All Hands on Deck

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The queen of the pirate ship loves edging.
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This story contains lesbian sex, edging, orgasm denial, bondage, sexual encounters with several people at once, ruined orgasm, and a power imbalance. All characters are 21+ and enthusiastic participants, although irl consent can get messed up by power imbalances. So ofc don't actually fuck your employees and don't read if a boss/employee relationship is disturbing for you.

I appreciate feedback and suggestions! Anything, but especially where you want more details, what you could do without, and how to make the characters more believable. Enjoy--

Throughout all of her teenage and young adult years, Joanna had wanted to get out of her hometown and see more of the world, but she didn't have the means until she met Regina. Joanna had been selling produce at the market when a tall woman with cropped hair and nice muscles pushed through the crowd to her table. Her face and posture were cold, and Joanna didn't expect her to start a conversation, but she did. Joanna was filled with the urge to answer and please the woman. She revealed that she hoped to travel, but had no way to do so.

"I own a ship, and I bet that sort of life will suit you," Regina told her. "Actually, we have room for another woman on board."

Joanna wanted badly to accept, but she had no experience with boats, and told Regina so.

"A girl like you doesn't need experience. I don't need another set of hands working on deck." Regina told her.

"What do you need then?" Joanna asked.

"Someone I can play with." She said, leaning in close. She was certainly forward. "I need a woman to help with my personal desires. The rest of the crew could use someone like that too, and I think that you'd be perfect. I want a young woman I can trust to bring me pleasure during my trips. Someone submissive."

Joanna's breath caught in her throat. Regina extended her hand.

"What do you say, beautiful? If you don't like it, I'll drop you back here."

The compliment caught Joanna off guard. She grabbed Regina's hand and left her produce at the stand.

After a long walk, they arrived at Regina's ship. It was just as impressive and intimidating as its leader. Once Joanna climbed aboard, her eyes immediately went to the flag, lowered and mostly out of sight. That was when she realized that the woman who had swept her off her feet was a pirate.

"If you accept the job, we will provide for all your needs. You will need to wear a uniform at all times. I will be your boss, so you'll refer to me as "ma'am" or "miss". Regina explained.

Joanna nodded, and looked around at the other couple of women in their practical sailing clothes. Instead, Regina handed her an unusual-looking pair of underwear.

"Change into this if you're still interested." Regina ordered.

"Yes miss. Where do I change?" Joanna asked.

"In front of me, now." Regina told her impatiently.

Not wanting to disappoint her, Joanna stripped naked. Regina watched her very closely, her eyes slowly inspecting Joanna's body. Joanna had medium-sized breasts, full hips and thighs, and silky ginger curls between her legs. Regina looked so approving and hungry, and Joanna felt a rush of excitement from her attention. The underwear was soft and nicely made, but it had a strange string of smooth beads that nestled between her folds.

She reached to put her other clothes on over the underwear, but Regina grabbed them.

"Absolutely not." She said sternly. "Follow me."

She walked briskly across the ship and Joanna tried to follow. The moment she took a step, she felt the beads slide up and down her slit, rubbing her clit from every angle. Regina was already at the other side of the ship, and watched with delight as Joanna walked on wobbly legs.

"Do you accept the job?" Regina asked.

"Yes miss. I accept." Joanna told her. It was an easy choice, considering that she was only a few minutes in and didn't want to take off the underwear.

"Good." Regina said, and grabbed a piece of rope from the deck. She tied Joanna's hands behind her back, making her feel even more exposed. Joanna tested them and felt herself becoming more aroused when she couldn't get her arms free, and noticed Regina's eyes on her boobs again.

"We leave in 2 hours" Regina told her. "I want your clit to be so worked up by then that you can't think straight. So you're going to spend the next 2 hours walking slowly around the ship, again and again. If you speed up enough to finish, or pause, you will be disciplined. I will not go easy on you. I like you, but I don't stand for any disobedience on my ship. Of course, you can quit the job at any time, and I'll respect that, although you'll probably be stuck on the ship for a while. I'll be the one giving your orders and I expect you to follow them as long as you're working for me, but I have no interest in coercing you into a job you don't enjoy, so you're allowed to call off the deal at any time, and I'll drop you off where you choose. Does that all make sense to you?"

"Yes, miss. I appreciate that. I want to work for you." Joanna said.

"Good. Then get moving."

