Activated Pt. 16

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This has Calliope's housewarming and Sandy visits Mike in CT.
6.4k words

Part 17 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Activated Part 16

Author: The Architect

Authors note: I *think* I got all the correctly spelled but wrong words, thank you for your patience. This has Calliope's housewarming and Sandy, in typical Sandy-style, visits Mike in CT. Next part we're going to introduce Rebecca into the story as the summer vacation comes to an end, probably will be a long chapter.

Calliope PoV

2 days ago, I signed the papers, I now own a house. My house. After my father died, I had to sell my family's house, I couldn't afford it. Spent the next few years in small apartments.

Then there was a change one day, my best friend and I were changed, I thought things were turning around. Four days later my best friend, my only friend, he died. I died a little that day myself, I sat in my small apartment, my crappy little apartment. I ordered food delivered; I couldn't go out.

One day while waiting for Mexican delivery I believe, I started to doodle on a piece of paper. I loved drawing as a kid but I hadn't had time for it in years. My hands seemed to have a life of their own and I drew the crappy apartment in front of me. As I drew, I felt a little better, my loss was still there, it would never go away but maybe it didn't have to dominate my life?

After the food arrived, I went out to my car, drove to an arts supply place and picked up the basics, I came back home and reheated my food. I picked something, usually landscapes and soon it was on a canvas. I went back to work provisioning servers in the cloud, it still hurt when I passed my friend's cubicle but I kept it together. I contacted a local gallery, they bought some of my works. Maybe if I could work on them some more, I could make a living? Someone else could spin up virtual servers, I couldn't walk by that cubicle anymore.

I worried I made the wrong choice, then there was a change again. I was painting in the park when someone jogged up behind me. She was attractive and fit, red hair in a pony tail, late teens or early 20s. There was something different about her too, I didn't know how I knew but I knew her nanites changed her. My life took a big turn that day, it led me here.

That encounter while I was painting the lake in the park changed so much. I made new friends I think of more as sisters, they helped me understand what was going on, they filled a hole is my life I just accepted would never be filled. Then we went to Sandy's house for Thanksgiving and my life took another positive turn, I was taken in by Sandy's family. I had a family now, something that I had lost years before and ever expected to have again. I met Michael, my new sister's brother, he's a sweet man and we fell in love. My new family saw my talent and helped me, as I began the year, I started to build my dream home. A year ago, this was just a dream, an impossible dream, now my house is built and it is all mine. In a week or two I will have my workshop finished and I can paint. Until then I need to channel my creative energy into making this a home.

My new family is around me, has been all day. Michael and Alex are putting together the grill, Mrs. Card, I still can't call her Lily no matter how much she insists, Jen and Betsy are working in the kitchen and Sandy, the protector, is working on the security system. I saw drones orbiting earlier I know she means well but sometimes I wonder.

Tonight, we're going to have a housewarming party. Michael has been setting stuff up the last day, joined by Alex this morning. I love them both, they have been patient with me, so many things to assemble. Both of them are sleeping over tonight, to get the try and get the most work done. Michael won't be sleeping in one of the spare beds, oh no I have big plans for the rest of this weekend. Tonight, we are having a few friends over, I still don't have a lot of friends, mostly just my new family.

"Jen, store time."

"Sandy, can't you just go on your fancy bike?"

"Burgers, hot dogs, buns, corn on the cob, chips, condiments and so on. I love my bike but it isn't so good for a few things."

"Ok, ok."

As they walk away, "I just found this great bakery..."

Well, I do know she is an expert on that.

The FedEx guy shows up, I expect he'll be a daily visitor for the next week, along with the UPS guy and the Amazon drivers. I sort of went on a little spending spree. Also, I have a ton of things coming for the workshop, I spent a lot of money but it will be all worth it.


The grill is assembled and the girls just came back with the groceries, I'm getting excited. Won't be a lot here today, I'm still building my circle of friends, a few people I've done private paintings for and my family group, even invited a few from the gallery. They are still working on the studio, wiring mostly, I expect there will be a lot of peeking in there.

