Activated Pt. 15

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Sandy turns 21 and gets a visitor.
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Part 16 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Author's note: They settle in to summer vacation, internships, Calliope gets cooking lessons and a gallery showing plus Sandy turns 21

Rebecca PoV - translated from Hebrew

I hate hospitals, I think I have communicated it quite clearly. The doctors are amazed at how fast I'm healing so they are going to let me go soon. Where I'm going is still in doubt. I was debriefed, I appear to be the only one who has escaped the animals. I told them what I saw of the tunnels where I was taken to, the hospital on top of them. I which I could give them more information but I didn't think I would make it; I didn't have time for notes.

When I was released, I would go home to an empty house, my parents are confirmed dead. They don't want to let me rejoin the fight, I'm not certain it is completely out of concern for me. They told me they may need me to tell my story, they need to keep me safe for that, the story about the woman who beat the animals is a good one. I didn't beat them, I killed only two of them. I miss my parents; I feel lost without them.

Calliope PoV

Mrs. Card pulled me aside last night and wanted to remind me that this summer her, and sometimes Dora, will be teaching me cooking every day I'm available. I am really good at reheating and hiding delivery boxes, I think I maxed out those skills. I already planned out a kitchen with all these modern gadgets for the new house, time to learn how to use them.

Jenny PoV

I really miss first class, sitting next to Alex is better but it is a close second. The flight was pretty smooth and I do like getting back a few hours flying west. We found our bags easy enough and went outside to look for our ride. It was a cool 95 degrees this afternoon, I don't think Alex is used to this.

"Wow Jen, kind of hot."

"This? We wear layers when it gets this cold."

I'm messing with him; it gets hotter but this is pretty bad.

In the distance I see the waving of hands. "MOM!" I don't run because there is a very good chance my luggage won't agree with that action, we briskly walk toward the car. I see my little sister Olivia is with Mom.

Mom gives me a kiss on the cheek and a hug, Olivia isn't a hugger but I get one anyway.

Mom takes a step back and looks down Alex, I think this makes him comfortable, I tried to warn him. "So, this is the Alex my daughter talks almost exclusively about? 'Hey Jen, how is school? Amazing, I am going on a walk with Alex later'"

"Mom! I'm not that bad."

"She really is, let's get in the A/C and head home."

It wasn't a long drive; we were soon pulling into the garage. We like to mess with outsiders but it is super-hot here. Once we got in the house Dad was waiting for us. "Daddy!"

"Welcome home Jenny bear."

I step back from the hug. "Dad, this is my Alex."

"Good to meet you sir." Alex extends his hand; Dad takes it and pulls him into a hug. I did warn him we're a family of huggers.

"Alex, we feel you know you; you have made our Jenny so happy."

"Thank you sir, I love your daughter."

"Did my package come in?"

"We put it in your room, do we get to find out what it is? Can I get anyone something to drink, need to stay hydrated in this heat."

"Water please."

As I am bringing the wooden box into the family room, "Water and where is the crowbar, Dad?"

"In the garage, be right back."

Dad comes back with a nice little crowbar, we sort of overpacked but these are priceless. I pry off the lid and dump shredded paper all over the floor, Mom sighs and gets up to get the vacuum. I take out the first one and pull it from the plastic, it is my former favorite. My family and I really don't have an interest in art, never went to art galleries and museums, with the exception of the one where they have all the interactive stuff. The room gets quiet when I show them the picture of Sandy and me, her arm over my shoulder, us laughing with a clear sky in the background. I smile internally, the next one is even better.

"Jenny, where did you get that? It is beautiful."

"Mom, I think I mentioned Sandy met Calliope who is an artist. We have become such good friends. When we started handing out last October, she painted this one. Wait till you see the next one."

I dust off the plastic before taking out 'The proposal' but I wait to turn it around to show them. "Apparently Sandy and Poppy, that's Calliope's nickname, figured out Alex was going to propose on my birthday." Mom and Dad turn to Alex and smile, I think Alex's parents had to be won over, mine are all in. "Poppy was amazing, she set the whole thing up, at the park. Sandy bought me the dress and made sure I wore it. Poppy then used that to paint this ahead of time." I turn the painting over and my mom puts her hands over her mouth and starts to cry. Dad is in awe.

