Activated Pt. 18

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Summer is ending, time for a quick road trip.
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Part 19 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Activated Part 18

Author: The Architect

Authors note: The summer is ending, Rebecca is going to join Sanry and Jen at NC, the girls take a run to the apartment to collect things and drop off the motorcycle.

Sandy PoV

Have to hand it to Rebecca, she's even more motivated to run than I am. I'm just starting to wake up and I hear a knock on my door. She cracks the door and whispers "Sandy, are you awake and ready to run?"

"Just need 3 minutes, want to go out and start stretching, I will join you." Granted she's whispering but I think I can hear a steadiness in her voice we didn't have last night. I rush to get ready.

"Morning, can we do a long path today? As long as I don't make you late for work."

"Sure, and I have a few things to talk to you about." She has a concerned look suddenly. "No, no, not bad stuff." We head off, she matches my pace easily, clearly those sexy long legs.

"Next week Poppy and I are thinking about driving down to Raliegh to get some of her stuff from the apartment, I was hoping you could tag along to check out the campus. If you go there you can stay with Jen and I in the apartment next year."

"Wow, can I borrow your computer today to research their program?"

"I will set you up with the system Poppy used when she was designing her house. I'm fine with you using my laptop but I have a solid security system, and it will take a little bit to set you up for that, easier to just use that system with less security."

"Of course, if I want to go there it might be tough to get in this semester."

"Let me worry about that." Might take some string pulling, might need Dad for that, I think I will try to catch him before he leaves today.

"Sandy, I want to talk to you about last night."

"Rebecca, that might be one we will want to sit for, can we revisit after I get home? I want to talk to you, just can't do that while running because I suspect there might be hugs involved." I look to my side and see a smile; darn she has a good smile.

As we fly through the neighborhoods, I feel my usual calm I get while running. I hope this is the case for Rebecca.

We swing back home and start stretching. "I have the computer in Poppy's old room, let me check it out for you then I have to shower for work."

Yep, right as I left it, only a few patches. This should do fine.


After a quick shower I was able to catch Dad before going to work. "Dad, Dad, Dad"

"Sandy, what has you worked up this morning?"

"If Rebecca wants to go to NC for engineering, are there strings we can pull to make that happen?"

"Does she want to go there?"

"She's going to check it out today, she could stay with Jen and me even."

"Hmmm... I have friends, let me know and I think we could do something. Close to start of semester, she'll probably audit classes till all the paper work is done. How about tuition?"

"I mentioned it, apparently she is well-off."

"Keep me in the loop, I'll work on the assumption she's going to school with her new friends. I caught a glimpse of her this morning, a lot different than the young lady I drove home."

"It is amazing what a good run will do for you."

"I think it is more who she is running with. We have to get to work, talk to you tonight."

"I love you; you are the best Dad."


Work was boring, kind of winding down. I did meet with my boss to pitch staying on after the internship, he's actually positive about the idea and going to work on setting it up. I solved a few programming issues they were stuck on, they more than got their money's worth out of my internship.

I stopped by a bakery on the way home, I couldn't resist. I found Rebecca in the spare room and making notes in front of the computer. "This could work."

"My dad and I will get you in, if that is what you want and you can stay with us." She gets up and hugs me. "Did you want to talk about last night?"

"I think so. Just let me finish up with my notes."

"Meet me in my room."

I do a quick change into a more comfortable outfit when Rebecca comes in. We sit on the edge of the bed and darn it if I am getting turned on.

"I don't know what came over me last night, it was incredible but it is so unlike me."

"I think I know what happened. Do you remember hearing about the nanites they found in everyone a few years ago? For a small number of people, they have been turned on, I think you are one of those. Jen, Calliope and I are also."

"What does that mean?"

"We're still trying to figure it out. A few things are supercharged, you are a lot stronger than you were, a few mental improvements. As far as we can tell your libido is revved up also. When Jen and I were activated, she got obsessed with my tits, neither of us were interested in girls but it changed that night. I suspect the trauma you went through took up all your attention, you didn't notice any changes until you started to get over that."

"Jen, Calliope and you are changed as well?"

"Yes, we all had talents that it supercharged, Calliope is a super artist, Jen has insane language skills and I am apparently good at computers and reading people. When I saw you on Saturday for the first time your sadness it hit me like a brick, I knew in that moment I needed to do something."

