Activated Pt. 17

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Rebecca joins our story.
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Part 18 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Author's note: This is a lot of story, only a little sex. I wanted to introduce a new character and you have seen pieces of Rebecca's story, now she gets to meet our crew. Jen and Sandy figure out a new aspect of Jen's gift. I do play against some of the current events but don't read anything political into it. I didn't think this would go 17 episodes, it has been fun.

Sandy PoV

Well, another turn in our lives started with a forgotten wallet.

"Sandy, your dad was in a rush running into the office today, they are setting something up with the Senate for Monday, big weekend fire drill, he forgot his wallet. Any chance you can run into town and drop it off?"

"Sure Mom."

About 15 minutes in I get a text read to me in my helmet from Dad.

"Sandy, any chance you could swing by Baked & Wired or Firehook and pick up some pastries, figure for a dozen people. Use the corporate card in my wallet. And cookies for later, I trust your choices."

You are asking me to stop by for treats? Twist my arm already Dad.

I pull over to make the GPS change, some things are too complex for voice commands still.

A few heads turn as hotter, redhead Trinity walks into Baked & Wired and gets in line. "I need snacks for about a dozen and 4 dozen assorted cookies. Also, keep in mind I need to strap it to a motorcycle when you box it all up. Oh, throw in 2 dozen cupcakes, bakers' choice." I love this sort of shopping.

In a few minutes I was all ready, they even came out and helped me secure it to the bike which is the sort of thing that dropping hundreds of dollars buys you. I was tempted to get drink for myself but I keep forgetting to get a mug holder ordered. I make a quick note on my phone before heading to the office.

I've been here a few times over the years but it is the first time on my own. I park and secure my bike, the nation's capital isn't crime free, neither the streets or congress. Taking my packages, I head in to the lobby.

"Hello, can we help you today?"

"I'm Sandra Card, Steven Card's daughter, I'm dropping stuff off for them. They still on the 12th?"

"Yes Miss, can I have you sign in and see your ID?"

Good, asked for my ID anyways even after I namedropped.

He points over to the elevator, "Take those elevators up to 12. Will you need any help with the packages?" If I said yes, would you call someone or leave your post? Nope, let's not test that getting a solid A on security, no sense risking it.

"Nope, I can handle it."

I get up there and the receptionist is on duty, I sure hope she is paid extra for this. "Sandy?"

"Hi Shela, been a few years since I visited."

"A slightly different look but I'd know you anywhere. Looking for your dad?"

"Yep, got his wallet and some goodies. Trust me, you want some of these."

"Smells amazing from here. Not sure where they are at the moment but they were working out of conference room one today. I'll look for your dad if you want to drop off the good stuff in that room."

"Sounds like a plan.

I make my way to conference room one with its big glass wall, it is empty except for one woman at the table, staring into the blank table in front of her. I almost dropped the boxes as I took her in, the body language, the expression, it hit me like a train. Physically was a different matter, shortish blonde hair, her face had an angelic look that was not completely ruined by her expression. And there is something else, I think her nanites have been activated, I don't know but I feel it.

I setup the pastries and cupcakes, setting aside the box of cookies which will go great with whatever lunch is coming. Once I finish setting up I grab a 'pretty bitchin' and a 'razmanian devil' cupcake and a few napkins and walk up to her.

"Hi, can I interest you in a cupcake?"

She stops glaring at the table and looks at me, there is a flash of confusion, and a faint smile. She points to the 'pretty bitchin', good choice, peanut butter frosting. I hand her the cupcake and napkin, "Thank you." Hmmm, an accent, seems familiar.

"How are you doing today? Need a drink?"

"A water please." Wonder Woman? Israeli?

I get two waters and sit down next to her.

"I'm Sandy, how are you doing?"

"Rebecca. I am doing fine Sandy."

"My father is one of the lawyers here."

I saw the faintest twitch when I said 'father'. What happened to you Rebecca?

"We are speaking to your congress on Monday," She pauses, "about the war. They are preparing us."

I see some people milling about outside, looks like they are getting back to business.

"It was good meeting you to Rebecca. Looks like they are going to come in here and I'm going to get out of the way."

"Shalom Sandy."

I walk out and find Dad as the others filter in. I hand Dad his wallet with the receipt.

