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"Yes, Master. I think I need to know what time she needs to leave the house."

"She needs to leave at seven."

"Is the Buick acceptable?"

"I don't know what cars are available. What choices do I have?"

"We have a two-year-old Buick LeCrosse, the limo you rode in to the funeral, a Chevy Silverado pick-up, 2008, a 1971 Barracuda convertible, a 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder and a

2005 Cadillac deville. The 'cuda and the Porsche I don't recommend."

"Wow! Nice. Let's take her in the deville, Ok?"

"Yes Sir. I'll have it at the front door at seven sharp, Sir."

"Thank you, Foster. Have a good night."

I hung up the phone. "I was thinking about buying a new car before, but this is "After" and I discover we have six vehicles already, not counting my Toyota."

"Foster is taking me to school tomorrow?" Sharon asked.

"Yes. And he'll pick you up after school and take you back to the apartment. You and I both drive old cars. I'd like to get you something better than yours. For now, you keep driving your car. During the week we'll move between the house and the apartment. You'll stay at the apartment. We want you to focus on graduation."

She bowed her head and I knew the words were in her head, 'Yes, Master.'

We went to bed at a little after ten and the alarm woke us at six. Violet showed Sharon to a room-sized closet that contained some clothes purchased by Violet for "After" but before Sharon had a chance to buy more or move her clothes from the apartment.

When she came down for breakfast she was in jeans, boots, a sweatshirt and a baseball caps that said, "Cubs" on the front. Her ponytail hung out the back of the cap.

"Don't worry about dinner." I said. "Violet and I will go shopping and cook at the apartment. You study, we'll take good care of you."

When we walked her to the front door we were arm in arm in arm. She kissed both of us Good-bye and stepped outside. Foster had the rear door open on the big Caddy and he had a huge grin on his face. As Sharon got in she kissed Foster on the cheek. He closed her door and went around to the driver's position.

Violet's hand rested on my ass as we watched them drive away.

Until noon we studied financial things with Violet as my teacher. I did my best to understand. At noon she offered a suggestion.

"Finances aren't your thing. How about we do it this way, Sharon and I will manage the money. When you want or need to do something, come to us and ask for the money. We'll figure out how to give you what you need and in the most effective way."

"Deal!" I got up and went to the kitchen. She followed. I looked in the fridge and she said, "We need to go shopping for food for the apartment. Let's stop and eat at a restaurant, go to the market and then to the apartment. You can tell me about all the foods you and Sharon like."

I said, "We might want to put clothes on before we go." She looked down and smiled.

"What would you like me to wear?"

"Do you have something like what Sharon wore when she left for school?"

"Yes. Bra or not?"

"Yes! Something sexy."

"Shall I help you first and then dress or dress now?"

"I'll dress myself, this time." I watched as she headed up the stairs.

At the top she turned and said, "If you dial 99 you can tell Foster which car you want, and if he's going too." She disappeared around a corner. In my bedroom I dialed 99 and Foster said, "Yes, Sir."

"I'd like to use the Silverado if I can."

"I'll have it at the front door for you. It's all gassed up and ready to go. Are you driving or am I?"

"I am. Thank you."

I dressed casually and was joined by Violet as I pulled on my second boot. We went down the stairs and out. Foster held the door for his sister and she kissed his cheek as she got into the truck. Getting in is a jump up and Foster helped with a hand on Violet's ass. She thanked him and he closed the door. I realized the hand assist was a long established pat of affection. The engine started easily and purred as a well maintained engine tends to do.

We ate at a nice restaurant and while we ate I saw five guys from the University enter. I'd never seen four of the five, but since they all wore sweatshirts that said University Soccer I figured they were Sharon's ex-roommate/lover's teammates. He saw me and left his team and walked over to us.

"I ought to just kick your ass." He said.

"Why? Seems to me you made out well in the deal." I answered.

"How's that?"

"She gave you her rent for the month, you bedded her, and she left. No argument, no fight no yelling screaming or anything. She even left your place clean. How did you lose?"

"I don't lose. I was looking forward to having her in my bed for the semester."

"Well, it wasn't to be."

