AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 261-270


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Most of the girls were still applauding as they looked down at us from the railing above, and Cattie looked up at me with a request in her eyes.

I bent down and kissed her, and she threw her arms around my neck to keep me right there as she kissed me back. The applause got a new round of cheers.

Gasping, Cattie pulled out of the kiss and reached over and grabbed Cassidy's hand, then led us both over to the other porch and into the Singles Boat, away from wherever Heather was heading.

Chapter 264

I let Cattie pull me into the Singles Boat, but I scooped her up in my arms once we were inside and I stepped sideways over to the beat-up couch in the living area and sat down, hugging her to me.

"You OK?" I asked her.

She nodded and closed her eyes, raising her eyebrows to stop from crying. "I am, Tiger. Thank you."

"You did so good, Cattie," Cassidy said, going to her knees in front of the two of us and taking one of Cattie's hands in hers. "You're kind of my hero."

Cattie smiled sadly and squeezed Cassidy's hands, then turned and pecked me on the lips. "Thanks for believing in me," she said. "But I'm not done yet." She shifted, and I moved to help her stand up. "Just stay here, OK? And keep any of the others from coming to the back for a couple of minutes."

"OK," I promised.

Cattie closed her eyes again, taking in a deep breath, then let go of both mine and Cassidy's hands and walked down towards the cabins.

"Sherry," Cassidy murmured.

I didn't have time to contemplate before there was noise coming from outside, and the sliding door opened. I had to stand and motion for the girls to be quiet, and soon Wanda and Zenya at the front of the group were turning and shushing the others behind them. Wanda whispered something outside, then stepped in and shut the door. She came over and hugged Cassidy and I.

"That must have been hard," Wanda whispered to us.

"But worth it," I said. "For her."

"Totally," Cassidy agreed.

Wanda hugged us harder, and I knew she was thinking of the conflict looming on the horizon for her and all the big questions she needed to answer. But now was a time to be there for Cattie, not to pivot to Wanda.

Cattie's knock was loud and firm. "Sherry," she called from down the hall. "Open it."

Cassidy, Wanda and I all looked at each other and then shifted closer to the kitchen area, though we didn't enter it. We wanted to listen, but not the press.

The sound of the cabin door opening was soft.

"Hey," Sherry said. "Come in?"

"No," Cattie said sternly, disgust in her voice. "After what you did in here?"

"Then why are you here?"

"I don't want to know why," Cattie said. "It doesn't really matter. You broke my heart, Sherry. You did, not Heather. You stabbed me in the back."

"It's not like that," Sherry said petulantly.

"No? It isn't?" Cattie asked harshly. "Because you just fucked my girlfriend. Or let her fuck you. Whatever. You're as bad as Dad."

It was a little comment, but it was sharp and I immediately recognized it was a scalpel insult designed to cut deeply into both of their shared traumas.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sherry demanded. "You're going to say that to me after you acted like a complete slut and fucked that big asshole? Youfucked him, Cattie. It doesn't matter why you did it. If anyone is like Dad, it's you. The first chance you got, you spread your legs for that dickhead. I was just trying to help Heather feel better aboutyou being an absolute cunt."

"You know that's not how that happened, or why," Cattie said. "But you're just too- Ugh!" There was a moment of quiet. "I tried my best, kid. I really did. I tried to be the best sister I could be for you even with our messed up parents. I tried to help you grow up. But now you're on your own. I can't be there for you anymore after this, Sherry."

"Fuck you," Sherry said. "I never needed you for anything. You don't want to be sisters? Fine. You chose those fucking whores to be your new 'sisters' already. A cheating cunt, a married slut, a know-it-all bitch? They all act like a guy with a vague amount of abs is new or something. Go be sisters with a bunch of open, saggy cunts then, Cattie. Go be in love with a guy who's never going to pick you first."

"I hope, when you finally get the wake-up call that's coming to you, that it doesn't hurt too much," Cattie said.

The cabin door slammed, and Cattie came out from the hallway. This time the tears were streaming down her cheeks, and I wanted to pick her up and cuddle her to me and carry her back to our room but Cassidy and Wanda were there first, hugging her tightly.

"I'm so sorry," Cattie sobbed into her hugs. "I'm sorry she said those things."

