Alpha Angel vs Valiant Valkyrie Ch. 01

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When superheroines compete, everyone else wins.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/05/2022
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Alpha Angel vs Valiant Valkyrie Ch. 01

When superheroines compete everyone else wins.

Author's Note: this is the introductory storyline for Alpha Angel, who is likely going to be coming back at least a few times in the future for various reasons. Note that while she will generally remain something of an outsider / rival character to Valkyrie and the others, she is not usually going to be anywhere near as extreme about it as depicted here. Consider this like in a comic book where we introduce a new hero by having them fight the established ones over a misunderstanding, only... you know, the porno version.

Format Note: there is going to be a choice of two endings for this work. Partially for that reason, this is going to be in multiple parts, as that is the only format in which Lit supports that. There are three main-body segments and then two endings; with lengths generally ranging from 3,000 to 6,000 words for each segment.

Finally, as always, all characters in this story depicted engaging in sexual activity are over the age of eighteen.

Valiant Valkyrie strutted confidently through one of the main shopping districts of Beachport, basking in the afternoon sun and the adulation of her public. All around her, men and women and police stopped and gawked in awe as the huge-breasted, skimpy-bikini-clad, and nigh all-powerful Queen of Valor sauntered past.

'What a glorious day...' she thought, closing her eyes and enjoying the warm glow upon her eyelids. A smug smile slowly spread across her lips. Then her mood dipped suddenly. 'The only thing that could ruin it is if I run into that upstart bitch, Alpha An-'

"Well, look who it is!" a brash voice suddenly called. "The Slut of Valor!"

Valkyrie gasped, her eyes flying open. She stood at the entrance to one of the largest and busiest pedestrian plazas in the trendy Mesa Chica shopping district. And there, directly before her, was the upstart pink-haired bitch herself, the new self-proclaimed top heroine in Beachport: Alpha Angel.

Alpha Angel was a younger heroine; Valkyrie would guess around twenty-one. Valkyrie herself only looked twenty-five or so, but she was an immortal being who had actually been alive for many centuries, and had been the premier superhuman power in Beachport for over a decade at that point. The younger heroine had barely been around a month, and yet already strutted around like she owned the entire city.

But what really stuck in Valkyrie's craw was the upstart's costume. Alone of Beachport's current heroines she had had the temerity to drape herself in the iconography of the national flag itself. Upon her body she wore a very daringly skimpy bikini of vertical red and white stripes - on its own simple enough. But to drive the point home, around this she wore a blue jacket in a vaguely military-style cut and thigh-high blue boots, with a series of white stars going up each sleeve or the front of each boot. The largest star in each sequence, closest to the cuff, had a red A embedded in it.

The smirking young upstart was currently facing straight towards her. But Valiant Valkyrie knew from previous unpleasant encounters - which had concluded with the young heroine strutting away from her while pointing down at her svelte vertically-striped butt, and inviting Valkyrie to do something demeaning to it - that upon the back of her jacket she had a ring of white stars surrounding another larger red A. Meanwhile, up top, she had bright pink hair that spilled halfway down her back; held back behind her ears by a golden headband. Her skin was white - but dark enough to indicate she either did a lot of tanning, or potentially had a trace or two of something else inside her.

"You should just give it up, Valiant Valkyrie!" Alpha Angel said. Strutting up, she stood directly before Valiant Valkyrie and put her hands upon her hips. "I'm the Alpha Heroine, now!"

The two scantily-clad super-beauties stood amidst a huge throng of gawking onlookers. Then, to the gasps of the surrounding crowds, the brazen upstart poked a finger directly into Valiant Valkyrie's massive, jiggling, and forbidden cleavage, and hooked it through her famous trademark bra.

"Hang up your bikini, or better yet give it to me as a trophy!" Alpha Angel purred. Pulling out one strap of Valiant Valkyrie's massively overloaded blue-and-gold bra with a single mockingly extended finger, she used it to give the huge mammary a brief, jiggling bounce, before letting the strap snap dismissively back against her flesh. "You're thoroughly obsolete now that I'm on patrol!"

But despite the indignity of the younger heroine's assault, Valiant Valkyrie refused to let the crowds see her react. Instead, she lifted her chin proudly, adopted a mirrored power stance, and gave her smirking rival an imperious, critical stare.

"That's not true!" Valkyrie said hotly, hands trembling slightly but remaining firmly upon her panty-clad hips. "You are good, I will admit that." Her chin lifted even higher. "But I'm still the Queen of Valor, this city's premier heroine. I'm far more woman than even you will ever be!"