"She painted that before it happened?"

"Yes, and it ended up looking exactly like it. Dad, she has this insane talent, Sandy introduced her at my birthday party saying she will be in art books one day, I do not doubt that. Mom, are you okay?" I am careful to prop the painting up and go over to Mom and pull her into a hug. She doesn't stop crying but reaches out to Alex, he gets the hint and she pulls him into out hug.


"I'm just so happy for you."

It takes a few minutes to for Mom to settle down, not before we all were giving each other hugs.

"Jen and Alex, why don't you get some rest before dinner." Dad, you are wise beyond your years.

I bring the 2 paintings into my room for safekeeping and before we knew it Alex and I were cuddling on the bed, fully dressed mind you. It didn't last long before we were asleep.

"Jenny, dinner is ready." I'm more tired than hungry, ignoring that. I feel Alex moving.

"Olivia, can you get your sister?" Tough luck on that, I have years practice ignoring my little sister, these eyes are not opening.

"Jen, your mom is calling, you need to wake up." Alex then lightly kisses me on the forehead, not playing fair!

"Ok, I'm up but this is a clear violation of the first rule of Nap Club, never talk to the napper."

"You know my sister is big on sleeping."

"It takes a lot of energy to be as adorable as Jen."

Olivia makes a face at that, "Alex, you are forgiven."

Dinner is delicious, Mexican which is almost a traditional first meal for visitors. Tomorrow night we'll probably play games or cards.

I was about to turn in when I got a text from Sandy with a link to the proposal video. I make the executive decision that Mom has cried enough for today and there is no way she can get through it without more crying.

A second text comes in from an unknown number, "Jen, this is Michael Russo, Sandy's boyfriend. When is her Birthday?", that's pretty specific, I'm going to make a contact out of that number on the good chance it isn't a scammer.

"June 14th, it's a Friday this year. Are you thinking of coming down?"

"Yes, but not sure where I'd stay, I don't think Calliope's house will be ready then, might have to rent a motel room."

"I doubt it will come to that; worst case the Cards will have you sleep on a couch in their house. I can check on that when I get there from AZ."

"Thanks, I miss her and the Birthday seemed like a good time to visit. Don't tell her, I want it to be a surprise."

"Make sure you hold her hand."

"Yea, she likes that, I do too."

"Yes Mom?"

"Your father and I decided it was fine with you two sleeping in the same room since you are engaged, are you being careful?"

"Mom, yes we are being careful. Alex is the only one I have been with, same with him."

"Okay dear, we trust you."

That was award but at least Alex doesn't have to sleep on the couch.

I didn't do anything with Alex last night. Well, we didn't have sex but I couldn't resist giving him a blowjob. I don't want anyone to hear us.

We got up early the next day rested, 9am is early, apparently Alex got up and was helping make breakfast. We didn't have many goals for this week, my biggest goal was to introduce Alex to his future mother and father-in-law. I still get a shiver of excitement when I think we're engaged.

I ended up pulling Mom aside to get the report on Alex.

"Dear, you were always a quiet child, we were happy when you told us you were dating him. He is everything you told us he is. Some people waste years dating before they find their one, you did it first try." There was hugging. I thing she was right, I sort of got a little push into this, Alex and I were checking each other out but too shy to do anything about it, thank goodness that he was in the common room that night.

We have a pool; it isn't anything fancy but we get a lot of use out of it. There is nothing better than a pool to combat the Arizona weather. Almost as soon as I get to Virgina I'm going to have to work, so this week is spending time with family and relaxing. I am going to get a tan, probably going to get Sandy envious. I laugh silently at that; I'm trying to figure out a funny way to counter that ninja don't get tans. When I get a lot of sun my hair gets blonde, this last time it seemed to return to my natural color in a few weeks which is not my past experience, I wonder if there is anything else working on it, could the nanites be fixing my hair too? I need to ask Sandy what she thinks when I get back.

There is a splash, I look up and apparently Alex is tossing a ball back and forth with Olivia. She's quiet like me, well old me, but she has warmed up to Alex. He is so great, when he opens up to people they love him.

Tomorrow we're going to take a ride out early to the Grand Canyon. I'm going to take a few pictures for Poppy and see what she can make from them. Tomorrow will be a long day, I've been to the Grand Canyon a few times, you always come home tired.

