Activated Pt. 23

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Winter showing and batteries.
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Part 24 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/04/2023
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Author's note: Been a few more weeks than I expected, I have been writing but didn't submit. Probably going to end this series after about a year more of in-world time. This episode we are going to have the next showing for Calliope. We have a huge movement on the battery thread. Mike finds out what happens when the girls get all worked up.

Calliope PoV

"This is ridiculous, even for you."

"You know what would help? Got any pictures of you from a few years ago?"

"Nice try red. Work with what you have. I can't believe I let you talk me into this."

"Trust me, nobody will ever know it really was you."

"What if they think that this old lady is really Euterpe?"

"Well I guess that's a possibility, then without the disguise you'll be anonymous."

It seems nobody had any good experience with makeup, the girls rarely used it and I certainly had no skill, which explains my dating history in my early life. We ended up resorting to YouTube for Halloween makeup instruction.

"I do have some bad news about this disguise, it's going to look a little odd if Michael is following you around."

"I thought walking with a cane was on going to be the worst part of this."

"Well, we could use a cover story that you're Grandma Card, I doubt if anyone has done our genealogy."

"No, we practiced with Minerva Cole from Atlanta, let's stick with that."

"You're pretty good with the voices, hidden talent?"

"I had different voices for each of my toys growing up."

"And there she puts a depressing spin on it."

"You my dear, are a big child." Said in her southern accent.


Maybe we're being paranoid but Sandy, Mike and Rebecca are going to drive me a little ways from the gallery and drop me off, I'm going to get an Uber to bring me to the front door.

Speaking of those 3, they look amazing. Mike is wearing a very nice suit which I'm told they bought yesterday. Sandy also went dress shopping with Rebecca, they look amazing. I've only known Sandy a year but it feels like forever, she has always been in good spirits but now she is taking it to a new level. I get that, I have kind of been bouncing off the walls since Michael proposed on Thanksgiving.

As for Michael, he is not thrilled, he has to mostly treat me as a stranger all evening. He knows these are stressful for me and is very protective of me, it is going to kill him to not be at my side.

"You sure about this? Would it really hurt to go as yourself?"

"I am not ruling out this is an excuse for your sister to make me up like an old lady as some sort of prank. If I change my mind I can just go into the office and change."

"I'd like to be at your side, just in case."

"Awww, give an old lady a kiss sonny."

"Cali, I love you but that is weird."

"Well, keep an eye on me, we'll go to the office to hide out and recover."


The four of us made our way to the gallery, Sandy and Becca looked radiant and Mike was quite handsome. I keep seeing them looking at each other, awwww!

"Ok, we're about a mile from the gallery, you good to get an uber from here?"

"Yes, I'll arrive alone, the venerable Minerva Cole who will find the painting of Circe and Odysseus quite compelling."

"Well, they are adorable cats. You will come home with us because when leaving it doesn't matter. I have gomorrah-1 watching you just in case."

"You will need to explain to me what that is later." As she gets out of the car.

Slowly they pull away and I get my phone to summon a ride. The car eventually pulls up and I take a short ride to the gallery and it is going to be an interesting night.

I make my way in passing the framed copy of the Times article on Euterpe, they check me in as Minerva Cole from Atlanta. As I make my way into the main room my paintings are surrounded by a slightly different crowd, a lot more fancy people. Euterpe has hit the big time.

Minerva Cole we figured sounded like a rich cat lady, as such I make my way over to the picture of Circe and Odysseus. Michael drifts over next to me.

"How are you doing tonight Ma'am?"

"Well hello youngin', I'm doing fine."

"Let me know if you need anything."

"Such a fine young man, you will make a wonderful husband." He chuckles a little and moves away. I see Mr. Stevens looking at some other pictures.

"Evening youngster, that one just gives me a warm feeling."

"Ah yes, they are amazing."

I whisper in my normal voice, "Mr. Stevens, it is me. I'm under cover."

"Oh, it works."

"Minerva Cole from Atlanta, nice to meet you." I shake his hand with my free hand. "Mr. Stevens, I have another history idea I would love to run by you, maybe we can talk in the new year."

"Ms. Cole, that sounds like a very interesting idea, I can't wait to see what you came up with. I do have a favor, I would love to see where you make this magic happen."