"Is that so?" Alpha Angel cooed. "Well, how bout we test that with a little wager, then? I bet I can defeat more of the Big Stallions in an hour than you can of the Bandit Kings. Loser has to hand over her bra as a trophy, and lick the winner's pussy... in public!"

"Oh!" Valkyrie gasped, her mouth falling open and her eyes going wide. "Only... only a degenerate heroine like you could imagine such terms!"

"I stand by them!" Alpha Angel said. Spreading her mighty thighs as if already making room for Valkyrie between them, she sneered. "What's wrong, Queen of Valor -- scared?"

Valiant Valkyrie's face promptly darkened into a glare of offended pride. "Not at all!" she said, promptly. "I accept your wager, and your terms!" Her smirk slowly broadened. "I look forward to enjoying you carrying them out, bitch!"

"Excellent!" Alpha Angel said. Turning around, she looked back briefly over her shoulder. "Whichever of us delivers the most gang markers back here in one hour is the victor," she said. "And may the best woman win!"

"Don't worry -- I will!" Valkyrie laughed.

She whirled and sprinted away, her tiny bikini panties wobbling back and forth upon her impressive ass-cheeks as they receded rapidly away from the gawking crowd, and rapidly vanished down a convenient dark alleyway towards the nearby ghetto.

The Big Stallions and the Bandit Kings were currently two of the most dominant gangs in Beachport's criminal underworld. Each was rumored to have a supervillain as its leader. But other than that they could scarcely have been more different. The Bandit Kings had numbers. They controlled the city's bulk-scale drug trade, which they ran out of their stronghold of the very appropriately-named district of Weedhaven. The Big Stallions, on the other hand, were more selective... but infamous for being vastly better-equipped, so to speak. They dominated the city's principal red light district, which lay within their own stronghold in the old Palacio Housing Projects.

But though they each seemed to have their turf staked out, in more ways than one, as was the nature of these things neither could leave well enough alone. They were constantly trying to muscle into each others' rackets, with predictable results. Mesa Chica lay directly between them and, though a glittering and fashionable shopping mecca by day, often turned into a guerrilla war zone by night. The opposing adjacent strongholds meant that Alpha Angel and Valiant Valkyrie naturally sprinted off into opposite directions; Alpha Angel vanishing toward the distant towering Projects while Valkyrie entered the more run-down warehouse area that, along with a wide drainage canal, separated the shopping district from Weedhaven proper.

For the next hour, one stunned Bandit King soldier after another gaped in shock as he was suddenly ambushed, seized and tossed around like a ragdoll by the mighty Valiant Valkyrie herself. Capes of her caliber rarely descended to their level, preferring to spend their time tracking down true supervillains, and they had no answer to her. One after another they smashed down, shaken, into splintering crates, exploding sacks of garbage, or clanging cans in the various dark alleys that were their haunt. Pausing only to tear away their trademark golden bandanas and give them one of her own trademark haughty taunts in exchange, Valiant Valkyrie promptly handed each captured Bandit over to the grateful police, 'merchandise' still dangling from the insides of their jackets, before sprinting off to find another.

As she fought one Bandit after another, within her skimpy panties Valiant Valkyrie felt her pussy slowly getting wetter and wetter. Never once letting the increasing moisture distract her from the smoothly practiced moves of her body, she nevertheless let a smug smirk spread across her full red lips. 'I'm getting wet... and good thing too!' she thought to herself, as she punched yet another Bandit thug in the face and saw his defiance turn to whimpering acceptance in a single knuckle-filled instant. 'I can't wait to get that uppity slut's tongue sliding through my nether lips, as she finally learns her proper place... might as well get the way properly prepared for her!'

Finally, after her hour was up, the smirking moist-pussied heroine sprinted back to the crowded square where it had begun. She found Alpha Angel already waiting for her, legs spread and hands folded behind her waist. The cruel heroine was surrounded by a giant gawking throng... and over a dozen eagerly waiting news cameras. They had obviously been tipped off to what was about to happen. "Good... it will only make this all the sweeter..." Valkyrie thought to herself, her smirk broadening.

Sauntering up to stand before Alpha Angel in the center of a broad plaza and a giant ring of gaping onlookers, Valiant Valkyrie cocked her buxom hip, put one hand upon it, and lifted the other high. An enormous wad of yellow bandanas dangled down from her fingers, too thick for them to even close around it.