Maybe in the next few days I'll take a walk around the neighborhood, introduce myself. Apparently, the protector jogged around to check everyone out and of course she already has compromised their networks 'just to be sure'. It is a tossup but I guess I would consider Sandy my best friend, and she is very protective of her friends.

The party gets going, Mr. Card, again I can't bring myself to use his first name, and my Michael are working the grill, it is a man-thing, let them have it. The evening was perfect, even the mosquitos didn't bother us although we all complained how bad they were this year, it is funny where the conversation goes.

I got a lot of questions about the house; I will admit I did go big. It has one huge master bedroom and 4 more guest rooms, maybe one day kids' rooms? The workshop/studio is almost as big as the house, room for me to dabble in all sorts of things and a very comfortable studio on the second floor. The part I have been told not to show off is some of the special features including the safe room below the house and studio. Sandy insisted on it and I know to pick my battles, it started with a lecture about me living alone and my safety. If the zombie apocalypse happens, I will be able to capture the fall of humanity in full color and comfort. I will admit, I got caught up in it and the main house has a few secrets, another thing from my childhood daydreams that I couldn't resist.

As it starts to get dark my visitors start to head home eventually leaving me with Michael, Jen and Alex. Once the house was opened Jen moved over here to help me, and of course Alex came up this weekend to spend time with her. Michael is going to stay over this weekend to help work on setting things up also but we're not fooling anyone, he's not going to sleep on the couch. We finish cleaning up, and I see Jen and Alex head upstairs. Michael is staring intensely at the instructions for a rocking chair.

"Michael dear, I'm tired and I'm sure you are too, worry about that in the morning."

"Probably right, maybe with Alex looking at it too we can figure out which bolts are which."

I lead him upstairs to my, I won't say this around Sandy, Spartan furnished room. I used the term out loud the other day, and she starts quoting The 300. I have a bed, one nightstand and a lamp. Nothing on the walls yet, I guess I need to work on that part.

We get in the room and I spin around and draw him into a kiss, I go from tired to full of energy in that moment. "I believe I warned you that I was going to be a little worked up after the party, I do hope you rested."

I start pulling off clothes, his, mine, I will pick up the mess later. Michael and I are in bed and all over each other. I know he's probably tired and I'll try to go easy on him but there is no way he'd getting any sleep till I am well and fully fucked. We climb naked into my king-sized bed, I decided that I would not skimp on anything in my new house, I am a successful artist who is the buzz of the art world, this is my castle and I'm going to live like a queen.

I pull Michael down on me under the covers, I have been waiting so long for this, to hold the man I love in my own house. I push him on to his back and slide him into me, his hands reach up to hold my tits as I grind into him. He may be tired but I am full of energy, my climax is close, I keep grinding away I need this bad. The bedrooms I made sure were soundproofed, I wonder if Jen and Alex heard me even with that. I feel the waves of pleasure go back and forth as Michael unloads in me. I ease myself down, sliding from his chest on to his side.

"I love you, Calliope Athena." He's about to fall asleep, I can't resist smothering him with kisses. Guys, I think he fell asleep while I was kissing him. Tomorrow, I'm waking him with a blowjob for sure, I have needs you know.


I answer the unknown number, I really should let them go to voicemail, "Calliope Bard?" let's reject the extended service plan on my car offer and move on with the day.

"Yes, who is this?"

"This is Skyler Carson from the NY Times; do you have a moment?" Oh crap!

"Maybe, what is this about?"

"We met at the Euterpe gallery; I was hoping to ask you a few questions about her." Her? Oh, double crap!

"Maybe 1-2 questions, I am kind of busy."

"Why did you choose the name Euterpe?" Crap, crap, crap!

I sigh but don't answer, "I'm not interested in exposing you, would you be interested in an interview if we could protect your privacy?"

"Yes, would you do that? No pictures?"

"I would. And, not of you, I'd like to have a picture of one of your works with the article. There is a huge interest in Euterpe right now, honestly your artwork isn't crap like so many other modern artists. Don't tell anyone I said that last part. Your artwork reaches people like some of the old masters and I would love to get an exclusive interview. Name your conditions, no pictures of you, no personal information you don't approve, heck I'll review it with you before I take it to my editor."

"That sounds good, I would like one of my friends there for it, you met her, Sandra Card."

