Activated Pt. 21

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Second Thanksgiving since activated brings life changes.
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Part 22 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Activated Part 21

Author: The Architect

Authors note: Another big one. Thanksgiving stuff, a life change for one of our girls. Next one will be big too.

Sandy PoV

"Hey Mom, I just thought I'd check in."

"Hello Sandy, heading to the airport soon?"

"Yep, Michael and Betsy are on their way over. Becca and I are packed and ready."

"Tell Jen and Alex we're sorry to miss them, maybe they can visit part of Christmas break."

"Actually, that might be the plan, maybe coming up to catch Calliope's show. Speaking of Calliope, we might spend a few days over there to work on stuff."

"Maybe next time we're over your Dad and I could get a tour, see what you have been working on."

"Might need you to sign an NDA."


"I'm kidding, I think we can trust you."

"You are something else my dear. Have a safe flight, I think Michael will be picking you up, he traded out his car for the van earlier and went back to Calliope's house."

"Love you Mom, see you tonight."

A few minutes after I hung up on Mom my littlest sister came in, I braced myself for her trademark running hug.


"How are things, ready for a week break already?"

"College is something else, I'm doing fine but I don't have any problems falling asleep at night for sure. So where is everyone?"

"Jen and Alex left about an hour ago for a week in Wilmington and Alex's family. Mike is also on the way over. Becca spilled something and it taking a shower, don't ask."

We sit down to talk about freshman life at Duke when Becca comes out of the bathroom in a towel, cursing in Hebrew. She stops mid-curse when she sees Betsy. "Betsy, good to see you, let me get dressed, I sort of ruined an outfit just before you got here."

I'm trying to hold in the laughing, it did destroy a nice outfit. We can't wash it, all our clothes will end up the same rust brown color. I guess this is the cost of our chemistry projects at home. The high temp superconductor project is not as easy as the others.

A few minutes later a freshly dressed Rebecca joins us on the couch. I text Mike to check on where he is, he is almost here. While we're waiting we gather the backpacks by the door. Betsy and I have clothes at home, we're really only bringing our laptops and a change of clothes, always have one in case you get stuck somewhere. Rebecca had stuff sent to my parent's house from Israel, so she'll probably be bringing back clothes to the apartment. She's not bringing the laptop, Jen's old laptop really isn't up to the task, I have her setup with an account on my laptop if needed and we have a very nice system at Parnassus I used all summer.

Mike is really the only one bringing clothes, in case of spills as I remind him. Figure we can do laundry so he only needs 2-3 days and a bathing suit.

10 minutes later Mike arrived and I ordered up a larger car to bring us to the airport. The flight was fine, I was spoiled by the private flight and our brief experience with first class. Granted I can snuggle with Mike so it isn't all bad.

"Michael! Oooooh, hey there Calliope."

"I figured I'd tag along for the pickup."

Hugs are exchanged and we load up the van for the drive home. Got home, settled in, my brother and Calliope traded cars and headed back to her house. "Mom, does Michael spend much time at home?"

"Oh, he's slowly moving out, a little bit every week, I think he thinks we don't notice."

"I guess he didn't get the message that you notice everything."

"Well, they both seem so happy. Last month at the showing when he was taking care of her, I was very proud of him. And we love Poppy, she's such a sweetie."

"I didn't see this coming when I brought her here last year for sure."

"I'll let you in on a secret, keep your phone ready to take pictures Thanksgiving Day." Michael, you devil, this the time eh?

"Hint received."

"Oh, change of plans for Thursday, Calliope wants to host."

"I know you have been working with her, are you up to Turkey dinner level?"

"I guess we'll find out. Don't worry, I'll be there, you will get your homemade cranberry sauce and stuffing."

"Yea! We'll all pitch in to help I'm sure. I'm going to go settle in, not sure what we're doing tomorrow but Sunday Becca, Mike and I are going over and working with the drones."

"Get some rest, see you in the morning."

I made my way up to the room and found Mike reading one of the textbooks, I jumped up on the bed next to him.

"Hey there, need any help studying?"

"Nah, just rereading. What are we doing tomorrow?"

"Not much, I think we relax a little, maybe swim and I'm going to shoot some arrows."

"I thought your bow was back at the apartment on your wall?"