"Ten! In one hour!" she announced proudly. "Can't beat that can you, imposter?"

Alpha Angel cocked her head... and her own wicked smirk broadened. "Ten is pretty good," she admitted. From behind her back she drew forth a long black leather belt. To the belt were pinned twenty of the Big Stallions' trademark stylized 'BS' belt buckles, each letter shaped like a huge pair of hairy balls and snaking cock respectively. "For an amateur!"

"Oh, Great Justice!" Valkyrie gasped. "Twenty in one hour? That's not possible!"

Her hands opened up in shock. A gust of wind immediately seized the falling bandanas and tore them away into the crowd, depriving the stunned heroine of even her meager stock of trophies.

"Seeing is believing!" Alpha Angel said. Tilting her head back smugly, she licked her lips, and directed a sneering leer into Valiant Valkyrie's enormous, wobbling, bra-straining cleavage. "Speaking of -- let's see those tits, Miss Queen of Losers!"

"Oh, Goddess!" Valkyrie gasped. "Here?! You can't be serious!" Eyes wide and her head reeling, she slowly turned her face one way and then the other, taking in the gawking crowds and waiting cameras to either side of her triumphantly sneering rival. Scrunching down instinctively like a co-ed caught naked in the boy's shower, she gaped out in horror at that audience, one hand cupping protectively over her enormous tits while the other traced nervously along the edge of her skimpy V-symbol-decorated panties.

"Right here, right now!" Alpha Angel demanded. Tossing the belt full of buckles aside, she extended her hand expectantly. "We made a deal. You lost, so you owe me. Now hand over what's mine! Now!"

"Alright, alright!" Valiant Valkyrie gasped. Getting a hold of herself, she drew herself up to her full height and, lifting her head proudly, gave the smug rival heroine a defiant glare. "Let it not be said," she hissed through grit teeth, "that the Queen of Valor is a sore loser!" Slowly, her gloved hand slipped delicately down between her enormous cup-swelling breasts and approached her golden V-shaped bra catch. But as her hand alighted upon her catch, Valiant Valkyrie hesitated. She squirmed, head rising to gape around the watching crowd and waiting cameras in shock. But in the end she could not delay forever and, lower lip quivering, she undid her bra catch.

In a rush Valiant Valkyrie's tremendous cleavage burst from her overloaded bra and jiggled naked in the busy intersection. The crowd of onlookers gasped and leaned forward in awe, while the news cameras zoomed in eagerly. The sight was replicated upon an enormous advertising screen overlooking the square; as well as, without doubt, the screens of tens of thousands of awed citizens sitting alone in their rooms across the city. More than a handful of Beachport police looked on as well, but with their own mouths agape and their pants tenting out they were of no mind to intervene.

Gasping in shame, Valiant Valkyrie slowly shrugged out of her bra and let it dangle over Alpha Angel's outstretched hand. She licked her lips in dread, and then let it drop. Alpha Angel caught it.

"Thanks, bitch," she sneered, enjoying the view.

Holding Valkyrie's giant bra in one hand, Alpha Angel reached both hands to her left hip. Her vertically striped panties had a golden star-shaped clasp at each hip that held them together. She had an identical clasp on her bra, nestled between her large breasts. Daintily, Alpha Angel undid the left clasp of her panties. Looking around, she gave the crowd a coquettish smile, as if enjoying their stares as she teased that she might go further. But, instead, she slipped Valkyrie's bra into place, and then sealed her panty back up - leaving the two gigantic empty cups of her captured trophy to dangle down beside her hip.

Then, reaching down, having hinted that she might take them off all the way, she instead used the same hand to simply and swiftly yank the crotch of her own skimpy patriotic bikini bottom aside. "Now, I believe there was a second part to our wager..."

"Oh, s-suffering Sif..." Valiant Valkyrie whispered, eyes boring into the younger heroine's waiting slit. She wasn't the only one. Briefly losing interest in Valkyrie's tremendous naked breasts the news cameras leapt from said bouncy treasures to zoom in tight upon the pink-haired heroine's pussy. She was completely shaved, her inner and outer lips oozing with moisture between her waiting fingers.

Valiant Valkyrie shivered, and stared at the younger woman's exposed, expectantly waiting pussy in shock. But in the end, as with her bra, the mighty Queen of Valor had no choice but to keep her word. Dropping to her knees, she crawled forward, lifted her gorgeous head high and, delicately, began to lap her tongue against her conqueror's slit. The gathered crowds let out a stunned little collective moan... and leaned out even further to watch.