Joanna hadn't expected that to be her first task, but she wouldn't disobey Regina. Still, she didn't know how she could possibly get through two hours of that, considering that just walking a few feet had felt like torture. She began to walk slowly around the edge of the ship. The beads rubbed her over and over, and she groaned at the painfully slow motion. She instinctively tried to grab the beads to hold them still, but of course, her hands were tied behind her back. By the third lap around, she was barely able to stand upright. The rubbing between her legs was relentless and unbearable, and all she was allowed to do was to keep walking while Regina watched her, able to give her the relief she needed at any moment, but refusing to do so.

The beads were slick and soaked with her wetness, which just made the friction as they rubbed against her smoother. She couldn't help but move her hips as she walked, as if her body thought that she could get off by grinding against the air. After about 30 minutes of walking, Joanna was shaking and shuddering with every step. Her clit was more swollen than she'd ever seen it, and so sensitive, which only made it all worse. Her whole body begged her to stop walking, to stop teasing it, but she forced herself to continue, feeling the beads slide up and down, over and around her desperate clit.

She could not go on. She looked over at Regina pitifully, hoping to see some mercy on her face, but all she saw was delight. Seeing the gorgeous woman pleased with her state was good too in a way, but as much as it turned her on, it didn't help her situation.

"Miss, please," she said quietly as she approached Regina.

"What's wrong, beautiful? Feeling frustrated?" Regina asked, smiling.

"Yes, miss, I can't go on anymore." Joanna said.

"That's unfortunate for you, considering you're not allowed to stop." Regina said.

"But I have to, miss, please, I can't!" Joanna complained.

"Do not disobey me. Move" Regina said, suddenly strict.

Joanna whimpered and walked forward, almost doubling over as it resumed. Regina slapped her ass as she passed. Joanne heard her chuckle and felt herself get red in the face. She hoped Regina was still looking at her ass.

Joanna worried that she couldn't continue much longer. Halfway through that lap, she had to pause, or she was going to come. Regina shouted at her to continue, and she stumbled forward, one tiny step at a time. She neared Regina again and stopped walking, shutting her eyes and focusing on staying upright. Then Regina pushed her forward, and as she ran a couple steps to catch her balance, her fear came true. A wave of pleasure shot through her body and as soon as it did, it made her knees give out. Her pussy spasmed and clenched, and she moaned as she landed on her back. She needed more. There had been no relief, since it all stopped when she could no longer walk. Regina marched over to her and pulled her up, both hands on her exposed tits. She massaged her nipples as she helped Joanna up, who had gone limp in Regina's strong arms. Her touch was gentle, but her words were strict.

"You're not the good girl I thought, are you?" She whispered.

"Miss, I tried! I'm sorry, I tried." Joanna moaned.

"You lasted less than an hour and a half. If you refuse to edge yourself, I will do it for you, and it will be so much worse. If you think your poor clit is causing you trouble now, wait until I'm done with you." She growled. She sounded more excited than angry though. "This sweet little thing," she said, reaching down to stroke Joanna's clit and making her cry out, "is going to be the source of all your trouble. Would you like that?"

Joanna shuddered against Regina and nodded. Yes, she'd like anything Regina would do to her. Anything that would get her hand on her clit again.

"Did you finish?" Regina asked her.

"For a moment, maybe? But I fell over before I could feel it all." Joanna told her.


Regina pulled her over to a wooden chair, removed the underwear, and sat Joanna down on her lap. Then she used her own legs to push Joanna's apart as wide as they would go and hold them open. With her legs trapped behind Regina's and her arms tied behind her, Joanna could only squirm. Regina put one arm across Joanna's torso, holding her firmly against her own chest. Joanna knew that she was about to be punished, but she felt safe with the warmth of Regina and her arm around her. Regina reached her other hand between Joanna's legs and began to stroke her clit, very gently, and very, very slowly.

"Aaaah! Aaah, mmmm..." Joanna gasped incoherently as Regina stroked her. She whipped her head back and forth, as it was the only thing she could move, and Regina soothed her by kissing her neck. But she didn't stop her torturous rubbing. All Joanna could do was sit still in Regina's lap.

"I didn't mean to stop walking, miss! I'm sorry. Have mercy on me, please! You need to let me finish!" Joanna whined.

"I don't know if you've heard, but pirates don't have mercy, dear." Regina told her. "And how are you ever going to learn who's in charge if I let you disobey me without repercussions?"

"I didn't...mmm! Mean to! I'm sorry! Oh, God!" Joanna moaned.