"I don't see anything wrong with that." Oh, my bodyguard seems like a harmless 'skinny redhead' as she calls herself, pray you don't find out otherwise.

"Okay, text me and we'll setup a time."

I look down at the phone and start to text, "Sandy, remember that reporter from the show..."


Today is the day, the reporter is going to meet us at the house in about an hour. Sandy insisted we meet here; she has the anti-spying protections so it is the safest. The rental car pulls up and Sandy is vindicated, he takes a shot of the house and of course Sandy is aware of it.

He walks up to the door and the drones that silently orbit the house have already taken his measure. Very likely Sandy has already compromised every bit of electronics he has. She goes to answer the door, apparently, I'm to sit in the living room and wait.

"Hello Miss Card, nice to see you. Not sure you remember me, Skyler Carson from the times art section?"

"I remember you, come on in Mr. Carson, Miss Bard is waiting in the living room."

He comes in and offers to shake my hand, "Thank you for meeting with me Miss Bard, I promise this will not be so bad. Do you mind if I record this?"

I look at Sandy and she nods slightly, apparently, she isn't concerned. "Make yourself comfortable Mr. Carson, and it should be fine to record it."

"Excellent, and you can call me Skyler."

He sets up his recorder and I am amused at Sandy, who seems to be posed to strike at any moment. The reporter isn't a threat but he wouldn't last 5 seconds if he was.

"Let's start with your early works. I found a few pictures were sold in the Raliegh area last year, can you tell me about those?"

"I was just getting my start, I was working with a few galleries in that area, very informal."

"Then in December of last year you had a major showing, how did that get setup?"

"I have to thank for that Mr. Steven Card, he showed my work to Mr. Kline and they felt it was important and worthy of a showing."

"How did you come to know Mr. Card?"

"I met his daughter", I nod to Sandy, "and I became good friends with her. I'm not sure we want this in the article, I think this is a little personal and I am worried it will bring attention to the Cards."

"I agree, I won't use that part but can we talk a bit more on background? I'm curious."

"Ok, well we became friends and I was then introduced to her family, they are just amazing. After visited around Thanksgiving, without my knowledge, Mr. Card reached out to encourage the gallery by showing them my work, they were very interested."

"Your works have launched the Spitfire gallery into national prominence it seems, maybe international."

"I can say nothing but positive things about Mr. Kline and his team, they have been the pinnacle of professionalism and very artist focused. Make sure that gets in there, they have been very good to me, that should be rewarded."

"It seems like most of your work is landscapes, can you tell me about that?"

"There is so much beauty in the world, we do not stop to look at it. Finding that and showcasing it is my focus as an artist."

"My understanding is you have done a number of private works; can you tell me about that?"

"I enjoy creating art, sometimes it is done for my friends and family. These are personal and will never see the inside of a gallery, I'm told one of my best works is one of those."

"May I ask what it is?"

"The proposal of one of my friends to another, I am quite proud of it but it is much too personal to be anything more than a gift to the couple."

"It sounds amazing, do you have a picture of it?"


"I can't do it from here, not yet. I have the pictures on the media server in the workshop with the vacation pictures. I can work on making them accessible through the house."

"This is an exception, not a feature request."

"Well, not a high priority one."

I roll my eyes, she has put so much time into the system, I'd bet it is more advanced than the tech billionaires have.

"In your second showing we had a few pictures from warmer weather, can you tell me about that?"

"We went to the Mediterranean for vacation in the spring, I couldn't bring my paints so I took high resolution digital pictures so I could paint on my return. I am considering a trip next year for more material."

"Oh where?" I see Sandy's face twitch at that question.

"I haven't decided and it probably wouldn't be good to share that info."

"Fair enough, I am excited to see what comes of that. Would it be possible to take a look at your workshop? Maybe see what you are working on now?"

"I guess but we're still setting up, I really am not working on anything yet." We get up and walk to the corridor which leads to the workshop.

The door unlocks as we approach, "Pretty high-tech setup."

"Sandy can take the credit, she is very protective and insisted we make a few improvements when we designed the house."

"Mr. Carson, I take security very seriously. I take protecting my family very seriously." Coming on a little strong Sandy.