Wanda and Cassidy were shushing her and both talking quickly, assuring her that they didn't care and it was OK. Finally, I'd had enough of waiting and I slipped around them so I was behind Cattie and I pulled all three into a hug. Cattie turned in my grip and hugged me back, and once the girls gave me a little room I did pick her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and clung to me, and I moved towards the sliding door.

Leia had been waiting outside and she opened it for me, rubbing Cattie's arm reassuringly as we passed. I didn't even get over to the other boat, however, before Becca was coming out of the opposite door. She took one look at us and frowned, then nodded up towards the top deck. I nodded and hopped the little gap between the porches, then set Cattie down at the stairs since they were too tight to carry her around. We went up, followed by Cassidy, Becca and Wanda.

"Sorry," Becca said once we were all up the stairs. "I gave Heather a minute to cool down, then figured it was best to get logistics done ASAP. She's going to move into the Singles Boat with Sherry. Zenya will move in with me, and Ami is going to take the empty bed over her. That should get you two some separation, but you should try and stay out of her way while she's moving."

"We can't just kick them off the trip now?" Cassidy asked, a little frustrated.

"They paid for the trip," Becca sighed. "Unless they get violent or break one of the rules, I can't or they could sue me as the organizer."

"It's OK," Cattie said, taking Becca's hand and squeezing it. "I understand. Thank you for taking care of that."

"Of course," Becca said, pulling Cattie into a hard hug. "Anything for another of Robbie's girls, hon."

Wanda and Cassidy joined the little group hug, and I gave the girls a moment of commiseration until Cattie broke away and came back to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and pressing her cheek to my chest. "Can we just sit?" she asked.

"Of course we can, Catherine," I said.

"I'll make sure Lunch is in the works again," Becca said, then glanced at Wanda. "Come with me?"

Wanda nodded. "We'll get you guys plates."

"Thanks," I said.

Soon it was just me, Cassidy and Cattie, and I ended up with both of them crammed onto my lap as I sat in a deck chair. Cattie cried, but not as much as I might have thought, while we just held her.

Chapter 265

The girls gave us time. Cassidy also ended up giving Cattie some room to just sit with me, switching over to another of the chairs. We didn't talk about things so much as we tried to just put Cattie into the headspace she wanted to be in.

"I was being serious," she said. "I don't want to hate her, because that's still giving her power over me. I honestly want tonothing her."

So our talk turned to little things. Shows. Music. Cassidy started making a playlist for our drive back to Vegas with Cattie. We didn't talk about the serious things that needed to be figured out. We justwere for a bit, and it felt nice.

Once lunch was ready Wanda brought up two plates, and Cassidy went down with her to grab more before coming back. She joined us while we ate, chipping in song suggestions and all of them talking about what they could do as a group cosplay when we would all be at the same Con in the future. There wasn't a question ofif that would happen, because we knew it would. It was just a question of when and how and there wasn't any pressure to answer that yet.

The others started to filter through, coming to offer encouragement to Cattie and check in. It wasn't as comfortable as I imagined it might have been only because Cattie had been on the outside a little bit for most of the week because of the Heather situation. Now my girls wanted to welcome her, but there would be a little settling in. There was also, I thought, just a little bit of jealousy around the fact that Cattie was officially official with me now and they weren't.

Still, everyone was kind and hugged her or kissed her cheeks and squeezed her hands. Even Heels, who was usually so detached from what was going on other than our brief talks about Wanda, told Cattie that she'd made the right choice and ribbed her a little about taking so much time to do it.

Ginny, when she came by, was sheepish but hugged Cattie hard, and the two of them whispered into each other's ears. Cattie gave her a kiss on the cheek before she left.

Once lunch was finished I got pressed into service - thankfully, it was a service I was very happy to provide. Sunblock came out, and whatever clothes were being worn over bikinis got shed. The heat, as I'd guessed, just kept rising and with the barest wisps of clouds in the sky I could practically feel the skin cancer trying to chew into us. I took up the sunblock and went to war with that radiation, and what a glorious war it was as I rubbed down my girls.

