fucking me again, I guess we need to study how to give a massage but we made the best of the situation. Shortly after that the dress code changed allowing us to get dressed, he thanked me for my foresight in recommending 2 changes of clothes. Hey, accidents happen, it is best to be prepared.

"When you suggested I bring a change of clothes I thought you might be talking about that accident a few weeks back."

"Oh, I didn't think of that, I would never do that." Especially since I know his 'accident' was caused by an echo when we were making out.

"I know, I rejected that idea, you are so sweet and understanding."

I can't help myself; I lean over and start kissing him. Sadly, this is when I hear Jen start to open the door with Alex right behind.

"Hey there Bestie, glad we're back?"

"You were gone for 2 days." A little pause. "I missed you terribly. So, tell us about the trip?"

Jenny PoV

The bus ride was fine, I snuggled with Alex the whole way. My fiancé. Wow. If I told you I didn't look at the picture on my phone I would be lying. Poppy's picture is going to be the centerpiece if any place Alex eventually move into. I want people to come in and know we love each other now and forever.

Saturday night we had a video call with my parents where I broke the news. They were shocked to say the least. I told them I was dating Alex when I went home for Christmas and they saw I wasn't the shy wallflower I was for most of 20 years. I think my parents hoped I would break out of my shy shell at college but 2 years in it didn't seem like it was going to happen. Surprise! Not only has shy Jen gotten engaged but to the most wonderful man in the world.

My parents are not as well off as the Cards but my father really wants Alex to visit for the time between finals and when I go to Virgnia for my internship. I made it a little easier by telling them we were going to take over Poppy's apartment for the senior year. That will save some money over the dorm and meal plan.

The bus pulls up to the terminal and we get out, Alex didn't bring anything but I have a few days clothes in my backpack. I am going to focus really hard to make sure I don't skip on the underwear this weekend; I do not want to make the wrong impression.

In the parking lot we see his mom waiting by a car, I haven't talked to her yet, I am so nervous.

"Jennifer, this is my mom, Carrol."

"It is nice to meet you Mrs. McGuire."

"Nice to meet you too Jennifer, may I call you Jen?"

"Or Jenny, I'm fine with any of it.

In the back seat is Alex's brother Billy. I end up sitting in the back with him while Alex rides in front with his mother.

"Hi, are you Jenny?"

"I am, it is nice to meet you, Billy."

"You are pretty." This gets a laugh out of us.

"Thank you young sir, you are quite handsome too."

The trip was uneventful, lots of traffic down here, I spend my time talking to Billy about what he is learning in school.

We pull up to a quite modest house and I walk in holding Billy's hand.

Inside the house I'm introduced to George McGuire, Alex's dad.

"Welcome to our home Jenny. We have heard so much stuff about you, it is great to meet you in person. Just in time for dinner."

Was a wonderful dinner, Mr. McGuire grilled up burgers, with a nice salad.

After dinner we went to their family room, I expected to be grilled. I told them how I was in school to be an elementary teacher but I found I had a talent to languages and that might alter my course. I am going forward with the teaching, I love kids, my skills with languages gives me some options.

Mrs. McGuire, asks about the languages so I pick up a magazine from the table in front of us and read a paragraph in Russian, then the next in Mandarin, and the next in French. Sandy is really the big showoff in our group but I have my moments.

"Jen, tell them how many languages you have now."

"Um, I think I'm up to 41."

"Wow, that is something else."

"I was always good at languages but I found they really come easy to me since I got to college."

"Alex, what are you two planning on doing tomorrow?"

"Mom, I was hoping to borrow the car and drive over to Topsail, also John and Alan wanted to catch up when I got into town next, I thought I'd introduce them to Jen"

"Shouldn't be a problem with the car if you can get back by 5pm tomorrow."

"Got it mom."

"Well, it is getting late, let's get you ready to turn in." Being engaged doesn't seem to matter much, I'm sleeping on the couch. I'm fine with this, I have my whole life with Alex.

The next day Billy woke me up, he wanted to show me a creation he made out of Legos, it was a Kaiju, complete with monster sounds. By the time Alex found me I was on the floor trying to build my own Kaiju to fight Billy's. I heard a shutter found, I guess we are immortalizing this. What surprised me was it wasn't Alex, apparently Mrs. McGuire also stumbled on the scene.

A little breakfast and we headed out to the beach. It was very nice but not Mykonos. We walked around one of the boardwalks until around noon, then we headed back to the car so we can meet Alan and John. We meet up at a nice little pizza place most of the way back to home.


"Jen, this is Alan and John, they were my high school friends."

"Wow, Jen did anyone ever tell you that you look like Kate Upton?"

Alex looks at the guys, "Dude!"

"No, I mean it, if your hair was blond."

Apparently, they are really impressed with me, a little crude and I get the feeling they don't have girlfriends either, a little envy. We had a fine time, and headed back to home. I felt a little sad for Alex's friends, he's moving forward, he is going to be an electrical engineer. He has me, that sounds like ego, but he has made a connection with Sandy, Poppy, Jo, Karen and the rest of our little group. Alex is far ahead of his friends; he is such a good man and deserves his happiness.