"Thanks Sandybear, if you want you can stick around for lunch, should be here in 30 or so."

"Dad, what happened to Rebecca?"

"Oh, you met her? She was captured in the early days, escaped captivity but they killed her parents, her whole extended family. I'm a little worried about her when she gets to the Senate on Monday, she has a lot of anger. Last night she punched her hotel room wall, put a hole right through the wall I'm told." Oh wow.

"Dad, I'd like to hang out for lunch, maybe talk to her a bit.

"Thanks Sandy, you don't have anything today?"

"I was going to go rock climbing later, no time specific."

"Rock climbing? I have an amazing daughter."

"Betsy is pretty good, I'm trying to catch up." I got a hug out of that.


I went into the room, getting a root beer from drink cart and the type of peanut butter cupcake that Rebecca took before. I sit down in a chair off along the wall and start to listen in to the stories. Some of those stories give me a sick feeling, my eyes well up. When they asked Rebecca to talk, she had my total focus. I certainly have the skills to kill someone, I'm not sure I am as strong as Rebecca who used her skills when it mattered. I can hear the pain in her voice, the anger that she came home to an empty house, that everyone she loved died, was killed. I understand why she put a fist through a wall.

I excuse myself to step outside, with Rebecca's story it is too much, I need a break or I will certainly start crying. I feel weak, for some in that room they aren't stories, they lived it. I'm taking deep breaths; I am on the verge of breaking down crying. I catch out of the corner of my eye they are looking at me, I hope they don't think I am one of the American kids these days, I am often disgusted at my generation.

I move out of sight and pull out my phone, not sure if this is going to work, I open up a notes app. "Arcturus, not sure if this will work, are you there?"


"Is Rebecca gifted?"


"She needs help?"


"Is that why we crossed paths?"


"I will try to help her."


I need to do something to help her. I close the notepad, it has gone blank already, I find Calliope's contact and call her.

"Sandy, what's up?"

"I need a favor; can you contact the senator?" I can't steady my voice.

"Sure, what is going on?"

"I just met a woman about my age who is going to be part of the delegation meeting with the Senator's committee on Monday, her name is Rebecca, not sure her last name yet. When I saw her, it was like when you and I met at that lake, I confirmed with Arcturus she is activated. Poppy, she is angry and lonely, we need to help her. I heard what they had to go through; it was all I could do not to start crying."

"What do you need?"

"Ask the senator if they have any info they can share about her, tell him I met her and I want to help her, he'll understand I think."

"Got it, what are you going to do?"

"She needs a friend; I'm going to apply for that job."

Calliope PoV

Didn't think I'd use this phone number again. "Hello Heidi, it is Calliope Bard, do you have a moment? I need a favor?'

"Calliope? Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Can you get a message through to the senator? I need his help; it is about someone appearing before his committee on Monday actually. Not bad stuff, I think they need help."

"I have your number; I'll have him call you first gap he gets. I wanted to thank you for inviting me and the girls to your housewarming the other day, are you up and running with the studio?"

"Yes, no real paintings yet. You are always welcome to swing by if you are in town. Bring the girls and I'll paint you 3."

"Thank you dear, I'll take you up on that. I would love to see you paint again."

I wait, takes about 30 minutes but an unknown number calls me.

"Miss. Bard? How can I help you?"

"Senator, I hate to bother you, I'm sorry about this. There is a girl named Rebecca who will be in front of your committee, Sandy Card just met with her and apparently Sandy is really worried about her."

"Rebecca Abrams, she was in the news, captured and escaped. Her parents and extended family all killed that one day. I can see why Sandy might be concerned. How can I help?"

"Right now, can we get any info about her your staff might have compiled? Also, they should take it easy on her. Apparently, Sandy, the crazy kid that wants to be a ninja, almost broke down crying."

"I get it, I can cover that first part, my staff will let you have what you need, they will be in touch. I will try on the second part but my peers are often jerks. Oh and Miss. Bard, you and Sandy are doing real good here, if I can help any more you reach out to me on this number."


"Thank you sir."

We hang up and I go back to waiting, I feel like we have a mission, maybe something we need to do and we have allies, good allies.

Sandy PoV

"Save the cheerleader, save the world."