"You want her back after she's been fucked by me?"

"You took her, knowing she'd been with me for two years. You gave it your best shot and she still came back to me. It may be tough for you to understand, but it wasn't a contest between us."

He turned his attention to Violet, but he spoke to me. "Who's this? Your Mother?"

"Nice. No, this isn't my mother. This is... no. I thought about introducing you, but I've changed my mind." I looked at Violet and said, "You don't need to know or remember this boy. He won't be a part of our lives."

"I get it! She's the maid! That's why she's dressed like a frump and has no tits. Nice of you to buy her breakfast. I'm going back with my team. Bye." He turned and walked away.

As he sat with his buddies I said, "He's wrong, you know. He sees a woman wearing comfortable jeans so he assumes things that aren't so. He doesn't see double D's pushing their way out of a sweatshirt two sizes too small, so he says your breasts are too small. I've had them in my hands and my mouth, and they're just about perfection.

We finished lunch and as we got up I heard a voice from the boy's table say, "It's Ok now. He's taking his housekeeper back to work."

I softly said to Violet, "What I'm about to do will not embarrass you. Be strong. Stand tall and know that I love you."

When we got to the half-circle table with the five boys I stopped. "Let me get this straight. You're ridiculing me because I'm having lunch with a woman I consider beautiful. I get her pleasant company and you're sharing lunch with four jocks. I get dessert." I took Violet in my arms and kissed her. My right hand slipped up inside her sweatshirt and cupped her lace-covered breast. She moaned. I ended the kiss and said, "Enjoy your dessert with the boys." My hand on her ass guided us both out of the restaurant.

Not a sound from the boy's club.

In the truck Violet was quiet. I asked, "Tell me what you're thinking, please."

"I flooded when you kissed me! I never have been kissed like that. They saw you holding my breast and feeling my butt! You're proud to be with me."

"I love you. Undo your jeans and give me a taste, please. I don't want to pass that dessert up!"

She unbuttoned her jeans and slid a hand in, gathering part of the flood. I got three very wet fingers to suck. Between the restaurant and the market I got at least ten tastes.

I parked and said, "You probably ought to button up before we go inside." She blushed and buttoned up.

We walked through the store and talked about food. Somewhere during the rounds I realized I couldn't think of the foods Sharon liked, that I didn't. Even in a restaurant she ordered foods I liked. I said so.

Violet smiled. "Walt realized that I do the same thing. I don't want to wear clothes you don't like. I don't want curtains on the windows unless you like them. I don't want to eat things you don't like either. Sharon is like that too. She may have just learned the word submissive, but she's been behaving that way for a long time."

"But I haven't been pushing my opinions on her. She could order anything she wants."

"Listen, please. Our mind is always looking for ways to please you. What if Sharon loved escargot and the thought of eating snails turned you off. She could order escargot and you might not kiss her for two days! We would both rather live without escargot for the rest of our lives than miss out on the kisses."

"Thank you. I've never even been tempted to taste snails! I think I may not be very good at this Dom stuff. I don't order either of you around, ever."

"We appreciate it, too. If you do order us, we will do as you order and be glad to do whatever it is. You decide to grope my tits in front of college guys, I'm flattered you want my tits. If you had ordered me to show them my tits or my puss, I would have smiled as I did. Not because of them, because it would please you."

"I wonder why my Grandfather never talked to me about all this."

"We talked of it often. He tried for over a year to believe he'd live to see ninety-five and he could postpone telling you about our strange lifestyle. His front of such formality was just a front, you know. He did it to teach you about the proper way to behave around people. He was not ashamed of how we live but I think he may have been afraid."

"Of what?"

"He loved you with all his heart. He would have died on the spot if you had rejected him, me or the idea of dominance and submission."

"I couldn't reject it! I couldn't reject him or you! I loved him!"

She sat quietly. There was more but it was locked inside that area of her that she couldn't speak. I thought more and realized she feared I might reject her, Sharon might reject her. She might be out, on her own, after ten years of being taken care of and loved. The conversation Grandfather had with me about ropes was more accurate than I had seen. They really were ropes, not strings.