In the car riding home, "Do you think I look like Kate Upton?"

He nods, "I didn't see it till they mentioned it but you do kind of. Especially the blue eyes."

Hmm, I'm going to need to google this when we get back.

Darn it, I think they are right, when I get a lot of sun and my hair color lightens, I look a lot like her when she was my age. Go figure.

We spend the evening after dinner playing cards and talking, I wish Sandy was here with her spooky ninja skills but I think they are warming up to me. I won over Billy early, his Lego Kaiju beat mine in the imaginary battle we had yesterday, he was very gracious to me as the loser. If only I had used my atomic breath earlier...

Alex has cleared his trip out to visit my parents for May.

At one point I showed the pictures on my phone of the paintings, especially "The Proposal". It looks good on the phone but so much better in person. Alex's parents are very interested in the story behind it. I actually picked up a few details I didn't know when he explained it. I have some amazing friends.

Another bus ride home, well to school. I snuggle up to Alex but I really want is to sleep in the same bed as him.

We wait and take the shuttle back to campus. Sandy is really big on using rides like Uber but that adds up, I can't afford that. Except in emergencies.

Opening the door, I see Sandy and Michael, I can't wait to find out how this weekend went. I can tell a little of it, I can see Sandy changed the sheets on her bed. You go girl!

Sandy PoV

"That was about it. I think Alex's parents like me."

"Oh, they do, I talked to Mom on the side. I think when she caught you playing with Billy she was convinced." He pulls out his phone and shows the pictures of us playing with Legos.

"My friends are a different matter; they like you fine but they were jerks about it."

"What did they say?"

"'She's hot, what does she see in you' sort of stuff."

"Alex, they are your friends but they are envious, you are showing them success they are avoiding."

Michael speaks up, "Probably dead on. Basically, from maybe 14 to mid-20s some guys are jerks when they see someone advancing. They are still your friends; the ribbing is a defense mechanism so they don't have to think of how they missed the boat. It is either that or they shrink into themselves. Don't take it personally."

"I have a serious question; do I look like Kate Upton?"

I squint at her, not sure if this does anything but it feels like what I should do. "Jen, I never saw it before but when your hair was blond you were a solid match for her although your hair is much longer."

"Alright, who does Sandy look like?"

"Karen Gillan?"

"Yes, but Karen is like 3 inches taller."

"Christina Hendricks but more athletic."

"Kate Mara?"

"Um, why don't I walk you down Michael and let them get settled."

We make our way to the lobby.

"Did you have a good weekend?"

"You are kidding right?" I smile at that.

"We're meeting up on Wednesday. Maybe an early dinner and then we hang out?"

"I'd love to watch a few more episodes of Foundation, do you think there will be any sudden changes of the dress code?"

"Never know when it will happen but the chances of it are very high."

"A risk I'm willing to take."

I walk into his embrace and we kiss. I start to think maybe we should go back up and see if we could have the room for just a little longer. No, I don't want to tire him out too much. We break from the embrace and I watch him walk to his dorm.

I get back up and they are already in bed. "Jenny, any chance I can have the room on Wednesday night? Please, please, please."

"Yes, but tell us how it went this weekend."

"I don't kiss and tell."

"You tell me, and I'm betting you didn't limit it to kissing."

"We did have sex, that was to be expected. I was his first, I kind of guessed that. He is a very fast learner, by Sunday he lost amateur status."

"Was taking it slow worth it?"

"Jury is still out on that but I really like where we are now." I pause. "Christina Hendricks? Like when she was in firefly?"

Alex was quiet, you almost forget he is there. "I don't know, maybe a shorter, bustier Karen Gillan. Can you pull off a Scottish accent?"

"I'll get right on it, dinnae ye worry!"

Sandy PoV

After Jen's party and her visit to Alex's parents' things were a little less eventful. The next few Wednesdays Jen let me have the room, and we gave up any other excuses. We spent those evenings cuddling naked, we talked but there was a lot of non-talking. Also, Mike decided to make it a thing to escort me to the archery range on Saturday mornings, then we would go back to my room and try to be a bit more restrained since Jen was there. I used what influence I had to keep the dress code moderate on those afternoons.

We turned in our 2 projects and as predicted they were solid As. Actually our 4-person team was noted for exceptional work, I am so proud of my team and I expect that in our senior years they will continue this level. I am so proud of them. We are going to pick back up in the fall, a floating topic study session. We suspended our Tuesday sessions, need to study for finals. Mike and I are playing it by ear for our running Wednesday date, I think we both understand if we need to cancel it to study.

The internships are setup in DC for this summer starting in June, I will be at Raytheon and Jen is going to be at the actual state department, they are really impressed in her ability to translate. Michael is going home, I guess he has something at the insurance company his dad works at. Alex will be working for a company in the Wilmington area. Both Jen and I are not thrilled we're going to be apart from them for a few months. Calliope has told us she can put them up if they come visit after the house is ready, probably a little better than trying to get them space at my parents. Mike suggested he might drive down; it is only 8 or so hours.