"My old longbow is in my closet somewhere; the arrows won't hit as hard." I run my hands down his chest and into his pants.

He draws in a breath sharply, puts down the book and turns to kiss me.

I get up and pull down his pants and boxers, I pause to smile before I start a blowjob. I'm almost done and we hear a knock on the door, the noise cancelation process actually takes this into account, they can't hear anything inside but someone knocks on the door and we do hear it. I'm not stopping this close, and Mike unloads in my mouth. The knock on the door returns.

"Under the covers Mike, I'll get this." His pants are across the room. I'm still dressed and I slip out into the hallway where Rebecca is waiting for me.

"Oh hi Becca, how are you tonight?"

She is about to start talking and catches a whiff of my last activity, then suddenly she moves forward and gives me a full kiss on the mouth.

She pulls back with a big smile on her face. I whisper, "We're in the hallway." and she leads me back to her room. We close the door and she sneaks in for another kiss. "Hey there, stop that." She presses me against the wall and kisses me a 3rd time, this time she reaches down to my legs and starts to run her hand up under my skirt. I probably could break away, but then she reaches my pussy, all resistance on my part melts away. I want to moan but Becca keeps kissing me, she is relentless. I reach my climax, shaking and my legs go a little weak. She steps back and we are both panting. A really big smile on her face.

"Sorry, couldn't resist."


"I wanted to talk to you about tomorrow."

"You need to wait a little bit, I need to sit down before I can concentrate."

She sits down next to me and bites her lip. Wow, that was something.

"Okay, what's up?"

"Can you take me over to shule tomorrow?"

"Oh, of course I can, any specific time?

"Figure we'll run then have breakfast."

"Is everything fine?"

"Not sure, I want to see if I can talk to the Rabbi. You can just drop me off if you want."

"I'll go with you, I'm kind of curious."

I go to open the door and she tried to sneak in another kiss on my mouth. "Stop that!"

She smiles at me, I'm going to need to get out of here and clean up. I rush back to my room, and to my bathroom.

"Everything okay with Becca?"

After gargling, "Well, we're going over to the synagogue in town but she seems like she's in a good mood, when I left she was smiling."


We had a nice run the next morning, just like the early days when we brought her home. After the run and stretches I gave her a good long hug.

"Sandy, not that I object but is everything fine?"

"I was just thinking back to when we first went for a run, can you believe it's only been a few months?"

"Not really, and I think I'm going to start crying."

We went inside where it was warmer and had a good cry and hug, with nobody awake to bug us. We were probably there for 5 minutes.

"When I first ran into you I asked Arcturus if he crossed our paths, he denied it. He might have lied or we got really lucky."

"Can it lie?"

"Probably but I don't care, I don't need to be manipulated to help people."

That got me an extra strong hug.

"Let's get some food, then we'll borrow a car."

We started to forage when Mom came around the corner. "Is everything fine down here? I thought I heard crying."

Becca came over to me and put her arm around my shoulder, "We are just glad fate brought us together."

I'm just grinning at that.

Lily Pov

Michael just pulled in to trade for the van, more room to pick up the kids later.

"Hey Mom, did you find it?"

"Of course I did, take care of that or grandma's ghost will haunt us. When are you going to ask?"

"Thanksgiving but don't tell anyone, I want it to be a surprise.

"I see how happy you both are, watching you take care of her at the showing the other week made me proud."

"I know she's fine waiting but I really want to make this move now, even if we end up waiting till I am further into school."

"At one point I was talking to her and she promised me that she wouldn't alter the course of your life, I laughed at that and told her that she basically already has, she's made you and us so much happier."


Do I hear crying?? I made my way down to the kitchen where the runners were making breakfast.

"Is everything fine down here? I thought I heard crying."

Rebecca moves to put her arm around Sandy, "We are just glad fate brought us together."

Me too. I remember the night Steven brought her home for that first dinner. Rebecca was quiet and sullen, nothing like now. I didn't find out till later that Sandy mobilized her friends, and they all threw every bit of positive energy at turning it around for her. God my kids turned out amazing.

"What is on the agenda for today?"

"Funny you should ask Mom, any chance I can borrow the car? After breakfast Rebecca wants to go over to the synagogue. Aside from that I'm not sure if there's anything going on, I want to shoot some arrows, and tomorrow we are going over Calliope's."