We thought about taking a drive to Vegas but that unless you drink or gamble it isn't nearly as much fun. I think Mom is worried I'll drag Alex into a chapel and get married by an Elvis. Tempting but I want the white dress and everyone treating me like a princess.

Nope, I think we achieved our goal this trip, my parents have gotten to love Alex. My secondary goal is just to relax and soak up the sun.

Sandy PoV

"Arcturus, I see an audience."


"The nanites can deliver skills and knowledge, correct."


"Yes, I've used those skills a few times. Can I request some skills?"


"I have worked on some defense skills, can you add to those, there are skills where it is difficult to find a teacher."


"Another thing, can you give the other gifted a set of basic defense skills?"


"Thank you, Arcturus. Is all well with you?"


"I'd love to hear about them at some point, you fascinate me."


"Nope, thank you Arcturus.


I should have come out and said what I want but he's smarter than the human race combined, probably knows what I mean better than me.

My internship doesn't start till next week on Wednesday. Jen and Alex fly in on Monday with Alex catching a bus on Tuesday afternoon. I have a few days of vacation before I start programming drones... yeah, probably will be making copier runs and sorting but if I'm going to imagine, I'm imagining I am setting up drones to more effectively kill terrorists.

The initial plan was to carpool using the civic, I don't think that will work out so I'm making plans. I'm not sure how this is going to go with my family. I expect they will add this to the stories they will one day tell my kids.

"Mike, dearest of brothers."

"Hi Sandy, what do you need?"

"Do I have to need something?"

"No, but I bet you do."

"Guilty, can you take me over to the yard supply place in the van, I need some hay bales for my archery range. Pleeeeese!"

"I'm going to end up doing it anyway, probably best to give up early."

"You are wise beyond your years."

We picked up 6 hay bales and when we got back, we were able to use the new hand cart that Dad bought to move the sculpture that Poppy made at Christmas. I already picked out a location with no danger of hitting anything if I miss. I do not miss but I know Mom is going to ask about that.

I also got a few pavers that I put down at 70 meters, it is good enough for the Olympics, it is good enough for me. Lastly, I setup something to hold my quiver. I'm finishing the setup when I get a text from Betsy that I got a package. I run inside and find a 9ft package, very exciting. "What did you get?"

"Come on, I'll show you."

I go outside and run to my range, carrying this long box with me. Mike has just finished the hay bales, 2 across and 3 high with posts to keep them standing. His job done he is walking back to Betsy and myself to see what is going on. I open the box and pull out my new 8' dory spear, a replica of the ones the Spartans used. I pull it out and look it over, it is perfect.

"Ah, Sandy, what is that?"

"Mike, this is the sort of spear the Spartans used. Artimis was known for her Bow and Spear, I need to get good with the spear."

"You are so weird."

As they walk into the house I try to spin it around like they do in the movies. I dropped it, well more like it flew out of my hands, three times before I got the hang of it. Spin it around and finish up with bringing it to the ground, point up. Oh yea, that is going to be a look! I tried tossing it at the hay bails, I'm going to have to work on that. Twice it fell short and once I clipped the edge, I'm going to practice till I get good.

I did one last twirl and as I put the end down I shouted, "THIS IS SPARTA!" Oh yeah, I like this spear.

As I walk in I see Poppy painting. I see her come out of it. "I think I need to build something that detects the Poppy-trance for your security system". I walk around to see what she painted, it is me, as Artimis, with my new spear!

"Oh you sneak, I didn't see you out here. Is that going to be for the show?"

"Don't be silly, that is going to be for your room, I can't imagine a situation where you would let me give that away. So when is the shield coming in?

"Next week, it was on back order."

This deserves an extended hug.

"When are you and mom going into town to the gallery?"

"Tomorrow around 10, I was going to take her to lunch, want to tag along? Ever heard of a place called L'Ardente, it is on Massachusetts Ave"

Unsurprisingly I make the move that is so common, I quick draw my phone to look it up.

"Oh, this looks nice, good you mentioned it so I know how to dress."

"Sandy do you even own jeans with holes in them? You are always dressed well."