"This is a lot to take in."

"Yes, I was trying to figure out when to tell you. What happened last night would have happened eventually and believe me, I'm down if you want to go there again."

"I want to be your friend; I don't want to do anything to mess with that."

"It won't. I told Calliope on Saturday that I thought you needed a good friend and I was going to apply for the job. I am all in for you Rebecca."

She pulls me into a full hug then kisses me on the lips, I have a feeling where this is going. Sure, enough the kissing got very serious quickly. I see this as a good sign, she was so consumed before nothing else could break through.

She lifts up my shirt and starts to suck on my tits. I try to talk but it isn't easy, "I have to warn you about-" at this point I climaxed and she caught the echo.

"What was that?!?"

"I was going to warn you, when someone climaxes anyone in contact with them gets an echo, it varies but can be quite intense. When I went down on you last night, I got a very nice echo. The intensity is complex and depends on what is triggering the climax, there might be an emotional element to it too."

"It is going to be days before I learn all the rules?"

"We're getting close to a year and still figuring them out."

"You like girls?"

"It's a little more complicated. I'm physically attracted to girls but romantically attracted to guys, Michael specifically. Jen and I had sex a lot but she was dating Alex and I was dating a jerk called Tom, Alex worked for Jen but I sensed it wasn't right with Tom. He liked it rough; I broke his nose."


"Oh yes, tried to choke me, I helped him get to the walk-in and haven't talked to him since. I have rules for sex with guys. No roughness, no degrading names, I know what I want and don't want so I will enforce any boundaries and lastly no food."


"Food and sex is gross."

"Those are good rules, I never have been with a man."

"There are some positives, you are now immune to STDs and you won't get pregnant until you want to. I'm betting that 9 months after Jen and Alex get married, we'll see a little bundle of joy."

"How did you know I had been changed?"

"Not sure, I could sort of sense it. When I ran into Calliope that first day something was out of sorts, it was why I ran over to her painting. She looked me up and down and sensed it too."

"She was in a bad place?"

"She had a serious crush on a guy who was also her best friend, they got activated and just 4 days later he got hit by a drunk driver. She pulled into herself, her artwork helped but she needed someone to be friends with like Jen and I. It really turned around when she came home with us over thanksgiving, my family took her in and she started dating my brother Michael in secret. Possibly the least secret secret ever, we all figured it out."

"Do you see me like that?"

"I honestly don't know. I just want to help; I think you have been through a lot and need a friend or even a few friends to connect to. I meant it when I said I was committed to helping you. I know in my heart you are worth it."

"I might start crying again."

"I'm not going anywhere in that case." I pull her in for a hug. "Not that I want to stop this but I did pick up some stuff at the bakery for after dinner. I also want to call the girls first and update them. Jen, Calliope and I are really close, I can see it being the four of us very soon."

I facetime Jen, my next version of the house's system and I will be able to call right into the house and they will be able to answer on any of the room screens. A day or two for that, I sort of need to reverse engineer a few things to make it work.

"Hey Jen, I have news, is Poppy there too?"

"Yep, we're making dinner, no fingers have been sliced off yet."

"That's good, still not sure if the nanites would regrow them."

"Is that the news, did you explain that part to Becca?"

"Becca?" I turn around and look at Rebecca.

She shrugs, "It works."

"Yes Jen, I started the primer on changes. Speaking of which, any chance we can have another language lesson?"

"[Sure, maybe tomorrow night]"

"Did she say tomorrow?"

"Yes, [you are doing very well picking this up]"

"Thank teacher Jen. Why don't we plan something for tomorrow after work. Maybe pick up Becca and I'll just drive over on my way home from work?"

"That sounds good."

I hang up. "Come on Becca, let's see what is for dinner so we can eat desert without guilt."

Dinner, and more importantly desert went fine then Rebecca and I went upstairs and talked until we got sleepy. Just talked, it was nice. She asked about the boys on campus, I suspect she is going to be beating them off with a stick. She is having a beautiful face, legs and something about her smile, wow.


"Hey Michael, how are things in dreary CT?"

"About the same, anything happening down there?"

"Yes, I wasn't going give you a heads up our crew looks like it will increase by one next year."