"Mmmm..." Alpha Angel purred, head rolling back upon her shoulders. "Oooh, that feels good. The Tongue of Valor!" She licked her lips, and drew in a delighted little gasp. "But why is a superheroine being so timid?" Reaching down she cupped her hand around the back of her vanquished rival's head. "Go... deeper!" Alpha Angel said, and, smirking cruelly, yanked her rival hard up between her thighs.

Head trapped, Valiant Valkyrie blushed deeply... and obeyed. Tilting her head back to let her lips rest flush against her sex she teased open the patriotically-clad young woman's tight juicy flaps and slipped her tongue up inside. Her tongue moved vigorously back and forth within the tight walls of Alpha Angel's pussy, while her luscious red lips kissed and nibbled at her clit.

"Oh, yes! Mm! Such quality service!" Alpha Angel exulted, gorgeous head falling back and gasping with pleasure. Towering over the kneeling Queen of Valor, her mighty body trembled openly before the rolling cameras as she enjoyed her rival's tender tongue-lapping. Then, taking a tighter grip on Valkyrie's head, she pulled her even deeper up between her thighs. "Now take me all the way!" she cooed, a deep smirk upon her luscious lips. "You're a good little heroine whore -- you know what to do!"

Her face lifted upwards between the younger heroine's taint, eyes closed as if in worship, Valkyrie moaned. But she knew what her conqueror wanted. Slurping her way up to the top of her rival's cunt, she began using her long and powerful tongue alternately to push in hard and deep along her forward interior wall and, between such deep strokes, to bat and caress playfully at her clitoris.

"Oh, yes! Oh, yes!" Alpha Angel crowed. Had she had Valiant Valkyrie to herself in her private boudoir, the pink-haired beauty might well have required many hours of delicate service to get brought off. But standing in public with half the city witnessing her triumph she rapidly found herself shooting over the edge. "Oh, yes! So good!" Looking down, face halfway between a sneer and an orgasmic gasp, she regarded the slurping Queen of Valor with infinite pleasure. "You make a much better pleasure slave than a superheroine, my dear!"

Blushing furiously, Valiant Valkyrie opened her eyes long enough to give the grinning upstart a furious glare. But her luscious lips and tongue never ceased their succulent pleasures, swirling in between the top of Alpha Angel's sloppy slit and her prominent clit.

It was the last straw. "Oh, yes!" Alpha Angel screamed. Her head shot back, her lips grinning even as they gaped in awe. "Here it comes!" Clutching tight to Valkyrie's head, she crammed it hard up between her blue-booted legs. And, as the moaning heroine continued to desperately service her, Alpha Angel let out a loud squeal of release and exploded her orgasmic fluids all over Valiant Valkyrie's face. Moaning and squealing, Alpha Angel kept Valkyrie's munching lips pressed tight as she came and came... and then, descending into soft coos, slowly relaxed her grip as her climax started to recede.

"Thanks bitch!" she laughed, releasing her foe from between her legs.

With a groan, Valiant Valkyrie extracted her lips from between Alpha Angel's thighs. Looking up her rival's body, she glared at her as she blinked her eyes to try to clear them from her foe's splattered juices. Standing up, she put her hands defiantly on her hips and snarled... trying to ignore the way her now naked breasts jostled before the gaping crowds, and the thick coating of moisture that ran down her lips and chin before the swarming news cameras.

"Don't... don't mention it, Alpha Angel," the glistening-chinned Queen of Valor snarled. "You may have won this round. But I am still the superior heroine!"

"Oh?" Alpha Angel asked. She smirked. "Well, in that certainly won't be afraid of making a second wager - now will you?"

Valiant Valkyrie gasped,and felt a sudden churning in her belly. She felt all eyes turning towards her in the massive crowd... while in front of her a huge, cruel grin spread across Alpha Angel's face.

To be continued...

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MarkVSharpMarkVSharpover 2 years agoAuthor

@DanDraper: that's fair. Things do get much more explicitly nonconsensual by the end, and I didn't want anyone starting a story they wouldn't want to finish. FYI, part 2 drops on 2/7. Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for reading!

DanDraperDanDraperover 2 years ago

Fun and sexy story. I'm going to have to check out your other Valkyrie stories. Although I'm not sure how losing a bet is considered nonconsent. She could've walked away from it all, she just felt compelled not to welch on a bet.

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