"I might have a pair but I'm not sure I would wear them. We really have to ask Arcturus about the dress code and the vocabulary changes. Count me in for lunch, I think you can assume I'm in for any lunch."

"Sounds good, be ready for 10am tomorrow."

Well, the picture is going to look so good in my room I had to take a picture of it to send to Jen, this got me into a little trouble. I wasn't paying attention, and headed to the spare room where she has been keeping completed pictures, I thought I remembered she put a bow in on my back, I love her attention to detail. Things went off the rails a little when I entered what I thought was an empty room and found Mike and Poppy, Poppy was on her knees of course, with Mike's dick in her mouth of course. Mike saw me and suddenly had a horrified look on his face. I think he was going to try to pull away but Poppy was having none of that, I saw her arms go around Mike in a flash to hold him in place. I don't blame her, and for a second, I was entranced with Mike's dick. "I'm so sorry." and I turned and dashed out of the room and went down the hall to my room. Maybe 5 minutes later Poppy came in.

"I'm so sorry, we should have been more careful."

I pulled her in for an open mouth kiss.

"Um... thanks I guess."

"I'm not going to see my Mike for weeks, I'm kind of getting a little twitchy. Can you imagine if I got down there on my knees with you?"

"That would have been interesting to say the least. Let me know if you need help taking the edge off."

"Oh, I think you can count on that. By the way, that move to keep him there at the end, props for that."

"Pure instinct, I wasn't done, he was not getting away."

"I assume you are here swearing me to secrecy instead of to let me have a secondhand blowjob."

"Yes, probably would be best if you didn't ever bring it up again."

"I'm going to tell Jen."

"Well, that is a given, try and make sure I'm there, we can all laugh about it."

"I have a question, is it safe to go in there and take a picture of that painting? Did you paint my bow on my back?"

"Yes, it is safe, and sort of, I haven't seen your compound bow really up close, it is a longbow but I bet only you and I would spot the difference."

I give her another kiss because she is wonderful but I open my mouth, my goodness I'm getting a contact high from my brother's blowjob!

"As much as I enjoy that, I'm going to go clean up so you are not stalking me for more kisses."


"I'm going to tell Mike you are good; I'm going to leave out you kissing me to get a taste."

"Probably best that last part."

Mike avoided me the rest of the day, when we found ourselves in the same room he wasn't making eye contact. I'm smiling and thinking Poppy is very lucky. I do feel guilty that I keep thinking about my brother's dick. Wow, I'm going to need help to make it to when Mike visits, I won't hunt down my brother so I can give him a blowjob but I can't get the daydream out of my head.

"Michael, my dear brother, how are you doing?"

"Ah Sandy, about earlier..."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Oh, okay. Can I help you with anything?"

"Yes you can actually, tomorrow afternoon I'm getting a delivery, something that needs to be signed for, are you going to be home?"

"Um, not sure."

"Did I mention I was going to lunch with Mom and Calliope?"

I am kind of enjoying the look on his face. "Yes, I'll be here to sign for it. What am I signing for?"

"I'm sort of leasing something for the summer."

"Where are you getting all the money to buy spears and such? Your allowance?"

"Nah, I do a ton of side jobs programming, in the IT world I'm a hired gun." I put my finger gun in the holster and tip my imaginary Stetson hat. Hmmm I would look good with a hat I think.

I get a brotherly hug, "You are so weird." a pause, "But lovable." He walks away.

Calliope broke the news to Mike that we were talking out a few issues tonight, and she's make it up to him. That was probably best, this way he won't come looking for her. We did talk a little, but quickly she helped me take the edge off. Apparently I am at a point today where it takes 4 climaxes, I am so lucky to have a friend to help me with this. I mostly blew the sight of my brother getting oral from one of my closest friends out of my head. Hmmm, maybe 'blew the sight' isn't the best term. I will be good, it is going to take a lot of running to last till Mike visits.

I've been experimenting with routes around the neighborhood and have found my runs are getting longer, I suspect that I'm going to be running to West Virgina by the time Mike visits, I am going to take Poppy up on her offer tonight I think. I get back and freshen myself up for the run into town. The weather has turned warm so I am happy to be switching to shorts-based running gear. As I get home, I see a car pulling up and two of Mike's friends come out, apparently, they are going to have a gaming day.