"My father's firm was helping a delegation from Israel prepare for congress. I made friends with Rebecca and she probably will be going to NC for engineering. I can't wait to introduce her around. She even runs with me in the morning!"

"Rebecca? Was she in the news?"

"Minor thing, she was captured and killed two terrorists while escaping."

"Oh, another lethal weapon? Jen is the only one not dangerous?"

"That you know of..."

"You know I'm harmless right?"

"Then you will have no defenses when I smother you with kisses next time, I see you."

"I am looking forward to that, not long now."

"Next week we're going down for a few days, going to pack up some of Poppy's personal stuff and I'm going to bring my bike down to store it there."

"I miss you. Did I tell you I got a report on you from my family?"

"Oh? Do tell."

"Steve thinks you are hot, Dad is really impressed with you, that you picked up the thing he has trouble explaining to his coworkers."

"You seem to have omitted one member of your family."

"Noticed that eh? Mom is very protective; she likes you it is just a mother thing."

"Ok, I'll keep working on it. Because I'm just crazy about her son."

"I love you too."

"Catch you later."


The rest of the week went well, on Wednesday night there was a farewell dinner for the delegation that I was invited to, all kosher dishes. There was a lot of hugging at the dinner, for most of the night I was on the verge of breaking down crying. Everyone I met there I matched with their story I heard; they are so strong to have lived through it.

After we got home Rebecca went up to my room to talk, it was becoming a regular thing and my parents were proud how our friendship made a difference in her. That night she insisted on going down on me and who was I to refuse. I get the feeling she was just coming into things when she was pulled into active service, now it is all rushing to the surface. Not only did she want to go down on me I think she needed to do it. Didn't give me a chance to take off my skirt and she was kissing my thighs all the way until getting to my pussy. She paused a few seconds; this would be her first time. I'm fine with her not being ready although I'm going to need to seriously jilloff very quickly or I will explode. She decides she is all in very quickly, licking and sucking. I feel it building and reach for a pillow, this is going to be a big one. I start to shake as it rolls over me, I was right it was a really big one and I have a sustained moan into the pillow. Rebecca uses me to muffle herself, not very effectively.

"Come up here when you can."

Slowly she is able to slide up so we can look at each other, which lasts maybe a second before we are kissing and running our hands all over each other.

"That was amazing, way to ring the bell."

"I have never done that before of course, it just came naturally. I want to do it again."

"Hold up buckaroo, need to pace ourselves, that last one is going to have me shivering for days!"

"I didn't mean now silly, but soon. I enjoyed that a lot." With that out of our systems we go back to some of our nightly talking, only this time we are playing with each other's tits while doing it.

On Friday my internship finishes up, my manager is still working on part time remote work while I'm at school, I guess I'll find out eventually. I still have been doing the freelance work. My internship is juice bar money compared to my freelance work.

Jen and I have been doing Hebrew sessions every night, I then check my progress with Becca and by Friday she is amazed at my progress, apparently, she can't tell I'm not a native at this point.

Monday morning we're going to pick up a U-Haul and load my cycle into it. Just easier to take it down with us and secure it at the apartment. I'm fine with long trips on the cycle but why go through it if not needed. When we head to school Jen, Becca and I will fly down. Dad's friends helped us, Becca will start off auditing the courses until the paperwork is done. We had recommendation letter from both senators, a favor from our friend, and she should have a student visa very shortly. I don't feel any remorse for getting all this done with favors, Rebecca is worth it.

Every night we hang out in one room or another and just talk. Well, there was one night where Rebecca got frisky, we ended up 69ing. Wow she is amazing. For months all she could focus on was her loss and anger, turn that down and she is a tiger. Despite the sudden appreciation of the female form, she is really interested in meeting guys when she gets to school. Not sure she realizes how protective I am, I will make sure that anyone who dates her will behave or answer to me.

I also have been lining up my after-class activities, weekly Karate and Krav Maga classes. Becca and I are going to get really good at Krav Maga. I'm going to save the pilot classes and firearms training for the spring.

When we get to the apartment and load up Poppy's stuff, we're going to restructure the apartment for a 3rd bedroom. When Calliope suggested we move out, Jen and I could barely contain ourselves, now I'm adding another friend to the mix. I'm having trouble tamping down my excitement.