"Yes, of course you can borrow the car."

I leave them to get myself ready for the day the sounds of laughter put a smile on my face.

Rebecca Pov - Translated from Hebrew

Breakfast was fine, we go and get changed. I pull out the dress I wore last time I went to synagogue, months ago in Israel. I was able to drag myself out of the house a few times, then back home to the empty house. I still believed but I felt God abandoned me. Maybe I am just too small to grasp his plan? I was lonely and angry, his plan for me brought me here, I think it was a sign.

Sandy glides into my room, she also has a modest dress on, forgoing her usual ponytail to let her red hair cascade down her back.

"Oh, you look very nice. I woke up Mike and told him where we are going. When do you think we'll be back?"

"Probably over 2.5 hours, I want to see if I can talk afterwards. You don't have to stay, you can just drop me off."

"Nonsense! And as a bonus maybe I can practice my Hebrew."

We headed off in the fancy electric car, and headed to shule. I have never been to a service in this country. Everyone is very well dressed, and friendly.

The service turned out very similar to what I had at home, I should have done this sooner. After the service I asked if the Rabbi had a few minutes to talk. Unfortunately he didn't so I'm going to come back later this week. I like George but I need to work out a few things, I need guidance.

Sandy PoV

I actually enjoyed going to shule with Rebecca, everyone there was friendly and polite. We drove back to the house, time to get a little practicing in before going over to Calliope's tomorrow.

I got back and found my old longbow and arrows, basic wood shaft arrows not the carbon fiber ones I usually use. Collected Mike who was studying some more and went out to my makeshift range. The draw is so weak on this bow, my first few shots are to get used to the bow and go short. By the forth shot I'm hitting the target, by the sixth I'm in the center ring. I managed to split the 11th arrow with the 12th. Oh yes, Kate Bishop level achieved!

"Did you just split an arrow?"

I giggle a little, "Yeah, I couldn't do it with my regular arrows, I just kept breaking them but these are wood and not really sturdy. I wasn't sure the longbow would have the power for it, guess it does. Hey, do you want to try shooting? This bow has training wheels."

"If I didn't love you I might resent the shots at my frail male ego. Yes, hand me the beginner's bow."

It takes him till the 4th shot to get to the target. One in the 6 ring, one in the 4 ring and the next over the target.

I think I'm putting a bow on the list for him this Christmas.

"Well, that was how I was at first,"

"How old were you?"


A little swimming in the late afternoon, dinner and we turned in. Going to be busy tomorrow. Well I'm going to be busy, I think Calliope is going to have the others work on setting up furniture, maybe moving stuff into the shelter. I told Mike I setup the interactive maps for him and I want him to useability test it.

I had a great swim, I used to swim every day when I was in high school, but I haven't been swimming nearly enough at school. Free swim at the campus gym isn't very good, too many goofs in the pool. I need to figure something out, has to be some way to swim at school.

We had a nice dinner and I failed miserably to talk everyone into playing Uno -No mercy, apparently someone spilled the beans.

"No I am not playing, there is a good chance playing card games, will lead to us breaking up."

"I had someone cut into my leg with a box cutter, playing cards with Sandy is on the same level."

Yep, not sure who has a problem with it.

Mike and I ended up studying till we got tired. Before I forgot I did a little shopping at Cabela's online and had a very compound bow package sent here, so I have it for Christmas. I make sure his has adjustable draw weight, unlike mine.

We get settled in to bed, some nights it is enough to sleep in Mike's arms.


We opened the front door and shouted "Calliope we're here!" this seems totally unnecessary since my goal is that the homeowner is never going to be surprised by guests. "Parnassus, where is Calliope Bard?"

In the voice of the Enterprise computer "Calliope Bard and Michael Card are in the swimming pool."

Ooooh, fun! We put down our bags and the three of us head to the pool. We see the two of them kissing in the shallow end and I hold back Mike and Becca. "Watch this. Parnassus, set the solarium for night sky, enable tropical noises." Slowly we watched while the solarium tinted to black except for small dots in the form of constellations. As we entered, we could hear sounds of a tropical island come through the sound system. It got their attention and they were looking all around when they spotted the 3 of us. They were startled and Calliope let out a little curse.