"I think that can be arranged."

I see Sandy making the signal we agreed on beforehand, time to regroup out of the spotlight. I make it back to the office to find Sandy and Betsy there.

"How are you doing?"

"Actually, not bad, I don't feel the crushing pressure as much."

"Okay, I scouted things out. At least 6 reporters out there including that guy from the Times. A bunch of dignitaries, representatives from 8 museums including 4 European ones. If the Louvre is one of them, they are hiding it well so far. Two billionaires out there, a few celebrities including Leonardo DiCaprio, who I think hit on me. Even with the gallery's cut you could build another house, I am not recommending that, the first one isn't finished, best to invest for retirement."

"What do you mean my house isn't done yet?" Betsy for her part just was just hugging me.

"Oh, nothing, we'll talk at the monthly Parnassus design meeting."


"I'm kidding ... we can do it quarterly."

"Sandy, can you just go get your brother, I'll sit with Betsy till then."

She walks out.

"You say she was always like this growing up?"

"Mom probably remembers best but there were a few interesting school projects over the years."

Michael comes in and rushes over to take my hands and then pulls me into a hug, "Just don't use the grandma voice."

Nope, not going to risk ruining any mood.

"How are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm fine, talked to a few of Dad's clients, he networks at these and he's trying to teach that. I do think the disguise was a good idea now, I have been listening and they know Euterpe is a woman."

"I'm considering getting it over with, taking off the disguise and changing into a nicer dress and going out there. Think they would zero in on me?"

"If for no other reason than you are a radiant beauty."

"'Radiant beauty' eh?"

"Well, not right now."

I wave the cane a little, "Kids these days, no respect for your elders."

There is a gentle knock on the door, we open it for Mr. Kline.

"I'm sorry if I am interrupting anything, I wanted to check on Ms. Cole." he says with a knowing smile.

"This is something else, eh?"

"Miss Bard, we have never seen anything like it. There is a bidding war on the painting you did of the starscape over Mykonos, I have been approached for 4 private commissions and the scale is beyond what we are used to."

I can't hide anymore. I have come to a decision. "Mr. Kline, I'm going to change and come out in a few minutes. I don't see any point hiding anymore." I turn to Michael, "Can you see if Sandy and Jen can come in here, make sure I don't miss any 'old lady' makeup.

Sandy PoV

When we dropped off 'Ms. Cole' we made sure to watch her using our little eye in the sky just in case. I wasn't too worried, anyone coming up to her would get their head taken off with a swing of that cane.

We pulled up to the valet area and already you could tell things were different, there was a red carpet out here and someone taking pictures. Michael had Becca on one side, me on the other for our picture. I went up to the photographer and got their business card, I need a copy of that photo.

Inside it is very different than in the past. I tell Mike I'm going to scout the room and to keep an eye on Becca, both of them look a little out of water so I'm going to make this quick.

Celebrities, 2 billionaires, more reporters, and it looks like a few museum reps. I pick up what I can eavesdropping and mingling, I talked briefly to Leonardo DiCaprio even.

It was at this point our reporter friend made his way over, "Evening Mr. Carson."

"Good evening, Miss Card, you look amazing and congratulations."

"Thank you." I wave at the room, "Looks a little different than the last time, eh?"

"To say the least. On the plus side I didn't have to beg my boss to expense this trip." He drops his voice, "Is she coming?"

I saw Ms. Cole out of the corner of my eye, "She was on the fence, I don't see her so far."

"It is funny, I'm getting attention too, not used to that. I'm the only one who has talked to Euterpe."

"I do want to thank you; we came to you with privacy concerns and you held up your end."

"I try. I'm going to mingle a little, maybe get an autograph or two. This is like the Met."

He wanders off and I catch Calliope's eye with a signal we worked out to head back to the office. My dress is floor length, not optimal for a ninja but I can make it work. I loop in Betsy on my way back there.

"How are you doing?"

"Actually, not bad, I don't feel the crushing pressure as much."

"Okay, I scouted things out. At least 6 reporters out there including that guy from the Times. A bunch of dignitaries, representatives from 8 museums including 4 European ones. If the Louvre is one of them, they are hiding it well so far. Two billionaires out there, a few celebrities including Leonardo DiCaprio, who I think hit on me. Even with the gallery's cut you could build another house, I am not recommending that, the first one isn't finished, best to invest for retirement."