Monday morning arrives and Calliope drives up with the truck I am prepared. After we load and secure my bike, I put the important stuff in the truck.

Calliope looks at me with suspicion, "4 Red bulls, 8 waters, 6 root beers, 12 mixed berry juice boxes, a bag of funyons, Flamin' Hot Cheetos with a box of disposable gloves to avoid Cheetos fingers, a package of 6 Twinkies and another of 6 HoHos, some Sweet Chili beef jerky and lastly some red Twizzlers."

"You are a big child you know."

"Becca, she says that now but 50 miles in she'll be drinking from a juice box."

Becca is looking with curiosity in the bag.


"Big child, there is only a front seat."

"Tradition my dear, tradition."

We get on the road it isn't a rough drive, about 5 hours. Sure enough both Becca and Calliope were drinking juice boxes a few miles in.

"What? Easier to drink from the box."

We stop with about an hour to go at a Chick-fil-A for a nice lunch. At about 2pm we pulled up to the apartment.

"Before we go in I need to disarm the security system."

"Wait a sec, when did you set something up?"

"Oh, had it for some time before end of the school year, was easy enough to turn it when we left. I am certain nobody has been in the apartment since we left."

I unload the bike once I clear the apartment for entry and join them to start picking out the items to move. We probably spend a few hours loading into the truck and we're going to be lucky because Calliope actually bought a number of things for her house so they will be left for us, no need to go get a toaster I guess. We decide to work on the walls then break for dinner.

Turning 2 rooms into 3, not easy but when we are done we have 3 decent sized rooms waiting for us to fill them. Tomorrow morning we're going to break down and load the bed, tomorrow because we need to sleep on it tonight. When Calliope gets up tomorrow we're going to take care of that last piece, we have to figure out the morning run though.

"Becca, the park is close, we can run there or if you are up for it we can run to campus, it is a serious run but I think we can handle it. I want to go over there after we load up the bed to do a low speed tour before we head back to Virgina if we haven't covered it all during our run."

"I can handle a long run. I like your plan. Calliope, thank you for helping us like this."

Before she can react Becca gives her a kiss on the lips, on the second kiss she opens her mouth and starts running her hands down her back to her ass. I am surprised and a little aroused.

They break from the kiss and Calliope is a little stunned. "[Rebecca, what was that?]"

"[I wanted to thank her and she is so hot, I can't help myself.]"

"Calliope, you okay dear?"

"We're going to sleep in the same bed tonight, I guess Becca has decided we're not wearing clothes."

If this is happening, it is happening, I move over to the bed and pull my shirt off, my skirt is next. The girls pull off their clothes and join me. Becca is new to this still, I wouldn't call her aggressive as much as insistent. She seems very determined to go down on each of us and I know from experience she is quite good at it.

Becca is enthusiastically licking Poppy, I'm sucking on her tits. "Calliope, this is the last time you will scream in this apartment, no need to hold back."

"I. Am. Going. To. Visit- Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" The waves roll over us, it is very intense and easily more than Becca has encountered ever.

"[What was that? It kept going and going.]

"Becca, can you speak English?"

"I couldn't there for a moment."

"I thought so, there are a few times when the echo gets intense especially if you have more than 2 people."

Calliope was hit pretty hard being at the center of it all, "Oh yes, I'm going to visit you girls. When you are recovered I need to go down on you Rebecca, that was incredible."

"I'm trying to imagine the 4 of us, good chance we knock each other out."

"Don't care, that will be worth the plane ticket easily."

Poppy starts to kiss down Rebecca's long body turning back upwards and inward when she hits the knees, alternating with kisses to each inner thigh. I'm up sucking on Becca's tits when she waving me to get up. "[Can you sit on my face?]" she's really worked up and I guess goes back to Hebrew, lucky Jen taught me well. I position above her around the time that Poppy starts in on Becca. I try to read them, it is a mess and I give up. I just close my eyes, this is so good. The wave hits and I use every bit of my control to fall so I neither crush Becca or fall off the bed. Again wave after wave of pleasure, I look over and I think Becca is going to need some time to recover, her eyes are open but there is nobody home, only a smile that lights up the room in a slightly different way then normally.