Calliope ducked down and behind my brother. "Calliope you scamp, are you skinny dipping?"

"No, but turn around until I can get my robe."

When we turned around, they had retrieved their robes.

"I think I should set up something if you are in the pool to announce visitors, didn't think of it. Maybe flash the lights."

She waves at the sky, "should I be surprised at this?"

"Clearly you need to get to this part in the manual."

The Mikes and Becca were just amazed at the 'night sky'.

"My fault, I should read up on any room I enter." Her expression softens, I can tell she's not really angry. "Great to see you again you three, you ate dinner, right?"

"We are good, I just wanted to check the packages and then we'll work on setting everything up tomorrow."

"Where's the group picture? Sandy was in such a hurry to get back here we didn't get chance to look around."

"The packages, the crates really, they're over there in the workshop. The painting is over the fireplace, in the living room. We're going to go get changed and we'll meet you in the living room after you check out the crates."

The drones arrived without any problems, along with the extra batteries, our notes and a bunch of sound cancellers. I pulled the battery stuff aside; we're going to bring it with us to see the lawyer on Wednesday although I'm not sure what we need at this point. We headed back to the main house and there above the fireplace was the picture, a warm feeling of friendship radiating off it. Jen is sure to get worked up seeing it.

"Another masterpiece."

"We are going to have to talk to Jen when she comes here at winter break. I have a few poses in mind already."

"How are you doing for the winter showing?"

"I have been taking it easy since that weekend, but I have a decent number of previous works and I'll probably make more before the cut off."

"Are you going?"

"I'm on the fence, it's possible that someone other than that reporter from the times has figured it out, there's a chance I'll be ambushed. I have about a month to figure it out."

"Well, we will go. I can always wear a broach with a camera in it?"

"Will keep that as a fallback option. You guys remember your rooms right?"

We grabbed our bags and headed up. Calliope showed up at my room a minute later.

"I forgot to mention, tomorrow Tina from the cleaning service is coming by at 3pm, on Mondays she brings her daughter Cassy, we swim and I help her with her homework."

"Will you be wearing the bikini from earlier?"

"I love you but you are a big child sometimes. No, I will not. I was going to say that you are welcome to join us for a swim."

"I was already looking forward to going for a swim, haven't been in there since the big weekend."

Mike looks up at that, "when did you swim then?"

"You were napping."

She wandered off with a chuckle as we got ready for bed. Big day tomorrow.


Got you. I met Becca in the hallway, she keeps waking up before me but not today. We had a very nice run this morning, I was able to show her some of the sights. We got back to the house and entered through the workshop.

First, I ordered all the current drones to land by the door, they're very nice drones so we're probably going to try and sell them on eBay or something. Next, we pulled out the six new drones and set them up on the lawn, I already paired them with the system so as soon as I give the word two of them will take off for patrol duty and the other four will return to their nests. Now comes the tough part, I get to climb up to the nests and install the new charging docs.

Before I start climbing, we head over to the new kitchenette and get a few snacks out, this really was a good idea. For the next 2 hours, while Becca looked on, I climbed up to the six nests I picked out beforehand. The remainder of the old nests I'm just going to turn off the power to them for the time being, probably will leave them there until summer.

"We should have brought the smaller drones; they could have brought stuff up to me."

"It looks like you did pretty good."

I went over to the terminal in the workshop and brought the external drone security online. 2 drones quietly started orbiting and the remaining four docked themselves in their nests. I did a quick check and they were working perfectly. Becca, in her role as ground crew, had already brought in the old drones and most of the tools. The house secure again we headed to the kitchen to see if anyone was awake and eating breakfast.

We found Calliope active in the kitchen with an adorable apron, "I have some Danish there on the table, and the quiche should be ready in a few minutes, no bacon." She nods to Becca.

"New drones are up and running, major improvement."

"Were the old ones lacking?"

"Not really, but these are so much better. And I think this project will pay off in the long run. Where's my brother, I have a project for him?"

"Shaving, I think, should be here soon."

My Michael comes in the room, needing a shave I notice. "Wrong Michael."

"We are going to replace some of the sound dampers, after breakfast, we are ahead of schedule. A few more hours pulling the old ones and installing the new and we are set."