And with everyone pretty much in the open now, barring Terra who shot me a look like she wished she could get me to do it but let JC when he offered, I ended up getting a lot of playful grabass in as well. Tits slipped from tops, bottoms got pulled up to expose cheeks. A few bottoms even got pulled aside and pussy lips got soft massages. I was tenting my shorts, but no one was quite ready to just yank them down and blow me. We were horny and hot, but not crazy.

Eventually, I had left my girls glistening with the sunscreen and I stood up, stretching and then pulling off my shirt. It didn't take long until I was face-down on a towel with four sets of hands rubbing sunblock into my back, legs and arms. Then I got flipped over, and new sets of hands were rubbing my chest.,

Cassidy, always the instigator, slipped her hand under the waistband of my shorts and stroked my shaft, making Leia and Ami both blush. Becca just laughed and smirked.

With sunblock applied, I thought maybe things would cool down or that I might get asked to do another of the Massage shoots. I knew there were still people who hadn't gotten theirs done, but I couldn't actually place who it was. Instead, I ended up getting called to the edge of the top deck where Becca was opening up the side railing where we usually attached the boats. Now it was pointing out to the deep side of the anchored boats.

I was the sacrificial lamb since the girls were giddy-scared. I already knew it was deep enough to jump into so I leapt in and hit the cold water, feeling it sluice over my skin. The waterproof sunblock would need to be replaced since it wasn't reallythat waterproof, but that didn't seem to be a problem considering the fun that the first application had been. As I surfaced I gasped for air and sighed happily. The water was just cool enough to be refreshing.

Whooping laughter echoed behind me and I turned in time to see Becca and Cassidy holding hands as they jumped into the water. Wanda and Ami came jumping next, followed by Zenya and Leia.

Cattie blew me a kiss and made a motion that she was going down to our room to remove her makeup - the false lashes and thicker makeup would do great with jumping into the water. By the time she showed back up on the back porch of the boat, face stripped of makeup and looking fresh, a game of tag had started. When I saw her I swam over towards her and she jumped in, surfacing right in front of me and leaning in to kiss me with a smile on her face.

"Hello gorgeous," I said with a big grin.

"Hello, Tiger," she said warmly. "God, I can't believe I wasted so much timenot getting in the water."

"I'm just happy you're here," I said. "But you should be careful."

"Why is that?" she asked, her brow furrowing a little as we both tread water.

"Because some of these girls gethandsy out here," I laughed.

"Is that so?" she chuckled and snaked a hand down through the water and brushed the front of my shorts. "I think I might be OK with that as long as you are."

With another kiss, we went back and joined the game.

Chapter 266

The game of tag was a little less organized than when the girls and I had played Marco Polo earlier in the week, but things quickly escalated to similar levels of shenanigans both with the not-quite-cheating of girls trying their hardest to get me tagged through distractions or just grabbing on to me and weighing me down. I got flashed multiple times, and my cock was fully erect in my shorts and caused some drag as I swam around due to all the groping and rubs it was getting. That wasn't the only part of me that was getting frequent pat-downs though; my ass was grabbed frequently, and my abs, chest and back all got their fair share as well.

And that wasn't even mentioning the little kisses. Most of the girls were good swimmers but weren't the sort of swimmers who could keep themselves afloat in one place just with their legs. Making out, or even just kisses longer than a solid peck, became difficult when they had to work their arms to tread water as well.

Anyone else might have been surprised by which girl did it first, but I just grinned as Ami stripped off her bikini top and tossed it onto one of the porches before swimming over to me and pressing her bare chest to mine as she gave me a titty-licious hug. It didn't take long for the others to join them. Becca and Wanda were the last to join in, and not for any lack of enthusiasm. They were simply the farthest out from the boat when the tops started coming off.

Once the tits were out, the game of tag seemed to change a bit. There was still someone who was 'it' and trying to tag other people, but the girls also seemed to develop a second game going on at the same time. I couldn't tell how they organized it, but I had a rotation of one of them after another swimming up to me and teasing me, eventually letting me grope them as they got a firm hand on my cock, before pulling away with stiff nipples and giggling laughs only to be replaced by another one of them.