There was this show called Heroes years back, they started it with that line and the characters and story line wound around to where it came down to just that. The first season was really good, kind of dropped off after that. The concept was that one seemingly minor person could be key to saving the world. I have no reason to believe Rebecca is that critical but we are going to save her like she is.

"Dad, can I talk to you a bit?"

"Hey Sandy, enjoy lunch?"

"Yes. Can I talk to you about Rebecca?"

"Ah sure."

"I want to help her; I think she needs a friend her own age. I listened to the stories; I need to help somehow."

Dad is taking this in, he seems to reach a conclusion.

"I'm not sure anyone can help Miss Abrams but if anyone can, my Sandy can. What do you need?"

"Let's see if we can start with dinner, I assume we're saving her from room service?"

"Very likely. Yes, that sounds like a good idea, can you make sure there is an extra plate and we're not serving ham or something?"

"I'm on it. Maybe invite her to stay over?"

"We were sort of going to have a problem with the hotel anyway. The hole, not sure how she did it really, right straight through to the other side. Only just scrapped up her hand. You think you can keep that from happening at home?"

"I think so."

"Ok, let me make sure it is fine with the delegation. There is another session here tomorrow, for the orthodox members of the delegation, she won't need to be here for that."


I step away and call Calliope, she just got to our house from hers. Even with her over in her own house she has been coming over every few days a week to practice cooking.

"Hey, how are things on your end?"

"The senator is going to get us what info he can, just waiting to hear from his staff. He's a good one you know."

"I don't trust any politician, but if I could he'd be on a small list, I think. I talked to Dad and he's going to invite her for dinner, please tell me we're not having pork."

"Chicken Parm actually, I think that is acceptable, I will make sure we have enough and an extra plate is available. You know, I think your mom is devious, she has somehow gotten me motivated to taking over cooking."

"She's like that, the woman has her own set of skills."

"So, tell me about Rebecca."

"Shortish blond hair, probably 5'10", looks thin and probably fit, truly angelic face. Not sure about her build, seems like her legs are pretty long, she's wearing pants so once again I wonder about the dress code. She speaks Hebrew and English, perfectly, with an accent that sort of adds an elegance. Poppy, her expression and body language says sadness and anger. I got a flash of a smile out of her when I gave her a cupcake, we need to get more of that because it will light up rooms I figure. I caught the first sight of her and I was worried, even before I sensed she was activated."

"When I told the Senator, I told him what you said, wouldn't surprise he was talking to his pompous peers and warning them to take it easy on her."

"Good, they are all like weeping angels in reverse, they don't seem alive unless the camera is looking at them."


"Doctor who, you really need some non-painting downtime."

"I guess so. Extra plate for dinner. Need anything else?"

"Make sure Jen is up on her Hebrew. I'm leaving shortly, I'll help setup for dinner."

"You can cook?"

"I can follow a recipe, which I think it better than a certain someone before my mom started teaching her."

"I'd be offended but is so true."

"I'll see you in a bit, I'm going to check in with Dad and then get on my bike."

They are taking a break, apparently the cookies are a hit too.

"Dad, I'm going to get going, chicken parm tonight. Going to be here much longer?"

"I think we're wrapping up; I pulled aside Rebecca and she is fine coming to dinner and staying over, I think you made an impression."

"I just sat with her quietly and offered her a cupcake."

"She saw you reacting to the stories. Apparently, you kind of stand out for your age." That gets a smile out of me.

"I'll see you at home."

He kisses me on the forehead. "I'm so proud of you Sandy." That really helped but I can't get the horrors they told out of my head.


I get home and rush to the kitchen where I find Jen assigned to stirring a pot of red sauce.

"Wow, that smells good."

"Calliope is a little bossy in the kitchen, oh she seems like a sweety and very, very sexy but I can see her swinging an oversized wooden spoon to motivate you. So, what is going on tonight?"

"Cali brought you up to speed?"

"I think so, I'm fully onboard. You talked to Arcturus?"

"Yes, not the same on a phone, much easier on the PC. Says my meeting her was not planned and he agreed she needs help."

Poppy comes into the kitchen, "Sandy go get changed, and then set the table."

"See, just needs the wooden spoon!"


Quick shower and a change into a modest dress.

I found Jen and Poppy in the kitchen, "Anyone else here?"

"Not yet."