"What do you mean my house isn't done yet?" Betsy for her part just was just hugging me.

"Oh, nothing, we'll talk at the monthly Parnassus design meeting."


"I'm kidding ... we can do it quarterly."

"Sandy, can you just go get your brother, I'll sit with Betsy till then."

I find Michael over by Dad, he's listening in as Dad works his magic. I catch his eye and he breaks away.

"Ms. Cole wants to see you."

From his expression I think he was waiting for this and while he goes to take care of her I rejoin Mike and Rebecca.

"Hey you two, how are you doing? Don't worry if you are overdoing it on the hors d'oeuvres, based on the bidding they can afford it."

"Sandy, did you see who is here?"

"I got a good attendance. Oh Becca, stay clear of Leonardo DiCaprio, you are his type, for about the next 2 or 3 years."

"Have you seen the bids? I took the two Poppy gave me back home at Christmas and told my family they were probably worth more than the house, I thought I was exaggerating, guess not."

"Let's mingle a bit."

Maybe 20 minutes later Michael sneaks up to me. "She wants to get rid of the disguise, needs you girls in there,"

I collect Jen and Becca and go back there. The wig is off and she is brushing her hair, we take her to the bathroom and wash off the makeup, thankfully the natural look works very well for her. Back to the office and change dress and shoes, we did plan for this, she has a killer dress to change into. All set, she looks amazing as usual. Goodbye Ms. Cole, we barely knew you.

Calliope PoV

Here goes.

I walk out and heads turn, I am not comfortable with this. Maybe it is the attention of another pretty woman entering the room, I wonder if Sandy and Becca got this level of attention. Mr. Kline catches my eye, "Would you like me to introduce you?"

"Yes, but just as Euterpe, let them work for the rest of it."

Mr. Kline walks up to a raised podium that was ignored till now. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm sorry to interrupt but I would like to introduce someone special here tonight. I have worked with her for the last year, a brilliant soul and gifted artist, Euterpe." With that he waves to me and there is some applause followed by the flash of cameras, I should have seen that coming. As some of the patrons start to move toward me both Michael and Sandy seem to move in to block against the rush, only allowing 1-2 people to talk to me at a time.

Mostly it was just people trying to get a close up look or to tell me that my works have moved them. Then there was the reporters, which did not include Mr. Carson, he just gave me a smile and wave from the side. Mr. Kline, bless him, tells them that the gallery will handle all press inquiries.

I reached a point where I couldn't handle it anymore so Michael escorted me back to the office for the remainder of the night.

As the show ended and the patrons left, I came out of hiding, my family stayed behind.

"Well, it had to happen eventually. Mr. Kline, I guess we'll do an artist profile going forward eh?

He's always been good natured but very serious, I think that got a chuckle out of him. "Well, we have a few months to set that up."

"Poppy, you looked really good out there. I checked and there are already pictures of you posted on X and facebook."

As we stood there the staff was cleaning up around us and securing the paintings.

"I don't know about all of you but I'm exhausted, thank you all for being here with me, let's get some rest."

"Miss. Bard, we'll be in touch with the details, it was a very good night. The two billionaires with rockets had a little bidding war on 'Stars over Mykonos', the loser is going to contact us about a direct commission."

"And I might have a project with Mr. Stevens also, I'm going to talk to him in the new year."

We divided up and collected our cars for the ride back. Jen and Alex are staying over the Cards for the moment but will be coming over my place maybe Monday. I'm so tired that when Michael gets me home into bed I fall asleep almost immediately, the last thing I remember is the warmth as he holds me.

Sandy PoV

"I can't wait to see the pictures gomorrah-1 got from outside."

We are driving home in Mom's car with Becca and Betsy, the drone somewhere in the sky making its way back to base.

"This was amazing, it wasn't like this the last time?"

"Mike, it was building toward this, you and Becca really got here for the best one so far."

"I just can't get over the bids for her works."

"Yep, I think I'm going to need to sit down with her and talk about investments for tax sheltering, the house is more than paid off with this. Actually, I think we covered that with the summer show. I told her we could afford that moat with sharks but nobody listens to me."

I get a little laugh out of them but we settle in for a quiet ride back home.