"I know sweetie, but you did disobey me, and I told you that you'd regret it if you did. If you want to finish, you're going to need to earn it."

Joanna felt like she was stuck there forever, thrashing and struggling in Regina's lap, with the woman mercilessly teasing her clit. But god, it was amazing. Somehow, Regina always knew when Joanna was about to tip over, even when she tried to conceal it. She lost track of how long she begged, apologized, and whined, but nothing she did had any effect. At some point, the other women had come aboard and gotten the ship moving, after which most of them had gathered to watch the show. Joanna was aware that there were more eyes on her, but it didn't change anything. She couldn't hide her desperation. Regina had told her to introduce herself, but hadn't stopped edging her for even a moment, so she had been unable to speak.

Still edging her, Regina announced that her hand was getting tired, and asked if anyone else wanted a turn. Joanna's thoughts weren't quite coherent, but even so, noticing a dozen attractive women asking to play with her got her attention. Regina lifted Joanna up at her armpits because she was too limp to stand and handed her off to a handsome girl about her age. The new woman took Regina's spot in the chair, and Joanna wondered if she would be more sympathetic.

"Please, can I come? She's been teasing me for hours." Joanna pleaded with the woman.

"Sorry, honey. You don't get to come. Regina wouldn't allow it." She said.

"Why not? I need it so bad." Joanna said.

The other woman sighed and reached her hand between Joanna's legs, making her whimper and gasp.

"She likes to hear people beg and plead. And she likes them to mean it. If you're ever allowed to come, you won't be so desperate and needy for her. And with 30 of us on board, we can tease you all day every day without letting you come. Even I'm looking forward to seeing what you're like after a couple weeks of this."

Joanna couldn't answer. She was excited and aroused, if also a little worried by the thought of what she would be like by then too. She groaned as she felt her fluid leak out all over the new butch woman's hand. She was suddenly embarrassed by the evidence of her desperation and tried to stop herself from dripping by clenching her pussy, but it was useless. All it took was one little stroke around her clit, and Joanna felt her pussy release more slippery fluid. She whimpered as her body responded so obviously to the woman's touch.

"I hope you don't quit before then. This is fun" the woman added.

"No, no more teasing...I have to come...I can't...I have to..."

The woman began to breathe heavier as Joanna continued to beg. A second woman came up and licked her nipples. She looked into the woman's eyes, searching for some sign she would help her, but every time she whimpered or begged all she saw was a smug enjoyment. As the sun began to set, the crew finally left to eat. She started to stand up too, but Regina appeared next to her and stopped her. She handed Joanna the same underwear from before and told her she could join them for dinner once she put them on.

Joanna did so, and tried to stand up and walk across the deck, but her clit was even more sensitive than before. She shuffled over to her seat, panting hard, and sat down. Just the act of sitting made the beads press and rub against her a little more firmly. She bit her lip hard and squirmed in her seat, unable to stop herself from moving. She sped up, trying to hump the beads. It was difficult. Since they moved with her hips, but if she trapped one between her folds and the seat, and moved just right, she could get a little bit of friction. Not much, but enough to start a warm tickling feeling on her clit. She looked up to see Regina and some of the other women watching her with amusement. She grunted without meaning to as one of the beads popped from side to side of her hard clit. She kept her eyes cast down, not wanting to see all the eyes on her. After letting her continue for a couple of minutes, Regina got up and returned with more rope.

"It looks like you're having trouble controlling yourself." She said, placing a hand on Joanna's shoulder. Joanna nodded silently, still humping the beads.

"I didn't give you permission to do that right now. Can you get a hold of yourself, or do you need some help?"

Joanna whimpered, trying to sit still, but she couldn't stop. She couldn't even slow down.

"Help..." she croaked.

Joanna looped the rope around Joanna's hips and the back of the chair, then again around the top of her lap and the bottom of the chair. She fastened them tightly, holding Joanna's hips still. She could still move slightly back and forth, but not nearly enough to improve her situation.

"Thank you miss." She said.

"Good girl. Now, keep your hands above the table so we know you're not doing anything you're not allowed to." Regina told her.