"Violet, We are family. All the papers are signed. We are a business partnership. All the emotional links are forged and over time will become stronger, but never will break. I love you. I love Sharon. What else can I do so you can stop worrying?"

"Nothing. Even if there was something, I couldn't tell you. Sharon couldn't tell you either. I can tell you about Sharon, but not in front of her. She will be able to tell you about me soon enough, but never in front of me." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "She needs for you to sleep with just her tonight, and be gentle. Ever since she tried to leave you, she's had the cave man fucking her. She loves the gentleman, too."

"Oh. I guess I've been like a boy with a new toy. New toys. I like the cave man. I like the gentleman too, but I guess somewhere in my thinking I thought you both wanted me tough and demanding."

"Have you made a single demand? If you did, I missed it."

We carried the bags of groceries into the apartment. As we went through the door Violet said, "Oh yes. Forget paying the rent next month. You own the building. Walt bought it right after you moved in."

We made dinner together in the tiny kitchen of the apartment. Just before it went into the oven she asked, "What time will Sharon be here?"

I looked at my watch and said, "In just about an hour."

"I have an idea. We'll give her half an hour to forty-five minutes to unwind, then eat. As soon as dinner is over, she'll need some study time. While she's studying I'll clean up dinner, take the truck and go home. The rest of the night will be for just the two of you."

"It's a good idea. I like it a lot. Ok." We closed the door on the oven and Violet set the timer and temp. I took her by the hand and we went out on our tiny balcony. We were on the third floor. I had covered the railings in bamboo months before, so Sharon could sun herself topless and not be seen. We had a throw rug out there too.

On our way out there I had grabbed a towel from the bathroom. I spread it on the rug and said, "If you would be so kind, peel off the jeans and let me have some more of your juices. I'm ever so thirsty!"

She laughed as she removed the jeans. When they were rolled up as a pillow she put herself on her back and put the pillow under her butt. She spread her legs and said, "I love that you love how I taste. Walt loved it, too."

I got down and put my face into her slit. Her fingers opened herself wider for me. I lapped up the flow coming from her. My hands held her hips.

In what seemed just moments, she started to quiver.

"May I cum?" She asked.

"Yes! Cum!" She shook, her back arched and her entire body then shook hard. One hand clamped over her mouth and muffled the scream, a little. I backed away from her and she whispered, "Thank you, Master." There were unspoken volumes after she stopped speaking. I knew I'd learn what the silence was filled with, over time. I unzipped and lowered my jeans and briefs. With two rubs of my cock between her lips to gather wetness, I leaned in and plunged slowly into Violet. Then I leaned down and my face was an inch from hers.

We kissed and our tongues danced as I slowly fucked her. I gently fucked her, remembering that I had only been a cave man with her as well. She responded as if I had given her the sweetest gift possible. Her kisses were passionate, loving and matched by the way her pussy kissed my cock. She lifted herself to meet my every thrust. We joined and moaned softly for quite a few minutes.

I realized Sharon would be home in just a few more minutes. I lifted myself and thrust with purpose into my lover. She matched my moves and in moments we were both cumming. We kissed again and I started to back out of her.

We both jumped when the sliding door to the balcony slid open and a nude Sharon stood there. I saw her trembling and tears filled her eyes and my first thought was that she had seen us fucking and was hurt.

Violet didn't see what I saw. She reached out her hand and took Sharon's and drew her down to us. "He loves us both." Violet said. "He loves us both. I'm so happy."

Sharon leaned all the way down and kissed Violet. I heard her whisper, "I've never seen anything so sensual, so loving. I came watching you."

I helped her up, just far enough that I could kiss her. As I did my cock slipped out of Violet. She giggled and said, "Oops!"

Sharon broke the kiss and asked, "What Oops?"

"Nick slipped out of me."

Sharon looked at me and I knew what her eyes were asking that her mouth couldn't ask.

"I think it would be nice if you cleaned us." I said, smiling.

"May I, Master?" Sharon asked. I nodded.

She cleaned me first and then sixty-nined with Violet. I backed away a few feet and watched. In the distance I heard a police helicopter and wondered how often they flew over our balcony.