"Here we go, I also have a studio upstairs we can look at after, this floor is not where I would work with people to pose."

"I see a kiln and some woodworking equipment; do you work with those mediums?"

"Yes, although paint is my primary. I made a nice sculpture for the Mr. and Mrs. Card for Christmas."

Sandy picks up the control tablet for the main display, it is a monster flat screen TV where we can display pictures for me to paint. I don't want to think how much this all cost but my tech consultant convinced me it would be what I would need. She displays the sculpture of her parents I made for Christmas. The reporter is clearly impressed.

"Most people these days work in only a single medium, do you think we will see anything at your showings in different mediums?"

"Probably not, while it is fun to dabble, paint and canvas are a lot easier to work with. I do sometimes work with charcoal but usually it is a precursor to a portrait. The sculpture I did might be the last one I will do for some time."

Sandy changes the display, even this digital copy causes me a little burst of emotion as 'The proposal' comes on the display.

"Wow, that's amazing, and this is for the couple?"

"Yes, they are finishing up school but it will one day be in their home. Let's go look at the studio."

` We make our way up the stairs, no need to use the elevator. My studio is a lot more comfortable, and warm environment. I want people to be more relaxed up here. Skyler explores and I pick up a pad and colored charcoals. "Please stand still for a moment." He stops and I quickly draw him out. "You suggested using a picture with your article, see if they can use this one." I hand over my work and his eyes light up.

"I am at a loss for words."

Sandy sees this as an opening for a joke, "Not a good thing for someone in your profession."

The studio has a table with very comfortable chairs, we sit down and finish the interview. He asked me if I had any specific influences, thoughts on other modern artists, a few technical questions about my use of certain colors.

Sandy PoV

Friday in middle of July I grabbed my sleeping bag, a few changes of clothes and set out driving north. I told everyone I was going to visit Mike but I didn't tell Mike, two can play the Suprise game. This is going to be the longest drive I've made with the bike. I made a mistake; I didn't get going early enough and I'm not going to make it there before 10pm.

I pull up to the house on a quiet street and it is dark, the shades pulled. Well, I was worried this would happen. I quietly parked my bike and pulled out my sleeping bag. I figure I will sleep out on the porch and introduce myself in the morning. I get settled and comfortable for about 10 minutes when the porch light comes on and a woman opens the door, probably checking if she missed any deliveries. She looks up and we make eye contact, I poke one hand out from the sleeping bag and give a friendly wave. She slowly closes the door and I can hear her shout "Boys, come down here!" even through the closed door.

The door opens and the woman steps out with her older son, I can see some resemblance to Michael so I am pretty sure I got the address right.

"Hello, can we help you?"

"Hi, I'm sorry, I thought everyone was asleep and didn't want to wake anyone."

At this point my Michael came out, he sees me in the sleeping bag, I get a smile.

"Sandy, what are you doing here?"

"Surprise! I came for a visit but it looked like everyone was asleep and I didn't want my first impression to be waking everyone up."

"Finding you sleeping on the porch working out better?"

"Yeah, not looking good."

He shakes his head a little, "Mom, Steve, this is Sandy Card."

"Sandy, why don't you come inside?"

"Thank you, Mrs. Russo, I'm sorry to have startled you."

I roll up my sleeping bag and grab my backpack, following them inside. The house is modestly furnished

"So Sandy, what brings you for a visit?" I sit down on the couch and Mike sits next to me and takes my hand, that part helps a lot.

"Mike told you we're dating right? I figured I'd visit him and check out the Constitution state."

"Steve, see if your dad has a moment?" The older brother, who seems quite amused at all this, gets up. "We knew Michael was dating someone back at school, he hasn't mentioned much beyond your name. Maybe we can get to know you when my husband gets down here."

Sure, enough I heard people on the stairs, "Laura, I can't take a long break, what's going on?"

"Carl, we have a visitor, this is Sandy, Michael's girlfriend." I think maybe it would be easier to face down thousands of Persian warriors with my spear and shield.

"Oh, hi there Sandy. I can't stay more than a minute; we're upgrading a few Linux servers and I need to do checkout."