Aside from the obvious difference, Joanna was treated like the rest of the crew. The food and water was plentiful, and Regina encouraged her to eat as much as she needed. After dinner, she was given a sweater and pants as the summer night began to cool down. Before going to sleep, she was even allowed to take the underwear off, to let them dry overnight after being washed. She was told that this, as well as having her hands free, was a privilege, and she would be required to wear them overnight and sleep tied up if she gave Regina any reason not to trust her. When Regina assured her that any moaning or jostling of the bed would wake her up, Joanna realized that they would be sleeping in the same bed. The thought of lying pressed up against Regina all night and waking up in her arms was strangely intoxicating.

When she climbed under the blanket, Regina lay her arm over her protectively, and even though she was in a new place with people she didn't have much reason to trust yet, she felt safer and more comfortable than she did in her own bed at night. She slept deeply and happily for much of the night, but she woke up before sunrise with an unbearable ache between her legs. She tried to ignore it, and clenched her thighs together, hoping she wouldn't get her fluid all over the bed. The ache only intensified though, until it was so hot and overwhelming she couldn't take it anymore.

She looked over at Regina, just a couple inches from her face and still sound asleep. Slowly, she reached her hand down and began to stroke herself, just a little. Her hips jerked and her breath caught. Regina stirred, but continued to sleep. So Joanna made her touch even lighter and rubbed her clit slowly enough that she could stay still if she focused on it. Every now and then she dipped her finger inside and sighed softly with relief. She knew she was being bad, but it felt so amazing. Soon enough, she drifted back to sleep with her hand still between her legs.

When she woke next, it was from Regina pinning her wrists hard against the mattress. She was immediately excited, and smiled before Regina could start talking.

"You didn't follow my orders." Regina said. "You had your hand between your legs when I woke up. You were touching yourself in your sleep, weren't you?"

"Oh, miss, I'm sorry. Actually, I..."

"You what?"

"I woke up, and I couldn't stop myself. Then I fell back asleep. I'm sorry." Joanna admitted.

"That's worse." Regina said.

"I know, miss. I wanted to be honest." Joanna said.

Regina started to smile. "Well, Joanna, I need to punish you for disobeying me. But I've also been waiting for the opportunity to reward you, and I think your honesty calls for that." She said.

Joanna's heartbeat sped up as she wondered both about her punishment and her reward. As she thought about her punishment yesterday, her pussy was on fire again.

"What do you have in mind, miss?" She asked.

Regina responded by unbuttoning her shirt. Her strong hands worked deliberately, and she did not take her eyes off of Joanna. Joanna dropped her own gaze down to Regina's half-unbuttoned shirt, and she bit her lip. As Regina removed it the rest of the way, Joana took in her soft breasts, larger than her own, resting naturally on her chest with no corset. Then she stood up, undid her belt, and stepped out of her pants and underwear. She was perfect. She was built slim-shouldered and tall, but physical labor and plenty to eat had given her curves, padding, and impressive muscles. Her bush was jet black, just like her short hair, and looked incredibly soft. Joanna reached for her, but Regina pinned Joanna's hands down again.

"Not so fast. Take off your clothes." Regina said, letting Joanna's hands go. Joanna stripped her clothes off and lay down on the bed again. This time, Regina climbed on top of Joanna, and Joanna felt her wetness against her stomach.

"What do you want, Joanna? I'm not going to let you finish today, but I want you to touch me. Would you like that?" Regina said.

"Yes, miss, please. I want my mouth on you."

"Where?" Joanna asked. She already knew, but she wanted to make Joanna squirm a bit before rewarding her.

"I--I want it right between your legs. Please." Joanna managed to say.

Regina thought about teasing her some more, but she couldn't wait any longer. She was planning to lower herself over Joanna's face, but Joanna had surprised her by climbing out from under her. Regina lay down and ran her hand through Joanna's hair. Joanna trailed her fingertips down Regina's perfect torso, and finally lowered her head right above her pussy.

She spread Regina's lips with her fingers and allowed Regina to gently guide her head down. When she felt Regina's soft, soaking wet folds against her mouth, she felt intoxicated by arousal and warmth. Joanna licked at Regina's clit and moaned softly as she tasted her. Regina spread her legs even wider, encouraging Joanna to keep going. She didn't try to hold back. She licked and sucked, until Regina was bucking her hips. Joanna had felt her clit become hard under her tongue and decided to focus on that. She moved her tongue in circles around it, and then took it in her mouth, sucked, and suddenly let go, popping the pressure. Regina moaned in pleasure. Joanna sucked gently and began to flick her tongue back and forth over Regina's clit again and again. As soon as she did that, Joanna's grip on her head tightened.