When Sharon had cum and Violet had cum again we had dinner. We had found a way to de-stress Sharon from her day at school.

At the table they talked about what had happened when Sharon had gone to school. She said, "I went to my first class of the day, a grad course in financing, and suddenly it wasn't theory any more. The professor was talking in examples and I was translating into what I know about our business." Violet let her go on for quite a while. Finally she asked, "Do you remember the papers you signed?"

"You mean the prenup?"

"Yes. Included in the prenup is an agreement about you being an employee of Nick's company. You might as well be married to him. We might as well be married to him. We belong to him and he'll take care of us, right?"

"Of course. Your point is?"

"All those figures I showed you. Do you remember any of them?"

"I do. I have a good memory for numbers."

"I gave you figures for his holdings in various stocks. Can you name one?"

"Yes! Dow Chemical, $80,000."

"I lied to you. Walt didn't want me to overwhelm you. Every figure I gave you was rounded down."

"Oh? How much?"

"Dow Chemical is at $80,000,000. Add three zeros to everything."

"Oh my God! Really?" She looked from Violet to me and back to Violet. We both nodded.

"Now, when the professor talks, you can listen from a new place."

"I was worried that Nick wanted to buy me a new car."

"Stop worrying." Violet and I said together.

Violet said, "Worry was before, this is "After."

We told Sharon she could go study and we'd clean up the kitchen. She went. We cleaned up, romanticized the bedroom with some candles and Violet quietly slipped out, promising to return in the morning.

I turned on the TV and watched something, quietly. At eleven I knocked on the door to Sharon's bedroom and said, "You need sleep. Please come to bed."

I shut off the TV and the lights, except the bedside lamp beside my bed. When Sharon came into the bedroom she looked around and said, "Where's Violet?"

"Back at the house. I wanted tonight with just us." I opened the bed and she slid in beside me. My arms enfolded her and our bodies melded together in tenderness. Long before I entered her I kissed tears on her face. I repeated over and over, "I love you. I love you."

Much as I had done with Violet on the balcony I joined with Sharon in our bed. We fell asleep joined. When I woke up in the middle of the night needing a bathroom I attempted to slip out of bed without waking Sharon. As I stood up she said, "Go for me too, Ok? And, hurry back."

When I went back she got up. "I'll have to do it myself." She said as she went into the bathroom.

In the morning Violet opened the front door and brought bagels, lox and cream cheese. Sharon made coffee and got ready for school. While she got ready Violet made a lunch for Sharon. We dropped her off outside the building on campus and both of us kissed her Good-bye. We agreed to be at the apartment and make dinner together. It became our pattern until graduation. While Sharon was on campus Violet and I started construction/renovation on what was to become my research company building. We attended various board meetings for companies I had significant pieces of and made decisions for the future.

In June, Sharon graduated. To celebrate we took a vacation. We flew to Australia and spent a month, exploring. We discovered fifty new ways we loved being together. It wasn't a surprise. In our home now there is a picture that shows Sharon and I outside our apartment. It was taken almost a year before Grandfather died. There is a sticker on the picture that says, "Before". Next to that picture is one of Grandfather and Violet in London taken somewhere around the same time. It has a label that says, "Before." There is a picture frame in the same room that shows pictures of the three of us at Ayers Rock, on the bridge in Sydney, at the Great Barrier reef, on a street in Hong Kong, by the fountain outside the Tokyo Dome baseball stadium, naked on a beach in Bali, and dressed as tourists at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii. In the middle of that collection of pictures is a sticker that says, "After." We plan to add a lot of pictures to that frame. "After."

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AnonymousAnonymous30 days ago

Did you know that there is a “ Humor & Satire ” category?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

WOW - What a Fantasy! ☺

Firmhands5Firmhands5over 6 years ago
Mmmm - A fairy tale?

So well written - BUT - there is more ahead! This would be another great story to complete, but only when it is ready.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
More than a dream that came true!

Brilliantly written! Loved it because we have so little good news stories! A young man gets MUCH more than he deserves! Given to him by people who love him. A modern day Fairy Tales!

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