"I have a bad feeling about Rebecca, well, not her but where the world has put her. Arcturus stated it didn't bring us together but she needs help. We need to look for ways to reach her."

"I have pictures of her family; I could try to do something with that?"

"No, too much at this point, eventually maybe. At some point we're going to need to mention the nanites."

"That could be interesting for sure."

"I know. I listened to her story; she was probably activated during her capture. There was a part when she was about to get raped, when she was able to summon the strength to escape, I'm betting that is when it happened. We're going to have to discover her talents, understandable she hasn't thought of much else in the last few months."


Dad's car pulls into the garage and they get out.

"Everyone, this is Rebecca Abrams, she will be our guest tonight. This is my wife, Lily."

"Welcome to our home."

"You met my daughter Sandra, these are her friends Calliope and Jennifer, my other daughter Betsy and son Michael."

"Thank you for taking me in your home."

"Shalom aleichem Rebecca"

"Shalom Jennifer, [your Hebrew is perfect! Are you from Israel?]"

"[I'm just really good at languages.]"

Even I can't tell her reaction to that, maybe just acceptance. I have an idea; can Jen teach languages?

"I think the girls are working on dinner, why don't we go and relax while they work." Mom may be right, this meal isn't complex, the three of us have it covered but it would be nice if we had help with the dishes afterwards.


Maybe 15 minutes later we had our dinner on the table, Jen and I talked about our internships, we got a house update out of Calliope. There was no agreement to stay away from the topic hanging over all of us but we did. I decided to take a tangential topic.

"Rebecca, how long are you going to be in the states?"

"I'm not sure, I want to look at a few colleges while I'm here. I had a few years at Ben-Gurion University for engineering before I was called into active service. I don't want to go back there and was hoping I might find something here. I made that a condition of my joining the delegation that I could scout schools when we are done."

Oh, this could work. "Maybe we can scout NC where Jen and I are, it has a very solid engineering program."

"I would like that."

We finished up the meal and I was very happy to see Michael and Betsy were assigned cleanup duties. We setup Rebecca in the room where Jen was staying, she moved in with Calliope to keep an eye on her, also when Alex visits it is a little less awkward.

"Jen, Jen, Jen?"

"Hi Sandy, what has you worked up?"

"Have you ever tried teaching one of your languages?"

"Hmm ... never thought of it. Closest we came was when you had me translate pickup lines in to Greek. "

"Not one of my finest moments, never even used them. I'd like you to teach me Hebrew. I'll come over tomorrow and maybe we can try it, probably will bring Rebecca over."

Jen and Poppy head back home. I track down Rebecca who is exploring the house, I find her looking in my room.

She points to the shield and spear, "Your brother collects weapons?"

"Ah, that's my room." She has a little look of surprise. "Have you ever done any archery? We have a little bit of sunlight, want to try?"

She nods, so I grab the bow and lead her to my range out back.

"There should be a spare armguard in the case, you might need it."

I draw and send 3 arrows to the target; she was watching my form.

"Ok, you try." The pull on the bow is around 70lbs, both the Michaels have tried it and failed to pull it back, any doubt at Rebecca's enhancement is abolished as she pulls it back as easy as I do. The first arrow goes into the ground short, the second hits the hay bail and the third is in the 6 ring. She compensated pretty quick.

"This is fun, I can see why you like it."

"Yep, archery, rock climbing and martial arts."

"Martial arts?"

"I have a black belt first class in Taekwondo and a 3rd Kyu in Karate I was going to try Jiu-jitsu but I had trouble lining up a class, have you learned any yourself?

"Some Krav Maga, but I haven't practiced in years."

"Maybe we could try sparing, see what you remember?"

"I would like that. We should collect the arrows before it gets too dark."

"Very practical." We collect the arrows; she takes a look at the target.

"You are good, doesn't look like you miss much."

"Well, there was this one time my boyfriend snuck up on me, I still can't find that arrow."

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Yes, his name is Michael like my brother. Another computer science major and you will meet him if you go to NC. How about you?" About a half second after I said that I regretted it, her expression changed and I saw the shift in body language."

"No, I wasn't dating anyone and at least one of the boys I dated in the past is dead."

"Oh Rebecca, I'm sorry, I didn't want to bring up bad memories, I wasn't thinking."