In the midst of the game, I noticed something that put a distracted frustration in my mind. Terra and JC were up on the top deck, sitting on the edge and talking. I had a feeling the choice of perch had been made by Terrabefore all the tops had come off. They were talking, or it more looked like Terra was talking whenever I glanced up at them. JC was clearly distracted, struggling to keep his eyes away from the glimpses of tit as the girls were swimming around or treading water. I can't even really blame him; I would have had the same issue from his spot.

I could also tell that Terra was getting frustrated. She was going through a ringer with her emotions, or our emotions, and based on what I was seeing JC wasn't giving her what she needed in the moment. She was still talking, but her glances were looking down whenever there was a loud bark of laughter or splashing amidst the game. I could tell she wanted to be downhere having fun, but felt like she needed to work on things.

I couldn't help but feel bad for all that I'd done to her relationship. But I also felt like shit because of the little voice in the back of my head that was cheering, seeing the way they were. Seeing JC distracted, and Terra unhappy. Not that I wanted her unhappy. I wanted her to be unhappywith him.

"Tiger," Cassidy said, swimming up and distracting me from my latest glance up at Terra. "Hi!"

"Hey, baby," I said with a smile, trying to wipe my thoughts clear to focus on my fiancee.

She swam close and reached down, feeling at my cock and discovering it fully erect. "Mmm, someone is having fun," she said.

"Of course I am," I chuckled, scooping my hand behind her and pulling her to me by her ass a little.

"Well, I think after all the stress earlier, you deserve some fun," Cassidy said.

"Thisis fun, baby," I said.

"I meant real fun," she smirked. Then she dipped under the water and tugged my shorts down and completely off, coming back up with them bundled in one hand. "I think you should find a hole for that, Tiger. Everyone down here is willing."

"Not everyone is open to that in public," I pointed out.

Cassidy grinned and shrugged, starting to swim my shorts back towards the boat. She blew me a kiss, and she was quickly replaced by Becca swimming up and laughing as she found me naked.

The groping got more insistent. I was getting stroked fully, or getting asses pressed against me. Cattie dipped under the water and got her mouth on my cock but couldn't figure out how to actually blow me under water without choking on water.

I wanted... all of them, honestly. But I had plans with Becca later, and Cattie had gotten my attention earlier. As had Leia, though we hadn't been able to finish. And of course Wanda's situation kept her off the potential list. If I were playing things fair, Cassidy and Ami were the girls from my whatever-we-were that were down there. But while Cassidy had stripped me naked, she clearly was encouraging me to go after someone else - she was part of my plans with Becca, anyway.

I knew Ami wasn't someone who was going to have sex right there in the lake, even if we wanted each other. Especially not our first time, even if that would make for a hell of a first-time story. Still, I didn't make any moves until I was able to catch up with her. She laughed, throwing her raven hair out of her face as she felt my cock against her back as I kissed her cheek from behind. She turned in my arms and gave me a kiss back, then pushed my head underwater and between her tits, motorboating me. Her other hand stroked me softly.

"Hi, cutie," I said as I came back up for air.

"Hey, Tiger," she smiled warmly.

"I... wanted to check on something," I said.

"Tell me."

"I'm horny as hell with all this going on and Cassidy wants me to fuck someone. This isn't the kind of special I think I would want for our first time, or I'd be asking you. I just want to know if you'd be OK with me doing something like that around you and the others. Like, in the open."

"I think I would be," Ami said quietly, nodding and smiling a little naughtily. "Who are you going to have sex with?"

"If she's up to it, I was thinking Zenya," I said.

Ami's grin got bigger. "She definitely is," she said. "Or at least I bet she is. Go get her."

"God, I'm too lucky to have someone like you," I told her.

"Go show me what I'm missing, Tiger," she whispered back huskily, making me groan. But I turned and searched for that bright red hair of Zenya's. It was time to fulfil a promise.

Chapter 267

Zenya yelped when I swam up behind her, but laughed deep in her chest as she felt my cock press against her thigh as I groped one of her tits and turned her chin to face me so I could kiss her.

Usually, in any circumstance I could imagine, I would never be that forward with someone. Hell, even with Cassidy on a regular day at home before all of this had started, seduction played at least a little part in our sex. Making the other person feel special. Making sure they were into it.

I didn't go for seduction with Zenya. And she kissed me back immediately with tongue, though it slipped away as our water treading made it hard to keep our mouths together.