"Becca, let's sleep in tomorrow and start the run about 7?"

"You read my mind."

Dad and his car full got back a few minutes after us, everyone exhausted, we all quietly made our way back to our rooms.

I got into bed with Mike and we were asleep in each other's arms almost immediately,


I didn't end up sleeping in, I didn't get up but my eyes snapped open at 6am. I spent the next hour there next to my sleeping fiancé which gives me a little thrill, then I rub the ring like it is some magic talisman. Maybe 10 minutes to 7 I reluctantly got up to meet Becca.

I was out there at 7, Becca peeked out and told me she was slow getting going. I find I get up around 6 almost automatically, Becca gets up early because she has told me she is excited to run with me. I snap awake, she has to set an alarm.

She gets ready and we get going.

"I like the braid in your hair, is that your new look?"

"No, that's just left over from yesterday, Too much work for daily use."

"What's your plan today?"

"Not sure yet, rest up and maybe shoot some arrows, you are welcome to join us. Tomorrow we're going over to Poppy's for a little pool party. Also, language lessons with Jen."

"I've never seen her teach a language."

"I don't understand it myself; she just talks to us in the language with the intent to teach it. Doesn't make a lot of sense but it works. A few sessions and we'll speak like we were born in the country."

"And we are going to Asia for Spring break?"

"We are technically escorting Calliope as she looks for material. Korea and finish up with Japan, hopefully we will catch the start of the cherry blossoms. Just us 4 girls, I'm getting it all booked out. You can chip into the fund if you want, we float Jen for the moment."

"I'll join in, it sounds fun."

"I wanted to mention, I have an idea for Gomorrah Mark 2."

"Oh, I wasn't sure we were doing anything more with that project."

"How possible would it be to make it a little more portable, folding up a little? Same basic features."

"What did you have in mind?"

"I want to take it with us, maybe get some pictures that way?"

She's quiet for a bit while we run.

"I think so, portable minded drone and dock. Keep the low visible and radar profile, same cameras and microphones, maybe improve them a bit if possible. Charger to take multiple power formats. Yes, I can design that, can it wait till we get back to school?"

"We have time, I can't imagine it will take us that long. I have some software ideas for it too."

We have a new project to keep us busy, at least it isn't a death ray.


Monday, we went over to Calliope's for a little Christmas pool party, really a party for Cassy who she has become quite fond of. We had some healthy snacks and we went over the vacation assignments and assisted as needed.

At 4:33 things got a little interesting, I saw an alert on the status screen in the pool area. "Interesting"

A few minutes later as I am monitoring things Calliope comes up behind me.

"Is something the matter?"

"I guess they figured out where Euterpe lives?"

"Oh no, do I need to be worried?

"Nope, I thought of this. They always send drones these days and as soon as one enters your property it will stop communicating and land. I kind of hope they come from the back of the house, that will put them in the poison ivy and bramble to recover their drone. Then they will have an inert drone that will need to be rebooted to get it working again. The only drones that fly in our airspace are ours."

"If they come on your property in-person, we will know it and then we can call the police. There isn't a good line of sight to the pool but maybe keep the tint level up for now."

"Parnassus, full tint for the solarium" and with that the 'stars' winked out.

She gives me a quick hug. "You think of everything."

"Well, this wasn't tough, we knew it would happen eventually. I doubt it will be enduring, it isn't like you are an actor or something, you are a very pretty, talented artist. I guess they will try for a few days and give-up, especially when they get nothing for their efforts. And believe me, they are getting nothing out of here."

"I got a text from Mr. Carson today; he wants to do a post-reveal interview in a few weeks."

"Too bad it isn't today, so the hacks out there could see him walk in because he was polite. No need to tell the others at the moment, I'll check on them after the swimming, we see well beyond your property."

I thought about bricking any drones that come on the property, it is an option but I didn't want to complicate anything and introduce liability. This way we complicate things for them but don't do any lasting damage. I do think they will give up in a few days. Maybe come back from time to time but they won't get anything. I do hope they need to recover a dead drone in the ivy, heh.


By Wednesday they gave up and I was very happy to find that 2 drones were landed in the rough parts out back, it serves them right. I couldn't help myself on Monday, I used my unfair advantage to compromise their phones and enjoyed their frustration at their lack of success.